Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 677 Entering the long river of time

"Also ask Senior White to tell me."

Looking at Bai Ze in front of him, Ye Luo stood up, bowed slightly, and asked.

"Please also let the seniors inform."

Shisu Licheng and other six people also saluted.

"Several little friends are disciples of fellow Daoist Chu, why are you so polite? Since you want to know, then I will tell you."

Bai Ze finished.

He took a slow step forward.

His eyes twinkled with silver light.

I saw him looking up at the sky, the black hole channel that had not recovered for a long time, and slowly opened his mouth.

"The upper realm, in fact, in the past, there was no upper realm. The previous world, called Honghuang, was created by Pangu. It was a truly magnificent world. Later that world was broken for various reasons. Now, it has turned into countless fragments, and those small fragments have turned into a small world, and the largest fragment has turned into the upper realm in your mouth."

"And we monsters, as well as the Broken Heavenly Dao of the once prehistoric world, were wrapped up and came to this small world, we fell asleep, and the Broken Heavenly Dao once ruled this world for a while..."

"The so-called old era wants to subvert the new era, because the old era of heaven is trying to annex the new era of heaven and then to obtain the status of this small world, to annex other small worlds, and then integrate into the upper realm to recreate the great wilderness."

Bai Ze talked eloquently and explained them in detail.

These words made Ye Luo and others suddenly realize.

They didn't think about it at all.

There are so many stories in the upper realm and the mortal realm.

After listening to all of them, they calmed down for a while before digesting all the news.

It took a while for Ye Luo to calm down.

"Then, according to this, the birth of the upper realm is like this."

"However, I don't know senior, is there a way to let us get the energy of the upper realm?"

Ye Luo said softly.

Although they knew the birth of the upper realm, they also knew the reasons for the countless mortal realms.

But that didn't prevent them from breaking through Wonderland.

They need the spirit of the upper realm!

"For the time being, there is no way."

Bai Ze shook his head slightly.

When it comes to this, he can't help it.

He only knew the origin of the upper realm, but he did not know how to obtain the energy of the upper realm.

Hear this.

Ye Luo was slightly stunned.

Now it seems that they really have no other way, and can only choose not to break through the fairyland for the time being.


Ye Luo was still very unwilling.

He has the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, give him a little time, and he will definitely be able to achieve the fairyland, even if he tries to break through the Golden Immortal, it is not a bad idea.

"Senior brother, I have a solution here, maybe I can give it a try."

Li Cheng came out at this time and said something softly.

"Huh? Junior Brother Li, do you have a solution?"

Ye Luo looked at Li Cheng, curious what this junior brother would do.

"Don't hide it from senior brother, I have obtained a method in one place, and I can enter the long river of time, and in the long river of time, the past and future can be seen..."

Li Cheng talked about what happened in the past.

His idea is very simple, with a large number of people, into the long river of time.

Use mana to forcibly break the time point and enter the past time.

In the past, before the passage was closed, at that point in time, the matter of obtaining the Qi of Ascension was completed.

His words were heard by Ye Luo and others, and they were shocked again and again.

The birth of the upper realm that Bai Ze described earlier had shocked them enough.

Now Li Cheng has also come out, and the words are not astonishing.

Directly across the river of time.

Although it is exaggerated to say that the words are exaggerated, Ye Luo and others are really tempted.

Maybe this is really possible, can they break through the fairyland?

"Senior White, do you think this is possible?"

Ye Luo looked at Bai Ze and asked.

In their field, the oldest is Bai Ze, and the most experienced is also Bai Ze.

Listening to Bai Ze's opinion is definitely beneficial.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bai Ze is reliable.

"It's definitely possible to go against the river of time, but how is it possible to do it? Is it possible that in the river of time, the Dao is not visible, and the Dao of Heaven doesn't matter? Plus there's no one to guard it?"

Bai Ze's eyes widened.

He just looked at Li Cheng like that.

He remembered that even if he wanted to enter the long river of time, it was a very difficult thing.

The first thing to break through is the avenue rule.

The rules will be infinitely repelling, let the entrants leave, and forced entry will be forcibly suppressed.

Even if this is avoided, it will be controlled by Tiandao himself.

Even if it is the darling of heaven and earth, regardless of the rules of the Dao, nor the Dao of Heaven, the great master who guards the long river of time will not ignore it, right?

Could it be that he could be the darling of heaven and earth and the illegitimate child of the mighty.

"Isn't the long river of time guarded by one person? That person is familiar with me! I am sure!"

Li Cheng spoke immediately.

It's not the first time he's gone to Long River.

Nature is sure.

"Are you sure? That's doable."

Bai Ze hesitated for a moment, then nodded, feeling that this was feasible.

"Then leave immediately."

Ye Luo's eyes lit up immediately.

"Then senior brother, do you want to call the other senior brothers and sisters?"

Li Cheng asked.

"No need, they have just left. If it is really feasible, it will not be too late for us to call them again."

Ye Luo thought about it for a while and said this.

"it is good."

Li Cheng is also unequivocal.

When even said how to enter the long river of time.

The people present, Ye Luo, Sile, Zisu, Ai Qing, Chi Jia, Xu Yu, Bai Ze, and the four fierce ones, are all talented or strong.

Naturally, it is easy to learn this method of entering the river of time.

After everyone learns.

It was time to prepare to enter the long river of time.

But just in case.

The four murderers and Xu Yu were left behind to protect the law for everyone.

Then, Ye Luo and other six disciples and Bai Ze began to enter the long river of time.


Ye Luo and the others belonged to Tianjiao, and their spirits soon came out of their bodies.

They easily came to the long river of time belonging to Xintiandi.

Look at the passing light around you.

For a while, everyone was a little surprised.

It was the first time they had seen such a scene.

It's strange not to be surprised.

"Here is the long river of time? It's really amazing, but what about Senior Brother?"

Sile sighed.

She suddenly realized that there seemed to be one missing person among them.

This made her start looking for it.

Others naturally discovered this and began to look for it.

"I'm here."

A voice came from a distance, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes turned around...

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