Nobunaga's Imouto is My Wife

Episode 60: Another Day

The protrusion of the Asakura army, the skirmishes that began there.

Everyone thought it was just an outpost by a bloody force, a feud.

But things were going beyond expectations and were becoming serious.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!

A giant demon that suddenly appeared, and an alien voice echoing on the battlefield that became quiet as it struck the water.

I knew, I heard that chirping.

A demon that once resonated with Sugawa Castle, where the women were frightened and made the bonfire burn brilliantly to lay a strict precaution.

But it's supposed to only appear at night.

"Nah... why... why is there an owl in the middle of the day...!?

- Everyone around me, with a uniformly stunned eye, was staring at the demon that suddenly came.

"Oh no... how can you beat such a monster...!

The soldiers packing in the main unit have beeped their teeth and are completely frightened.

Seeing that, I intuitively realized.

The front could collapse as it is.

The most important thing in the war is morale.

If it's not kept, you can't win any more fights.

- We're leaving.

"O... the Hall"

When I say as I pull out the stone split and the light, the generals who were packing in the main unit stare at me with a hazy look on their face.

"You guys... what are you scared of?"

I said in a low voice as I looked around as I brightened my glowing self to daylight in pale silver.

"Who do you think I am... If it comes out, you can kill it. It would just be that simple.

"Dear Hall..."

"Compared to eagles, it's not that much of a threat... at least not to me"

"Dear Hall!

For a little production, the general's face gets puckered bright.

I was recognised by them as a rare general who completed the Eagle Hunt.

If I had that, I'd figure it out - I guess that's how I reconsidered it.

"Yes, we have a hall...!

"What is this, what is this demon...! Behind us are my beloved family and bride forgiveness...!! You can't leave here and let Asakura into the country......!!!

"Everybody, grab the net! Ride whatever you can on your horse and follow the directions of the Hall!!

The soldiers will be properly prepared without me having to give any particular instructions.

Originally, they know how to deal with demons better than I do when I've tripped from modern society to this world.

Better let them prepare themselves with their own hands than with my mouth poorly.

My role only inspires them and keeps that will from screwing up. Or that's all we can do.

"Okay, then whoever rides follow me - I'll hurry. Those on foot also continued on the run, and so did during the eagle... but we will definitely need your power!


But to be honest, my insides were full of anxiety and haste.

The location where the animals appeared should be near the location where the troops led by Princess Ji were in formation.

She is now one of my most important and irreplaceable women.

There is imminent danger for Princess Ji - if I think so, I really felt competing and couldn't help but compete.

"Come on, get excited! Omi's future is in your hands!!!


Princess Ji is a woman like a mass of self-sacrifice and self-infiltration.

The spirit is poured not only on me, but also on the face of the Takenaka Party, which she has followed ever since she suffered in the dark.

Not only that, as I showed her during the eagle hunt - she had a habit of even cutting off her own life easily, depending on the circumstances.

That's exactly where my worries lie.

Princess Ji has often smiled these days, but she still has a strong tendency to scorn her existence and life.

"After we get rid of that demon, we will get rid of the Asakura Army in unison - keep it up!!!!"

The phallic shells are blown to inspire the soldiers, and the sound of drums and bronzes echoes.

The roar roared, shaking his tympanic membrane as he ragged, rolling his heart.

(However, there is a problem with the treatment of Ji...)

Thoughts cleared up and how can I kill that * * accurately...

Pushing through and thinking about it, at the same time, how we should deal with the Asakura Army is handled in parallel in our heads.

And a vortex of willingness to fight and kill that fills your head.

Primitive attack instinct that trips in this era and intensifies every time you go out on the battlefield.

The more I fight, the more and more reptile brain accounts for in me - that feeling.

(If we get rid of that demon and kill all the people in Asakura - it won't hurt Ji...)

A gigantic arm swung about 4 meters away, blowing up allowances and gradually soldiers.

I thought so, squeezing those who touched my fingertips, and putting them close to that face so as to ascertain the appearance of the captive soldier - I was squeezing it all the time.

Blood plays like a water balloon, wetting the heads and shoulders of soldiers on the ground.

"Wow... uhhhhhhhhh!?

The voice of the severed demon echoing from within the hands of the devil.

The body of the bright white demon was dyed red as if it had been pummeled with paint.

That huge fist is slapped, and the dirt scraps rise.

A soldier slaughtered by Peppenko, on the soil that was heavily bent, rather than flat.

"Ho... ho ho ho ho"

As he rolls up the soil and smoke, he destroys the Takenaka Party's main formation and moves on to the fourth formation.

"No way... at a time like this... how could you..."

Princess Ji roared as she stared behind her.

Behind such a voice, however, she has precisely finished servicing her sparkling gun and is pressing down a lead ball with fine fragments of jade fluorite in the cylinder.

"But even if you ask 'why', the answer is one… 'Actually, the' is there '"

Igniting the fire rope, he set up the fire rope gun on the horse, aiming at it - Princess Ji shrugged.

"Then just deal with it. I will do what I can for the sake of the guardian. I don't care what happens to me."

Princess Ji sets her aim calmly and carefully and pulls the trigger as she looks at the one who is giving herself up to destroy the Fourth Regiment fence.

Zudaan and a fire-road gun erupted.

A pale silver light shining among black lead balls.

It is rapidly pushed out by an explosion of gunpowder, which crashes into a scream flying through the air at high speeds.

A monster is a monster. Human attacks don't work at all.

However, the lead ball that hit the jade crushed, and the shards of jade fluorite that were elaborated into the momentum protruded.

Even if lead is ineffective, a stone that glows pale and silver becomes an effective blow to demons.

Though it was not possible to pierce him, he stretched his spine and scratched the area in question for the pain caused by the pieces of jade fluorite that pierced him suddenly on his back.

"Again, it works, albeit huge as that...... Everyone, set your aim on that beast! Attract your attention to this one and minimize damage to other formations!!

"You heard me, everyone! Our princess has arrived... each with an iron cannon should be loaded with jade fluorescent bullets - shoot!!

Zdadarn and bullets are fired successively from a dozen artillery cannons along with the old general's hanging, almost all of them hitting the giant of the magazine.

He scratched his back, but the shooting by the Takenaka Party remained only marginally damaging to the surface of his skin, not enough to inflict fatal injuries.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho...!!

"Nah... why...!?

He was furious. I was indeed mad - but just a glance at the Ji princesses, the demon was even dedicated to destroying the formation.

And beside it are two figures riding on horses.

As if to shelter them, he continues his destructive actions precisely as he interrupts his body on the rays of the Takenaka Party.

"It's like... protecting those people..."

"Princess, that should happen..."

"But look. What that demon is doing."

Princess Ji sends instructions to the Takenaka Party, looking at her back.

"Give each formation a messenger! Tell him not to come near that jar! And get rid of the formation, and tell them to pull this far in a hurry!

Princess Ji tells the men who are holding back beside her as she packs a new Jade Fluorescent bullet in the fire-rine gun.

"That... I'm too used to people...! If it is a demon kept in Asakura - as soon as we let the pair on horseback escape, they may launch a full-scale attack on this one with a knife to return!!

