Nobunaga's Imouto is My Wife

Episode 18: The Talent of Living in Bodhisattva Castle

Hanbei Takenaka, or someone named Shigeji Takenaka, is also a first-place second-place military fighter in Japan during the wartime of Hideyoshi.

Needless to say, for the Asai family, which is surrounded by mighty powers such as the Hexagon family, the Akasaka Takeda family and the Asakura family, it is a human resource that I want enough to get my hands out of my throat.

Although there are theories, Hideyoshi Kishita received the orders of Nobunaga Oda, and it was only in Nagakuro 10 years (1567) that Hanbei Takenaka's Oda family clerk was persuaded, which was also after August when he attacked Yamashiro Inari.

It is currently February, so if it is a historical fact, Hideyoshi will visit here in six months.

But if we take into account that this world does not necessarily work as it has in history, we had to strike our hands early.

There are two motives for me to deliberately break into Saito family territory at my own risk, but one of them was a letter sent to me by Nobunaga.

He's already totally going to cut Minox out.

And I definitely meant it more than just telling my brother-in-law, me, in a letter.

Together, it is possible that Hideyoshi will be dispatched at an earlier stage because of Inaba's attack on Yamashiro.

And the reason for the lid was, embarrassingly, the nightmare I just had in the morning.

I honestly don't know what that means, but it seemed like he was telling me that "Asai will perish as it is now..."

Originally, the Asai family was doomed to perish in 1573.

If, hypothetically, a "planned harmony" of history exists, as they say in the philosophical world, that effort, no matter how hard I try, would be in vain.

But I didn't want to believe such a thing existed.

I wanted to believe that people had potential.

I wanted to believe in the selectability of people to pile up the best answers in a limited number of options and make progress.

That's why I wanted everything I could do to keep the apocalyptic nightmare from coming to reality.

I glanced at the half guard in front of me.

"Dear Shimamoto, and Naoto-kun, you must be thirsty because you've been all the way. I'll even let you serve tea... Shizuko!"

When Hanbei, who looks like nothing but a woman, slaps her hand, the bamboo opens sassy and a little, cute girl enters the room with a basin.

"I'd like you to meet my in-laws."

You're lying.

I was stunned to see Mrs. Takenaka bowing her head deeply.

This girl, daughter-in-law...?

What should I say......

Yes, it might be more appropriate to say "girls middle school".

She's such an obnoxious girl.

By the way - don't tell me she didn't look like a couple first when she was sidelined with half a soldier and thought it would come tighter to say mother and daughter.

I put that in my mouth, but at the end of the day, they're definitely going to beat me out of the castle.

"It's coarse tea"

That's what they put in front of me and the straight room. Tea.

But it's not just tea.

Perhaps from here - no, already, the "long political review" by Hanbei has begun.

"Let's have it."

I put my tongue on the tea to check the heat and then drank it all at once. Panicked and drank tea in the straight room as well. Half a soldier narrows his eyes.

"- Delicious"

"Ah... thank you very much. Thank you!

Mrs. Takenaka - Tochiko will thank you with a happy face.

Apparently, I'm quite glad they complimented me.

Really this kid...... how old is he? Although I don't ask a woman because it's taboo to ask her age.

"Well, Lord Shigeji."


Half a soldier smiles softly and responds with his neck tilted.

Shit, my chest is going to be tempting. A man, though.

"Let's get straight to it. It's not like I visited here today. Shigeji Takenaka, because I want you."

"Are you left-handed......"

Close your eyes and Hanbei thinks about it for a while.

Scorched brown, wavy hair fluttering.

Either way, Hansan's soft hair is stretched out to her back.

Is this guy really a man......

With that in mind, Hanbei slowly opened his eyes.

"But I have decided that I will no longer serve others…"



Without any pussy, my desire will be cast away.

But it's like anger isn't boiling.

I'm sure that must have been the result of the relaxed atmosphere of the half soldiers.

While sitting upright with a good spine, he is jiggly observing how I am.

Still, the crying under my eyes is colorful.

"Can I ask why?

"… that's a good thing to say"

Hanbei says as he pays for the hair hanging on his collar.

The bright white neck muscles are exposed for a moment, and the city princess has no less colour - you, I knew you weren't a man.

"Serving the Saito family and later universalizing the country - because of despair...? I no longer want to be involved in the way this warring nation is."

"Hmm. So why did you come back to this Mino? I say the land is no longer in a swirling vortex between Oda and Saito..."

