Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 95 - #94 "Night Ambush"

When we left Bolic's mansion...

"How are you? Do you think I should have killed him?" I asked while glancing at Taeko who was quiet for some time.

"I am fine, no, I am feeling great. And I think that what you did was right. After all, there is no need to create any more trouble here when we came here with the intention of selling a few things." Taeko replied with a bright smile.


'Hihi, I could feel his burning rage when that guy wanted to keep me there, even though he quickly masked it, I was still close enough to detect it for a second before it disappeared.' Taeko thought with a happy smile while looking at Akashi's calm expression with slightly flushed cheeks.


Well, looks like I won't have to incubate those eggs I left within him. I will simply let them inside him for some time if by any chance I decided to kill him. But even those eggs will be able to remain there only for a specific time until they disintegrate.

As for how I planted them inside him...It was the moment when my blade slashed his flash. Just before I castrate him, I ordered my Wrigglers to plant a few eggs on the blade of my sword and it looks like none of those Rakshasa Demons noticed it.

As for their fighting power...They are definitely close to Teigu users considering that they had yet to use any of their special body manipulations. That Ibara guy was also quite tough, to be able to stand up after receiving my casual punch empowered with [Overwhelm]. Not bad at all, however, their teamwork was disastrous compared to those kids Gozuki trained.

Final conclusion...If I go all out, I have no problem annihilating them all by myself, so they don't pose any threat to me.

"Akashi..." Taeko dragged me out of my thoughts by calling my name in low voice.

"...I know" I glanced behind us with narrowed eyes before I continued walking through the streets.

I already suspected them to send someone to follow us since they must be wondering what I am doing here and who is Taeko. I can't let them see her face, I have no idea if Gozuki spread portraits of Taeko's and Babara's faces but I don't want to take any risks.

But this one must be from Rakshasa Demons considering their ability to hide their presence. And judging from the feeling I am getting...I would have guessed that it's Suzuka. I keep having a feeling as if someone was looking at my back with hungry eyes. It's quite an uncomfortable feeling.

*Sigh* I still want to sell those things and also walk around without keeping an eye out on a spy.

I thought and decided on the next course of actions.

"Taeko, would you mind if I..." I started explaining my plan to her and she kept nodding with a stoic expression.

"I don't mind at all" Taeko replied with an honest smile.

"Alright, then let's go buy some freshly baked bread and a few more things for camping in the outskirts of the town." I suggested and Taeko just nodded her head with a smile.




---At night, outskirts of the town---

'This is slightly boring, I was hyped up for something interesting but it looks like Akashi came here just to walk around and look around the entire town. He is behaving more like a tourist. Good thing that observing his every movement isn't boring at all or I might have left already.' Suzuka thought while peeking behind the large boulder at the campfire around hundred meters away from her. She was currently observing Akashi who had his hood down and another cloaked figure of a woman sitting near the campfire.

'?! They are both going to sleep?' Suzuka's bored expression suddenly changed to astonished one when she saw Akashi putting out the fire and both of them going to sleep.

'Hmm...This could be a good opportunity to find out who that woman is but...' Suzuka thought and her thoughts were frozen when her eyes landed on Akashi's face. She remembered the sight of him cutting ruthlessly enemies and she immediately blushed.

'Fuck that woman, might as well make Mez jealous with my story.' Suzuka thought with a naughty smile.

After another hour passed by, she finally arrived at Akashi's small camp.

'They have two tents which must mean that woman doesn't have an intimate relationship with Akashi. Anyway, his tent should be right on my left.' Suzuka thought with an excited smile as she slowly approached the tent.

She was very careful with hiding her presence since even though she was experienced in this, any experienced ȧssassin can wake up just by feeling a bit of killing intent or hostile aura around them. One can't truly hide those auras, a person can only limit them but an ȧssassin no matter how experienced won't be able to sneak up on another experienced ȧssassin...unless...That person has absolutely no hostile intentions at all and is extremely experienced in hiding their presence.

Suzuka slowly entered Akashi's tent.

'?! ...He looks so innocent when he is asleep! It really makes me want to eat him whole.' Suzuka immediately blushed when she saw Akashi's sleeping face since it was the most innocent thing she has ever seen in her life. Despite Akashi's usually cold nature, the only thing that could make him form an innocent smile was always a bed, before he joined that organization or even after joining it. This has never left him and despite not lying on the bed, sleeping is still sleeping and he already learned how to appreciate even mother nature's ground as a bed.

'Fuu, I need to be quick' Suzuka deeply inhaled and then exhaled with a serious expression.

"Hop!" She suddenly said in a low voice and jumped on top sleeping Akashi.

---Akashi's POV---

I "woke up" when I suddenly felt something light land on top of me.

I opened my eyes just to see Suzuka's blushing face and before I could even open my mouth she quickly used her hand to seal it.

I widened my eyes for a bit before calming down and returning to my calm state.

"*Oh? You have recovered from such a surprise attack extremely quickly, as expected of Akashi! Such calm eyes...*" Suzuka exclaimed in a low voice while her smile only grew wider.