"Roger that, sir!

Princess Ji looked at the backs of the men as they rushed away, biting their lips and squeezing the fire rope gun hard.

"If the Asakura Army is on its side... the Asakura Army may attack with the movement of the Asakura Army..."

The arrowhead she shrugged so, "EXECUTION, EXECUTION!!" The messenger rushes over to Princess Ji, screaming.

"What's up? … Hello, Has Asakura Moved"

"Yes! About 2,000 Asakura troops are rushing down the mountain to Nakanogo here! The flag... the same as the Asai family's!

"... right, I get it"

Princess Ji smiled and nodded at her use, staring forward with a kick.

It's ringing.

The demon was waving his arms up loudly, raising the chirping that should be heard at night if it was meant to be, in the middle of the day.

And from the front, the generals, including the Decaying Wood Party, are pulling in.

"... I'll be out front!

"Hih, princess......!?

The rushing ministers elsewhere, Princess Ji runs his horse in the direction of his presence against the flow of men.

"If you don't crush your eyes......! That way, that won't be a threat!

"But it's dangerous!

"Even if it's dangerous, you'll have to!!

Princess Ji said as she revealed her emotions.

"If it's for your... prep, this body, etc. - it's not what I found out!!

"Hih, princess......!

"If we don't stop moving here, the Asakura Army can break us through! Behind us are the people...... and there is also a wife!! After crushing his eyes and limiting his actions, he hits the Asakura Army - this would be the best hand!!!

"But his best hand and his best will be to take the princess..."

Not to mention that any more stories are stopped, but Princess Ji whips the horses away and pulls away the ministers who come after them.

"- Princess!

Princess Ji drives her horse without looking back, eating her teeth off the voices of the ministers heard from behind her back.

(I'm sure I can't have children...)

At the end of Princess Ji's sight are two figures running away on a single horse and a figure of a pigeon standing to drop it off.

"But... Your wife will have the child of the guardian...! The will of the guardian will lead to the next generation through your child...!

Then, he slowly flipped his body, pointing in the direction of the Asai army.

"I can't leave you, as the basis for the wife I leave you......! You don't have to leave blood... but! At least only this will...... Huh!!

While suddenly stopping the horse, Princess Ji sets up a firearm and sets the target.

In his face, he has a giant eyeball that accounts for more than half of it.

A demon acts on visual information in the same way as a human being.

Then as long as you can damage the eyeball, you can seal the motion - that's how Princess Ji thought.

"The target is huge, never, I won't take it off......!

And the moment Princess Ji's muzzle was pointed at her face...

"- Huh...?

Princess Ji unexpectedly opens her eyes and turns the muzzle only against her for a moment.

But that wasn't a good idea.

"Ho, ho... ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Covering his face with those huge hands, he raises the earthen smoke and sticks it in.

When the trees that were growing along the way were crushed and grabbed one of them, he threw it at Princess Ji.


He was Princess Ji, who had his horse's upper body raised in an attempt to circumvent him, but he could not kill the shock itself coming from the belly of the horse.

Dosin, and I wonder if the heavy impact ran to my lower abdomen, both the horses are thrown themselves into the universe, colliding from my right shoulder into the earth and rolling.

"Ah"... haha... "

Princess Ji was twisting herself like a potato worm to the intense pain of running to her body.

Luckily, my shoulders didn't seem to break - but I felt a strong shock all over my body and couldn't even breathe.

I can't breathe in even trying to breathe, but rather just leak out of my mouth.

The stallion, who rose up swooning, stares at the state of Princess Ji.

And for a few seconds, the eyes that were transferring her in agony turned to Hui - he went into the mountains.

Horses out of people's hands go home wild.

That is the reason for this world (the rules).

More than not having a voice for the interpretive moon hair - it was absolutely natural for the stallion to follow reason and leave Princess Ji.

"Ji, Ji, Ji... Jiuuuuu!!

In the distance, I felt like I heard a man telling me something called happiness.

"Ho... ho..."

At the end of Princess Ji's blurred vision, she has huge eyes.

He stood to shield Princess Ji from the sun.

And those two hands are put together and shaken wide.

I guess I'll die when that thing swings down - Princess Ji thinks so.

"Ah."... ahhh... "

But I wonder why...

In her glittering vision, she thought, capturing her fist in slow motion to be swung down.

If you're going to die anyway, I want you to tell me.

Why are you doing that until you suffer and cry?


"Ho, ho ho ho ho ho!?

But what struck Princess Ji - it was not the fist of Ji, but the bright, shining sun.

Together with the collision sound of the meat and meat collision named Domun, the sound of the fall of the giants of Zun and Xu.

In her ears she unwittingly meditated her eyes in the strong sun - she hears the sound of a horse's hoof kicking the dirt, then the footsteps of a man coming down from the horse and rushing over.

"Ah... Ji, Ji, Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji!!!

"Ah"... ah... what, ha... "

"You don't have to talk! Ah... ah... are you ok or are you ok Ji... ugh!!

It was in the eyes of Princess Ji, who was awakened and shaken with the voice of her beloved...

"Pi, pi, pi, pi, pi!!

- It looked like a giant, scratched silkworm (Kaiko), seen in every forest.

In my arms is the luxurious body of Princess Ji, who has completely lost her power.

Originally she is not that strong.

The horse fall caused by the attack appears to have dealt considerable damage to Princess Ji.

Such a princess Ji, as if to shelter - a giant pure white insect, was relative to the

Heavenly Rainbow Silkworm... once met in the dense woods during a hawk hunt in Minoko, and it was a demon I handled.

Even though it is thinly dirty, evidence of this is the bandage wrapped around its body.

The scars I received from the eagle had not disappeared either, and the bright white hairs were inconsistent.


But even though it is such a body - from all over the heavenly rainbow silkworm, there is a tremendous fighting spirit.

I'm guessing he's intimidating you.

He was stretching his bright white wings to a pin and a horizontal line, vibrating them fine, resolutely rattling and restraining.

"Ho... ho, ho..."

In front of such a heavenly rainbow silkworm, he rises with a resounding earthquake as if to shield both eyes from the sun.

The silkworm sounds, and as it corresponds, the silkworm grows.

That was, however, as if we were having a conversation.


"Ho... ho... ho..."

The voice of the heavenly rainbow silkworm makes a face in the forest of the mountains.

Once there - just as the giants stood quietly, looking at us with vain eyes.

"Heh... what the heh... he is... ugh!!

Unexpectedly, the power to hold Princess Ji becomes stronger.

So I guess I felt the pain, and the eyes of Princess Ji, who was about to close, opened slightly.

That giant in my sight is about 30 meters tall... or more.

From among the trees in the mountains, that figure standing with his upper body protruding and poking without emotion stirs up a sense of fright.

The face, with the exception of eyes as bright as blood, is exactly human.

There is no emotion on his face as white as lime, and a horrible atmosphere that seems to come out of the bottom of the well.

The black hair stretches unconstitutionally, and by the way, the bouncing hair can be seen tangled in the surrounding trees.

But its body is like a human being - its fruit, as if it were different.

