"No one really thinks that the master is a mortal ()" Find the latest chapter!

Tianwu Mountain, there is no Taoism.

In the hall square.

Ye Luo didn't know where to find a stone pier and sat down, leisurely and casually.

Beside him, Su Qianyuan stood honestly.

Ever since he had seen the power of the elder brother, he had been cowardly.

Su Qianyuan understood that even at his peak, it was not enough for this senior brother to slash with one sword.

Don't say it's him.

Even his previous Gandi Dao Sect Supreme Elder was no match for his senior brother.

In front of this senior brother, it is better to be honest.

As for Zhang Han, the second senior brother who was sparring with Ye Luo.

At this moment, Zhang Han is squatting in a small corner of the main hall square, using various healing formations to heal himself.

It's just that Zhang Han has no cultivation realm after all, and the energy is only stored in the natural formation.

It's still mundane.

The physical body cannot withstand the power of the too powerful formation.

So the healing process is very slow.

Up to now, Zhang Han still has a blue nose and a swollen face, with no image at all.

While Zhang Han was healing his wounds, he looked at Ye Luo in the distance with his small eyes of resentment.

Looking at Ye Luo, the scalp is numb.

This second brother.

Ye Luo shook his head, stood up from the stone pier, and walked beside Zhang Han.

See this scene.

Zhang Han was so frightened that he could not heal, and stood up, for fear that Ye Luo would beat him.

Where can he be Ye Luo's opponent with all his strength.

Ye Luo first has the technique of watching the sky, the sword can cut the heart, and the technique of killing the rhythm.

The strength has reached the level of Transcending Tribulation.

On the other hand, Zhang Han, who only cultivates the formation path, is determined to surprise the master, and he has been accumulating energy, ready to break through the realm of transformation at one time.

Therefore, the only way is to use the power of heaven and earth to form a formation.

Can't get the blessing of his own mana at all.

And there is no magic weapon.

Where could it be Ye Luo's opponent.

Zhang Han was beaten up, and he was not afraid of Ye Luo.

Originally, Zhang Han thought that Ye Luo was still not relieved, and he had to do it, and his whole body trembled with fright.

Unexpectedly, Ye Luo didn't make a move, but reached out and patted his shoulder.

Zhang Han was a little puzzled.

Ye Luo's voice came slowly.

"Second Junior Brother, Senior Brother is just looking at your strength, not intentionally to beat you up, don't blame Senior Brother."

Hear this.

Zhang Han almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

Beat him like this.

Does that mean it's not intentional?

So what is mindfulness?

Is it because the elder brother had his own intentions, that is, he was hacked to death with one sword?

Just when Zhang Han was about to speak.

Ye Luo suddenly moved his hand away, took a few steps forward, and turned his back to Zhang Han.

"Okay, junior brother, don't make trouble, I may not be in Wudao sect soon, and I will depend on you for a generation of Wudao sect disciples in the future."

"And Shizun, remember to take more care of Shizun, the matters between the disciples, you can solve it, don't bother Shizun, Shidi, do you understand?"

Ye Luo shook his head and said.

"Eldest brother?! You said that, where are you going?"

Zhang Han was stunned for a moment, and he stood up abruptly, ignoring his own injury.

I don't understand why the eldest brother would say these words.

Isn't it good to stay in Wudao Sect?

"Go and open up a holy place for cultivation."

Ye Luo said helplessly.

"It's a good thing to open up a holy place for cultivation. Brother, how are you..."

Zhang Han stopped abruptly when he was halfway through.

its not right.

The eldest brother is the eldest disciple of Wudao Sect. If the master ascends, then the eldest brother is the first choice for successor.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the future Sect Master of Wudao Sect.

But why did the eldest brother want to open up a holy place for cultivation?

"Senior brother, you are the eldest disciple of the sect, so why do you need to open up that holy place for cultivation?


Zhang Han frowned and asked.

As soon as this word comes out.

Ye Luo looked at Zhang Han with a hint of chill.

I almost couldn't help beating up this second junior brother again.

But finally endured.

"Because this is the meaning of the master, the master may intend to hand over the future of the suzerain to you, and the master has given me other opportunities so that I can open up a holy place for cultivation."

Ye Luo took a deep breath and said.

Boom! !

After listening to Zhang Han, his mind was shocked, and he understood all at once.

I understand why the big brother wants to beat him.

Daring is because of this.

In the future, the master will hand over the position of the suzerain to him, not to the senior brother.

That's why the big brother got a little angry and beat him up.

learned about this.

Zhang Han was a little stunned.

Master actually wants to pass the position to him! !

Master wants to pass the throne to him! !


It is to pass the position to him in the future!

Although he felt very sorry for Senior Brother, there was such a feeling of coursing in his heart.

Zhang Han couldn't even control the expression on his face.


I'm so sorry big brother.

Can't laugh!

cough cough.

Zhang Han tried his best to control his expression, and his mood became inexplicably happy.

It seems that he usually helps his junior and junior brothers, and from time to time he distributes some silent formations to the master's palace. These masters are all in his eyes.

Master didn't say it on the surface, but he silently wrote down these things for him in his heart.

Therefore, he chose to hand over the position of the future suzerain to him.

For a moment, Zhang Han felt that everything he had done was worth it, and the Master's kindness to him was getting heavier and heavier.


We must give a surprise to the master, make the master happy, and repay the kindness of the master.

There are still about three months before the New Year, right?

Waiting for the new year, he will break through the realm of deity at one time!

He wants to give Master a surprise!

Zhang Han thought, he didn't dare to say it, he could only keep a solemn look at the senior brother in front of him.

"Senior brother, this... this... Junior brother doesn't know about this at all! Senior brother, sigh..."

Zhang Han let out a long sigh, looking sad for Ye Luo.

"Second Junior Brother, wouldn't it be better if you didn't raise the corners of your mouth and say this again?"

Ye Luo, who was facing away from him, turned around silently, staring at Zhang Han like a death stare.

Zhang Han suddenly panicked.

I thought Ye Luo was doing something.

However, Ye Luo suddenly smiled.

"Okay, junior brother, let's stop making a fuss. I beat you up, and I can see it. It's not bad to open up a holy land for cultivation and be the master of a holy land."

"It's you, since you are the future Sect Master of Wudao Sect, you have to pay more attention to your practice. According to your current fighting strength, you are not worthy of the position of Wudao Sect Sect Master."

"If you are caught up by the third junior brother, then you will be ashamed."

Ye Luo shook his head and smiled.

The smile is full of relief.

Zhang Han's heart warmed when he saw Ye Luo's appearance, and he just wanted to say something.

Suddenly, there was a wave outside.

Both of them looked outside Tianwu Mountain.

Master is back?

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