Nobunaga's Imouto is My Wife

Episode 127: In front of Nagahama

Think about it, it's been a long time since I've been home.

I remember my inner anxiety as I broke up with a general other than Princess Ji and headed to Nagahama.

That's nothing else.

If the City Princess is the only one waiting for me, it's because I still have two kids I could have had with her.

Kids grow up fast.

He's got to be a lot bigger since I went through Omi, and I'm sure he's awake himself.

"I wonder if I can be recognized as a father."

Words spilled out of my mouth by accident were all about anxiety.

Maybe the modern Japanese relocationist dads were thinking the same thing - I thought.

I was wondering if we would all think the same thing if we vacated the house for a long time.

"Something bothering you, sir?"

"Oh, no... nothing"

He leaned over his horse and responded with a bitter smile to Princess Ji, who sounded worried.

She was worried.

Especially about me.

"Not enough to worry about... Hmm?

When I had a bad feeling and raised my head, an object flew in with tremendous momentum from above caught my eye.

It reminds me of a bright white hairball that flies straight in the direction we are in.


An interpretive moon hair and Princess Ji's horse hastily distanced themselves.

Then, at the exact point where we were, we made a noise with Ezdon, and a white flying object clashed.

The ground swayed and dirt and dust sprayed up.


And a very distracted voice echoes from the soot smoke.

It flew in super fast. It rose up swooping and raised its head.

He shuddered his body all the time, turning to two big black eyes.

"... Oh, Brahma Maru"


A demon that feels completely naked.

The heavenly rainbow silkworm was also much bigger than the last time I saw it.

Not vertically, but horizontally.



Brahma Maru literally rushes over to make sure he rolls, as if he were a dog that jumps at his husband he hasn't met in a long time.

But about the arrow tip this white hairball tried to fly.

Brahma Maru, whose interpretive moon hair drank and stiffened herself to it, - laid her face down with her forelegs in alignment, showing her as if she were going to sit on earth.


Interpretive Moon Hair bent his neck and turned to me and hissed.

I don't know what the devil is saying, but I know what I'm going to say.

In short, she's going to preach to Brahma Maru.


"Long time no see, Brahma Maru... you have to live strong"




Behind the structure that directly shows the sequence of Nagahama's demons, I decided to go home on foot with Princess Ji.

There was no distance, and the stallion Princess Ji was reluctant to leave her side of the moon hair.

"Nevertheless, you surprised me... you"

"Oh, I thought it was a meteorite or something"

When I say that, Princess Ji smiles.

"... after all, didn't you miss that kid too? It's been a long time since I left Omi."

"Oh, you're right."

I responded to the sigh mix.

"Whether the kids remember me..."

"No way, was that bothering you"

That's about it, wouldn't you mind telling me?

Princess Ji laughs bitterly with a face that says that.

"I just didn't think it was enough to bother telling Ji"

"No, you. I serve your side. Your little business is important to us, isn't it?

I bowed my head honestly to Princess Ji, who persisted with a hurt look somewhere.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Oh, no... I didn't mean for you to do that either..."

In a hurry, Princess Ji bows her head too.

Eventually we look up at each other, stare at each other, and laugh bitterly.

"Let's go back soon."

"Yes, sir."

And as we tried to dive through the gates of the mansion, there were those waiting for us.

The city princesses, those who live in Nagahama, were waiting for us at the festival.

Maybe Brahma Maru made a huge tease of the flying out of this row.

"Oops, welcome back...... Master Hall"

"Oh, I'm home"

I stroke the heads of girls like Kuya Weird and Apricot.

They look somewhat older.

Most of all, it's a growing season. Girls mature faster than boys.

In that sense, maybe it's the feeling you should have.

(Most likely, unlike Brahma Maru, it's stretched vertically)

With that in mind, I smiled at my beloved wife.

She's been smiling, staring at me.

"For a long time, I've left my house empty. but there's more to be said than that"

I'm home, city.

When I said that, she scratched her expression all the time.

"Yes, I'm tired of waiting"

Welcome back, Chief Executive.

Her smile was still beautiful.

Not only does it have a voice like the sound of a bell, but it also has an elegant, graceful atmosphere.

The appearance of holding two children in both arms is such that you are likely to mistake them for a heavenly woman or something.

"Master Chang, what a face you make. If you look at me like that, I'd be embarrassed."

"Oh, oh... no, I'm sorry"

There's just an embarrassing atmosphere that reminds me of a virgin and virgin matchmaking seat.

The City Princess is moving forward to delude it.

And he offered me the children in his arms.

"Please, hold me up. It's been a long time since your father's arm."

"Oh... right"

Reaching out to the child as they say, the teas fit into my arms with a delightful look.

It's like a kitten looking for warmth.

She looks really cute when she pushes her face.


"No, it's not, Mr. Manfumaru. I'm your father."


The City Princess gives a slightly rushed look to Wanfu Maru, who pierces the attitude of rejection in her arms.

I want to cling to my chest and try to get away.

"Apparently, they hated you."

"Damn, such a thing...... hey, look, Mr. Manfumaru!


To the power of his mother trying to pull him apart, his son does everything in his power to show him the structure of a thorough antiwar.

But I'm an adult. I thought as I looked back at Wanfu Maru, who was looking at me.

Phew, I wish I was stuck in my mom's boobs at best.

Men and women have more important things to do than that.

"Well, okay. Sometimes you feel like it, even for Wanfumaru."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chang Zheng... Ah"

A state with children in each other's arms.

I put my mouth gently on the City Princess's face and I blocked her lips.

"As, well......!?

"So bold......!

The two samurai raised their yellow voices and began to make noise.

I felt like Princess Ji was sending me a jittery gaze, but it's probably my fault.

"Oh, no..."

You're out here, and you're all here.

I whispered in my face.

"If you don't like it, you don't mind rejecting me"

"Mean one"

The princess gently closes her eyes thinly.

The skin you see up close was very meticulous and the fluffy, gentle fragrance significantly aroused sexual excitement.

Beautiful hair is breezy and one of the rooms tickles my cheek.

It's so comforting that it can't be described in words.

"Ahhh, Dear Chief Executive... Chu, ha, ah... ahhh"

In the yellow voices of the samurai and the girls, we kept mouthing.

Eventually, the princess will follow her lips as if she were up to my demands.

Besides, I screwed my tongue in my wife's chest.

"Huh, huh... ah, huh... huh, huh... huh"

The mouth of the City Princess, which I haven't tasted in a long time, felt sweet.

I give in to the magic of deep kissing, and I keep insisting on being outdoors.

For the first time in a long time, the princess of the city has burned into her mouth, too.

It was as if he did not show a willingness to reject it and asked for it himself.



But it was the cries of the two children that broke that sweet atmosphere.

Apparently, I don't like the tea, and Manfumaru doesn't like the fact that the princess is obsessed with each other.

"Ah... no, I don't... what would I...!

And the city princess, who blushes and shames my cheeks.

When I saw her, I realized that she was finally back to her routine.

May there be no more unrest, if you will.

With that in mind, I urged the princesses to move on into the mansion.

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