From the neck to the bottom, she had black skin like smeared with ink.

And that's because it's as matte and glossy as balls, so I guess it's not a human soft skin, but a chitiny one as hard as an insect's crust.

There are two pairs of arms protruding from the back, growing from the shoulders as well as humans. Add that and you will have a total of six arms.

They were all stiff and blackened, but only the chest seemed different, shaking softly.

The figure reminds me of the "sloppiness" that is still passed down to folk heirlooms.

"Lianxin (Jolow), Woman (Gumo)..."

"Contact the bride...?

Listening to Ji's grunting voice, I gaze at the giant called so.

Is it possible that that too - is a demon?

"Ho... ho..."

And he was groaning as he held his face down.

Seeing a giant nearly five times its own length, or by the sounds of a heavenly rainbow silkworm, it looks obviously upset.

"Cuo on"

Interpretive moon hair creaked.

Turn toward us as he shields his eyes.

In front of a giant demon, the figure of the Interpretive Moon Hair is Rin and beautiful.

She shook her head as she approached her head and whispered again with an awesome voice as she raised her torso.

"Ho, ho, ho ho ho ho..."

"Cuoooooooo on!!

"Ho...... ho......"



Things are clear. Interpretive moon hair and heavenly rainbow silkworms are - having a conversation with that demon, the monster.

And that's not all, they can communicate on a fairly advanced level.

In retrospect, on the way home from treating the heavenly rainbow silkworm in the woods - the interpretive moon hair was able to communicate with the heavenly rainbow silkworm.

It is stranger to think that no conversation can be established between horses, horses, and silkworms, than between the Fae: horses and silkworms.

It's also a testament to the fact that the demons have a solid ego, and at the same time...

"Ho...... ho......"

- between them, meant it was possible to settle by dialogue.

After poking one knee, he kicked the earth and rose in a straight line with tremendous momentum.

The demon, which should only appear at night, wings over the sky as it is, flying away from the midday sky.

I can only look up at it in silence.

"Cuo on"


I was flabbergasted by the development of too much information, and I was stiffened by the moon hair.

And when she approached me with Princess Ji - she shook her head and urged her to turn around.

"Princess...... Princess ahhhh!!!

There, in addition to the men who have driven horses according to me from the main army, there are the Takenaka Party who have been chasing Princess Ji and the soldiers who were stuffed by the main army.


I guess he's a minister from a young age of Princess Ji. The old general began to swallow and cry, making his shitty face even more messy.

And as it propagated, the men of the Takenaka Party begin to roar in awkwardness.

"Cuo on!!

However, the temple moon hairs whispered sharply in order to flatter the atmosphere.

At the end of its light green eyes is a bunch of people pushing this way down the mountain.

Perhaps the Asakura Army saw the current situation, which was scratched around by the Akira Army, as a good opportunity.

"This... both hyenas...!!

Embracing Princess Ji's body, I bite my back teeth so tightly.

(woohoo...... oh my god, hateful)

I slowly stood up and crossed the Interpretive Moon Hair - I held it up from the old minister who had supported her body.

Princess Ji's face is white and her blood is thin.

A little sooner I get to her - I really think about that, I'm going to go around.

I resent the sweetness of my outlook. But more than that, I feel incredibly angry that Princess Ji has been badly hurt.

As thoughts spin - more and more hatred swells up as if they were multiplied.

"Go through Lake Yu and retreat to Ki Notsu"

I tell the men, whilst taking care of my extremely calm voice.

"So we intercept them... Something to keep you alive and return to... This is what happened to Ji... what you can do to keep your enemies alive and give them back!!


If you hug Princess Ji and turn your back while holding the reins with one hand - there you can see exactly the enemy soldiers who exalted their will.

We retreated all the way to Ki Notsu, the entrance to the Kitakoe River, accompanied by heavenly rainbow silkworms flying over the sky.


And that's me - nestled in the mountains, a woman-shaped giant called Lian Bride staring at me.

That gaze is as if you were speculating about me.

"Woohoo, fine...... If you want to see it, just watch it as you like... and know."

- I scratched and held Princess Ji, squealing out of the cleavage of her chewed teeth, breathing out loud.

"That the man who was hurt by his own woman is more cruel than anything else in the world... ugh!!

In my former world, Kinomoto, located in Ika County, Kita Koe, is an ancient traffic shock.

Accommodation towns expanded as relay bases to Echizen and Young Narrow countries - and were busy with a large number of travellers?

The terrain is lowland, with rugged mountainous areas and mountain forests stretching all the way north to Echizen.

But in this world where the demons live - in the Book of Kinomoto, we cannot see prosperity as an accomodation town.

Farmers' barns are just scattered by the way in the lowlands, which should otherwise be lined with lodgings and commercial establishments.

But unlike a water field, you can't see a big demon.

I don't know why that is - let's first get rid of the immediate threat before we think about it.

Said Kiyotsu to me as he retreated to Kinomoto with the soldiers and the Takenaka Party's faces.

"Dear President! All units from Nakanogo have successfully retreated to this Kinomoto!

"What's the damage!?

When I ask him to yell half the time, Kiyotsu answers as he shows a group of soldiers.

"There are most people who have been hit by that wax. Approximately 60 killed and 80 wounded - the soldiers are still alive!

"Then be good!!

"All casualties will be treated at Fort Kuroda! The Odd Hall of the High Peak Party will sleep there for the first time! The fort was packed with 50 soldiers, but they were there. They wanted about 250 men from the retreating troops! Now you have complete defense of Fort Kuroda!

Fort Kuroda lies between Mt. Tagomi and Mt. Oisha - a small but solid fort.

Built in Kuroda in Kinomoto, Ika County, this military base is set up to look at the narrow path between the mountains, connecting Omi and the northern region.

But the fort was also extremely new, built in the last three days.

It is a base created by the command of Princess Ji in preparation for being broken through Nakano.

We stopped the Asakura army by Fort Kuroda, and in the meantime, we would prepare our troops or wait for reinforcements from the Oda family - they were expected to have such a role.

Strategies and strategies in the battlefield do not just end up moving soldiers.

There are also civil skills to support the deployment of soldiers.

And apparently, Princess Ji has an outstanding talent for you too.

In other words, beside letting Nakanogo create a large number of barricades, he was doing the same thing about building Fort Kuroda - as far as I'm concerned, there was no other way to take off her hat to her talent.

"... uhh... uhh..."

But that Ji princess - in my arms, she's distressed.

I guess the unbearable pain is attacking her luxurious body with the shock of hitting her body hard on the ground.

The human body has a structure with little resistance to impact.

If she did badly, Princess Ji could have died instantly, or she could have lost her life like this.

It's good that I want to bully her in a sexual way.

But it's based on the affection between a man and a woman, and I want to see aspects of the other person that I don't normally see, but I want to think about it.

I've never wanted to inflict physical pain, and I'm sure I won't ever think about that again.

I don't have a hunting hobby or sexual misconduct at all.


And I don't have the ability to save Princess Ji from pain.

It was very, very helpless. Pathetically.

Speaking of what I could do - it was about holding her body so it wouldn't irritate her, holding her hand tight that got muddy.

