Nobunaga's Imouto is My Wife
Lesson 7: Ear Scratches and Famous Horses
After direct sutra and Renchang started crying again over the handing over of my made western sweets by the city princess, to the extent that Ryo's parents came to talk about tomorrow's appointment, there was no one else to visit.
There is no way that ministers can easily come to Changzheng's own room, which is the head of the Asai family, and there is no way that fire calls are frequent during normal times rather than accidents.
Nevertheless, the interview should have still been going on by now.
But when the unexpected circumstances of direct sutra and personnel chang coming at the same time made a hole in my schedule, I was no longer keeping my head on the City Princess's knee pillow.
I'm not sure how this happened.
If I had seen her sitting in her front seat, I would have been sucked into that soft looking step at some point.
At first he was a surprised city princess, but eventually he started stroking my head to see if she was stirred up even by motherhood. Oh, I can't...
"Nevertheless, Mr. Chang Zheng... Mr. Chang Zheng knows a lot about the Oda family..."
The princess says to me with a bitter smile.
It will be about Nobunaga's statement that he will be working on cutting North Ise at the end of February, which I told him earlier.
"I'm a futurist, so I know everything that can happen in the future," I can't tell her, not very much.
I hit the princess on her lap and looked up at her face.
The same goes for that beautiful face, but I can't wait to see the big swell in my sight. No, eye bliss, eye bliss.
"How do you think I know?
The city princess strokes my cheek and makes me look like I'm just thinking a little bit.
"My brother taught me before my marriage..."
"No, it's not"
"Oh, well..."
The City Princess is a fluke and asks me.
"Even in the meantime, are you sneaking by your brother?
I can't tell you how comfortable I feel in my wife's eyes.
You can even look like that...... well, couldn't she have been neglectful of the way the Warring States behaved when she grew up looking at Nobunaga with her eyes?
I take a room of beautiful black hair hanging on the city princess's chest and enjoy the feeling with my fingertips.
"Lord Nobunaga... No, if my brother-in-law had a mix of people in him, he would just find them and cut them off. Besides, even if I were to leave you all over the Oda house, I'd do it without your knowledge, the Oda woman. I don't imitate them foolishly."
"... you're right"
The city princess said with a gentle face as she stroked my chest with her index finger.
"Then why..."
"You taught me, city."
I answer in a way that I say is perfectly natural not to be distracted while fully mobilizing my knowledge of history.
"My brother-in-law is the general of the vessel that controls the heavens. The fact that the Admiral gave me a sister in the midst of a Mino attack meant that it had a matrix for dropping Mino, right? My brother-in-law must be raised soon. That's why I wanted our alliance with Asai to pave the way for Omi."
But I kept saying it.
"Still, only the northern route can ensure safety. To the south is Ise, and Iga. The luxuries of Ise are under the hexagon family, and Iga is full of forces that are neither between the hexagon nor the Trinity family. It's only natural for my brother-in-law to try to beat Ise, which is geographically close, first to making sure he's safe, right? And that should have been done by the time Mino's offense was calculated."
The army is not that easy to move.
Collect the soldiers, collect the money, collect the food, and make no preparations. So it makes extremely sense to try to launch a military operation a month after making an alliance with Asai.
The city princess also seemed completely convinced and went back to her usual soft look.
Um, and my tongue is what makes me move so perky. Maybe it's for politicians or something. No, I'm not a politician at all.
Then I get silent for a while.
Kotani Mountain, where the castle is situated, is rich in nature and I could hear the birds chilling even though it was still cold outside.
How strong is the life force of wild creatures?
Enjoying the cool sound of the tree leaves played by the wind, the bird chirping, I didn't just have sex... I realised it would be good for the couple to have a peaceful time like this, it was smudging.
"Nevertheless, thank you"
"... what?
"I'm talking about Naojing Endo and Mr. Chang Isono."
The princess says as she strokes my cheek with her eyes of mercy.
"Regardless of the Lord Naojing, Lord Minchang is the one who holds down the important base of the Asai family in Nanjingjiang, called Sawayama Castle. I think it will become important later that Lord Chang has shown his understanding of Mr. Chang's views."
