Noble Life In Akame Ga Kill

Chapter 98 - #97 Settling the Score

As The Lord intended, he met other guards carefully carrying the injured kid halfway towards our camp.

He instantly started treating the kid by placing his hands on his wound and slowly a transparent green hue aura formed around his hands. One could even overlook such aura without a careful look.

Kid's face quickly became rosy red under his treatment and in the end, there was only a small stitch-like mark on the location where previously was the wound. The entire process lasted only for 5 minutes and I had to praise his ability to heal since even I wouldn't be able to heal that kid so flawlessly. I would be able to stabilize his condition and slowly treat him to health but healing damaged lungs and closing the wound within 5 minutes was really a miracle.

I couldn't really sense any medium he could have used to gain those healing powers. At first, I speculated if that necklace on his forehead isn't the medium but I couldn't feel anything unusual from it. Plus it's always on the display for others to see and I doubt he would be showing it off so much if it was something important. Even when I was observing the entire process of treatment, I couldn't see anything strange coming out of that necklace or his clothing. It felt like that green aura came out of his hands in the same way as my flames.

"Splendid healing powers" I muttered with a small smile while holding my chin when he was done with treatment.

"You don't look much surprised as others tend to be when they see my powers for the first time. You are truly a different and interesting person." The Lord turned at me and said with a friendly smile while wiping his hands with the cloth provided by his guards.

"I tend to keep an open mind, this is an essential thing if one doesn't want to get surprised during the fight and lose focus." I replied to his praise with my left eye closed and an amused smile.

"...I see, please let me ask you one last question. Akashi, do you believe in god?" He asked me with a curious look on his face, not looking expectant or anything. Just simple curiosity.

"Nah, but if one suddenly appeared in front of me, I wouldn't be a bit surprised." I answered what I honestly thought since I found this Lord very interesting. With his too much trusting and kind side, I doubt we can become friends but he is definitely a good person to talk to.

"Haha is that so? Anyway, it is getting late so I probably should return or others will start worrying over me for staying outside of the town for so long. It was nice to meet you Akashi and also your companion despite the fact that she didn't talk much." He released a slightly amused laugh before saying with a satisfied smile.

"Goodbye" Both I and Taeko said before turning around to return to the camp, however, before we left, I didn't forget to place my Wriggler flies on each guard around The Lord to discover if they aren't working for the Empire under disguise.

Anyway, his powers are really something special. It's like the power of Teigu but he wasn't using one. I would like to investigate his background but something like that will be very difficult. However, I have some kind of theory. To be honest, I myself have some doubts if I am 100% human, after all, I have this system thing and also that flame control which isn't exactly part of the system but it also isn't part of the Teigu. Teigu are created from living flesh of especially strong danger beasts which means that their powers originate from them. However what if one already has that power inside them?

...Am I and also The Lord somehow connected to the Danger Beasts?


"None of them are spies for the Empire..." I said aloud after we got back to camp and waited for more than 2 hours.

"Wrigglers are sure very useful..." Taeko said with a smile.

"Don't worry, you will also learn how to control them once you will become the leader of Oarburgh" I said and she nodded with a serious expression.

Anyway, I am finally done, and...I can finally return to finish off that guy.

"Taeko, can you please return to your hideout without me? I will lend you Kiyomi." I asked with an apologetic smile.

"Huh? Why? Is something wrong?" Taeko immediately asked with a confused and slightly disappointed expression.

"Not at all, I just have a different destination in mind but there is no need for you to accompany me since it is close to the Capital." I explained to her and she exclaimed in understanding when I mentioned the Capital.

Although she was reluctant to part ways, in the end, she left on Kiyomi's back while returning back to the hideout.

As for me, I will use this chance to try to develop a new technique I was thinking about for some time already.




While I was traveling back to the Capital, I killed numerous Danger Beasts that tried to attack me while I was constantly practicing my new technique.


Special Class: Fire Incarnate (+30 Cha, +25 Int, +10 Const, +5 Str, +5 Agi) 17/100 DP

Beastmaster (Lv. 6) 68/320 NXP


I was currently standing on the peak of the hill with the escarpment of more than 200 meters in height.

I looked down over the edge before I looked back at the horizon.

This is definitely a bad idea but I need some kind of push to complete this technique, I won't be able to complete it within comfort. Even if I will fail, I can still survive so it won't be that much of risk.

I thought with a helpless smile before I jumped down.

I immediately felt chill down my spine while I was quickly falling down like a meteor but I calmly tried to form the wings on my back with the flames and I succeeded but even though I succeeded, I was still falling down, much slower but still falling down.


My falling finally stopped and I started floating in the air however the moment I tried to tilt my body forward, I instantly lost balance and started spinning around.