"Ku... Ugh..."

"Ji... fuck..."

But I couldn't keep holding Princess Ji forever.

Even as we do this, the Asakura army is on the verge of pursuing us.

That's it, this is this.

People like me who are in a position to keep a lot of lives - that's how they have to think about things individually.

Otherwise, as is historically the case, the Asai family has nothing but perish.

"... Takenakamizu will remain here and consolidate the outer perimeter of Fort Kuroda! Put Ji in Fort Kuroda and we'll protect him at all costs!


"Ah... hey... hey..."

"The others, continue to me - the invaders who foolishly attacked us deeply in our hearts... beat us to pieces by the time we have no skin!!


Speaking out to the generals and paying close attention - I entrust Princess Ji's body from the horse to the old minister of the Takenaka Party.

"Give me a cure... please. Stay as still as you can and let him sleep. Don't move your body as much as you can."

"Ha... Huh!

As the old sheriff wept, he held up his master, Princess Ji, to him.

Then Princess Ji turns to this muddy face and offers her trembling hands powerless.

"Ahhh... ahhh..."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine.

I slowly and gently stroke that muddy hand to reassure her as I take her hand.

"I'll be right back. Ji, there are a lot of things I have to tell you... be nice and wait. While you work hard."

"... uhh..."

When I let go of her hand, I let go of the stone split and the light and put it up on the upper stage with one hand.

The pale silver brilliance diffuses with the sunlight, pouring down on the generals.

After attracting their full attention, I opened my mouth wide.

"Listen, brave people of the North Omi!

I guess you've been waiting for my word.

All the General's faces have been pointed at me, every move has been observed.

For them to stand by the power of the Asai family, I am a symbol and everything.

If I get up, they get up too, and if I fall, they all fall too.

And if I lose my will to fight, the general will try to take over other powers as far as the Asai family is concerned.

In other words, what is required of the existence of the great name is the power of the will to always move forward...

No matter how steep and costly that choice was, Shura's path had to be.

Tomorrow, in the world of the unknown, they wanted to believe.

He said that it is he who leads the group to which he belongs who will converge this turmoil - or, at least, who will preserve the peace of himself and his family.

Yes, I wanted to believe it.

(And this is also an opportunity...)

The general believes in me.

And at the same time they were the fighters - living in the North Omi, men too.

What they saw and heard in this battle, it will be communicated to wives, relatives, or companions in the ordinary course of time, and will spread throughout Omi.

(Even if you are driven to a dead place, there is quite a way to live there...... this good opportunity, if you never let it live)

That is, if an intelligent and powerful demon like the one at the battlefield appears - it is almost impossible for humans to see it.

And countervailable to such demons, whether powerful or not, is that they do not exist other than the same demons.

Rubbing these two into the soldiers - must be a basement for accepting future policy policies geared towards coexistence with demons and sitting children.

"This battle has become a landmark to open new routes for our people in Omi, who have continued to surrender themselves to a rough wave of warring nations."

I speak to the general as I shrug the tip of the jade fluorite towards the side of Lake Yu.

"The Incredible Being Who Lives In This World...... Demons. We were just blindly frightened and distracted in front of others who couldn't hurt us."

But then I cut the words and shouted the stone split.

A pale silver flash running through the air would be vivid in the eyes of the general.

"I can't help but keep turning away forever. Some of you will have seen it." that my imperial moon hair, and our flying heavenly rainbow silkworms, have retreated through dialogue. "

Zawah, the soldiers groan.

And when I saw a colleague who would take my word for it, a surprising color spread across their face.

"Demons can communicate their will between demons... Now it's clear. It also means that by working on demons we can avoid harm from demons"

Of course, I don't think there's anything you can do about an unreasonable demon like an eagle - though I added it that way, the generals were still upset.

Once again, I use the masonry of stone splitting and light to guide their gaze and direct their cuttings toward a giant silkworm demon flying over the sky.

"Do you see that bandage stuck around that heavenly rainbow silkworm body? It's also the demon I once treated. Perhaps you've come to see this battle..."


There are demons... there are demons besides horses on people's side too.

The significance of that is great.

Demons can unilaterally kill people - but at the same time, they are the ones who will always protect those who seek refuge from the blade of murder in disputes between them.

"But demons and people can't have a dialogue. My beloved Interpretive Moon Hair... I trust and think deeply of this horse - but I don't understand the words."


"But even if I don't understand - if you're a sitting child, it's possible. Sitting children can communicate with the demons of their will. They will connect us with the demons, who will house the demons' blood in them."

"Hey, what...!

Stunning spreads and propagates to the generals.

But I guess they assumed I wasn't lying.

That existing perception is pushed forward in the face of facts that have been poked out of me, or that have actually arisen.

"Even if we can't tell with all the demons, we can live as their neighbors, without bleeding - the greatest harvest in this battle that we could have had... don't you think so, you guys!

"Ohh... Ohh...!!

I was eager for their faces as the soldiers wrestled with what seemed like an example.

But they're roughly multiplying my incitement.

Perhaps that was because we had witnessed a vicious demon named Kun until earlier.

The soldiers have families, too, and families. I have a loving wife and a child.

If there was a way they didn't have to fight it, they would definitely have hoped to pick up that hope.

And that was when the brilliance returned to the general's face.

"Stand by, madam! Pour, pour!

- Yakichiro rushed in front of me to throw himself out.

"Stand by, madam! Afraid!"

"Yakichiro... Looks like something happened. All right, tell me!

"Ha... ugh!

Growing a dog's ear on his short white hair, he lowered his head to me with a grand trick - shouting and barking like all the roughly 4,000 soldiers he was assembling.

"The Hexagonal Crusader, led by Uesuke Oda himself, is a perfect victory! The Hexagons deserted Kanyin Temple Castle in the main castle and fled to Koga, the Hexagonal ministerial regiment, which was the Lord, surrendered, and Nanjingjiang is no longer a momentum filled with the forces of the Oda family!! In addition, the army on the South Koe side, including Haibei-sama, did not enter Kinomoto, but proceeded along the mountain range and has already deployed close to Akako Mountain!!!

To investigate, to the much awesomeness of the Oda Army - I guess the South Omi Army didn't show up at all.

He must have paid the formation early and been acting to intercept the Asakura army from the side.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to move that fast.

"... good! You heard me, everyone!!

I squeeze the stone split light pattern so tightly that there is no more.

"This battle...... I can't lose! Live, live!! There is a world where we can live in peace now!!!


"And all the invaders...... eradicate unnecessary impurities in our world thoroughly!!!!! Don't forgive them, kill them thoroughly!!!!"

"Respond WOW!!!!!!"

Without this battle, it would probably have taken a while now to ease the resistance to demons and sitting children.

In this sense, we must thank the Asakura army.

Because war is always an end to social and consciousness change.

(- But forgive me.)

The culprit who hurt Princess Ji.

The thought creeps out of the depths of my heart as if it were pus, covering my head.

Obviously, I feel strange about myself, that level.

Clear in the head that incites the soldiers.

But the depths of it are staring with hatred, losing control of one's emotions on one's own...... such a feeling.