I lifted my shoulders and rubbed the city princess's forehead with my fingertips, smiling unintentionally.
"What's wrong with you?
The princess of the city smiles gorgeously.
That must have been the cutest, prettiest, most beautiful smile I've ever seen.
I won't be able to forget her face for the rest of my life.
"The chancellor... in front of the city, he laughed with his natural face......!
"... right"
When they say that, maybe they are.
I don't know why. Suddenly I tripped back to the Warring States, I was drawn to my reputation, and I was to marry the City Princess...
The last few days have been all about experiences with concentrations comparable to those of my entire life.
That's why I, I guess, felt strained somewhere - creating the same atmosphere that I made somewhere when I smiled. The City Princess pointed it out to me, and I finally realized it.
"I don't think I was laughing that much in my relationship with you..."
"Nah, Nagaku!
My loving wife pounding my belly with a bright red face and protesting.
"Chi, no! That's not what I said! That's just how pleased I was that the chancellor finally showed his face in front of the city! First of all, Mr. Changzheng is too busy playing with the city! Oh, the city with all those out-of-process nasty things..."
Yes, yes, she's adorable. She's adorable.
I turned my face toward the City Princess's stomach as I felt my heart warm.
I seriously thought, "What are you talking about?" about a guy who said he was happy just because he wasn't having sex... but it was outrageous. No, I'm really happy for you.
Staring at my stomach all the time, I felt it smelled somewhat good, and in my thick kimono I pressed my face and buried it.
I grew up in welfare early bereaved of my parents, and apparently I was unconsciously starving for motherhood.
The city princess's smooth abdomen, looking for a milky smell drifting from it, leans one more face.
Then the princess stopped attacking me and slowly began to stroke her head and shoulders.
I don't know if you've guessed my air - but I'm sure that look is a face full of charity like the Virgin Mary.
Maybe I'm strongly attracted to the City Princess because I've felt this strong motherhood from the beginning somewhere.
Well, such a mass of motherhood is also overflowing with nasty sexual qualities if you peel it off.
I really can't wait. I think she's the ideal woman.
"... well. Master Chang, please wait."
Then the city princess's upper body leans and her chest is stuck in my face. I feel her exhale right next to my ear. What is this supreme meat sandwich? Thick crotch below, stomach before, chest above. Everywhere is soft.
"Dear Chang Zheng, please wait...... Maple! Are you there?
In the atmosphere, I can see that samurai approaching.
You got it, huh? Seriously? I'm not the majesty of the Asai family.
My lovely wife sandwiched me with meat and I can see where my head is buried... and all the warriors buried and exterminated by the earthquake, the Otomori Uchigashima family, are dong-dong-dong-dong, too.
"Bring me a spoon."
And I was even spoiled by the City Princess for a while.
But it also ends once the samurai returns.
"Dear President,"
That's what I was called upon to do. I look up. Woohoo...... happiness that I don't know my face well with my tits.
"The city will now clean the ears of the chancellor. Excuse me, but it's pretty dirty..."
"Ho, ho!
I shook myself with excitement.
How long has it been since I've had someone else do it, such as an ear scratch?
I was usually alone and lonely and just stuck a cotton swab in my ear hole, and my chest rattled loudly in anticipation of the City Princess's suggestion.
"Now, Master Chang, please turn your back."
That's what they said, so I turn outside and turn my left ear up.
Then the City Princess's soft fingertips grabbed my earlobes softly and those soft beautiful boobs pressed over my kimono at the back of my head.
A hard bar-shaped spoon...... an ear scratch stick touches the cartilage of the ear.
I can't wait for this "I'll start now" thrill.
"So... here we go"
Phew, the princess's breath is blown to her ears.
Yes, it's over. It's over, me. I can't do this anymore, it's like I'm losing my strength.
"Dear Chang Zheng... please don't move..."
I sense an earscratch stick manipulated by the city princess's supple fingertips entering my outer ear canal.
Only at this moment do I tremble all the time. Probably, though everyone does.
