Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 650: Chu Yuan, the strongest in the new era?

Until all visions are gone.

The scene remained silent.

In the sea, the sea rolled and the wind was blowing, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Donghuang Taiyi, Ye Luo, Sun Wukong, Bai Ze, Kabbalah and many other top powerhouses in this world were all stunned.

Their pupils shrank sharply, looking at the bone stuck to the ground.

The mind is completely blank.

This is……

What is this?

They can't imagine the existence of this bone...

Came across the sky.

A bone suppressed the demon emperor Dijun?

The realm of Demon Emperor Di Jun's recovery is very high.

It can definitely be regarded as the pinnacle of this world.

As a result, it was suppressed by this bone? ?


As soon as Dong Huangtai reacted, his heart became anxious, and he flew towards the bottom, wanting to save the demon emperor.

And most of the powerhouses in the new era on the side were unable to react.

"This... just now, what was that?"

Sun Wukong's voice trembled as he spoke.

He also felt a terrifying power in the bone just now.

If the bone just touched him... oh no, if the bone just rubbed against him, he might have fallen directly, and there was no possibility of survival.

That kind of power is definitely not something ordinary people can stop.

I haven't seen the demon emperor who can't bear this.

"Master! It's Master!"

Ye Luo recognized it immediately.

The smell was familiar to him.

It is not the breath of the master.

"It's fellow Daoist Chu!"

Bai Ze gave Ye Luo a meaningful look.

He can probably be sure that Fellow Daoist Chu has never paid attention to this.

But a sudden blow...

Fellow Daoist Chu may have been cultivating somewhere and accidentally felt Ye Luo's crisis, so he took action.

No matter what, Fellow Daoist Chu definitely cares about these disciples.

"This is what you say, the strongest in our new era?"

Sun Wukong's mouth was wide open.

He has tried his best to make the "Master" in these two populations infinitely powerful.

did not expect……

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated.

What level of character is this?

Just when Sun Wukong imagined infinitely.

A stream of light rushed out in the distance.

I saw Dong Huangtai supporting the demon emperor and stepping into the air.

At this moment, the demon emperor was covered in golden blood, with a blood hole visible to the naked eye on his chest, embarrassed and weak.

Obviously the combat power is almost zero.

Even the breath became a little weaker.

Its vitality, like a candle flickering from side to side, will go out at any time.

The demon emperor was hit by a blow and almost fell!

"Go... let's go..."

The demon emperor's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were full of fear.


Donghuang Taiyi didn't hesitate, Gu Zhong phantom was in front of him, and he took the demon emperor to turn around and quickly fled, not daring to fight at all.

Originally, Sun Wukong and others wanted to chase.

But was stopped by Bai Ze.

"Don't think about it, you are not fellow Daoists of Chu. You dare to chase after the demon emperor and the demon emperor. We are afraid that we will not be able to win it at all."

Bai Ze shook his head and said.

Hear this.

The other talents woke up a little, and looked at each other one by one, and their pupils were all shocked.


Did they win?

This is too simple.

A bone fell from the sky.

Suppressed the demon emperor...

"That is, the strongest in the new era?"

"The strongest person in the new era is worthy of the name!! From now on, I will be a loyal supporter of Shenxing Continent! It's not easy for anyone to come..."

"This is too exaggerated. What a terrifying existence is that demon emperor? He was defeated by this one..."

"Since the strongest in the new era is so terrifying, why do we worry so much?"

"In other words, since the strongest in the new era is so powerful, why hasn't it appeared? It would be better to just destroy the old era."

Everyone was discussing.

Seeing this, Bai Ze walked out and waved his hand, indicating that everyone didn't need to say more.

"I suggest that you don't have to say more about Daoist friend Chu. Do you know that Daoist friend Chu can hear others discussing themselves? I suggest you not to discuss too much about fellow Daoist Chu..."

"Also, as to why fellow Daoist Chu didn't take action to destroy those old eras, it's as if you didn't take action against those old era little monsters."

"The level is different, the strength of fellow Daoist Chu surpasses those of the old era, so naturally fellow Daoist Chu will not take action. Perhaps at the level of fellow Daoist Chu, it already belongs to the battle of the heavens. I'm going to take a shot at the following scoundrels."

Bai Ze explained to everyone patiently.

Everyone listened.

They all felt that what Bai Ze said seemed reasonable.

With this terrifying power...

far beyond them.

It is completely reasonable to say that it is the level of heaven.

The power of the blow just now, they are still vivid in their purpose...

"Then what should we do next?"

Kabbalah looked at Ye Luo and asked.

At this moment, Ye Luo's position in their hearts was completely settled.

To have such a powerful person as a master...

This backer is completely incomparable to them.

They dare to disobey Ye Luo?

If Ye Luo starts with them, will they start at every turn?

Do it? If Ye Luo suddenly went out of business, and his master was like today, and a bone was thrown from nowhere, would they be able to withstand it?

Can withstand a ghost!

They are not as powerful as the Demon Emperor, and they are not dead yet in one move.

If it were them to fight that, I'm afraid everyone would be gone.

"Go back, we all have some injuries, so we shouldn't do more."

Ye Luo shook his head and said rationally.

They are just here to snipe the Demon Emperor.

Now that the demon emperor is seriously injured and dying.

Then they don't have to do much.

Just need to go back.

We can't take this opportunity to counter-attack the old times.

Do not make jokes.

This is not a counter-offensive.

The stuff involved is bigger than that.

"it is good."

The others naturally nodded in agreement.

Ye Luo made a decisive decision and flew towards the distance, preparing to return to the Shenxing Continent.

Others followed suit.

Only Sun Wukong stood there for a while.

He looked down at the sea floor.

The bone is still inserted there, even if the remaining power is dissipated, there is still a faint coercion around the bone.

This faint coercion made it impossible for the sea to cover it, and the sea seemed to describe a vacuum circle.

Around the vacuum circle, there is a looming majesty of the Heavenly Dao. Even if people get close to this place, they will have some heart palpitations...

"So strong..."

Sun Wukong murmured in a low voice.

Then the figure moved and flew in the direction of the Shenxing Continent...

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