"Dear Hall! Apparently only some of the Asakura Army stands out!! Hostile Squad still can't see it moving!!!

And the lookout deck at Fort Kuroda tells us about an impending enemy unit.

"...... then I will take it down!! Cut off all enemies!!! Don't be in a hurry, just focus on eliminating external enemies!!!

When I shouted like that, Kiyotsu shouted up his fist.

"Everyone, raise your spirits! Raise your voice!!



"Yes, yes!!!


The general's morale rises even if he responds, and his fighting spirit erupts.

The machine is ripe.

All I have to do is give the order.

"Assault, everyone! This is where it stands...... for our future, move on!!


With me at the forefront, the Asai Army moves in unison.

Originally, I didn't think about cage castle battles caged in Fort Kuroda.

Caged, Princess Ji brought in there... more likely to endanger the odds on that.

Besides, you don't have to pay such a risk - you can slaughter it.

A primitive intuition similar to such certainty was moving every inch of my body from my brain marrow.


"I'll finish it, you guys, everything...!

- Through the perspective, the moment I realized that the enemy's flag was that of the Asai family...

From the back of my head, any blame on my conscience would have disappeared.

"Soon - we're almost there! Soon that hateful Chang Zheng will be able to take his neck!!

Running his horse, Kuzheng Asai was screaming in retrospect at the path of misery he had taken so far.

Kuzheng was born in Daiyong 6 (1526) and succeeded the governor of the house in Astronomy 11 (1542).

From then on, he himself thinks of the people, has always laid good governance and has always carried out precise diplomacy.

But it was three years (1560) before all the gears began to go crazy.

All foolish ministers and chief ministers who do not understand Kuzheng's noble philosophy have suddenly shut him down, forcing him to do what he will or even transfer the housekeeper.

It was humiliating.

I had no idea my son was going to consort with the ministers to kick himself, my father.

Since then, Kuzheng has always been aimed at the time of restoration.

Kuzheng has faith. Chang Zheng, who is only a young man, said that everything he does is wrong and that he should therefore unconditionally obey himself, the elderly.

Since the beginning, the very idea of forming an alliance with the Oda family, led by Nobunaga Oda, who is also only a common stream rather than a mainstream by descent, is strange.

There is certainty in Kuzheng that the Asai family is moving in the wrong direction.

In keeping with tradition, the Asai family must measure their survival under a large force in the form of the Hexagons or Asakuras.

That fool - it just seemed like a madness shake, such as the independent route against the backdrop of an alliance with the Oda family, as the chancellor chants.

"Dear Kuzheng! Now the armies of the guards are falling apart and floating...! Now is the time! Keep breaking through and scratch that fool's neck off for me!!

Sutra Inoue says as she drives her horse next to Kuzheng.

He is a brother-in-law and a close proximity to Kuzheng.

During the recapture of Oya Castle, Kuzheng played the faulty role of letting that Oda princess escape - but still, he thought he was a trustworthy figure.

"That was a long time to think......! After repeated obedience, I now have the opportunity to finally remove Asai's lesion from Mr. Kuzheng himself...!

"Uhm, uhm!

"Ha-ha-ha, I thought you were a sick man! Leave Hexagon, leave Saito, leave Takeda... he was really strong. But it's all thanks to Lord Mamiko and that demon raging around! This opportunity will never be missed!!

Kuzheng agrees.

Nevertheless, to be honest, his own children didn't matter to him.

The owner of the Asai family is this person, and he doesn't need a man or anything that could threaten him.

Thus, for Kuzheng, no, it was dangerous for him to show the activity of entering deeply into the enemy line.

He marries the princess of the Asakura family.

Together, against the backdrop of the Asakura family's prestige - like that Changzheng, they may try to take the governor away from Kuzheng.

"Sutra parents."


"How's Mayuyuki doing now?

"Right...... According to the preamble, he was injured unexpectedly, and now he is receiving first aid at Mr. Asakura Jingmirror, a military supervisor..."


If I were nearby, I'd try to kill you in the guise of an accident to prevent a threat...

That's apparently impossible right now.

(Well, good -)

Kuzheng thinks as he strengthens his grip on the reins.

(- After this battle, all you have to do is poison him and bury him in front of the building called 'Wounds Worsened'. And then I get this princess of his... to be the edge of the Asakura family and the back shield!

Kuzheng is 41 this year. It is about the arrow tip that is about to go to old age.

What a pleasure to hold a young woman at that time...

"Do, Master Kuzheng..."


Kuzheng responded to his sutra parents, who licked his lips up with a pepper.

Then he hoists his nibble and his mouth corner.

"In the dawn of destroying that hate-prepping guard, that princess of Oda wants an awkward..."


"I dream about it. Like that woman is mocking this awkward person, all the time...!

Kuzheng roared as he looked at the face of his sutra parents.

This dependable proximity seems to have considerable roots in letting her escape at Kotani Castle.

"That's still unspeakable. Not until it's too late for the Asakura family."

"Ha...! is... is that so..."

Clearly disappointed, Kuzheng told him.

"Nevertheless, there will be a lot of time for the shanty to descend from Asakura. In the meantime, won't the princess of Oda let us do as we please? Let's poke and conquer the beauty and the beauty of the heavens with the canonical 'spear' of our Asai...... what do you say?

"... hahaha, hahahaha! That's right! I know if that's okay, Mr. Kuzheng!!

"Um, for that matter, we have to raise the chancellor to a blood festival at all costs..."

"Master Left! No, it's good to capture that prep guard and offend the princess of Oda in front of him! And I'll kill you where I gave you despair...... hmmm, that's getting fun!!

To that end, the chancellor and his entourage will definitely discuss it. I had to discuss it.

"Mm......!? That's..."

"Mmmm... you're in Contact Bride...!

Looking up at a huge, alien woman nestled among the mountain trees, Sutra parents say as she glances at its chest and lowers her gaze in a favorable way.

"It's a demon that doesn't show up near people..."

"But they..."

"Ha, it's on your left! You are a harmless demon who has no direct interference with us!

Kuzheng clenched his reins as he was relieved and shouted.

"Keep moving forward and we'll crush the army of the chancellor!

Until this point, the Asakura army has continued to act without rest since leaving Echimae.

Probably fatigue, too - from Kuzheng's point of view, fatigue of the soldiers, etc., was not what I learned.

Everything is manageable in temper.

For the honor of Kuzheng returning to the head of the Asai family, they must serve even if they cut themselves.

Besides, the soldiers led by Kuzheng are the people of Echizen.

No matter how many impossible marches, no matter how many soldiers he spends on mischief, he has no real harm.

"Mm...! That hate-prep guard......! Apparently put the army together and keep coming this way!!

"I don't mind! Go ahead!!

Kuzheng yells to block the words someone yelled at him.

"My son can't beat his parents!! The owner of Asai is this Kuzheng!!! Blood authenticity is here!!!! The chancellor will perish beneath his legitimacy."

- It was that moment when he poked his arm up and gave direct instructions.

When I plugged into the foothills of the Great Rock Mountain, Zudadaan and a tremendous gunshot sounded from the side.

