In the upper realm, a remote place in the extreme north of Eastern China, in an extremely ancient relic square.

A fierce battle is breaking out here.

Several immortals were fighting, and the terrifying power generated by the battle collapsed many buildings in the ruins.

The ruins square, which was originally ancient and complete, has become dilapidated at this moment.

Pull closer to the center of the circle.

I saw a man wearing a yin and yang formation pattern robes fighting with several immortal monks.

The man wearing the yin and yang formation pattern robe, raised his hands, and countless formations rose up, trying to kill the few immortal king cultivators.

But it seems to be because of the man's lack of cultivation, the formation of the formation, and the lack of power, he can only block the few Immortal King monks for a while, and can't cause any substantial damage at all.

The man fell into this situation. After a long time, he naturally fell into a disadvantage.

"Zhang Han! You can't escape today, so obediently die!"

"With the power of one immortal, blocking our seven immortal kings for so long, you can be the first person under the immortal kings! It's a pity that you are going to die here today!"

"Tsk tsk, it's obviously a generation of arrogance, why should you offend us, if you grow up steadily, maybe we won't be your opponent in hundreds of years..."

While the several immortal monks took action, they continued to use words to destroy the man's mind, trying to make the man feel dazed, so as to find the flaw.

This hurt the man.

It's just as if you didn't hear it.

And this man wearing the yin and yang formation pattern robe, besides the second child Zhang Han, who else can be.

Zhang Han looked at the several Immortal King cultivators who were constantly killing him, and it was bitter in his heart.

I would have known that I wouldn't put a fork on it.

Seeing that his senior brother was flourishing, he actually wanted to kill himself.

But he's completely incapable of that.

This is good, I can't pretend, but I'm really going to die.

"Even if I fall, I will never make you feel better. The yin and yang are in chaos! Get up!"

Zhang Han looked at the few Immortal King cultivators, gritted his teeth, and was ready to work hard.

The yin and yang rebellion was an opportunity he obtained.

When this great formation was learned by him, Heavenly Dao wanted to destroy him, which shows how terrifying it is.

Once this great formation is deployed, the order of yin and yang will be shattered, and countless people will have accidents as a result.

So Tiandao doesn't want anyone to learn it at all, but it can't directly destroy him, so it sets a limit for him.

Once he uses this great formation, it will burn with his lifespan. The longer the great formation lasts, the faster his lifespan will burn.

Originally, Zhang Han never wanted to use such a large formation.

But so far.

There's nothing he can do.

Can only bite the bullet.

Just when Zhang Han was about to cast a great formation.

In the distance, a voice with a smile sounded.

"Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for decades, second child, why are you so miserable?"

This voice sounded.

Zhang Han was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed joy, and he looked up.

I saw a figure not far away, standing there quietly.

A green shirt, no wind, automatic.

A fairy sword is suspended beside it.

Dao rhyme comes from heaven!

This person is Ye Luo.

"Big Brother!"

When Zhang Han saw Ye Luo, he was instantly surprised.

"You are... Taiyi Jianzun?! Everyone quickly withdraw!!"

When the few Immortal King monks saw Ye Luo, they felt bad, and their souls trembled. It was a sense of crisis.

These Immortal King monks turned around and wanted to escape.

But they just turned around.

A sword descended from the sky, wrapped in Dao rhyme, like a spring breeze, soft and silent, penetrating them.


A clear sound.

Several immortal kings and cultivators turned into ashes and disappeared.

Ye Luo's figure fell lightly beside Zhang Han and helped the latter up.

"Are you all right?"

Ye Luo raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Master, I'm fine,

How will you be here? I heard the news earlier, didn't I also hear that you were surrounded and killed by several immortal emperors of the demon clan? "

Zhang Han took a deep breath and stood firm.

"Since I came out, it naturally proves that those immortal emperors and demons are dead. They are just immortal emperors. What can I do? There are not people who can't kill even immortal emperors, right?"

Ye Luo spread out his hands and said quite casually.

Zhang Han: "..."

Wouldn't there really be someone who couldn't even kill the Immortal Emperor?

Is this human?

He was pressed and rubbed on the ground by several immortal kings. If it weren't for the fact that the ancient realm 'True Wonderland' was relatively tyrannical, he would have been dead long ago.

Now that it's in Ye Luo's mouth, it looks like that.

He suspected that Ye Luo was connoting him.

"Then Senior Brother, did you happen to pass by, or what? How did you appear here?"

Zhang Hanqiang endured the anger and asked gently.

"No, the master said that you are in danger recently, let me pay attention to you, and I will come over to take a look. I didn't expect your kid to be in danger."

Ye Luo put her hands around her chest and spoke very casually.

Only in front of his fellow students of Wudao Sect would he show such a casual attitude.

"What, what? Master? Master soared?"

Zhang Han's eyes widened instantly, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

See this scene.

Ye Luo didn't hide it, and told Zhang Han about it.

When Zhang Han heard that the master was still caring about him, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

However, Zhang Han was still a little worried.

"That, Senior Brother, can I ask you one thing?"

Zhang Han said cautiously.

"What's the matter, just ask? Who are we and who are the best brothers we fought together from before."

Ye Luo replied with a smile.

"That master, did you blame us for worshipping other immortal gates?"

Zhang Han asked.

He was really worried.

After their ascension, they were extremely confused, and in desperation, they could only choose a fairy gate to worship at random.

This thing, speaking of it, can be big or small.

In a big way, it can be regarded as a betrayal of the division.

Speaking of young, just joining a fairy gate, but not apprenticeship, is not a betrayal.

It all depends on what his master thinks.

"You think too much, and the master is not so busy. Going to care about whether you have entered other fairy sects, do you think that if the master cares, will I pay attention to you?"

Ye Luo rolled his eyes and said.

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhang Han suddenly relaxed.

He was really worried that his master had expelled him from his master because of this, so he would have lost more than his gains.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Zhang Han breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's go, come with me."

Ye Luo waved his hand.

"Huh? Senior Brother, where are you going?"

"Find a disciple for the master."

"What? What are you looking for a disciple for the master?"

"Don't ask too much, I'll talk to you later on the road, and I'll just ask if you're leaving. If I don't, I'll leave by myself."

"Walk around..."

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