On the edge of Eastern State, on the coast.

A gigantic blue dragon shuttled through the clouds.

Accompanied by the surging body of Canglong, there were dense clouds and violent storms, as if it was about to drown the world.

Especially near the seaside, the storms are more intense.

There is a vague prospect of extinction.

On top of the dragon's head.

Chu Yuan, who radiated golden light all over his body, stood quietly with his hands on his back.

"Sect Master, my speed is okay!"

The huge Canglong spit out human words, making a sound like thunder.

"It's okay."

Chu Yuan spit out these two words calmly.

He didn't brag about it.

It is indeed acceptable.

He is invincible.

Get used to hanging.

To him, this Ao Ye's speed was indeed acceptable.

If he flew by himself, it would be the same as teleportation.

"Sect Master, then my mount can still pass the test, right?"

Canglong Aoye asked anxiously.

"It's not bad to pass the level, then you will be the mount of this seat from now on."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

Compared with Ao Yu, Ao Ye is obviously better to ride.

And there is a huge difference in speed between the two.

Ao Ye is much better than Ao Yu in every aspect.

If you choose a mount, then of course choose Ao Ye.

"Thank you Sect Master for your appreciation! Thank you Sect Master for your appreciation! That Sect Master, are we going to return to Wu Dao Sect next?"

Ao Ye was very excited,

The voices became a little trembling.

But he knew that as a mount, especially this terrifying mount, he absolutely couldn't panic when something happened.

You must remain calm, otherwise you will lose this person too much.

So Ao Ye forcibly stabilized his tone and asked about Chu Yuan's next itinerary.

"Return of course... wait."

Chu Yuan wanted to say that he would return. He was going to see how the perilla tree was doing, but suddenly he thought of something.

His eyes looked into the dead ocean.

He was suddenly curious.

What is beyond this ocean.

Will there be another continent?

The world he was in in his previous life, bypassing the ocean, did indeed have other continents.

Between continents, there will be oceans, which seems to be normal.

Then, will there be other continents outside his Divine Movement Continent?

Chu Yuan became interested in her heart.

He is invincible now, do you want to consider killing him?

Dead or stable?

Chu Yuan hesitated for a while.

He still chose to die.

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He couldn't tell himself why he suddenly wanted to die.

But there is this interest.

On a whim.

"Let's go, don't go back first, we will fly to the depths of the ocean."

Chu Yuan waved his hand, stood on the dragon head, and said lightly.

"Ah? Sect Master, flying into the depths of the ocean?"

Ao Ye was stunned and did not come back to his senses.

"Yes, fly deep into the ocean."

Chu Yuan said with certainty

"Sect Master, we have nothing to prepare. Going to the depths of the ocean, is it... is it a little dangerous?"

Ao Ye asked cautiously.

"Huh? Could it be that you know what danger is in the depths of the ocean? Let's talk about it when you turn into a humanoid."

Hearing this, Chu Yuan looked down at her new mount.

He got up, jumped, and walked in the air.

Ao Ye also quickly turned into a human figure, lowered Chu Yuan a position, and stood in the air.

"Sect Master, I don't know what's in the depths of the ocean. Since ancient times, there is no record of the depths of the oceans, because in ancient times, if someone reached the level of cultivation, they would soar, and no one went to explore the depths of the oceans. place."

Ao Ye shook his head and said.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Chu Yuan was amused.

I've never been there, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Sect Master, but since ten thousand years ago, no one has been able to soar, so ten thousand years ago, a group of people who crossed the Tribulation Realm went overseas, and there was no news when they left. Those of us, the old group, know this information, so we don't Dare to go overseas."

Ao Ye shrank his head and said.

As soon as this word comes out.

Chu Yuan's eyes lit up.

Since ten thousand years ago, no one has been able to soar?

Is there still such a thing in the practice world?

Xiuxian Xiaobai Chuyuan said that she had never heard of it.

The first time I heard Chu Yuan, I always felt that this plot had been seen in a certain online article.

In the end, will a certain protagonist appear and make the world soarable again?

And the protagonist is...

Chu Yuan looked down at herself.

I still think it's over.

Is he the protagonist?

He had never seen such a weak protagonist.

At the beginning of the peak Yuan Ying, is it okay to fall all the way down?

Chu Yuan shook her head, too lazy to think so much.

Anyway, he's hanging up now.

It would be a pity not to go to the depths of this ocean.

And, he has a feeling.

He has his chance overseas!

"No problem, there is this seat to protect you, you can rest assured."

Thinking of this, Chu Yuan immediately looked up at Ao Ye and said.

"Ah, this...Sect Master, have you been overseas before?"

Ao Ye hesitated for a moment and asked.

"I've been there, it's very familiar, so don't worry."

Chu Yuan made up a white lie.

"Huh? I've been there? That's alright, Sect Master, let's go now! In fact, Sect Master, I asked so many questions just now.


"That's good, that sect master, can you tell me what it looks like overseas?"

"Overseas... In fact, overseas is similar to Shenxing Continent. The people above also have two eyes and one mouth..."



When the roar of Canglong resounded.

The Canglong body moved suddenly and flew towards the depths of the ocean.

Neither Chu Yuan nor Ao Ye thought of it.

If they move, they will go through a boring time in the ocean.

In the ocean, there is no destination at all.

But not willing to go back.

The 'opportunity' in the dark is calling Chu Yuan again.

So Chu Yuan gritted her teeth and decided to move on, looking for that 'opportunity'.

His search took two months.

However, even in the past two months, Chu Yuan has not found any place and is still moving forward in the sea.

On the contrary, Dongzhou has changed towards Daoshan.


This day two months later.

To the top of Daoshan Mountain.

In front of the perilla.

The four beasts were sitting next to Zisu, all of them running mana to instill in Zisu.

"I can't hold it anymore, think of a way, this Zisu will soon change shape, but her feet have not reached the level of ancient gods and demons, and they are still a line behind..."

Taotie said anxiously.

"Irrigation with blood essence! Force this perilla to reach the level of ancient gods and demons! As long as the blood is in place, even if the perilla does not reach the level of ancient gods and demons, it will be similar! If it reaches that level, then As long as Zisu has a chance in the future, it will be enough to rise to the level of ancient gods and demons."

Chaos said repeatedly.

"it is good!"

The four beasts unified their opinions at this moment.

After that, Chaos, Taotie, and Qiongqi all forced out their blood essence drop by drop and poured it into the perilla.

On the other hand, when he directly irrigated dozens of drops of blood essence, as if he didn't want money, his face quickly turned pale.

Seeing the other three beasts froze for a moment, they shouted fiercely...

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