"Hey, how many guys!?

"Huh, ambush!? Ambush!!! Where, where are you!!!! You coward!!!!"

I get bullets like 10 or 100 - soldiers and relatives fall to the front with butterflies.

The agitation spread once and for all as sutra parents aroused and their emotions propagated throughout the soldiers.

For the soldiers, they are forced to keep running without time to rest, and are ambushes as a result.

It's no longer a hoard.

"Yes! What are you frightened of!! Users!!!

"Calm down! Calm down!!

Sutra parents yelled and scattered, Kuzheng just wandered and vomited a halt.

As we do so, the Asai army, led by Nagasaki, comes closer and closer.

"That's our friend's enemy!!

"Bounce in!! Second shot, let it go!!!

Once again, a tremendous gunshot sounded and echoed Noyama.

By precise sniping, the soldiers of the muddled and stuck Ku political regiment quickly reduce their numbers.


After a loud gunshot, a rubbing sound of grass called Gassagasa rises from the foot of the Great Rock Mountain.

"Oh wow! Now it will be easier for you, Admiral Wo too!!!

body to go over 4 meters loosely and approaching 5 meters.

An old giant with golden hair, covered in muscle all over his body.

That's when I woke myself up from Noyama and threw down the volcanic gun I had in my hands - I was starting to swing a giant jade fluorite hammer around.

The flag of the village of friends is raised, which is shown to the army following the Kuzhengs.

"You guys wii!!! Help the Admiral, get rid of the intruders!!!! This is ah, only the Admiral wo, not the problem yep!!!! Wow in our friend village, its also a problem duh!!!!

"All right, follow the instructions. Keep the women pulling! After that, it's a man's job!!

"I need to fly a flag here and make a better impression of your general!!!


That number, roughly 400. It was an irregular unit (guerrilla) in a friend village where men and women were disturbed.

And about 200 men instantly shout and rush towards the Kuzhengs.

Not just directly in front, but also in the whistle that rose from the side - the soldiers of the Asakura Army were no longer at their limit.

"I'm leaving! I'm leaving!! Can you do this!!!

"I'm going home! Go home!!

They throw their weapons, they also take off their armor, and when they are lighter, they begin to walk backwards at a glance.

"Ma, wait! Where are you going!!

Elsewhere, the wolfish Kuzhengs began to flee north in unison.

"Hi, Mr. Kuzheng!

"... back off, back off!!

If this happens, it's no longer a battle.

Kuzheng drips his sweat, rushes to flip his horse and tries to escape to a glance, but there's already -

"No, you can't! Asai Army appears over Akako Mountain!! We are in formation as if to refuse this exit!!!

"Whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa...!

Kuzheng's expression at once blurred in the voice of the decree, making his eyes black and white.

He is spraying sweat from all over his face and dripping off bumps.

And from his glutes - something was creeping out of the fouling liquid that emitted a strange odor.

"Run, run, wow!!

Sutra parents move away from Kuzheng and drive their horses north at first sight.

"Wait, wait... ugh!

And Kuzheng also tried to chase after his sutra parents, and sprayed his horse.

All that comes to mind in his head is no longer "how can I survive".

"What are you doing?" Asakura, what's the military warden doing? Why aren't you moving?

But no one responded to Kuzheng's cry.

Most of the soldiers and relatives fall into shooting, and the sutra parents who are supposed to be beside them are running way ahead.

The soldiers were also desperate to survive, and there was no room for any of them standing in Kuzheng.

For Kuzheng, just as they were good beings - for the soldiers, but also for Kuzheng and so on.

"Here they come! Destroy your enemies here for your sake!!

And the troops that emerged from Mount Akako are fully deployed - blocking the escape route as they surround the Kuzhengs.

Thus, the flag is exactly - that of Naosuke Endo, near Naoshi Asai.

"Mm, mmm... mmm...!

One miscellaneous soldier who had jumped out of the Endo Squad thrust down the sutra parent who had escaped earlier.

Probably won't help.

But I may be able to escape thanks to the attention that goes into the neck of my sutra parents - such hope comes to Kuzheng's chest.

But reality is heartless.

The miscellaneous soldier who slaughtered his Sutra parents was blind to him and came straight to Kuzheng.

"Little...! At the time of the Miscellaneous Soldier......!

Kuzheng was outraged and rushed to the soldier who immediately speared and killed his Sutra parents.

All you have to do is beat this guy up and then run...

That's what Kuzheng thought, dominated by anger.

"Eat it!!

A special spear with horse speeds protrudes, capturing the chest of a miscellaneous soldier.

"- Guh!?

But the spear never pierced the miscellaneous soldiers.

Sure, he could tear the foot of his coming cheap item or the kimono he was wearing underneath it.

But the skin and flesh beneath it could not be stabbed.

While, it was like poking a thick rock floor with a stick - such a shock ran into Kuzheng's arms.

"Oh, whoa!?

The speed of a horse running in a squeaky momentum. An unbalanced impact on the torso, which occurred in it.

The feeling of shoulder detachment runs to Kuzheng and falls to the ground with groans.

"You... you... ugh!?

Leaking a distressed voice, Kuzheng looks up at the miscellaneous soldiers whose own blow didn't work and eats his teeth off.

Pretty young...... or it was a good soldier to say he was still young.

But its appearance is far from that of a normal person.

"Brown skin...... silver hair...... above all, its pointy ears......!


Kuzheng shuddered as he opened his eyes in front of the miscellaneous soldier who stuck out his spear silently.

What does that mean...

It is no longer obvious to Kuzheng, who lives in the travelling world of demons.

"Sitting child... of ghosts, sitting child... and then, no way, the ancestral return of the barrier -"

That's all I said, Kuzheng was burned and shocked by his forehead - he pruned everything of his consciousness.

I came to his heart before I lost consciousness...

He was a glorious figure of his own, blooming back to the head of the Asai family, intoxicated by beautiful women and wine.

The day was still high, clear with no clouds.

A clear Ethereal Dome that crosses everywhere.

The giant shadows of the heavenly rainbow silkworm were flying through its vast space, casting a shadow on the earth.


As if, a voice reminiscent of a whistle blown at an athletic event is sounding wide and wide.

It was an act of demonstration by demons that could not be harmed at the hands of men - the face of the Asakura army was in havoc.

If the Heavenly Rainbow Silkworms storm towards the earth, it must be natural, because they have no help to stop its fierceness.

But there was another reason for the Asakura army to confuse them on the earth where the sun and the sounds of the heavenly rainbow silkworms fell.

Along with a number of earthquakes, there is a massive blood tide.

Once upon a time, under the sun and the sky - I was passionate about killing as my instincts ordered.

"- Let him live, don't let him go!

The fact that Kuzheng was discussed was already viewed.

For "Changzheng Asai" in this world, he is a bloody, real father...

It's no longer a problem for me, such as his death.

Killing intentions and harmful intentions that spill inexhaustibly from the depths of life as life - primitive, rooted desires.

That's what drives me, passionately.

Kill him.

Thoroughly do everything you can to kill - plant more trauma against the Asakura family.

Never step on this land again. Don't think barren or anything, by thorough.

