"No one really thinks that the master is a mortal ()" Find the latest chapter!

Wudao Sect, Shenbing Pavilion.

Ye Luo found this place after spending a stick of incense.

His use of Dao Yun has become more and more skilled, and now he can even use it to find the way, just like a divine sense.

This is also the reason why Ye Luo was able to find Shenbing Pavilion from the countless halls of Wudao Sect so quickly.

Look at the attic that shows the ancient atmosphere in front of you.

Ye Luo hugged the long sword, squinted his eyes, and walked in without much hesitation.

Go into the attic.

The entrance is a road, and the 'concave' shaped stone platforms on both sides of the road.

There is a weapon on each stone platform.

all these are……

God soldier?

Ye Luo took a deep look at the stone platforms on both sides.

Every weapon on the stone platform is dull and dull, and has no edge at all. The sword is dull and has no edge.

Appears to be ordinary.

But it is such a pile of weapons, placed in the God Armament Pavilion of Wu Dao Sect!

This is the God Armament Pavilion of Wudao Sect! !

Is it possible to put a pile of scrap iron to fool the juniors with a powerhouse of the same level as the master?

Is that possible?

Wouldn't someone really believe that Master would put a pile of scrap metal here?

No, no, no?

Ye Luo shook his head and sneered.

The thought of this made him feel ridiculous.

If Shizun really puts a pile of scrap iron here, then Shizun will be very busy.

"I think it's because these magic soldiers have spirituality and hide their edge, that's all, then let me take a good look at the sky viewing technique."

Ye Luo was angry at a thought, and ran the Heaven Observation Technique.

The golden mark on the forehead shone with brilliance.

The pupils in Ye Luo's eyes turned golden.

He looked towards the weapon on the backmost stone platform.

It was an axe with a dull axe blade, some carved totems could be vaguely seen on the axe surface, and there were some strange characters on the axe handle.

Ye Luo concentrates, wanting to see the essence of this axe.

He watched with all his might.

Sweat dripped from his forehead.

In his sight, the axe seemed to be wrapped in endless mist.

With his sky-watching technique, he couldn't easily see through it.

Ye Luo opened her eyes again, trying to look at it with all her strength.

at this time.

A voice resounded coldly from the axe.

"Look at you m!"

Ye Luo, who is trying to stare: "..."




I got scolded by an axe?

Ye Luo was dumbfounded, he was the future Wudao Sect master after all.

Was scolded by an axe?

No, that's not the point.

Ye Luo shook his head and looked at the axe in front of him.

Does this axe curse? Have spirituality? !

And very spiritual!

Weapons that can curse people, obviously spirituality has reached a very high level, maybe there is already an artifact or something.


The magic weapon in the Shenbing Pavilion is not simple!

Ye Luo suddenly realized.

It is worthy of Wudao Sect, worthy of his sect.

Not to mention the profound background in the Hall of Dharma Chuan, there are also a lot of divine soldiers in the Shenbing Pavilion.

I just don't know the specific grades of these divine soldiers.

When Ye Luo looked up at the stone platforms in the attic again, her eyes became hot.

You must know that he has not used any good weapons until now.

The long sword in his hand is just a very ordinary long sword, made of iron.

Among ordinary people, this long sword can only be regarded as a top-grade sword.

If it weren't for the fight, Ye Luo protected the long sword with Dao Yun, and the long sword would have been broken into inexplicable pieces.

Now in the Shenbing Pavilion...

If you can get a magic weapon.

Then his combat power will probably leap!

Thinking of this, Ye Luo's eyes became even hotter when he looked at the weapons on the stone platform.

However, there are so many magic soldiers here, which one is the most suitable for him?

This is a problem.

Ye Luo frowned and thought for a while.

In the end, I plan to try to release my Dao Yun to cover these magic weapons to see if there is any magic weapon that has a similar breath to him.

Ye Luo closed his eyes, and the invisible Dao rhyme was released with him as the center, covering all the magical soldiers in the Shenbing Pavilion.

in his rhyme.

These gods...

All... all are like mortal weapons, without releasing the slightest breath.

All seem to be playing dead...

Ye Luo's mouth twitched.

If the axe hadn't scolded him just now, he would have believed that these were all scrap metal.

Ye Luo was silent for a while, and then his eyes turned to those stone platforms again.

"Everyone, stop pretending, let's showdown, I know you are all spiritual."

"In Xia Yeluo, the contemporary great disciple of Wudao Sect, came here only to ask for a magic weapon as a soldier to prove the Tao."

"Also please everyone... Can you give some feedback, let me see which magic weapon matches my Dao rhyme!"

Ye Luo bowed his hands towards these divine soldiers.

Then release Dao Yun again to cover these magic soldiers.

He also thought that these magic soldiers should give some reaction.

But the result is that these magic soldiers don't even react, they don't even move.

Completely ignored Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's eyelids twitched.

These gods...

It's too disrespectful.

How to make these magic soldiers appear...

Ye Luo thought about it left and right, and couldn't understand it. He couldn't continue to stare at a magic weapon with the sky-watching technique.

There is no way for Ye Luo, the idea of ​​​​playing a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Sitting down cross-legged.

Fully mobilize Dao Yun to condense, and slam toward those divine soldiers.

What Ye Luo didn't notice was that when he mobilized Dao Rhyme with all his heart, golden runes condensed out of him.

These golden runes shone with brilliance.

In the Shenbing Pavilion, after seeing these golden runes, the weapons radiated dazzling light.

These lights come together.

Seems to be negotiating something.

After a while, the many weapons dissipated the light, and once again turned into a dull appearance.

Only one of the weapons still radiates light.

It was a azure blue gourd with an ancient word 'sword' carved on the outside of the gourd.

There are many totem depictions next to the text.

Under the light of the light, it is full of mystery.

at the same time.

A voice sounded in Ye Luo's heart, who was mobilizing Dao Yun.

"Junior with the body of the shortest way, don't do these useless methods, I will give you a chance, as long as you pass this illusion, I will recognize you as the master, and never give up!"

Ye Luo instantly dissipated all the condensed Dao Yun, opened his eyes, and just wanted to say something.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed dramatically.

Fantasy test.

here we go……


The first one, and there are two more tonight!

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