Near the entrance to the Valley of Medicine.

Chu Yuan walked down from the top of Ao Yu's head, patted Ao Yu's huge dragon head, and turned the other party into a human form.

He carried it with one hand and looked around, not knowing where it was at all.

After tearing up the invitation letter, a dark space passage was formed, and he asked Ao Yu to take him into the space passage.

Then I don't know how long it took to fly.

came to this place.

It's just that Chu Yuan couldn't figure out where was the entrance to the medical valley.

Chu Yuan looked up, and what she saw was the entrance to the dark valley in front of her, and there was nowhere else to go.

So, is the entrance to the Medical Valley in front?

Chu Yuan just wanted to walk in towards the entrance.

Ao Yu, who turned into a human form next to him, suddenly pulled him.

Chu Yuan couldn't help but look back.

I don't know what this Ao Yu wants to do.

"Sect Master, look at that person, is it the gatekeeper of Yigu? Shall we go and ask?"

Ao Yu pointed to a tree next to the entrance of the valley and said.

Hear this.

Chu Yuan looked up immediately.

I saw a sick young man sitting under the tree, staring at them with wide eyes.

Is this the gatekeeper of the medical valley?

This medical valley is interesting.

It is interesting to be able to heal others, but the doorman at home is actually sick.

This medical valley is really interesting.

Chu Yuan wanted to laugh a little, but he could also distinguish the occasion, and instead of laughing, he stepped towards the tree.

He walked under the tree, looked at the sick young man, and spoke slowly.

"Is this the entrance to the Medical Valley?"

Chu Yuan smiled lightly, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Ah? Oh, this is the entrance to the Medical Valley. Just go inside. To enter, you need the Golden Core Realm. It's not that the Golden Core Realm can't be entered. in."

The young 'Hua Shenyi' spoke with some difficulty.


Chu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

What the hell.

To enter such a medical valley, do you still need Jindan realm? ? ?

Is it because he has no human rights in the Foundation Establishment? ?

Chu Yuan's face darkened.

This is for nothing.

wasting his time.

What a dog.

Chu Yuan turned around and wanted to leave.

But on second thought.

There is also a gatekeeper here.

Could he assign this gatekeeper to help him?

Thinking of this, Chu Yuan's eyes lit up at Hua Shenyi.

"Our sect needs a doctor, so we came to Medical Valley to recruit. I wonder if you can go in and ask for us. If not, we can leave immediately."

Chu Yuan said.

"Huh? Recruit... Recruit doctors??"

Hua Shenyi was stunned.

Why hasn't he heard that their Medical Valley can still recruit doctors.

"Yes, our sect needs a doctor, so we came to Medical Valley."

Chu Yuan nodded and said very seriously.

"Yigu can't recruit... um, do you think I can do it?"

Hua Shenyi wanted to say that Yigu couldn't recruit doctors, but then he thought, if he was recruited, he would have a chance to live.

So he changed his mind halfway through and asked if he could hire him.

"I'm recruiting you??? You know medicine??"

Chu Yuan looked at the sick man, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she didn't look like a person with medical skills.

"I will, my medical skills are no weaker than those in the medical valley, really!"

Hua Shenyi said repeatedly.

He didn't lie.

He has been reading books all the time, and the one he reads the most is medical books.

Most of the medical skills in the medical valley are medical skills, and he has learned them all.

There are even some medical skills that he can learn without a teacher, but the medical skills of the medical valley require mana to be used, and he has never had the opportunity to use it.

But he knew that as long as he was given mana, he would definitely be able to use those medical skills, and he was no weaker than the people in the medical valley.


Chu Yuan hesitated.

Can he believe this? ?

A person who is sick and looks like he will die at any time, tell him that his medical skills are superb?

If the medical skills are really superb, then it would be to treat yourself well.

No matter how bad it is, you should clean up your image so that you don't look like you will hang up at any time.

Take this man to their Wudao Sect as a doctor...

Chu Yuan could even think of such a picture.

This Hua Shenyi sat in the hall and told his disciples what to do and eat less in the future, otherwise he would die easily.


Hire a half-dead man to be a doctor.

It's not worth thinking about.

He was not taking advantage of someone.

After Chu Yuan figured it out, she was ready to reject this Hua Shenyi.

He looked up at the sick man and opened his mouth to speak.

But before he could say it.

A thought flashed by.

Chu Yuan was stunned.

its not right.

This man cannot be a doctor.

But you can be a disciple.

Didn't he always want to accept another disciple, and then cooperate with Su Xi to break through two small realms in one fell swoop.

Isn't this a ready-made disciple in front of him?

Chu Yuan looked at Hua Shenyi up and down.

This is sick.

I don't know when it will hang up.

If you accept it as a disciple, as long as you eat and drink good food for this disciple, when this disciple lives to the sect inspection, isn't this a small realm of white picking.

"It's impossible to recruit you back to the sect, but I can accept you as a disciple, are you willing?"

Chu Yuan looked at Hua Shenyi in front of her, as if she was looking at a small realm, with joy.


Hua Shenyi suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Instead of recruiting him as a doctor, you chose to recruit him as a disciple? ?

What is this saying.

He couldn't cultivate, he couldn't accumulate mana in his body, and he was surrounded by death energy all year round.

Hard to be a doctor.

He actually recruited him as a disciple.

It's so... so unbelievable.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Seeing that Hua Shenyi didn't speak for a long time, Chu Yuan couldn't help raising her eyebrows to ask.

"I'm willing, I'm willing, I'm willing, the disciple pays respect to the master."

Hua Shenyi quickly returned to his senses and said, he said, ready to kneel down and bow to Chu Yuan.

But because his body was too weak, he almost fell down.

She was so frightened that Chu Yuan hurriedly supported Hua Shenyi, for fear that this attack would kill this person directly.

"Be careful, Ao Yu, come here and help him."

Chu Yuan called Ao Yu behind him.

Ao Yu, who was still standing on the spot, reacted in a daze, and quickly nodded and ran over to support Hua Shenyi.

"Let's go, take him, and we'll go back to the sect."

Chu Yuan said decisively.

As for the medical valley...

He wasn't interested in going.

This kind of place is a place where people are humiliated and trampled.

What medical valley is not medical valley, it is simply rubbish.

To actually insult the human rights of the Foundation Establishment Realm!

This cannot be tolerated.

He will never go.

This is by no means the reason why he didn't go because he had to enter the Golden Core Realm, it was just because he was disdainful to enter!

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