"31… 32… 33… 34……!

Every time I run my interpretive moon hair, poking and killing the soldiers of Asakura with a horse spear, I get a dark sense of comfort.

It was a joy to come from a kind of certainty.

"I get it... I get it..."

More and more shaky and cloudy my sight.

But that's a sensor that doesn't miss any surrounding information.

Far away, the headquarters of the Asakura army. I can feel it hastily starting to withdraw.

Perhaps they also - in a far-sighted way - grasp the situation here.

Kuzheng's troops have been destroyed, and without looking at it, we have begun our journey north.

"This wasn't supposed to happen, he said we were supposed to stop moving in front of the remains of Kuzheng - yes, you thought!

Let's wear through the 35th Miscellaneous Soldier and let the Terminator play with his ears, while I shrug.

"Both fools...... Only biological parents are determined by blood muscle. The conditions a child admires with his parents...... it's not just the blood muscles, it's determined by whether he raised me with love or not......!

Hand over each spear the pierced soldier's body, scratching off its neck with a stone split and light, and throwing it at the man fleeing forward.

"The one who doesn't pour love on his child is the parent...? Don't make me laugh!

My thrown neck hits the shoulder of a soldier in the Asakura Army.

Having seen it, he was no longer half frenzied.

I turn to the others who flee without daring to kill the soldiers who flee in desperate shape.

"Never again... if you don't make me think so..."

The primitive instinct of a stallion - it is stirred by the enlargement of the reptile brain.

A sense of territory that seeks to encircle and encircle its own nest.

That restrained my thoughts and drove me to murder. But...

"Dear Hall......! You've gone too far!!

- From behind, a cry of direct sutra reached my ear.

The shouts and screams that were surrounding me.

It's as if the curtain was taken away and accidentally pulled back into reality - such, sensation.

"The defeat of Asakura is no longer obvious! The chancellor needs to take his own risks!!

A cavalry appears softly to consolidate both sides of me.

One was Naosuke Endo, and the other - Yoshichan Isono.

"It's been a long time, Your Excellency! But I'll see you later on about the accumulation. Not yet then!!

Direct Sutra and Renchang continue their words as they put up their spears on horses.

"Dear Hall! There must be more to the museum than this kind of sluggishness!!

"Go quickly, Lord Takenaka! Take this occasion with the Sugawa Shrine and our Sawayama Shrine!!

"Ji... Ji... Yes, Ji..."

Back in the blood, he looked at me blackening his face, and Straight Sutra said.

"And I would like to ask you to consider his reward, the boy of the sitting child who took both the head of the Admiral..."

In a small breath, Minchang said.

"That Yoshiyoshi guy... When we were about to head to the South Koe, we came running by ourselves and hoping to accompany us." In order to repay the mercy of the guardian, please. "I saw that, but I didn't think you were holding a barrier. Mr. Chang Zheng spit on what an awesome..."

Minchang leaks such a laugh, like a shudder.

I don't really understand what he means by 'barrier holding' - whatever. The important thing would be that he was the one who discussed Kuzheng.

"Well, was that Yoshiyoshi..."

"Ha... I also let that one down to Fort Kuroda for a moment. The late..."

That said, the straight sutra smiled.

"Two necks of the Admiral, and if we get that in the first place, we have a promising future. Even though you are a sitting child, you can't say anything bad about it to your pee."

In the words of direct sutra, Renchang continues.

"To put it badly, he's just jealous of Yoshiyoshi... The samurai will no longer be the object of laughter in order to show strength on the battlefield, not in their mouths."

"And indeed, the hall. If you are to hold that man... there is nothing else but this opportunity. Though, let there be no pull."

"... ok"

That's all I said, and in silence, I alternately gazed into the eyes of Minchang.

Straight sutra meditates on his eyes for the first time and pulls his jaw so he can think of something.

And a few seconds later - he slowly opened his eyelid and looked me back in the eye.

"Dear Hall"

"... what"

"This battle, thanks to the efforts of the Takakura Party, we were able to detect the Asakura family's movements beforehand and strike a countermeasure."


Straight Sutra looks sideways at Renchang when he says so.

Minchang was breathing out of his nose and shaking his shoulders.

After seeing that, the direct sutra goes on with the words.

"And the artillery guns of the people of the Friend Village caused the formation of the Asakura Army to collapse, which meant that they were able to get the General's head by the boy from Fujido Village..."

"... um"

Minchang nodded deeply and looked at me.

"It's like this battle could have been won with the help of sitting children...... In view of the fact that Nanjingae is no longer under the umbrella of the Oda family, Asakura will have to give up any further incursions in the current army."

"... inevitably, it will"

Then the direct meridian rests its hand on the chest and lowers its head deeply.

"We'll be heading north for a while, putting pressure on the Asakura army. If they leave more completely than Kitakomie, this battle will be our win - but isn't there something more important to the Hall than that... Killing enemies is not your job. It's your job to keep the people alive."

The direct sutra said. That was a saying. It was the will of steel, trying to control the monarch's rampage as a minister.

His words pierce my chest, and determine reason from the reign of the reptile brain.

"I offered you something. What is your punishment?"

"... there's no way I would, do that"

I said, taking my straight hand.

"I'm still young. Thank you, it seems that self-control often ceases to work… thank you"

"… thank you for your generous willingness"

The straight sutra bows his head again, clenches his fist, and strikes his chest hard with a dong.

"We can no longer go back beyond discussing Lord Kuzheng."

"... right"

I also understood what he said.

We've eliminated the outside enemy. Kuzheng Asai, who brought an external illness called the Asakura family.

That was a matter that should never be left unattended.

If left alone, it would have tormented us forever in the future as a pretext for the Asakura family's invasion of Kitakomie.

But the elimination of Kuzheng - wasn't necessarily the right answer. At least in this warring age, based on the home system.

Even if we see the Asai family as right, it's a different matter whether the rest of the country sees it as good or not.

"But that's my way..."

The temple moon hair hisses and runs out with me on it.

Direct Sutra and Man-chang armoured and instructed the troops to move forward.

As the soldiers defy the direction of running, the Interpretive Moon Hair even advances its legs - to Fort Kuroda.

Eventually, I see Fujishiro, who leads the villagers of a friend village as if waiting for me, and the soldiers of the Omi army.

Or the appearance of Yoshiyoshi, who named Kuzheng and the head of the Sutra parents.

Soon, the Naosuke will also see the Asakura army leave Kitakomie completely before returning.

(For one thing, this is good...)

I exhale heavily.

Kuzheng died and Asakura left. And Nanjingae, under the control of the Hexagon family, finally came under the umbrella of the Oda family, the princess's home.

(Now, finally - we can get into internal affairs...)

Enriching the Kitakomie - we finally made it to the horizon.

In the darkness without light, the ruler was imprisoned.

There is no one around the government. I didn't see my father, I didn't see my kin, I didn't see anything.

Feeling so overwhelmed that he was about to be crushed, Makoto was desperately searching for an exit while feeling hyperventilated.

Enough time to seem infinite.

After wandering vaguely, Mayuki finally found the light.

There, the sunlight floating in the clear blue sky was a brilliant falling plain.

