Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 81 - #80 Putolu Tombs 3

(A little bit dark chapter but I wanted to involve even uncomfortable elements or it would no longer be Akame Ga Kill world)


-----START of the CHAPTER-----

My killing spree went on for a few more seconds before I reduced their numbers to 30. Even though they lost more than half of their comrades, they still kept on attacking me while having fear in their eyes. Their attacks were becoming too repetitive, inaccurate and careless.

It was becoming easy to dodge their attacks despite having the number advantage.

I glanced at both sides and above me and saw their attempt to leave me no room for dodging by jumping at me from all sides, I could hear even one coming from behind.

"Die!" All of them shouted something, seeing that I have nowhere to dodge, thinking that they have finally won.

Seeing this I actually couldn't help but form a mocking smirk on my face.

"Heh, what a futile resistance, truly laughable." I said with a deep voice before raising my head, watching the tip of claws almost reaching my eyes, however, before they could even touch me.

The flames appeared under my legs and formed spears all around me piercing through all my attackers while stopping them.

"Wha-?" The one with the claws in front of me asked while coughing out blood, trying to reach my eye with his trembling hand, however, even though his claws were only a few centimeters away from my eyes, he couldn't move a bit before he died.

"Since you like to use your enemies as breeding cattle, I will also treat you as an old cattle that needs to be slaughtered." I said with a cold tone and my chin held high while looking down at them with emotionless eyes.

"Shit! Shit!" The first Gravekeeper lost it and tried to run deep inside the tombs but instantly the second he showed his back to me, he was split in two by crimson-colored energy.

"Who allowed you to turn your back at me? Don't you know it's disrespectful?... Let's make sure that no more people will do that, yes?" I muttered with narrowed eyes and then closed them while asking others with a bright smile.

Most of them shivered and some of them with only 1 skull even peed themselves.

"Now, shall we continue from where we stopped?" I asked and resumed killing them while trying to use the only sword related techniques and skills.



After I was done, I incinerated their bodies or random body parts lying on the ground.


[+1 XP for killing your enemy]x46

[+2 XP for killing your enemy]x25

[+3 XP for killing your enemy]x15

[+5 XP for using skills related to your class]x10

Class: Blade Master (Lv. 6; +11 Str, +11 Agi, +5 Const) 108/320 XP


I looked at Poney's side while my [Absolute Dominance] and Limit Removal wore off.

"Haha, looks like your lackeys are all dead!" Poney shouted to provoke Umber while trying to kick off her head.

Umber glanced at me standing there watching them with an indifferent expression.

"Tch! Don't be so conceited just because he got rid of all weaklings, flat-chest!" Umber clicked her tongue while redirecting Poney's kick to the side with her speed and flexibility. She grew a tongue of the snake and her flexibility also became much higher to the point she could twist her body into unbelievable angles.

Umber used a chance to entangle around Poney like a snake and made sure to keep a tight grip on her so she couldn't move a bit.

"Poney, do you need help?" I asked with a small smile while watching the show.

"Ughh, no! I will kill this bitch with my own 'legs' for what she has called me!" Poney answered with difficulty while Umber was tightening her grip and slowly bending her entire body in almost impossible angles.

"It's futile, once I am done with you, I will move on to your companion!" Umber said while keeping a close eye on my position since I could use this chance to ambush her while she was busy with Poney.


'What to do...This bitch is holding me really tightly, not letting me move my legs a bit...?! I know! I will use daddy's advice and then that Katsura guy's technique he used against me!' Poney thought with wide-open eyes in realization.


"Don' me...flat-chest when you aren't any better, bitch!" Poney shouted and used her head to hit Umber's chin, making her grip loosen up a bit.

Why are they fighting while shouting at each other who has a flatter ċhėst?

"That's what father taught me, "Use your head". How do you like it?!" Poney said with a proud smile while getting out of her grip and then balanced her body only on her hands.

...I don't think he meant it that way...

I thought while looking at Poney like on idiot.

"And this is a technique from my other enemy named Katsura, I hope you like it!" Poney said while swinging her leg at Umber's legs, tripping her and she used her other leg to kick her head while she was falling down with a surprised expression. Umber's head was blown away far away until it hit the wall on the side from where we came from.

?! That's what I previously used on her...of course I used it in a much lighter version since I didn't intend to kick her head off. At least she put a disclaimer in her sentence while using it.

"Are you fine?" I approached her and asked with a weird expression.

"No problem! I am very flexible!" She said with a victorious smile while balancing on one hand and having her entire body bent with her legs forward.

"...I see, let's go check out those rooms." I replied with a forced smile before narrowing my eyes and pointing at the doors with a few clothes lying on the ground nearby them.

"Alright! Anyway, you are really strong. And when I mean really, I mean REALLY." She said with a cheerful smile while we were walking towards the doors.