Are you untrained by the Saito family? And when I asked, Hanbei shook his head slowly. The wavy burnt brown hair also shakes fluffy.

"Your contemporary..."

That's it, Hanbei swallowed the words once.

I'm really attracted to the way you say "contemporary."

I'm pretty sure it's Ryuxing Saito, Lord Saito of the Saito Family, who means "the contemporary," but why not call him "the Hall Master", etc.

Maybe Hanbei has a lot of respect for his predecessor, Yoshiryu Saito, or even more deeply for his predecessor Dozo Saito, and is therefore trying to differentiate himself from Ryuxing, who is delayed in his provocation.

"Your contemporary will not think anything of me…"

But when I heard what Hansan had just said, it turned out that my reflection earlier was the opposite.

Hanwei never hated Longxing, nor did he despise him. It would be better to see "I like it......"

Perhaps Hanbei dared a coup called Occupy Inaya Yamashima Castle to wake up the play-and-love Ryuxing, and although it was good to have spread the country to forget him, he ended up returning to Mino without forgetting about him - a feeling of an unforgettable wife about an old man.

I thought aggressively.

Perhaps if we were to dictate him in a positive way, we would need the impact of "Saito family demise".

If you say, "Follow me" after you lose his perimeter, he'll fall.

However, if we are to make the condition of "drawing half a guard into the Asai family", we cannot say something so long.

The Oda family, which destroyed the Saito family, will soon come to dictate Hanbei.

In that case, it is a person who falls into the Oda family of momentum that drops flying birds.

Even I, assuming Hanbei's position, would want to be attached to the Oda family that is more promising than the Asai family of Odaimyo...

Yes, what I should exchange is exactly a reproduction of the daytime drag.

It is a relationship between the rice store and the young wife.

Drive away all the thoughts in Han Wei's mind about Ryu Xing, and I will sit there instead. It is to lay the heart of Hanbei from Longxing.

"Decided...... straight room!

"Yes, sir"

The straight room responds to me when I hit my knee.

"I'm sorry I seem to scorn you, Hanbei and his old friend... but go back to the castle right away and tell your governor and your bright parents. I don't even move from Minoko!

"Oh, no... but it is!

It was natural for the straight room to panic.

The owner of the great family leaves the realm and plans to stay alone without accompaniment - something that should never happen.

"He says it doesn't matter! Naoku, can't you believe this Shigeji!

"Ugh... well, that's...!

After wandering his gaze to Hanbei and Tsuko while the straight room wandered, pressing his fist between his eyebrows and pondering for a while - weakened.

"Three days… only three days, Dear President…"

I guess you're thinking about getting home and making excuses. Naoku pushes me just in case while creating a tannic surface.

"Three days from now... I'll pick you up. More than that..."

"Um, thank you"

That's what I said, and I gave him the sidebar he was wearing on his hip.

"Take it, this is how I feel about you."

"Nah...... Dear President......!?

I guess the straight room didn't make it a prediction.

With his eyeballs trembling hot, he lay low and received my sidelines.

It is the sword that protects its own body.

And giving that knife to the handouts meant, "You're enough to leave my life to me," and more importantly, it was the biggest compliment for those who served the master.

Well, I wouldn't even have been able to meet Shigeji Takenaka without the Naoku actually. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, I really think it's a compliment thing.

Now think of a good explanation for the others.

Hanbei, the lord of this room, sighed as the straight room exited the room wiping his eyes.

"Really, you're like cracking bamboo, Shimamoto..."



Hanbei exhales loudly, shaking his head slightly.

"I wonder if I have boarded our castle with only one servant, I will drink our tea, which may be poisoned, ahead of the minister, and try to stay in Mino alone, even though it may be taken hostage... I am confused about how to evaluate this, this Heavy Ji, Farewell"


When they say that, I sound like a very stupid warlord.

No, I'm certainly only stupid if I think calmly in accordance with the common sense of this era.

"... if you trust Lord Shigeji and his men so much, can't you do that kind of assessment or interpretation"

"As a reference axis, I thought there was a general from Omi who attacked the Hexagon army with widows last month."

I mean, you want to call me a simple fool, you son of a bitch!

... No, or are you really a bastard?

Though I don't feel like I have all the elements of a man with only a voice.

"I was told that you could stay at the inn..."

"... Is there a temple near here?

Again, sigh.

"Yes, there is... No way, Maestro, for your stay..."

"I've just made up my mind, so I guess it's settled."