Blue grass is thick and playful in soft breezes.

Makoto advanced to that pompous and warm space so that he could be drawn to it.

In the heart of the plain grow the great trees.

I don't know what the name tree is.

But that wasn't the problem.

In the eyes of the reign, in the shade of its great trees - as everyone looked calm and surrounded the trunk, because the ministers and people of the Asai family were interested in the sun.


And at the root of the trunk - Chang Zheng and his wives, the brother of the government, are relaxing as they stroke their interpretive moon hair.

Very, gentle...... air with no disputed shards either. Mayunoshi thirsted, Taoyuan Township.

As it is sucked in there, the feet of the government flutter -

Clams, and stepped through the weeds.

"Ah... ah..."

- As soon as I do, the air changes with galleries.

The necks of the ministers and the people who were in the sun beneath the great trees turned and stared at Guru and the ruler simultaneously.

In its eyes, there is neither a shard of emotion nor a serenity until earlier.

"Oh... I..."

Gakugaku and countless figures rise up, as if they were puppets.

The breeze, which was calm, was rough, and it was blowing toward the government.

The sky, which should have been clear, is stained red and black clouds can stand in.


He screamed and held his head down, turning his back towards them - and rushed into the darkness that politics had taken.

I knew there was no place for me anymore...

And yet, I asked for it. Connect with people, or their warmth, shallow.

I betrayed my family, even though I don't have that kind of qualification.

"Ah... gu... uhh..."

In the darkness, which does not exist as one, the ruler was blurry and tearful, just trembling.

My father won't stay by my side. Neither do relatives.

Such an overwhelming solitude that it seems insane.

Fluid leaks out of your eyes and nose enough to run out of moisture in your body.

"I don't like it..."

"... Sa..."

"Alone... I don't want to die..."

"... ma... yu... n"

Noise like bumps and slashes echoed the tympanic membrane of the government.

At the same time, his father and his brothers disappear behind his head.

And finally, what he came to mind - was the figure of his wife, who had dedicated support, even though she had not yet entered into a contract.

"- Mr. Mayunoshi!

And that moment when her clear voice pierced the consciousness dominated by the dark cloud of solitude...

Makoto finally woke up.

I feel myself lying on a fur braided mattress.

Makoto stared at the dim ceiling of the mansion as he opened his eyes.

Because of the rain leak, there are some stains there.

And it didn't take as long - until I realized it was something I was used to seeing.

"Ah... Shino-no-san, Shino-no-san... Oh... finally, my eyes..."

Reverse your face to the side, and you'll know better with your sweet eyes, the face of your beloved wife.

Only the princess. He clenches his hand tightly, blurring and weeping from his beautiful eyes.

"Yu... Yu... Ho... Huh!

The moment I tried to call her name, I felt a ripping pain in my throat.

Your throat is dry and sticky, as if it has become adhesive.

And every time I swallow, the pain gets worse and worse.

"Hobo... ho... gu..."

"Ahhh... ahhh! Water.........! Water............!!

Whenever I coughed up and the vibration ran on my body, it hurt sharply everywhere.

Then, from all parts of my body, I notice the unparalleled odor of rubbing in the herbs.

Perceived that, at last, the government grasped its own current state of affairs.

"Mr. Masano...! It's water, can I drink it......!?

"Ho ho... gu bu... ho..."

"... ugh!

pharynx, you must have decided you couldn't swallow very much water.

Princess Wei contains her own water in her mouth, and when she presses her own it against the lips of the government without hesitation, she slowly pumps the water in.

She was desperately squeezing her own husband's hand during that time.

"Ho ho... yu... yui..."

"Yes...... Yes......! Only, your wife's, only...!!

As she hurried in, she nodded hard as she moaned her face in tears to the government that had read his wife's name.

"Yui... I..."

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Masano. Rest assured. It's ok, this is our house...... there's nothing to hurt Mr. Jinji......!

Squeezing his hand in his chest - he must have been relieved.

The princess whimpered, broke her body and began to swallow and cry.

"Only, why... I'm in Kitakomie..."

With that said, Princess Wei's crying gets worse and worse.

Until she settled down, it would seem better to remain silent for a while - so decided Mayuki, once again, glanced back at the ceiling and began to blur count the number of stains.

Slowly, I needed to rotate my head.

Mutsuyuki himself has been asleep for a long time - his head is like a tease, and it is difficult in itself to move his thoughts properly.

"Only... sorry"

"Why... why is Mr. Mayuki apologized for...!?

While holding her husband's hand with both hands, Princess Wei shook her face, sprinkling tears, making sure to stare and sue.

"The bad news is, let's fight......!? Mr. Masaki was just damaged."

"... for a while, about you... seems like a hug, no"


With her eyes all round, Princess Wei is staring at the face of politics.

Even though Makoto distorted his expression from time to time due to physical pain, he nevertheless managed to make a grin and gaze at his wife.

"... I told you. When I get back, I'll hold you. Really, to be my wife."

"... ah"

"So sorry. That promise is unlikely to be fulfilled soon..."

"Mr. Masano... Huh!

To his wife, who brings tears and tears to naught, Makoto asks various questions.

And I could find out all sorts of things.

Says. Mutsuyuki was injured in a battle near Lake Yu, and was sent to his home with his physique, after which he slept for four days.

Says: The mastery of the Young Narrow Country, which was the main fate of the Asakura family, was quickly ended, and all of the Young Narrow Country came under the control of the Asakura family.

And there seems to be something to think about the injury to the government - every night, every night, to see how the government is doing, so you're coming to this borough mansion?

By the way, all the costs of drugs, bandages, etc. seem to be coming out of the long run.

Besides, you seem to be supplying me with a pretty expensive pill, and you think I can keep limitless less of the parts that get purulent?

Princess Wei also told me that the pharmacist that Long-Term brings me every night told me that "it will take about February to recover".

But still - she didn't talk to me about the information that Mayuki wanted most.

As if you are intentionally avoiding it.

That's why, in order to get that information, you had to step in.

"Hey, only..."

"... what is it, Mayunoshi?"

"... what is your father doing?

When Princess Wei meditates her eyes on the inquiry of the government - she squeezes her husband's hand even harder.

"... Though bravely fought in the battle near Lake Yu in the past day - he said he was defeated"

"............... right"

"Um, Shino-no-san... the..."

He was the only princess who spoke out worryingly, but he swallowed his breath by accident.

I noticed that my husband was sucked into the mattress when he overflowed with blurring and tears from both eyes.



"Please... can you hold me"

Princess Wei nodded softly and gently lifted her husband's head with both hands, putting him on her lap.

Then, as he knocks his torso down to cover it, he accompanies his left hand to the right cheek of his reign and slowly and carefully strokes the top of his head with his right hand, loving it.

Once again, a rising cry.

But until her husband cried and fell asleep - Princess Wei kept stroking his head.

She also, with a blur and tears zero. Even, keep saying "welcome back".

"Please don't leave me alone or die."

It is uncertain whether the sinister voice of the only princess reached the government.

But still, his worn fingertips - he held his wife's qualitative kimono hem tight.

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