Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 338 The old owner of the Mo family who made an oolong?

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within the Eastern State.

Xuanyue City, Yefu Square.

One after another silhouettes flew over quickly, surrounding the entire square.

Almost every figure here has the cultivation base of Qi Refining Realm, which transcends the ordinary level.

Among them, there is no lack of the existence of Foundation Establishment.

Each of these people is holding a weapon and staring fiercely at the juniors in the square.

The head of the Mo family's old family held a floating jade seal in his hand, and stared at these people in the Ye family with gloomy eyes.

"Today, Ye Mansion should be destroyed!"

"Ye Long, why don't you get out and die?!"

The old head of the Mo family looked in the direction of Ye Long and said hoarsely.

"Mo Zheng! What do you mean by the Mo family? Sending so many people here, how dare you seriously hurt my elder Ye family!"

Ye Long was not at all timid, walked out and looked directly at the old head of the Mo family.

"The old man heard that there is a treasure in your Ye Mansion, and if you get it, you can break through to the Nascent Soul Realm. This old guy came here to ask for this treasure. The old man thought that you would not give it. It's slaughtered, then the old man will find it by himself."

The old master of the Mo family showed a sarcastic smile and said slowly.

"What? Let people break through what?"

Ye Long suddenly widened his eyes.

"Breakthrough to Nascent Soul Realm!"

The head of the Mo family replied in a cold voice.

"What situation?"

Ye Long asked again.

"Nascent Soul! Nascent Soul Realm!!"

The old head of the Mo family was also a little impatient, and said through gnashing of teeth.

"Are you sick? My Ye residence has a treasure that allows people to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm? The Nascent Soul Realm,

That's not the baby realm, you really dare to say that, you are afraid that you are old and confused. If there is that treasure, I will become the Nascent Soul realm, and I will slap all of your Mo family away, and I will stand here for you. Opportunity? "

Ye Long's solemn image was gone, and he pointed at the old head of the Mo family and cursed angrily.

As soon as this word comes out.

The old head of the Mo family fell into contemplation.

He lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

When several middle-aged people behind him heard this, they quickly walked over to the old head of the Mo family, and whispered whispers.

"Old Patriarch, these are just what Ye Long said by himself. Maybe it's because these Ye family's talents are too low to be used. If you are your old family, you will definitely be able to use them!"

"Yes, yes, old master, don't listen to Ye Long's words. Besides, now we have control of the whole situation. No matter whether there are treasures or not, if the Ye family is destroyed, our Mo family will be able to dominate the entire Xuanyue City."

"Old Patriarch, the arrow is on the string, I have to send it!!"

"Yes, the master of the hometown, if you don't destroy the Ye family now, it will be spread out that you have been making big oolongs all the time, which is not good for your reputation."

The eyes of several middle-aged people were fiery, and they all supported the destruction of Ye Mansion.

In their opinion, even if there are treasures, it is not their turn.

Rather be realistic.

It would be more beneficial to them if they swallowed Ye Mansion and then swallowed up various assets.

The old head of the Mo family, who was standing there, didn't listen to what these middle-aged people said at all.

"It doesn't make sense."

"That's impossible."

The old master of the Mo family couldn't believe it.

If only based on some news from others.

Of course he couldn't believe it.

But he got other news to corroborate it before he believed it.

And the news he got was that the ancient Shenzong, the big sect near Xuanyue City, was mobilizing to approach Xuanyue City in order to get this treasure.

The old Patriarch of the Mo family also learned about it through some of his own channels, and found that there are indeed many masters in the Ancient Shenzong near Xuanyue City.

Only then did the old head of the Mo family confirm that this treasure really exists.

But now Ye Long's words confuse the old head of the Mo family.

Indeed, as Ye Long said, if there is a treasure, why doesn't Ye Long use it by himself?

Or, is there any restriction on this treasure that ordinary people can't use?

It doesn't matter, in short, no matter what, take this treasure down first!

Thinking of this, the old master of the Mo family showed a vicious look.

"Ye Long, I don't care what you say. In a word, Ye Mansion should be destroyed today! If there are any treasures, I will know after I destroy Ye Mansion."

An aura suddenly erupted from the old master of the Mo family.

The momentum that belongs to the half-step Jindan realm, coupled with the magic weapon in his hand, directly made everyone in the audience feel depressed.

Those juniors were so crushed that they trembled and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Long was even more suppressed. He was just a mortal. He became the Lord of Ye Mansion because of his outstanding ability.

Fortunately, the two elders of the Foundation Establishment Realm saw this and stood up immediately, resisting this pressure for Ye Long.

Ye Long looked at the old head of the Mo family in horror.

"When did this old thing break through the realm? This is the Jindan realm?"

Ye Long couldn't see the realm of the old head of the Mo family at all.

"No, this is definitely not the Golden Core Realm. If it is the Golden Core Realm, we can't resist at all! This is at most half a Golden Core Realm!"

A Foundation Establishment elder who resisted the coercion for Ye Long said through gritted teeth.

"Half-step Jindan... This is not something that our Yefu can stop. No, hurry up, let some elders hold this old thing, take this group of juniors away first, and let them go back to their respective sects!"

"This old thing is crazy, and even the sects behind these juniors don't care, we must stay and hold it!"

Ye Long is the master of Ye Mansion, and he can calm down even in dangerous times.

He just made a decision in an instant.

Protect the juniors of the Ye family.

He knew that his Ye residence would never be able to stop a half-step Golden Core Realm.

Their Ye Mansion has only risen in recent years, and it has only gradually gotten better after these juniors appeared.

Unsurprisingly, after the next generation of Ye Mansion, it will enter the golden age, and the situation of building foundations is likely to occur.

But if the Mo family really took it all in one pot, it would be all gone.

So Ye Long decisively chose to save those juniors.


The two Foundation Establishment elders opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

"This is an order! Quick, take those juniors away!"

Ye Long took a deep breath and said in a depressed tone.

After he finished speaking, he wanted to push the two elders away.

But he didn't wait for him to do it.

The voice of the old head of the Mo family came suddenly.

"I want to go! Have you asked the old man? You can't leave today, the old man said! It's useless if anyone comes!"

The old master of the Mo family was talking.

He threw the jade seal in his hand directly.

The whole body of mana was running, covering the jade seal, and mighty attacked and killed many Ye family juniors in the square below...

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