She pinned my hands to the ground with her legs, her position itself would make it impossible to use my legs to kick her, and I might be able only to kick off the ground and try to shake her off of me.

"*You must be wondering why I am here...Well, it's mainly to take "care" of you. I am really sorry for limiting your ability to talk, even I would like to hear your beautiful cold voice." She apologized to me with an apologetic smile while scratching the back of her head.

She is really nuts but I can see some people being into this type of thing...

I thought and simply stared at her face with calm eyes.

"?!" She must have noticed that even my mouth was too relaxed and I wasn't even trying to resist or bite her.

"*...Akashi?! Are you-...perhaps into me but you are too embarrassed to tell me?!*" She immediately asked with a shocked expression as her look at me softened.

This girl...she makes me want to laugh.

"*Don't worry, I will take care of you thoroughly...*" She softly whispered to my right ear and slipped her free hand under my shirt and started slowly rubbing all kinds of spots.

"*Although you don't have muscle build as Ibara or Sten, you still have very nice and refined muscles which is even better~*" She once again whispered but this time to my left ear.

My expression never changed and I kept looking at her with calm eyes, waiting for what she will do next. As for her touching my abs...I don't really care about such small things.

"*...I can't really resist that calm composure of yours, I am sorry for sealing your mouth so roughly, I will use something better~*" She whispered while ŀɨċkɨnġ her lips and removed her hand from my mouth while she was slowly bringing her face closer to me. However, when she was only a few centimeters away from my lips, I suddenly formed a wide mocking smile that surprised Suzuka but she wasn't planning on stopping right now.

Unfortunately for her, she suddenly felt a potent killing intent right behind her and felt a sharp blade touching her neck. She stopped advancing to my lips and froze in place with wide-open eyes.

"Move any closer and it will be the last sensation you will ever feel in your life. Try to look behind you and the same thing will happen." She suddenly heard a cold voice filled full of killing intent behind her.

"Hehe, looks like I screwed up" Suzuka released a forced laugh with closed eyes while sweat started pouring down her forehead.


'Akashi's lips are so close yet they seem to be so distant. "it will be the last sensation you will ever feel" huh? That doesn't sound so bad but it looks like they have no intention of killing me yet so I might be able to live on and feel more than just Akashi's lips in the future if I play my cards right.' Suzuka thought with a now calm expression.

'I greatly underestimated this companion of Akashi, it looks like she is very experienced. She was able to sneak up on me. Although a lot of reason for that is also because I was too focused on Akashi.' Suzuka thought with a helpless smile.

"Suzuka, I will have you rest for a bit" I said with a gentle smile while performing a karate chop to the back of her neck.

"Ah..." She exclaimed with flushed cheeks before she lost consciousness. I quickly bound her with special ropes made from the parts of Danger Beast so she couldn't run away after she wakes up.

"What was her goal?" Taeko asked me while glaring at unconscious Suzuka.

Hmm, who knows but she was able to sneak up quite close to me before I detected her presence. Which means that she had no hostile intentions. And even though it looked like she wanted to **** me at first...I didn't feel any hostile intentions and **** is still hostile action no matter what gender. Only after she noticed that I wasn't struggling I felt her ŀust jump to sky-high levels. Did she just want to tease me or what?

"Knowing her, she probably came here to fool around but there must be a reason why others let her go and spy on us. One of the possibilities is that she wants to know your identity and another is the reason for me being here. This is, after all, an organization that completely disregards the Empire's rules. If I was here to form some kind of cooperation with them, I and my family could be declared as traitors." I said with a thoughtful expression while holding my chin and looking at Taeko.

"How did you know that she will come after you instead of me?" Taeko asked me with a confused expression.

"I have worked together with her once and it was enough to know what kind of woman she is. And she even tried something similar in the past so I thought that she will try to do something again." I replied with a slightly amused smile because now our roles reversed.

Earlier today it was Bolic who wanted Taeko to remain and now Suzuka came after me. This is simply too comical to happen just within one day. Well, I wonder what Taeko will do since I bestowed my punishment on Bolic so it's only right for her to do something to Suzuka...Unfortunately, I think that she would only enjoy it. Suzuka is really hard to deal with.

"I see, so you two already truly know each other." Taeko muttered and her intense glare at Suzuka eased up a bit and she sheathed her katana with a calm expression on her face.

...That's all?

"You know...You can do whatever you want to her as I did to Bolic. No to mention that he didn't even touch you, yet I punished him quite harshly." I said with a slightly forced smile.

"No, it's alright. If you know her then this much is fine." She replied with a small smile and I couldn't detect any sarcasm or disappointment from her voice or expression.

Well, not like I mind it since torture is one of the things you don't want to give to Suzuka. She would at most get a few ȯrġȧsms and that's all. But now is the question of what to do with her...I can't just kill her since even her intentions weren't hostile towards me so it would feel weird killing her over this. Not to mention I quite led her on there so she could be more focused on me instead of her surroundings.

I will try to ask nicely why she is following me and if she won't tell me...I will have to improvise.

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