Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 321: Together with Heaven and Earth

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Inside the Chu Yuan Palace.

At this moment.

Chu Yuan's eyes lit up, staring motionlessly at the azure blue screen in front of him that only he could see.

A paragraph of text appeared on the screen.

[The Worst Sect in History - Auxiliary System]

[In view of the fact that the host cannot teach the abandoned disciples independently, the system has turned on the auxiliary mode. Please do your best in the future to teach the abandoned disciples as soon as possible]

[Auxiliary system exploration function: The host can identify a person to systematically detect the person's foundation, so to determine whether the person has the possibility of becoming a talent, the host can choose whether to accept an apprentice according to the degree of risk]

[Auxiliary system blessing function: When the host leaves the sect and enters the apprenticeship period, he will enter the 'invincible' state. When returning to the sect or non-accepting apprentice period, this function will be automatically turned off, and the available time is one year]

This probably means that it has opened a 'eye of the sky' to Chu Yuan, so that Chu Yuan can explore the details of others to see if they have any special physique, and then let him choose whether to accept an apprentice or not.

As for the latter feature, it's amazing.

According to Chu Yuan's understanding.

That is to directly make him invincible!

Yes, directly invincible!

When he left the sect and went to accept disciples, he was invincible.

That is to say, as long as he doesn't come back to the sect, or step into the sect, he will be invincible forever in this year.

Got these two functions.

Chu Yuan almost laughed out loud.

With these two functions, who can stop him from teaching abusive disciples?

Who can backstab him?

"System, you have these two functions on a horse, don't you take it out sooner? If you take it out sooner, maybe I'm some kind of immortal king and god king, and I'll be reduced to the realm of mortals?"

While Chu Yuan was ecstatic, she also wanted to complain, if he had already had these two functions.

Will he accept the same disciples as the Son of Destiny?

The blue screen in front of him flickered twice, but there was no movement.

It is estimated that if the system has intelligence, it will complain about Chu Yuan.

Who knows that you can't even teach abusive disciples, so you have to turn on the auxiliary function...


After getting the two functions, Chu Yuan couldn't wait to try it.

As soon as he turned off the system, he went out.

Chu Yuan quickly ran from her palace to the edge of the kitchen.

When he came to the kitchen, he met Li Ergang who was carrying a lot of melons and fruits.

"Sect Master! Why are you here? Huh? Sect Master..."

Li Ergang, who was holding melons and fruits in his hand, wanted to salute Chu Yuan, but accidentally discovered Chu Yuan's breath.

This is……

mundane? ?

Once you enter the practice path, your body will undergo tremendous changes.

Even the Qi Refining Realm that is the closest to the vulgar is beyond the vulgar.

But the body aura of this Sect Master Chu is actually ordinary...

With Li Ergang's eyesight, of course he can see it.

Chu Yuan's body really has no mana at all, just like a real mortal.

But Sect Master Chu could not be ordinary at all.

Li Ergang was surprised.

In his heart, he wondered if Sect Master Chu's cultivation had gone further.

Chu Yuan on the other side didn't know what Li Ergang was thinking, so he waved his hand and let Li Ergang do the work himself.

Immediately, the probe function of the system was turned on and aimed at Li Ergang.


On the azure blue screen that only he could see, paragraphs of text appeared.

【Auxiliary system exploration】

[Exploration object: Li Ergang]

【Race: Human】

[Cultivation base: the peak of the late Jindan realm]

[Physical: Pseudo-acquired spiritual body (due to taking too many things with aura, the physique is close to the spiritual body)]

[Assessment: Accept this person as a disciple, the risk is medium, please consider the host at your own discretion]

Chu Yuan fell into silence after reading this paragraph.

One of the chefs he hired is now in the Golden Core Realm...

And he became a mortal...


What should he say.

Chu Yuan turned around silently and was about to leave.

Li Ergang, who was behind him, spoke quickly when he saw this.

"Sect Master! Won't you sit down and eat something?"

Li Ergang waved quickly.

"No need."

Chu Yuan waved her hand directly, replied, and left without looking back.

His heart has been punctured by backstabs, and he doesn't want to continue to say more in front of this Golden Core Realm kitchen.

He wants to leave the sect to see what his 'invincible' looks like.

Chu Yuan walked all the way through the main hall square and walked towards the outside of the mountain gate.

Soon, he came to the outside of the mountain gate, and walked out towards the outside of the mountain gate in one step.

He didn't notice Bai Ze who was sweeping the floor beside the mountain gate.

Bai Ze noticed him.

Looking at Chu Yuan who was walking out, Bai Ze wanted to stop and say hello, but Chu Yuan left without waiting for him to say hello.

"Huh? Ordinary breath? Didn't Fellow Daoist Chu still have the aura of the Foundation Establishment Realm before? Is this repelled by heaven and earth again? What did Fellow Daoist Chu do?"

Thoughts flashed in Bai Ze's mind.

He watched Chu Yuan leave, and quickly got up and followed out, wanting to ask.

He just went out.

As soon as he saw it, he saw Chu Yuan standing still in front of him.

He was just about to say hi.

Suddenly, I saw the sound of thunder in the sky.


A deafening roar of thunder rang out.

Bai Ze's figure stepped back again and again, his eyes suddenly widened.

He clearly felt it.

This is the power from heaven and earth.

Fellow Daoist Chu couldn't bear it anymore, so he planned to be tough with Tiandi? ?

Don't think about it.

They are just the remnants of the old era. In this new era, they can't make any waves at all.

If you forcibly set off a storm and are directly killed by heaven and earth, then it's over, how can you be tough in the face of heaven and earth.

Bai Ze just wanted to dissuade him.

The next moment, I saw in the sky, countless light spots fell down and merged into Chu Yuan's body.

In an instant, an aura from the Heavenly Dao erupted, and with a bang, the strong wind shook the clouds around Tianwu Mountain.

Bai Ze looked again.

I saw Chu Yuan, who was originally like a mortal, with golden light all over his body, and his body was full of the breath of heaven. It seemed that Chu Yuan at the moment was heaven, and every move was the meaning of heaven.

White Pond:"?"

I thought you were going to be tough.

I thought you were so strong.

After a long time, are you going to join forces with the world? ?

Bai Ze was stunned.

He couldn't understand why Chu Yuan was able to 'combine' with Heaven and Earth. According to Heaven and Earth's practice, shouldn't they all exclude them, the remnants of the old era.

Do you want to lend strength to Chu Yuan? ?

How exactly is this done?

"Although I don't know how to do it, but... as a strong man in the old era, he actually bowed his head to the world of the new era. Isn't this...isn't it a shame?"

Bai Ze took a deep breath.

He stepped forward, wanting to ask how Chu Yuan did this.

Well, he was just asking, nothing else...

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