"No one really thinks that the master is a mortal ()"!

a month later.

The Immortal Cultivator Alliance's troops officially arrived in Dongzhou.

As Ye Luo and others were defeated by the remains of the immortals.

The entire Shenxing Continent shook again.

Countless people are shocked by the Immortal Cultivator Alliance, especially the few hidden world sects in Zhongzhou, who are deeply afraid of the Immortal Cultivator Alliance.

How strong are Ye Luo and them?

They joined forces, and the powerhouses of the entire Shenxing Continent just got together, and they were not opponents.

Especially Ye Luo, it's like a bug.

They are all together, and they are not rivals.

But it was such a group of geniuses who were actually defeated by the remains of the immortal.

This made countless forces in the Shenxing Continent feel terrified of the ambitions of the Immortal Cultivator Alliance.

They are very clear.

If the Immortal Cultivator Alliance really overthrew Wu Dao Sect, they would definitely put their sights on the entire Shenxing Continent.

Even Wu Dao Sect couldn't stop it.

Who can stop it?

Many forces in the Shenxing Continent can only pray.

Pray that Wu Dao Sect can defeat the Immortal Cultivator Alliance.

These forces did not intend to intervene, but kept a wait-and-see attitude.

On the contrary, the forces under the command of many Wudao Sect disciples have taken action one after another and rushed out, trying to fight against the Immortal Cultivator Alliance in Dongzhou.

Even if their respective suzerains are defeated, they have to take action, just to defend the ancestral court without Taoism.


at the same time.

Dongzhou border, on an avenue.

Qin Zimo, the leader of the Immortal Cultivator Alliance, rides on a gorgeous dragon chariot pulled by a dragon.

He sat on top, expressionless, so that others could not see what he was thinking.

His eyes were looking at the direction of Tianwu Mountain.

He has already obtained the place where Wu Dao Sect is located through special channels.

Therefore, he went directly to Wudao Sect on this trip.

But don't know why.

He is now looking in the direction of Tianwu Mountain, and there is a strange feeling of heart palpitations emerging.

It's as if the trip is dangerous.

But he didn't think there was any big danger.

He has the remains of an immortal, and he is also his ancestor.

Xianfan is different.

No matter how strong the Wudao Sect Sect Master is, he is only a mortal.

He has the remains of his ancestors and immortals, and he will definitely be able to defeat them easily.

Thinking of this, Qin Zimo calmed down and calmed himself down. He turned his head and glanced at the black iron coffin behind his dragon carriage.

Lying in this coffin is the immortal remains of his ancestor.

Qin Zimo let someone pull him at will.

Not afraid of anything at all.

Immortal remains, most people who dare to open the coffin will be killed by Xianweizhen.

Not to mention carrying it out to meet the enemy.

It is Qin Zimo, his descendant, who has the bloodline sensor to lift the immortal's body.

Therefore, Qin Zimo was very concerned about the safety of this immortal's body, and he was more confident that in this mortal world, no one could be the enemy of this immortal's body.

With this body, he is enough to dominate the world.

After defeating Wu Dao Sect with the remains of the immortal.

At that time, the entire Shenxing Continent will be in his hands. With the resources of the entire continent, he may be able to become the first person to ascend in this era.

Qin Zimo has made a perfect plan for his future.

He thought, and a smile appeared on his expressionless face.

"Speed ​​up and head to Wu Dao Sect."

Qin Zimo urged softly.

The people outside agreed one after another and quickened their pace.

Seeing this scene, Qin Zimo was slightly satisfied.

He turned his head to look at the large army marching outside, as if he had remembered something, and asked a person next to Long Nian.

"I ordered the powerhouses above the second-rank sect to gather, is there still a lack of people here?"

Qin Zimo asked.

"Alliance leader, there is no shortage, but some people have gone to suppress various places. Right now, there are several holy places that are going all out and need to be suppressed."

"As for those who didn't come... Haoran Academy, I heard that they are still on their way."

someone answered.

"Haoran Academy? Where are they now?"

Qin Zimo was still very impressed with Haoran Academy.

"Just out of the gate of the academy."

The man answered.

Qin Zimo: "?"

After the war for so long, you told me that this force has just left the door?

Qin Zimo's face darkened, and he understood the idea of ​​this Haoran Academy.

Be the grass on the wall, right?

When he defeated Wu Dao Sect, he would have to see how much courage this Haoran Academy had, actually daring to be a scumbag.


Outside Tianwu Mountain.

The defeated Ye Luo and others returned here.

Each of them is in extremely poor condition.

The breath is very unstable.

Especially when Ye Luo, who was confronting the body of the immortal, was even more messy and embarrassed.

Immortal power is like a prison.

Even if Ye Luo is confident and can fight against him, he cannot exert any fighting power at all because of the pressure that belongs to the immortals.

He is still like this, not to mention his junior brother and junior sister, many of his fellow students.

In front of this immortal power, they have no resistance at all.

This made Ye Luo very annoyed.

He longed for more power.

But if he wants more power, he can't get it now.

According to what they saw, the people from the Immortal Cultivator Alliance came to Wudao Sect, and I am afraid they are on their way now.

"Senior brother, let's go to the master! We are not the opponents of the broken corpse, but the master must be able to beat it!"

Su Qianyuan gritted his teeth.

It was the first time in his life that he suffered such a big loss.

Obviously there is fighting power, but it just can't play it.

Xianwei is too scary.

"Go, go and invite Master."

Ye Luo was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly, now they have no other way.

If they can't beat them, they can only go to the master.

When the other students heard Ye Luo's words, they all nodded silently.

They didn't say anything more, they turned around and flew up the mountain, trying to find their master, Chu Yuan.

But they were stunned when they went up the mountain.

Because they found that their master was not in the sect at all and seemed to have gone out a long time ago.

There was only one Xu Wazi left in the sect, as well as Li Ergang and Ao Ye.

Ao Yu heard that he had lost a treasure of their master, and faced the master shamelessly, and went down the mountain to find the treasure.

After learning about this.

Ye Luo and the others were instantly stunned.

The enemy is about to attack, but the master is not there.

Is this the rhythm to let the other party end up in one pot?

Fortunately, Ye Luo was still very calm.

After learning that the master was not there, he immediately turned to Daoshan, ready to ask Bai Ze to help.

When Bai Ze heard this, he laughed out loud.

"That's it? That's what makes you frowning? This kind of thing, I guess fellow Daoist Chu doesn't take it to heart at all. A corpse of a loose immortal, something like an ant, is not worthy for us to look at, just Such a thing?"

Bai Ze laughed outright.

It made Ye Luo and others extremely depressed.

Very rare, each of them has an urgent desire to improve their own strength...

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