Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 91 - #90 Back to Oarburgh

To think that I would meet those two right away...

'Kiyomi, land here.' I told my tamed beast through telepathy and she immediately did what I wanted despite seeing 2 humans while 1 of them was extremely dangerous.

After I jumped down from her back, I turned back to Taeko and Chelsea just to see Taeko literally throwing herself at me. I caught her and she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my body.

?! Isn't this a little bit out of her character? Not to mention that Chelsea is watching...

I thought with slightly surprised expression when I saw her actions.

"Akashi! You came back much earlier than I expected!" Taeko exclaimed with a happy smile while quickly sealing my lips with hers.


'Gah! You didn't expect anything!' Chelsea was astounded by Taeko's frankness


"Mm, I have something to discuss with your leader but I definitely missed you. I will remain here for a few nights at least." I nodded with a genuine smile before I pressed my forehead to her own forehead.

"Mm!!" She got my meaning and happily nodded with flushed cheeks.



"Ugh...Can you tell me why are you here so early? You have been gone only for a few weeks..." Mera muttered while supporting her head with her hand when she saw me standing in front of her with my bored expression.

"Yet you have been able to become even more tsundere in a few weeks. Congratulations to you." I replied while shrugging my shoulders.

"Wha-?! What tsundere?! You must be mistaken or you have no idea what tsundere means." She was surprised by my words but she quickly retorted while snapping her head to the side in an upset manner.

"...Sure, whatever you say...I am here to inform you that one of those kids is most likely dead. I also planted a few Wrigglers on others so they will lead me to another one that was able to survive my kick after attacking Taeko. I will take care of him too and only 5 of them will remain." I informed her with half-open eyes.

"Oho...taking revenge for our lover, aren't we?" Mera asked with a teasing tone while seductively touching her lower lip with her index finger.

"Oho...are you jealous that no one is so dedicated to you?" I replied with the same teasing tone.

"...To be honest, you got me here. It's a completely new feeling seeing you and Taeko together...It makes me wonder how it feels to be with a man." Mera kept silent for a while before replying with a slightly serious expression.

"...Well, you can always find yourself someone worthy enough, no one is limiting you or ordering you what you should do." I replied with a slightly awkward tone since the conversation was taking a very strange turn.

"Are you really saying that to me? Do you know how hard it is to find someone worthy after spending so much time around you? You were able to solve our utmost secret regarding Danger Beast's control without any help." She folded her arms and said with narrowed eyes and slightly irritated expression.

Eh, I would have never imagined that I would hold such a conversation with her. Do her words mean that she considers me as an only option?

"Um, I wouldn't mind helping you solve that complicated feeling you have inside you but unfortunately I already have Taeko-" I closed my eyes and prepared myself to reject her despite not knowing if she is even trying to have something with me but she interrupted me before I was able to finish.

"Taeko doesn't mind" She replied with narrowed eyes and a small amused smile.

"...And how do you know that?" I narrowed my eyes too since I don't like it when I am being lied to right into eyes.

----A few weeks ago----

"Mera-sama, have you called for me?" Taeko came into Mera's chambers with a confused expression.

"Yes, I want to talk to you about Akashi's and your relationship." Mera replied while sitting on her bed with minimum clothing on.

Taeko tensed up when she heard her words but she still resolved herself to talk about anything. Two of them talked for more than a few hours.

"Taeko, how would you feel if Akashi slept with anyone from here or with any other girl, doesn't matter who" Mera suddenly asked a question she was the most curious about.

"...It's too hard to imagine that...but as long as I will remain in his heart I don't want to bind him." Taeko replied with an uncertain expression.

"Hm? So you wouldn't mind him sleeping with Gil for example?" Mera specified her question so Taeko could imagine it in a better way.

"Um...I know Gil for a long time so...I don't know, it's still hard to imagine that but I don't think I feel any disgust towards it. Does Mera-sama like Akashi?" Taeko replied with a clueless expression and then asked Mera while tilting her head to the side.

"?! O-Of course not! I only like my girls, including you, so if you ever want to join us, you are always welcomed here in my chambers." Mera was shocked by her question so she quickly shook her head in denial.


" you are practically telling me that I can have fun with any of your maids or what?" I asked while scratching my head with a confused expression after she explained the situation.

"No, you are forbidden to seduce any of my girls. I am just helping you, I know that you are noble and I also know how they do things. You will definitely be pressured to marry someone but you can't marry Taeko in light because of her identity." Mera replied while winking at me.

...But how does it change the fact that you want to experience being with a man? Like...what you just told me doesn't make any sense.

"Look, I came here for the reason. I want to hire you to find someone for me." I shook my head with a tired expression before telling her the reason of my visit.

"...We are ȧssassins and not spies, you are aware of that, right?" Mera asked me with a weird expression.

"Whatever, you also have your own spies in many towns so what difference it makes? I might also need you to protect someone so prepare to become guardian instead of an ȧssassin." I said with a teasing tone.

"I am really curious about what makes you so confident that I will accept the job but let me hear you out first. Who do you want us to find and protect?" Mera asked with a curious expression and a small smile on her face.