When we arrived near enough, Poney suddenly held her nose with a disgusted expression.

"W-What's that stench?! Ugh!" She muttered while glancing at me with surprised expression when she saw me completely fine without holding my nose.

I was also disgusted by that stench but I endured it since I needed to get used to it if I wanted to walk inside.

"...Poney...I think you should go ahead without me." I said while glancing at her with a serious expression.

"Hm? Why?!" She asked me with a completely confused expression.

Is she unaware of what's that stench?

"Let's just say that you don't want to see what's inside, trust me..." I said with a completely serious expression, not letting Poney much space to question me.

"...How are you going to follow me? Can't I just wait here for you?" She asked me with a confused expression.

I thought for a while before answering her.

"Just go scout the area ahead, I have a way to be aware of your position if you won't wander too far." I said and took hold of her petite hand while pressing my fingers on her artery, sending a comfortable warmth through her entire body.

"Huh?" Her cheeks suddenly became rosy red and she looked overall less fatigued. She looked at me with a confused expression while tilting her head to the side.

"You can go, don't wander too far or I will lose the connection to you." I made up some stuff and said with a serious expression.

"Alright, I will go scout ahead, don't spend too much time here." She nodded her head with a smile and clenched fists before running off. However, the moment when she turned around, I ordered one of my Wriggler Flies to follow her since I just made up the stuff with the connection. I can make a connection to her heart and feel if she is about to die but that won't reveal her position.

When she finally left the hall, I focused my eyes on the doors and waited for a few seconds before opening them. The moment I opened them, unbelievable stench gushed out of the room.

The room was previously completely dark but it was slightly illuminated when I opened the door.

"...?" They looked in my direction when they noticed the light but their eyes were completely dull.

Tch! I should have made them suffer more.

"I guess you are from the Empire, right? I will set you free and you can return back to the camp." I said while standing at the doorway before approaching the nearest girl to set her free.

"...P-please k-kill me" She suddenly muttered with a dry voice without even looking at me, she was just simply looking at the ceiling with dull eyes.

"...Please decide very carefully, I can get rid of everything except for your memory, I can even get rid of that filth they left inside you" I said in a deep voice and with a serious expression.

"?!...I-..." She flinched when she heard my words and in the end, she was unable to reply.

[Energy: 1200/1365]

"Please endure this" I said and suddenly buried the tip of my index finger into her and she didn't even react a bit which left me a bit shocked.

I quickly recovered and let the flames invade her insides to get rid of "anything" unnecessary and then I put my other hand on her stomach to heal her as much as I could with my energy and flames.

I even tried to heal her lower part which must have been numb since she couldn't even feel my finger.

[Energy: 1150/1365]

After the treatment was over, her cheeks became healthy red and I could feel that even her lower part recovered a bit and tightened around my finger. Unfortunately, the warm flames inside her served also a bit as a stimulant and she became slightly wet.

"I am done, sorry about that" I said with closed eyes while I wiping my wet tip of the finger with the clean nearby blanket.

"N-No...Thank you. I feel much better..." She said with a forced smile which indicated that she was feeling better only physically.

*sigh* I cracked open the shackles and covered her with the blanket before moving on...

[Energy: 1098/1365]

There were more than 10 girls from which 3 of them wanted me to kill them even after the treatment so I quickly ended their life by piercing their hearts with my flames. If they have no dėsɨrė to live on then I won't keep them here with force plus the Empire would discard them if I forced them to return.

"If you will go this way and then turn that way, you will be able to spot the stairs going up above the surface." I quickly draw them a map where I described which way to take not to trigger any more traps.

"T-Thank you" The first girl I freed thanked me with a grateful expression while covering herself with the blanket.

"Anyway- ?!" I wanted to say goodbye but I suddenly widened my eyes.

[-1x Wriggler Flies]

Someone killed one of my Wrigglers...?

"I need to go, you should get out of here safely if you will follow my instructions!" I immediately started running the same way as Poney while shouting behind me.

What the hell...who killed it? It must have been the one following Poney but it must be a pretty destructive fight if it got killed in the process.

I can't remember its last location but his friends should!

I thought and ordered one of my insects to lead me to its dead comrade.

Although I could let it unfold without interfering, I have actually no dėsɨrė to kill Poney. There is no reason to do so and if I will be able to turn her to my side, she might prove useful. She might not be the most clever girl but she is strong and has the potential to become even stronger. Anyway, with her intelligence, she isn't a threat to me so no need to kill her for now. If there is anyone I WANT to kill then it is that boy named Gai. Maybe I should also kill Najasho but that would make me look like I am afraid of his talent, heh.

I thought with a small smile while following after my insect that was flying at its fastest pace.

I guess everything will now depend on fate. Let's see if fate likes you and luck is on your side, Poney.

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