"First of all... excuse me from the shallow"
The ear stick touches the side of my external ear canal and scratches it up sooo.
A dry sound echoed in my eardrum. And the discomfort I feel and the sense of liberation when it's hoisted up......
I can't help but groan. I feel good, I can't help but feel good.
"Chang Zheng didn't really clean his ears..."
The part of the spoon of the ear scratch rod stimulates the sides of the external ear canal, while removing the earwax.
Zaru makes a noise and something collapses in the back of his ear, scratching him out as he is pressed all the way into the outer ear canal. And the spoons that come in the same place rub and massage the freshly stimulated areas.
Exactly. Heaven was here! I hold my breath unintentionally and taste its supreme pleasure in boredom.
I guess the puffy sound I feel from time to time is from when I'm getting my ear hair involved and removed.
The ear scratch stick dances and removes my dirt as I twirl at the City Princess's fingertips.
"Dear Chang Zheng, now excuse me for going deep... if it hurts, please say so"
Phew, breathe into my left ear, and then the City Princess slowly lowers her ear scratch stick along the outer ear canal.
There was such a dull noise. Apparently, it's pretty accumulated.
It's not just the mild sound of a scratch, but the awesome feeling that occasionally transmits to the tympanic membrane.
As the City Princess leaks a small, colourful exhale, she tries to peel off the earwax that accumulates in my deepest depths with a light spoon.
Pepper, pepper, pepper.
"Ah... I can take it. Ah...!
The city princess raised her voice of joy. They succeeded in attacking the dirt that was snagging into my ear bottom.
Sooo a spoon of ear scratch stick was pulled up along the wall of the external ear canal, and I trembled as I wore myself into a tremendous sense of liberation.
"Oh... wow, big..."
I won't miss my ear when it's clear that the princess shrugged in admiration.
I couldn't help but wonder about the bumps that were removed when they said so, but my curiosity was truncated with bastard because of my aversion to getting out of the resting place that I said was on the City Princess's lap.
The basic problem is that there is no way that one of the most beautiful girls of our time can escape the elastic and pleasant fat strand (Eden). The difficulty is the level at which Tao Qingxian, drawn to Miyao Castle, succeeds in escaping to Kitakyushu by shaking off the pursuits of the Maori and Murakami Navies.
Thought I wasn't going to beat anyone, but I couldn't beat the princess's fat crotch...
"I dropped the dirt. After that, make a breakthrough, attack and go..."
When the City Princess's ear scratch stick twirls, she dances through my external ear canal, and the spoon leaves no earwax and pulls from the wall, and takes it away.
Pepper and dirt are stripped off, scratched out, the ear scratch stick is plugged in again, and now the mess makes a dull noise.
Whenever the City Princess handily scratched out the earwax that was precipitating, I shuddered my shoulders from so much refreshment.
"Now let me use Brahma for the finishing..."
A bright white Brahma slips into my ear and tangles the fine dirt in its hair tip.
Fluffy, rinse, fluffy, rinse.
When the mundane Brahma was pulled out of my ear, the princess softly laid her lips on my ear, which became sensitive...
He exhaled the gentle exhalation toward the external ear canal.
Oh, is that it...
I had a sense of loneliness (Shiryukan) while the princess moaned my ears with her fingertips.
"Now, Dear Chancellor... turn your backs"
As soon as I do, my consciousness is filled with joy.
Yes, there is still a right, even if the left is over.
I flipped my face as the princess told me, buried my head in my thighs, stomach, and chest.
Oh, great.
Extremely pleasant pure earth was here.
Arcadia exists in close proximity.
"Now, let me clean this side too... Dear Sir"
While my ears were dominated by the sweet voice of a manslayer - I had only begun to be attacked by a strong sleeper in the morning.
Good, let's admit we lost......
But I am still determined to be spoiled by the City Princess.
Now...... I'll give you the win at noon. But you'll never lose the night.
"Dear Chang Zheng...? Well, please don't move, okay? I took a big corner, but it's falling... right?
"... aye"
If asked later, the City Princess learned ear scratching techniques from her mother and until before her dowry, she had cleaned the ears of her sisters, such as the dog princess, to enhance her skills.
