Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 694 Don't Want Your Face?

In an instant, a month passed.

This day is the day of the decisive battle between the old and the new.


On the Kunlun Mountains, dark clouds were densely covered, thunder was flashing, and the wind was blowing in all directions, and a sense of extreme depression permeated.

There are countless imposing manners rising from the East and West Kunlun.

Flags fluttered in mid-air.

Neither side took the lead, but confronted each other.

The strongest showdown between this world.

No matter who wins or loses, it means the death of one side.

However, on the Kunlun Mountains, they are only the middle and bottom layers.

The top-level combat power is facing off on the sky.

At this moment, above the sky.

The two sides are also facing off.

In the west, headed by the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there are demon emperors, demon emperors, and many demon saints under his command.

On the east side, headed by Ye Luo, there are many disciples of Wudao Sect, Sun Wukong, Bai Ze, Yaoshi, and many ancestor-level figures.

The major powerhouses on both sides of the east and west, look at me, I look at you, the atmosphere is extremely frozen, but without the orders of each other's leaders, no one shot first.

In this strange atmosphere.

I saw Yuan Chu took a step forward and looked directly at Ye Luo.

"Come on, use all your tricks and entertain this seat to the fullest, but this seat hopes you can be stronger, otherwise, you don't need this seat to take action, I'm afraid you will lose."

Yuan Chu said very arrogantly.

After he finished speaking, he waved to a demon saint next to him.

The demon saint nodded, picked up a bell-like thing, and rang the ancient bell with magic power.

dong dong dong! !

The shocking bell rang through the sky.

Hear this bell.

In the Kunlun Mountains, the countless middle- and bottom-level old-era demon clans seemed to have heard the order and rushed out of their nests to kill the past towards the new era.

For a time, ten thousand demons galloped, and the billowing demonic energy swept across the eight wastelands, as if to cover everything.

"Do it."

Ye Luo on the other side saw this and his expression tightened.

He quickly said something to Zhang Han next to him.

"it is good."

Zhang Han replied, his mind moved, and a formation arranged in the east of Kunlun Mountain rose up.

When the light of the formation flickered.

The countless monks in the east of Kunlun Mountain immediately understood, raised their magic weapons, and killed the old-time demon clan in the middle and lower layers.

Like two comets, the two men and horses collided quickly with an unstoppable momentum.

A fierce fight began from there.

The top-level combat power did not pay attention to the middle and bottom-level battles.

Their eyes were on each other.

"The battle of these ants has begun. Next, it's your turn, come on."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he didn't even look at the battlefield below. He raised his eyes and glanced at the many demon saints.


Many demon saints understood and came out in unison, turned into countless streamers, and killed Ye Luo and others.

However, their speed is not that fast, and they don't want to directly attack Ye Luo and others, but are waiting for the people on Ye Luo's side to come out, so as to open up a battlefield to fight.

They also all understand that the real battle comes from the top of the Yuan Dynasty and Ye Luo, and they just need not to fall behind.

Many demon saints do not think that they will fall behind.

It's just that when they met the people on Ye Luo's side, they regretted it.

The many ancestors came out in unison, and these ancestors are not bad. The weak ancestors can only stop one demon saint and not be defeated. Even the powerful ancestors can only stop a few people. Just a saint.

But when many disciples of Wudao Sect took action, the situation was reversed.

Zhang Han Wan burst out in an instant, arousing the power of heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars, wanting to kill dozens of demon saints directly, but he didn't mean to stop them at all.

Tantai Luo Xue put down the chessboard, manipulated the phantoms of all beings, and used the power of the chessboard to trap dozens of demon saints.

Su Xi manipulated countless puppets and fought against dozens of demon saints. Originally, these puppets were weak and were not considered by those demon saints, but when Su Xi directly controlled the demon saints with his backhand to fight the demon saints, those demon saints were dumbfounded... …

The rest of the Wudao Sect disciples are also not weak, with one enemy dozens.

Especially Ai Qing, who can be called a bug level, drags hundreds of demon saints alone, no matter what methods the demon saints use, they can be quickly adapted, learned, and countered.

The strength of the various disciples of Wudao Sect is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Even Ye Luo was taken aback.

In the original expectation, it was enough for one person to stop ten demon saints, but I didn't expect these fellows to be so powerful.

The strength of Wudao Sect disciples also reversed the situation.

Many demon saints are clearly at a disadvantage.

see this scene.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, his entire face turned black.

He also did not expect that these Wudao Sect disciples had grown to such a level.

"Demon Lord, let me do it."

Di Jun pondered for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"No, it's just that this demon saint-level battlefield failed. We may not fail in the middle and bottom battlefields below..."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he also wanted to forcibly pull back a game.

But when his eyes fell on the battlefield on the Kunlun Mountains below, the whole person was dumbfounded.


Above the battlefield of Kunlun Mountains below.

In everyone's imagination, the inseparable scene did not happen.

The war in the middle and lower classes is completely one-sided.

Seeing the East Kunlun side, countless cultivators didn't even move at all, they just stood there and looked at the other side.

On the other side, countless demon clans in the old era were rushing and fleeing. Those demon clans seemed to have seen something terrifying and fled quickly, not caring at all.

It was as if his morale had collapsed.

Behind these countless monsters, a young man is chasing these monsters.

"Don't run! What about a war? What are you running for!"

"All stop, all stop, at most I will give you one hand, if not, then let you both!"

"I'm really weak, I'm just practicing Qi realm..."

This young man is actually Xu Yu.

Xu Yu felt depressed in his heart.

He had thought that the war would be fun.

Made him serious.

Then he discovered that these people could not help but fight.

He could kill a large film with a single blow.

Xu Yu's casual blow also startled the group of monsters.

The group of demons began to try to kill Xu Yu with all their strength, but after fighting for a long time, they found that the two sides were not at the same level at all.

No matter what kind of moves the monsters use, they won't do any harm to Xu Yu at all.

On the contrary, Xu Yu's breath could spray to death a large area of ​​the old-time demon clan.

This made the group of demons instantly explode in their mentality.

How dare they continue to fight, they can only turn around and run away, they know that Xu Yu and them are not at the same level.

Then the current scene happened.

Xu Yu drove the group of demons to run, and wanted the group of demons to accompany him to fight.

Early Yuan: "?"

Don't want the face of the new era? Use this level to deal with the middle and bottom?

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