Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 710 All beings are against the sky

For Di Jun's request.

After hesitating for a long time, Chu Yuan agreed.

He mobilized the Tiandao Tuba, opened the world channel, and let all the monsters of the old era leave.

However, only some of the old-time demon clan were willing to follow Di Jun to leave, and some of the demon clan who wanted peace stayed in the Kyushu continent.

Due to the small number of demon clans in this part of the old era, they no longer continued to occupy a state.

Instead, it was dispersed to various regions of Kyushu, and it was completely integrated with the new era.

Among them, there are good people who seem to have completed the statistics of the old-time demon clan scattered in various regions, and also listed a book to record the old-time demon clan in various regions.

The leader of these good people is Xu Yu.

For these actions, Chu Yuan was too lazy to take care of them, and let Xu Yu toss them around.

With the departure of most of the old demon clan.

The resources in the Kyushu Continent have also increased, which has also caused the "World of Great Contest" in the Kyushu Continent to become more prosperous.


Time flies, and in an instant, ten years have passed since Di Jun led the old era out of the world.

In the past ten years, Chu Yuan has sent the last wave of disciples to the upper realm.

Ai Qing, Chi Jia, Li Cheng, Lin Mo, and Taojiao, these five disciples also soared to the upper realm.

Among them gluttonous do not want to go.

But Chu Yuan disliked keeping the gluttonous rice cooker in the lower realm. Besides eating, he slept every day, so he also rushed the gluttonous rice cooker to the upper realm.

After sending all the disciples to the upper realm.

Chu Yuan started to prepare to send her trumpet to the upper realm.

However, on this day, something unexpected happened to Chu Yuan.

He suddenly found that the luck of the Kyushu Continent had shaken, and it was about to fall.

This made Chu Yuan react quickly, and mobilized Tiandao to check it.

in the heavenly space.

Tiandao Tu Tuo Chu Yuan began to check, and he wanted to find out the reason.

After some searching.

He finally found the reason.

The reason why the air fortune in the Kyushu continent began to plummet is because the development of the Kyushu continent is too fast.

It's getting to the point where it's terrifying.

In just a few decades, it has been earth-shaking changes.

The luck of the Kyushu continent has also reached a peak with the arrival of the "World of Great Contest".

Prosperity will decline, and things will reverse!

This is the rule of heaven.

Therefore, the luck of the Kyushu mainland has shown signs of decline.

"The rules of heaven are set by me, can these rules be changed?"

Chu Yuan frowned slightly.

He stretched out his hand and shot out streaks of golden light, forcibly stabilizing the fate of the Kyushu Continent that was about to fall.

After making sure to stabilize, Chu Yuan was relieved.

However, Chu Yuan did not transfer his consciousness to other places, but stayed on the side of Tiandao Tua and continued to observe the situation between heaven and earth.

Chu Yuan observed this observation for more than three years.

after three years.

Seeing that there was no sign of Qi Luck falling, Chu Yuanben planned to transfer his consciousness to the trumpet.

Suddenly, a sound rang out in his ear.

"The way of heaven is not benevolent and treats all things as a dog! Today's Dao is cruel! It has deprived us of the right to soar, and we should go against the sky! Ask the way of heaven for the right to soar!"

"Everyone should go against the sky together!!!"

"If you follow it, you will be ordinary, and if you go against it, you will be a fairy!"

"From today onwards, our group is the Alliance of Heaven Defying People, and we will fight against the sky!"

the incoming of these sounds.

Chu Yuan was stunned.


Chu Yuan raised her eyes and looked down.

He saw at a glance that on the east side of the Kyushu Continent, a group of cultivators gathered together for a ceremony to sacrifice to the heavens.

At the ceremony of sacrificing heaven, it was announced in public that they would go against the way of heaven.

At this glance, Chu Yuan was blown away.

He tried his best to stabilize the fate of the Kyushu Continent, and wanted these monks to become stronger.

These monks actually want to oppose him? !

What else do you say, is he deprived of the right to ascension?

Does this speak human words?

If he hadn't sealed the ascension channel,

The breath of death permeated the whole world.

Chu Yuan is really angry.

He has good intentions, helps all beings, and wants all beings to become stronger.

Are all beings going to oppose him?

What is the obedience to the ordinary, the reverse of the immortal.

Is this what a living being can say?

Chu Yuan took a deep breath.

He finally understood why the rules of the Tao of Heaven set the principle that prosperity must decline.

This is really useful.

These creatures, prosperous to the extreme, actually thought of going against the sky.

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across the continent of Kyushu.

A monstrous anger burned in his chest.

He really wanted to shoot directly and wipe out the entire Kyushu Continent.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I finally let go of this idea.

The Kyushu Continent carries the inheritance of his disciples.

If it is erased, the inheritance of his disciples will definitely be cut off.

"Forget it, I am the Dao of Heaven. I need to be generous. I can't take action against all beings. I want to show the atmosphere of the Dao of Heaven."

Chu Yuan stabilized his mind.

He silently transferred his consciousness to the Shenguang tub.

Heavenly Dao doesn't make a move, didn't it say that Shenguang Tua couldn't make a move?

Heavenly Dao atmosphere, what is the matter with Guan Shenguang?


Divine consciousness all converged on Shenguang Tua.

Tianwu Mountain, Wudao Sect, on the main hall of the sect master.

Chu Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes silently.

A dazzling divine light flickered from his eyes, illuminating the entire hall.

"Ao Ye, come here."

Chu Yuan said softly.

His fingers twitched slightly.

Ao Ye, who was cultivating on the other side of Wu Dao Sect, was instantly moved to the main hall of the sect master.

Originally, Ao Ye was still a little stunned.

But after seeing Chu Yuan, everything became clear, and he quickly knelt down and saluted.

"I want to go out, can you be my mount now?"

Chu Yuan asked carefully.

If Ao Ye didn't want to continue to be his mount, then of course he wouldn't force it.

"Huh? Yes! Yes! Of course I am very willing!"

Ao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came back to his senses, which was a thrill.

It can become a mount for such an existence as Chu Yuan.

It was simply an honor for him.

He was also afraid that Chu Yuan would dislike him.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuan was willing to admit his status as a 'mount'.

You know, this identity represents, but Chu Yuan's face.

With this identity in the whole world, he can run wild.

"Let's go then, let's go to Taiyi Jianzong first."

Chu Yuan chuckled, not caring what Ao Ye was thinking, got up and walked outside.

The excited Ao Ye quickly followed Chu Yuan.

After arriving at the square of the Sect Master's hall, he took the initiative to transform into a huge blue dragon and became Chu Yuan's mount.

Chu Yuan was also unambiguous, her figure moved slightly and landed on top of Canglong's head.

Wuhu! ! !

With a roar, the blue dragon rose into the sky, turned into a dragon shadow, and flew in the direction of the Taiyi Sword Sect. The speed was much faster than before...

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