Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 471: Perilla's Means

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within the Eastern State.

Tianwu Mountain, in the square within Wudao Sect.

At this moment.

Sile and the girl Shisu stood there, facing each other.

The two of them plan to learn from each other.

This is what Shisu proposed.

Obviously, Zi Su was curious and dissatisfied with her senior sister's methods.

Previously, Si Le appeared in front of Shi Su silently.

Even Shisu herself didn't notice it.

Under the top heel.

Even if Zisu does not have any arrogance, the arrogance of blood that naturally exists in her heart will still make Zisu feel dissatisfied with Si Le.

Faced with Shisu's intention to learn from each other, Sile naturally couldn't refuse to agree.

That's how this battle of sparring came about.

The two stood opposite each other.

No one made the first move.

It is obvious that they want the other party to shoot first.

It stayed like this for a while.

After a while.

Sile still chose to speak.

"Junior sister, according to the seniority in the sect, I am your senior sister, this is a discussion, naturally it is the junior sister you come first."

Sile said so.

"No, Senior Sister, rather than this rule, I want to see what Senior Sister has done first. I am very curious about the way Senior Sister appeared behind me silently."

Shisu shook his head and said.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll do it?"

When Si Le heard this, he didn't have much to say. He shook his head with a smile and said.

"Senior sister, even if you make a move..."

Zisu hasn't finished speaking yet.

A breeze suddenly blew from behind her, curling up a few strands of purple hair.

A slender white palm rested on Shi Su's shoulder.

"Junior sister, where are you looking?"

A voice came from behind.

Zi Su turned her head slightly and saw Si Le standing behind her at a glance.

Her incomparably clean eyes flickered slightly.

This time, she still didn't notice Sile.

She didn't even know how Sile acted.

"Sister, you..."

"how did you do it?"

Zisu couldn't help but asked.

"Because of sound, all sounds in the world can be the sound of the Great Dao, and all sounds can not be the sound of the Great Dao. Your voice, Junior Sister, is already under my control."

Sile explained it again.

It's just that Zi Su's little face is still full of confusion.

Obviously, she didn't understand what Sile was saying at all.

"Can't understand?"

Sile asked again.

"Well... what senior sister means is that as long as I don't make a sound, then senior sister can't help me?"

Zisu raised her head and asked.

"It's not. The voice of the avenue is everywhere, and the voice of the heart is also a voice. Every move will make a sound more or less."

Sile shook his head and said.

"Is that so..."

Zi Su lowered her head, as if thinking about something.

"Junior sister, I've already made a move, it's your turn."

Sile said with a smile.

"Okay, Senior Sister, then I made a move?"

Zisu tilted her head and asked.

"Well, Junior Sister, let's make a move."

Sile nodded and confirmed it.

After Sile nodded.

She wanted to look at Zi Su, to see what means she, a junior sister, had.

In the end, she didn't see anything.

Only saw the purple light flashing in Sile's eyes.


Then it's gone.

Zisu strangely conceded defeat.

Sile didn't care either, smiled and encouraged Shisu.

Then she returned to her dormitory with Zi Su, and continued to instill in Zi Su the truth about 'growing quietly and stunning the master'.

Not long after the indoctrination, the master returned.

Master accidentally discovered what she had done in the sect.

I am very pleased with it, and I have been opening a small kitchen for her in private, teaching her about higher-level music.

Her practice is also a thousand miles away.

Not long after, it reached the peak of Transcending Tribulation Realm.

After Si Le reached the peak of Transcending Tribulation Realm, Master sent her out of the mountain.

Let her teach the world, what is the real way of music.

As soon as she went out and taught her own way of music, she was immediately regarded as a teacher of music by people all over the world, admired by thousands of people, and had a huge reputation in the world of practice and the common world.

Finally, after another hundred years of cultivation.

Sile began to ascend, shattered the void, and headed to the upper realm...

after ascension.

Sile felt chaos in his mind.

In a daze, she returned to the square of Wudao Sect, and there was still perilla in front of her.

Shisu surrendered as before.

Si Le was blurred and lived another life.

Her life this time was almost the same as last time.

Only some details are different, but generally the same.

She still became the music teacher of the world, and then shattered the void and flew to the upper realm...

Then looped again.

Sile returned to Wu Daozong Square again.

This time, Sile clearly sensed something was wrong.

She looked at Shi Su, who, as always, conceded defeat from the beginning.

"Is this an illusion? It's a real illusion. I didn't notice it for a while, and it took so long to realize it."

Sile's eyes gradually became sober.

She looked at the 'Zi Su' who conceded defeat in front of her, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Junior Sister, I didn't expect that Senior Sister, I actually got your way, but now I have seen it, broken!"

Si Le looked in front of him, his slender fingers were a little in the void.

Zheng! !

The ripples were centered on her and spread in all directions.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to collapse, turning into countless fragments and scattering in all directions.

Sile looked again.

as predicted.

In front of her has become an intact world.

She is still in the square of Wu Dao Sect.

In front of her, Shisu was still standing.

"Junior sister, your tactics are really good. I can't detect this kind of illusion at all."

Sile couldn't help but say with a smile.

"Senior sister, which is the real dream and which is the real you, can you really tell the difference?"

There was no expression on Zi Su's face, and she said this indifferently.

Hear this.

Sile was stunned for a moment.

Which is the real dream?

Is this not reality?

Si Le immediately stretched out his hands, and a guqin formed by air flow condensed.

She plucked the strings with both hands.

Countless ripples shatter the world.

She came to another world.

It is still the square, still the perilla.

"Senior sister, which is the real dream and which is the real you, can you really tell the difference?"

Zisu still said the same thing.

Sile didn't believe it and waved the strings again.

Another world disappears...

She has entered another world, still Wudao Sect Square, still Zisu...

Repeated dozens of times.

At the back, Sile himself was confused.


Which is the real world?

Si Le, whose mind was gradually sinking, couldn't even hold the guqin in his hand.

Just when Sile was about to take it no longer.

Suddenly, the dazzling light above the sky shone, and the surrounding world shattered.

Sile returned to the real world.

And above the sky, ten days lifted off into the sky.

With the sun star, the eleventh day exists at the same time!

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