Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 334 Is the 3rd rank sect very powerful?

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Xuanyue City, Ye Mansion, and other courtyards.

In an instant, days passed.

during these days.

Ye Luo also had a good chat with everyone in Ye Mansion, and most of the time was naturally accompanied by his parents.

through these days.

Ye Luo also understood the situation of his parents.

In Ye Mansion, the situation of his parents was not very good.

Because his father was stubborn and would not accept the help of Ye Long, the head of the Ye family, his parents lived in Ye Mansion, and their living conditions were only average.

learned this.

Ye Luo also raised his plans.

When you leave, you can pick up your parents too.

With this thought in mind, Ye Luo planned to stay for a few more days and then leave.

But I didn't expect this annual meeting to start so quickly.

All of a sudden, Ye Luo's plan was disrupted.


Outside a wing of the courtyard.

Ye Luo put on an ordinary blue brocade robe, and her hair was tied up with a vulgar jade hairpin, dressed like an ordinary son.

It's just that the temperament of the 'Sword Fairy in the sky' in his bones makes him look outstanding even if he dresses ordinary.

At this moment, Ye Luo had a hint of helplessness on his face.

What made him helpless was precisely because of the annual meeting.

I didn't expect the annual meeting to start so soon.

He really didn't want to bully the younger and condescend to play with a group of 'juniors'.

Although speaking, he is also a junior, but due to the difference in identities, he naturally ignored this.

dong dong dong...

After a while, there was a knock on the door, which pulled Ye Luo, who was in deep thought, back.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Luo raised her eyebrows slightly.

With his realm, he didn't have to go out to know who was outside.

Standing outside the door was a maid from Ye Mansion.

"Master, the third master asked me to give you a message. It's time to leave for Yefu Square. The annual meeting is about to start."

The maid's voice came from outside the door.

The third master mentioned naturally refers to Ye Luo's father, Ye Qiu.

"Well, I see, you go back first."

Leaf fell back.

"Yes, sir."

The maid bowed respectfully.

Soon, the room was quiet again.

Ye Luo took a deep breath.

Get up and prepare to go to the square.

He decided.

Go to participate anyway.

If he is really embarrassed to bully a group of juniors, he can at most admit defeat.

Anyway, he didn't do it.

If he really wanted to make a move, that group of juniors didn't even have the qualifications to let him use the sword, let alone become an enemy.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo sighed slightly.

He opened the door of the wing and stepped towards the square.

After walking for more than half of Ye Mansion, I finally came to Ye Mansion Square.

Ye Luo looked up, and from a distance, he could see that a competition platform was built on the square.

The scale of the construction of the Biwutai is quite large.

It's just that it's just huge.

There is no formation method on the competition platform, and at most it can only supply the monks in the Qi Refining Realm and the Foundation Establishment Realm to fight.

If other cultivators fought, I am afraid that the martial arts platform would not be able to withstand it at all, and it would shatter directly.

Ye Luo approached the square.

Of course, many of the Ye family's juniors noticed Ye Luo, and many people immediately walked out of the team, chatting around Ye Luo.

The people around Ye Luo are all women.

This made the surrounding men grit their teeth, especially when they saw Ye Luo's helpless face, they could not wait to take Ye Luo's place.

Ye Luo looked at the girl around him, really helpless.

He can probably also understand that his appearance and his temperament are too lethal to these girls.

"Sorry, everyone, I have to prepare for the annual meeting. We will talk next time when we are free."

Ye Luo looked at the girls who came around, and couldn't help but feel ashamed, left a sentence, and walked over to the place where her parents were without looking back.

To prevent being caught up by those girls.

Ye Luo also used some movement techniques to make the speed a little faster.

After using the body method.

Ye Luo managed to escape and came to a high platform in front of the competition platform.

After Ye Luo walked to the high platform, he saw Ye Qiu and Ye mother sitting in front of a table at a glance.

At the same time, there are several other desks on the high platform, and there are people near those desks.

It's just more lively than the other tables.

Ye's father and Ye's mother were obviously much quieter, and there were only a few well-connected people chatting around.

At the other desks, dozens of people were gathered together, which was very lively.

See this scene.

Ye Luo didn't say much, and walked straight towards Father Ye, Ye Qiu and Mother Ye.

When Ye's father and Ye's mother saw Ye Luo, they also got out of the chat and got up to welcome Ye Luo.

"You bastard, I thought you were really determined not to come to the annual meeting."

Father Ye Ye Qiu laughed and scolded.

"Alright, alright, stop arguing, it's alright if Luo'er can come here, let's go and sit there, don't feel any pressure from the annual meeting, just participate in the experience, the ranking is not important. "

Mother Ye took Ye Luo's hand and walked towards the table.

Ye Luo didn't speak, kept silent, then went to the table with Ye Mu and sat down.

Father Ye didn't say anything more behind him, and sat down with the mother and son.

Ye Luo took a seat, glanced at the things on the table, and then looked up at a few tables not far ahead.

There were dozens of people gathered near the desks, all of them crowded around one of them, as if they were admiring that person.

Ye Luo couldn't help but feel curious.

"Dad, who is that person?"

Ye Luo asked softly.

"That one is your cousin, the eldest son of your second uncle. He has been outside since he was a child, and later joined the sect. Now it is said to be the pinnacle of the Foundation Establishment Realm! He is the first genius of our Xuanyue City!"

Father Ye Ye Qiu spoke slowly and answered Ye Luo.

Hear this.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say much.

The pinnacle of Foundation Establishment...

Such a big row.

He had no impression of this cousin.

So since he remembered, this cousin has already left Xuanyue City.

I didn't expect that the first time we met was to watch this cousin pretend to be beeping.

"Don't look down on your cousin, your cousin's sect is very powerful. Do you know the ancient Shenzong, the big sect near Xuanyue City? The sect master of the sect that your cousin joined is a foreigner of the ancient Shenzong. It was built by the disciples!"

Father Ye looked at the people surrounded by them, and was also very emotional.


Ye Luo opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Ancient Shenzong? As far as he knew, it was the third-grade sect, right?

Is the third-grade sect very powerful?

Is it great?

If you want to build a three-rank sect, isn't it enough to have a hand...

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