"Previous Imperial Prime Minister named Chouri." I narrowed my eyes and said with a sly smile.

"Oh? Hehe, looks like it will be fun with you around. I wonder what changes will the Empire meet in the next few years." Mera understood my intentions and she instantly exclaimed with an amused smile.

"...I will try to find him for you, it shouldn't be that hard since our influence is spread into many towns. As for protecting-" Mera replied after a while of thinking but I interrupted her.

"No need for us to discuss protection yet. I will have to find him and talk to him first before hiring you to protect him. But I will pay you for finding him." I said with closed eyes and a satisfied smile.

" to discuss price. H-How about you help me expe-" Before she could finish her sentence, I interrupted her.

"*cough* *cough* Let's talk like the professionals we are and not like some whores" I faked a cough a few times before saying this since I was aware of what she was trying to say when I noticed a small blush on her face while she averted her gaze.

I don't really feel like "selling myself" even though I would most likely enjoy it and be able to save the money I need quite a lot right now. Tch! To think that I would be even considering her offer...

"*sigh* Well, do you still plan to hire our loyalty for "eternity"?" She released a disappointed sigh and then asked with a serious expression.

"Yeah, there is no change in that and if you want someone like me then I can recommend one kid out of those ȧssassins, the girls kept calling me Dark upgraded version of him so maybe he is similar to me." I nodded my head before suggesting with a teasing smile.

"No, thank you. Like you said...if you are upgraded version then I don't want him. I always strive for the best, heh. Anyway, since you are serious about hiring us, I can help you find that Chouri guy for free but you will have to pay us if you want us to guard him." Mera said with a serious expression and folded arms.

Whoa, so generous? I can't let this chance go.

"That is very kind of you. This new Mera-chan is definitely better than the one I met for the first time." I said with a small smirk.

"?! Who the hell are you calling Mera-chan?! Go away or I will reconsider my offer!" She immediately widened her eyes while she blushed a little before she started yelling at me.

"Pfft, sure thing, sorry to bother you." I chuckled and quickly left her room.


'Tch! Why do I feel like I am subservient to him?!... It's not an entirely bad feeling but it's extremely strange and slightly uncomfortable for someone like me to feel like that! Whatever, I shouldn't have mentioned anything about wanting to experience being with a man, what was I thinking?! At least it looks like he didn't mind it that much and just threw it aside...I should go and inform our spies to look for that Chouri person. If he was previous Prime Minister, it shouldn't be that hard.' Mera thought while looking at the door with a complicated expression while clenching her fists

After my talk with Mera, I greeted everyone else, and till late at night I was bothered by two twins since we weren't able to talk last time. At night I obviously went to Taeko's room where we talked for half of the night about our progress and other mundane things. As for another half of the night...we spent it by fooling around and this time Taeko was much more aggressive than before. No, previously she was like a kitten waiting to be ordered around but this time she actually took a lead like a predator. I was surprised by this but I let her do as she wanted since she must have been following her instincts.

At least I was sure that she wasn't taken advantage of by Mera due to her being still inexperienced despite being quite aggressive.

The next morning I woke up after a rough 3 hours of sleep but I felt energetic due to last night. If I slept for 3 hours without any reason or relieving myself, I would definitely not be so energetic.

"Taeko, can you lend me your sword later?" I asked while we were still lying down on the bed, hugging each other.

"Mm, wait a moment" She nodded her head and suddenly broke the hug just to put her arm under the bed.

"Here you go~" She took out her katana and handed it to me with a big smile as if she was waiting for praise.

"...Ehm, I meant later, it didn't have to be now but since you already took it out..." I replied with a forced smile while taking her sheathed katana.

I got up from the bed after patting her head a few times and then went towards the table. I put the katana on it and put both of my hands on its scabbard.

[Do you wish to enchant the weapon?]

...Well, I need to try it out somehow. Unfortunately...

[Common Reanimation]

[Lesser Shock]

[Lesser Fear]

I don't think any of these would suit Taeko's fighting style...She is swift and agile while her strength isn't something to be underestimated, she still focuses on pure speed.

Oh? I almost forgot about a few more artifacts I have stol- *cough* I have borrowed from the tomb.

I took out a few rings and bracelets, there was even a small dagger. I took a look at each jewelry but couldn't find anything good, most of it was only fashion things except for the dagger. I took it out from its sheath and noticed a green colored gem in the middle of its crossguard. I looked more closely and it looked like there was some kind of whirlwind rampaging inside that gem.

?! Maybe?

Taeko suddenly approached me from behind and put her chin on my shoulder while hugging me from behind, looking at what I was doing with a curious expression.

I put the dagger back into its sheath and then slowly burned it while holding it in my hand.

"?! Oh?" Taeko's eyes opened wide when she saw how the dagger was slowly disappearing without even melting down.

[Lesser Sharpness - can be upgraded to Common Sharpness for 2.000 gold]

[+100 XP to your Blacksmith class for discovering new attribute]

Master Blacksmith (Lv. 8; +8 Str, +8 Const) 130/1280 XP


Now the question is if I should upgrade it before trying to apply it to Taeko's weapon...

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