"No one really thinks that the master is a mortal ()" Find the latest chapter!

Wudao Sect, in the Shenbing Pavilion.

At this moment, in the silent Shenbing Pavilion, it became restless in vain.

A sharp sword wind suddenly blew.

Ye Luo, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the road in the attic, was blown by the sword wind, his robes rattled, and his black hair danced wildly with the wind.

But Ye Luo didn't move, and closed his eyes tightly.

It seemed like a critical moment had come.

Moving little by little over time

The sword wind in the attic became stronger.

woohoo hoo...

The fierce sword wind seemed to destroy all of this.

Fortunately, the weapons on the stone platforms all emit a soft light, protecting the entire attic from being destroyed by the sword wind.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

The whistling sword wind became more and more terrifying.

Fortunately, it is always confined to the attic, and people outside cannot feel it.

at this time.

Ye Luo, who had closed his eyes, woke up in vain.

His eyes opened, and a sharp light flashed past.

The next moment, Ye Luo stood up abruptly, facing the endless sword wind, stretched out his arms towards the front.


The voice fell.

The sword wind whistling in the attic disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A blue gourd flew across the sky and fell into Ye Luo's hand.

Ye Luo held the gourd with excitement in his eyes.

Passed the fantasy test.

He has been recognized as the master of this magic weapon.

He also knows everything about this magic weapon!

This magic weapon is not a magic weapon, but an existence above the magic weapon.

Lingbao! ! !

And it’s still a top-grade Lingbao!

This spiritual treasure is called Endless Sword Gourd, and it mainly possesses two very wonderful abilities.

The first is to provoke thousands of sword qi out of the gourd to destroy the enemy, a typical ranged attack.

The second is to use your own mana, please seal some forbidden swords in the endless sword gourd to attack to enhance your combat effectiveness.

There are countless other small functions.

Get this treasure.

Ye Luo's combat power was almost transformed.

If we talk about him in the past, he can only be compared to the late stage of God Transformation Realm at most.

So at this moment, with the help of the Endless Sword Gourd, he is enough to compete with the Tribulation Realm!

"Try the ability of the endless sword gourd first!!"

Ye Luo's hands were itchy, and he couldn't wait to experiment with the power of Lingbao.

Even taking into account the fact that Zongnei is now too lazy to take into account.

I saw Ye Luo holding a azure blue gourd.

Dao rhyme surging all over his body, pouring into the gourd continuously.

Originally a small gourd, after feeling the rhythm of Ye Luo, it turned into a gourd that was bigger than an adult.

The gourd mouth was opened.


One after another, flying swords flew out of the gourd's mouth.

The terrifying sword wind roared again.

Ye Luo, who was in the center of Jianfeng, lowered his head and glanced at the magic soldiers beside him.

Although he is not afraid that these magical soldiers suspected of Lingbao will be destroyed, he is afraid that the attic will be destroyed.

"Go! Go out and experiment! If the attic is really destroyed, Master can kill me."

Ye Luo murmured in a low voice.

With a thought, he flew out of the attic.

Hulu flew out with Ye Luo autonomously.


One person and one gourd came to the sky above Wu Dao Sect.

This time, Ye Luo didn't care at all, under his control.

Mouth after mouth of flying sword spit out from the gourd.

In a trance, the whole sky was covered.

The fierce sword energy filled the sky.

Ye Luo stood in the air, with a flying sword hanging under his feet, his robes hunting, his long hair fluttering, and his arrogant and indifferent demeanor.

It made him come down like a real sword fairy.

Inspired by sword energy.

Let Wu Dao Sect also shook.

Zhang Han, who was reading a book, and Su Qianyuan, who was studying body refinement, both set their eyes on the sky.

When they saw the gesture of their senior brother,

Also very surprised.


at the same time.

Sitting in his palace, Chu Yuan, who was about to condense a trace of mana, was also taken aback by the sudden sword energy.

A trace of mana that had been condensed for most of the day was even more frightened and dissipated directly.

"I...my mana?!!!"

Chu Yuan's face suddenly darkened.

The one who killed a thousand knives!

There is such a big commotion at this time.

Don't you know that it is difficult for him to condense a trace of mana?

When he was cultivating the day before yesterday, Blessed Soul was able to condense a trace of mana within three days.

This trace of mana has not yet condensed.

was interrupted.

Chu Yuan was taken aback, and the mana of this penance was forcibly lost.

"I really want to see who is so arrogant and makes such a big move!"

Furious, Chu Yuan opened the gate and walked out.

He looked up and saw the flying sword all over the sky.

Immediately, he walked back to the palace silently and silently.

He could feel that among the flying swords all over the sky, every flying sword felt a sense of destruction to him.

Well, this is not a cowardly thing.

He could see that it should be the eldest disciple who was cultivating supernatural powers.

As a master, his disciples cultivate supernatural powers and should be supported.

As for this trace of mana, compared to the future of the eldest disciple, what is it?

Mainly because the eldest disciples now seem to be comparable to the God Transformation Realm.

Chu Yuan didn't dare to beep, for fear of being beaten.

"Forget it, forget it, just a trace of mana, forget it."

"This eldest disciple has to hurry up and use it, and then try to see if he can do the exercises. If he succeeds, then of course it is the best. If not, he has to kick."

"The system's explanation is that Wu Dao Sect does not keep geniuses, only waste materials, or it is better to kick Ye Luo before the next settlement."

"Hey, that's not right..."

Chu Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly raised her eyebrows, realizing that something was wrong.

Without Taoism, only waste materials are left.

What is he?

He is such a big genius, is he counted as waste?

This is a bit too much.

Chu Yuan called the system a few times in her heart.

After the system did not respond, he could only do it.

It is estimated that the system must have made a mistake.

Forgetting to add a suzerain is not in the description sequence.

It's a pity, he is such a great genius, but he is still in the sequence of waste materials, which is a pity.

Chu Yuan sighed faintly.

At the same time, he shouted Ye Luo with magic power.

Let Ye Luo come to his palace.

It's time to put this big disciple to good use.

He still remembers the case of the shopkeeper of the Xianzui Inn in Yinyue City.

The name Tianqingzong can be remembered by Chu Yuan for a lifetime.

How dare you learn to prostitute him.

Tolerable or unbearable!


Second, ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

The little friends said that they want to build a book friend group, and it has been established.

Group number: 1082090064

Interested friends can join the group.

There will be a third update later. Before twelve o'clock, I just went to bed after the update, just right!

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