When I said grandiose, Hanbei began to roar with his fingertips pressed between his eyebrows.

It's kind of like a wife thinking about financial flows while keeping a household book.

"So, is there a good temple somewhere? If only you could tell me where..."

"... ok. Please stay here at our castle if you don't mind. If you don't mind."

As I gave up somewhere, Hanbei says.

"Right now, Mino is rough in the war by the Oda and Saito families. No matter how many temples I have, I can't feel safe...... And - I can't do anything against the righteousness of kicking the lord of Naoku out of the castle and letting him sleep in the wild, etc..."

"Hmmm...... right. Then let's just say you're in trouble."

I agreed with a full smile in my heart.

Half a soldier's nostalgia first...... I have no choice but to enter the personal area.

Accommodation in the castle was only allowed as a first step.


"What is it"

"Can't you fully wield the power of Lord Shigeji in Omi?"


Why? I get a reply saying, "I don't want to be involved in this world..." just like I did earlier.

"I don't want to be involved in anything in this world, Lord Shigeji."

That's what I asked.

"... in bad faith"

And, he responds while distorting his face.

"Human beings smell too raw, and I honestly don't even want to get involved as much as we do. If we serve together in the same capacity, it's good at first. But gradually when only one can take hold, the other gets jealous and touches around not being shady. And when it brightens up, it's no longer possible to repair the relationship between the two sides."

Why would you want to be on the surface stage in a world where it all goes through?

In short, that is how Heavy Governance claims to be.

"I have no place, no money, no honor. I just want to live quietly."

That is the underlying wish of the Half Soldier.

Well, then...

"Then you just have to make a world like that. As a backside."

"... I think it's difficult in this warring world"

Hanbei frowned and said.

"Yeah, I guess so"

I'm serious.

"But it can be difficult. Everything, at least nothing starts unless you want to 'do it'. If you don't have hope... if you don't have a wish, you can't. People can't move forward without hope. And even if it's a cow walk, we can move forward steadily."

"but...... that's only ideal"

Hanbei responds with a sad voice.

"With me... I intend to make an effort. I worked grumpy trying to somehow improve the loose Saito family decline that followed from my predecessors. I also encouraged myself to drill for it. But... I couldn't. The Saito family hasn't changed anything, the air in the house hasn't changed, just goes down the path of apoptosis..."

As soon as he does, he leans down.

Even in historical fact, a man named Hanbei Takenaka - during the time of the Saito family commissioner, he was extremely unfair.

Making a military contribution is not properly appreciated, and making recommendations to the government (i.e., every word) is greeted with a cold smile.

It wouldn't have happened because the whole reason for this was because of her "ladylike" appearance.

"Dear Shifumi, there are things in this world that you can't change no matter how you scratch them. And it… eventually swallows and rips apart those who try to move on."

"At least the Saito family was...... and?

"... Yes"

Han Wei snorted after a slight tour.

"But, Lord Shigeji. The Saito family may have been, but the Asai family isn't, is it?

I say with discouragement in my voice.

"Many people in the Asai family are working with me now to make Omi better. Of course, like Lord Shigeji said, some relatives say they don't care what I say... But I don't know what to do with that. If many push together, the obstacle will not even be an obstacle... I believe so"

"Many, united..."

I talked as I took both hands of the half-soldiers groaning to sigh.

"At the Saito family, Lord Shigeji must have been alone. Both Ryu Xing and the other ministers treat you cold..."

Now Hanbei will lay down his face. But I kept going.

"Man, one's power has limits. That's why we have to work with the others. Lord Shigeji said I would be impotent... but I can only be impotent because I have a minister who will follow me. It's because we have ministers who will run together in the same direction to change the world."

When I realized that that was the Asai family, I had a surprise sales talk with the salesman.

Well, persuasion and sales are pretty much the same thing, so you have no choice.

"... for a while, let me think"

"Um, I'd appreciate it if you would"

I nodded as I squeezed my soft half guard's hand hard, which I didn't think belonged to a very man.

For one thing, I think I could have cracked into the hard-witted attitude of the half guard of "never serving anywhere".

I have three days before Naoto picks me up. Until then, I want to build trust between you and Hansan.

After taking the evening meal with me and Han Wei and his brother, I was led from Han Wei to the lodging room.

I fall asleep in the dungeon, lit up by a humble indoor lantern.

"City -"

Unconsciously, I realized that I was looking for the temperature and smell of the princess, and I was smiling - I slowly fell into the midst of the mellow.

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