Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 511 Return to the sect?

Inside Haoran College.

in a courtyard.

A figure was sitting cross-legged under a big tree, with his eyes closed, as if he was cultivating, but there was no spiritual energy around him being absorbed, which was very strange.

This person is Chu Yuan's disciple, Chi Jia.

At this moment, in Chi Jia's ring.

Chu Yuan was looking at the outside world.

When he saw Chi Jia meditating again, he felt bored.

He was also extremely speechless to his own disciple.

Really, every day in addition to meditating is meditating.

Obviously, he used the invincible state to isolate the disciple's absorption of spiritual energy. I really don't know what this disciple is meditating on.

Originally, Chu Yuan thought this grandfather mode would be very interesting.

At least a little warmer, right?

God knows how boring this can be.

That's not to say it's really boring.

It's just that Chi Jia's temperament is too quiet.

There were many people who provoked Chi Jia before.

Originally thought that Chi Jia would come to slap his face, no matter what, he could be called to support the scene.

Unexpectedly, Chi Jia didn't pay attention at all, didn't get angry at all, and walked away as if it was nothing.

This surprised Chu Yuan.

This disciple's xinxing is also very good.

Being mocked like that, he still doesn't get angry.

Ordinary people are ridiculed like that, I'm afraid they have already started it, right? Even if you don't do it, you will give a look of contempt, right?

How could it be like this disciple, turning a blind eye and pretending that nothing happened.

This kind of disciple, where does he need to see him become obsolete with his own eyes?

It's okay to stock up.

No need to watch at all.

Chu Yuan kept complaining in her heart.

He even wanted to leave, just let this disciple play by himself.

However, he still had the last trace of patience, forcibly suppressed the idea, and continued to stay in the ring.

But just when Chu Yuan wanted to calm down.

The disciple Chi Jia, who was meditating with his eyes closed, opened his mouth.


Chi Jia slowly opened his eyes, looked at the ring on his hand, and said.

Chu Yuan in the ring heard Chi Jia speak.

He immediately flew out of the ring and landed in the courtyard.

Chu Yuan, whose body radiates golden light, still looks dazzling even in the daytime.

"Gal, what's the matter with you?"

Chu Yuan said calmly.

"Disciple, see Master."

Chi Jia didn't say anything, but stood up and bowed to Chu Yuan, showing great respect for Chu Yuan.

He and the master who exists in the ring have also known each other for some time.

He still has great respect for this master.

I also know very well that this master has been protecting him.

As for why he knew.

Because every time someone mocks him.

His master will speak up and ask him if he needs help.

He refused every time.

But this does not mean that he has forgotten the kindness of his master.

"No need to be polite, what's the matter with you, Jiaer? But do you need to be a teacher for you?"

Chu Yuan asked with her hands on her back.

"No, I'm worried that Master will stay in the ring all the time, and I've been meditating, Master will be bored, so I asked Master."

Chi Jia said with a smile.

His smile was genial.

It's not the gentle type of Zhang Han, but a casual smile that makes people look very comfortable.

"Boring? I've been here all the way as a teacher. I don't know how many years I've experienced and how many people have passed away. How can I be bored because of it."

Chu Yuan shook his head.

Even though he was bored in his heart, he still set his person to stand.

It's not boring to say.


Chi Jia wanted to say something else.

But before he could finish.


A burst of hurricane suddenly came from a distance.

As the hurricane blew, Chu Yuan, Chi Jia and the others did not feel it, but felt a little cool.

But after the hurricane came.

Chi Jia and Chu Yuan's eyes naturally fell on the distant sky.

with their gaze.

I can see that I don't know how far away, there seem to be several beams of light rising.

It's just that they are too far apart, and only a few small dots can be vaguely seen.

"Master, there seems to be the direction of Yuzhou? What happened there?"

Chi Jia asked.

Yuzhou is only a big state separated from Haoran College, but it is still quite close.

When Chu Yuan heard the words, he immediately used his invincible state and glanced in the direction of Yuzhou.

He vaguely saw a chessboard covering the entire state?

He didn't look much, turned his head and answered Chi Jia.

"Nothing, it is estimated that there are strong people fighting."

Chu Yuan waved his hand and said.

He saw that the strong were fighting, and inexplicably thought of his old nest.

I experienced a big battle last time. Although it was stopped by many disciples in the end, I don’t know what the loss was in the sect.

He really wanted to go back and have a look.

Why don't you go back and have a look?


Just go back for a while, this disciple should not be able to turn the tide.

It's impossible for him to walk for a while, and after a few days, this disciple will become a talent, right? How can it be so fast, so easy.

"Jia'er, there may be some things to do on the teacher's side for a while, and you have to leave. Can you take care of yourself?"

After all, Chu Yuan couldn't bear it any longer and said something.

"Master, are you leaving?"

Chi Jia was stunned for a moment.

"That's right, but don't worry, I will only leave for a period of time as a teacher. If it is less, it will only take a few days, and if it is more, it may be back in half a month."

Chu Yuan nodded and said.

"If that's the case, then fine."

Chi Jia didn't say anything, but nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Well, Jia'er, your safety problem, the teacher has already thought about it for you. In your ring, there is some pure energy stored. If you encounter someone who is invincible, you will completely open the ring and throw that energy. , you can kill the enemy!"

Chu Yuan pointed to the ring on Chi Jia's hand and said.

In that ring, it is full of the energy of the aura and invincible state that he absorbs on weekdays.

Combine the two.

He didn't even know what to do with it.

But it should be no problem to use it to kill the enemy.

"Okay, Master."

Chi Jia nodded and looked down at the ring on his hand.

See this scene.

Chu Yuan explained a few more words to Chi Jia, then got up and left.

Chi Jia looked at the back of Chu Yuan leaving, and fell into contemplation.

No one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, he regained his senses.

Go under the tree and prepare to continue meditating.

at this time.

There was a sudden knock on his courtyard door.

dong dong dong...

"Chi Jia, open the door!"

A crisp voice sounded outside the courtyard.

"The door is unlocked, come in."

Chi Jia looked up at the door and said immediately.


The next moment, I saw a woman in Tsing Yi walk in from outside the courtyard, holding a roll of things in her hand.

"Chi Jia, this is the Buddhist scriptures you want, I found them all for you, they are all here..."

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