Ning'an small town.

When the wind and snow were isolated, countless mortals who lived in it came out to move.

Mortals have only just come out for activities, and they have been told one thing.

When a fairy arrives, he wants to pass on the chance.

Anyone who is literate, can read, and has a gentle temperament has the opportunity to become a cultivator.

This time, the entire small town of Ning'an was blown up.

Countless mortals gathered around after they heard that the immortal lived in the City Lord's Mansion.

for a while.

Inside and outside the entire city lord's mansion, there was a sea of ​​people, and discussions came one after another.

"I want poor aptitude? Not good aptitude? It's really weird..."

"Why do you care so much? It's not that you accept apprentices, it's other immortals who accept apprentices. If immortals say that if they have poor aptitude, then they must have poor aptitude."

"I knew it! I knew it!"

"Cai family boy, what do you know?"

"I knew that my father must be promising. He has poor qualifications, can read, can read, and has a gentle temperament. Isn't that what my father is talking about? I knew from a young age that my father must be promising, and I finally waited for it!"

"Coaxing the hall and filial piety!!"


Mortals are talking to each other.

If they are highly qualified to cultivate immortals, then they may not be so excited.

But this is poor qualification, then they have hope.

If you can cultivate immortals, who wants to be a mortal?

If it weren't for the fact that there was an immortal in it, I would be afraid of colliding with the immortal.

This group of mortals rushed in long ago, begging the immortal to accept the apprentice.

Just when these mortals were in full swing.

In a corner, there was a young man standing there quietly, watching the movement of the City Lord's Mansion from a distance.

The young man was dressed in a simple cloth, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, with long hair in a shawl, and a look of righteousness hovered between his brows.

Anyone who sees him can't help but praise a gentleman.

The young man looked at the city lord's mansion at the moment, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"This is going to be such a good thing?"

The young man touched his chin and whispered.

Doubt filled his eyes.

He couldn't believe that such a good thing would happen.

There are immortals who want to come to find disciples, but also those with poor aptitude and gentle scholars.

All of this shows the feeling that this matter is not simple.

Anyway, this young man made up a complete plot line in his brain.

Could it be that some monsters pretended to be immortals and came in to accept their disciples?

I heard that the monsters like to eat the scholars of the human race.

I think the flesh and blood of human scholars is the best...

A strange light flashed in the young man's eyes.

His name is Chen Jun, and he is a person with extremely poor qualifications.

This can't be considered extremely bad, at least his previous qualifications were very good. According to the person who tested his qualifications at that time, he is expected to become an immortal!

But later, a powerful monk who could fortune-telling gave him a fortune-telling.

After the divination, the powerful cultivator left only a few words and died violently.

A word left for him, saying that in the future he will overthrow the rule of the heavens and go against the heavens!

This remark also made Chen Jun extremely passive.

Especially later, the words spread more and more widely, and finally seemed to be known by Tiandao. Tiandao personally descended the divine thunder, destroying all of Chen Jun's cultivation qualifications and making him a waste.

Chen Jun, who had lost his qualifications, faced endless pressure of speech, so he could only travel far away to this small border town.

In his childhood experiences, Chen Jun gradually learned that only by being persistent can he survive and have a chance to turn around.

Therefore, today's Chen Jun is so cautious.

Even if he knew that the incident of the immortal elder accepting his apprentice might be true, it might be a chance for him to turn over, but he was still reluctant to do it.

Because he felt that such a good thing would not happen in the world of immortals!

Chen Jun narrowed his eyes, shook the bamboo slip in his hand, and left without saying a word.

mere monster,

Want to lie to him? impossible!

There is no free lunch in this world!


Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Ye Luo and Zhang Han sat in it.

But their consciousness has already enveloped the entire city inside and outside the mansion.

Of course they saw those mortals.

But among these mortals, there is nothing they want.

Poor qualifications, readers.

these two conditions.

First of all, those mortals can't achieve it.

Qualifications must be absolutely abolished.

Those mortals are of poor aptitude, but they are not considered waste. If they practice their whole life, they can still reach the Qi Qi realm.

This is not what they are looking for.

"No, second child, where is the person you're talking about?"

Ye Luo frowned and said.

"The man didn't show up, what's the matter? The man is obviously in the city, why didn't he come?"

Zhang Han was also confused.

He knew Chen Jun, and once had a relationship.

I know that man is a piece of shit.

I also know that the man is a reader.

It is certain that all of his conditions can be met by the other party.

But why didn't that person come?

"How about we take the initiative to go there?"

Ye Luo put forward this opinion.

"No, Senior Brother, what kind of identity are we? How can we do this? No, we have to wait for him to come over!"

Zhang Han directly refused.

Make it clear that the other party will not come, and he will never go there.

Seeing this, Ye Luo had no choice but to wait quietly.


the next day.

Still not suitable.

"No, wait a minute, he will definitely come over, eldest brother, trust me!"

Zhang Han once again suppressed Ye Luo, who wanted to act.


Day three.

"He will definitely come, Senior Brother, just wait..."


tenth day.

"Elder Brother, give me another chance, don't hit me..."


Fifteenth day.

"Senior brother, don't slap your face, be gentle! Let's wait..."


twentieth day.

"Big Brother..."

"Go away, say one more word, and I'll kill you first! Then go back and apologize to the master!"

Ye Luo, who couldn't bear it any longer, completely ignored what Zhang Han said.

He felt that if he continued to wait, he would only be lonely and delay the time of Master.

"Senior Brother, as disciples of Wudao Sect, we should put our face first!"

Zhang Han also wanted to persuade.

Ye Luo grabbed Zhang Han with his backhand and wanted to go out.

Walking and talking.

"Second brother, think about it carefully for me. When Master accepted you and me as apprentices, he came to the door in person? How come you are putting on a bigger air than Master?"

Ye Luo said so.

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhang Han is no longer troubled.

he thinks……

What the eldest brother said seems reasonable.

At the beginning, the master seemed to have personally come to accept them as apprentices.

How come to him, we have to wait for the other party to come to the door.

If this is passed to Master's ears.

His second disciple is more exaggerated than his master.

What do you think, Master?

Is he going to be cold?

Zhang Han's heart tightened, and he felt that his path was narrowed...

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