I was once again falling down but this time it was at much slower pace and also from lower height. However, I still quickly closed my eyes and tried to regain my balance simply by controlling the flames on my back instead of balancing my own body.

Just when I was about to hit the ground, I stopped spinning and I regained my balance. I gracefully landed on the ground on my legs and I quickly stopped supplying the wings of flames on my back.

[Energy: 1026/1515]

Fuu, this entire stunt drained me of one-third of my energy. I will have to learn how to reduce the size needed for me to actually float in the air. I can't keep spending so much energy just for flying but it is still useful to save myself in case I will be falling from some high place. to greet our friend! But I still have to prepare one special move just in case before I visit him.

I thought and continued my journey towards the Capital and on my way there, I kept on training with those wings while working on my new technique.



They haven't brought him directly to the Capital for the treatment, instead, they brought him to one of the fake villages. As for how I know that this village is fake...I have a relatively good idea about all villages near the Capital and also because most of the people living there are walking like experienced ȧssassins. None of them are making any sounds whenever they walk and they also appear to be constantly on their guard.

I was currently overlooking the entire village from the peak of one of the hills. This village was nicely hidden between forests and hills. But I wonder who is the one who created it, I doubt someone like Honest would be so discreet when he can do whatever he wants in the Capital.

Hmm...The distance from the Capital isn't that big but it would still take someone sent for reinforcements for around 2 hours on the horseback.

Now, how should I do it? Should I simply try to get everyone here or just try to sneak inside to kill that guy named Gai? Although...I highly doubt I would be able to sneak inside with so many trained ȧssassins around not to mention that guy isn't some random weakling so he won't let himself be ȧssassinated without a decent fight. If I tried it when he was injured then it would be fine but he should already be close to recovery, this could be my only chance to kill him without making any effort to separate him from that group of kids.

But...*sigh* I will try to observe this village through the entire day and I will decide when the night arrives.




After a few hours passed by, the sun has settled down and I finally knew what to do.

Through my investigation and observation, I ended up with the conclusion that everyone within the village is an ȧssassin without any exception. I couldn't spot even a single kid around the village while I can't say that I have seen everyone who lives here...I am quite sure that most of the people living here are working for the Empire.

Since the sun settled down but the full night has yet to arrive, I decided to capture one of the "villagers" who was currently out of the village for picking up mushrooms but it was apparent that he was just scouting if anyone isn't around.

I easily captured him and killed his partner who was with him. I took both of them with me back to the peak from where I was observing everything.

I splashed his face with water for him to wake up and after he woke up, I started my interrogation. To be honest, his mind was much stronger than his combat power or awareness. I already grew accustomed to torturing people and all I felt during it was a bit of pity but that never stopped me from going any further just to accomplish my goal.

In the end, I was able to extract information from him so I quickly ended his suffering. The man who created this village was apparently Saikyuu. Although the guy himself didn't know if it was him but he heard his captain talking about such person more than once with a great amount of respect. If I remember correctly, Saikyuu is Honest's aid and only a few high-ranking people know about him and of course his own underling. From the entire process of interrogation, I got an idea that he might be the second most powerful man when it comes to authority, of course, this time I am not counting the Emperor himself. He usually never acts in light and only works from the darkness so he might even be Gozuki's and Bill's superior, the one who stands behind most of the ȧssassination units.

I got more information as to how often they have any contact with the Empire and other things as guards duty and their routes. Overall, I think that I can just go big this time.

I thought with a slightly crazy smile while looking down at the entire village.

---Inside the village---


'Why do I feel so uneasy?' Gai just woke up from suddenly feeling chill down his spine.

He quickly jumped out of his bed without even caring for the girl who was lying next to him. He rushed outside of the house and looked up at the sky.

"?! You kidding...right?" He muttered with a shocked expression while looking at the enormous azure sphere of some kind of energy right above the village, the entire sphere looked more like a mist or azure-colored wind concentrated in one place.

"What the hell is that?!" Everyone started panicking when they saw this sphere.

"There is someone on that hill!" Someone shouted while pointing at the cloaked figure overlooking the entire village.

"?" Gai looked up at the hill with narrowed eyes, his eyesight was much superior to those ȧssassins still in training yet he couldn't make out the person's face however he could see that person having his right hand up aiming at the azure sphere.

He suddenly saw that person form a crazy smile while slamming the ground with his right hand.

"?! RHEA SUIT!" Gai widened his eyes in horror and instantly shouted aloud and armor appeared on his body.

The azure sphere suddenly started falling down and everyone started running away from the center of the village but they had only a few seconds before the sphere has fallen down.

*BANG!* The explosion took place in the middle of the village where the sphere has fallen but nothing was damaged not even the ground, however, the azure-colored mist suddenly spread to the surroundings, quickly enveloping the entire village and its surroundings.

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