It is, so to speak, the Oda family's secret ear scratch.
I was unfamiliar with ear scratches, and I wasn't the enemy from the start. This is all I have left.
Once I lost the ear-hole pleasure war that the princess had set up, and I was going to spend a lot of time in bed.
"How is it done, Your Excellency?"
"No... nothing. It's just a sentiment."
"Are you left-handed?"
I made a small offering and headed to the horse junction on the curved wheel of Kotani Castle.
Being a lord of Kitakomie is because there are attractions that I want to go to.
Incidentally, a horse junction is a place or facility where horses are connected as if they were read and written.
Essentially, the horses in the castle were to such an extent that they were used for patrols as the Lord rides or this time, and the horses mobilized during the full-scale war were basically kept outside the castle.
And this is important... I can ride a horse.
Being a middle-and-second patient, I thought, "If you can't ride a horse, the king can't give you majesty," so I went into the horseback riding club and made contact with the horse in the local culture center experience class.
(But...... are you sure you're okay?
I was just a little worried.
Because warrior-era horses were not in the same inflexible shape as they were in modern times and supposedly looked adorable like ponies.
A legion of horseback riders from the Kofi Takeda family famous for alleys (also), for example.
The general public imagines Gachimuchi's old men solidifying themselves with cool armor and armor, flying wind volcanoes and Takeda Rhombus flags at the head of Takeda Shingen to storm the enemy formation with horses... in fact, they rode a pony-like temple horse, and before the storm, they descended from the horse and fought the enemy on foot.
In addition, in the Battle of Kawanakajima, Uesugi and Kenshin Uesugi appeared in Takeda's main formation aboard a famous horse named Kawanakashima Hair Release (Horseradish), and supposedly did several matches with Shingen Takeda, but if that were true... an old man with Nakajima who calls himself the rebirth of Kushamanteng would have swung a knife as he crossed the pony.
From a bloody battlefield diagram to a cute pattern, that's why.
By the way, my height is 174 cm.
If horses of this era really are pony class, it goes without saying that it will probably be a painful brotherly figure that crosses the horse's playthings that we keep in kindergarten.
(If it's really as small as a pony, let's just shut up and go on foot)
That's what I thought. I headed to the Horse Connection.
Pony didn't exist.
The Horse-Pony theory of the Warring States was easily tested by my eyes and collapsed.
He is more than 3 meters long and weighs approximately 900 kg. A disappointing physique of musculoskeletal success.
With more than twice the stature of the most famous horses in the world I was in, Sarabred and Quarterhose, and only one giant horn growing out of my head.
What's so cool about this? Besides, there are two kinds of guys: white and black.
"Here, Interpretive Moon Hair! Don't get violent...!
A white horse with a big, golden horn said, "Cuwong!! He is violently waving that beautiful horn towards me with a clear chirp.
You, I knew you weren't the "horse" I knew.
... or shitty dangerous.
I probably touched the corner this guy was swinging at, but at the end of the day, my skin would either be sliced lightly like butter, or I'd be stabbed through my body and in a "moz premature sacrifice" state.
"Excuse me! The hall!
Horses...... no, I guess he's some kind of breeder like a horse. One young man apologizes to me as he forgives his interpretive moon hair.
"This daughter (this), the day before the marriage of Changzhen and the princess of the Oda family, is finally back from a few years of escape... but she seems so excited...!
I accidentally asked back.
"This girl? Is this guy a female...?
"Well, that's natural!
These horses if you ask...... they look like horses after all, but they know their gender right from their appearance. I mean, a black guy is a male and a white guy is a female.
"Well, horses are now domesticated too, because they are originally demons... it's no surprise they want to do harm to humans"
Demons? What is it, that? There must have been only such a thing in my world, in stories like games and movies.
"Right, you... what's your name?
"This is Yanbei."
"I see. Yanbei, I liked this guy. Let's try this guy today."
"Oh, you can't do that! It's dangerous!"
Yanbei desperately held me back.
"As Chang Zheng is also aware, this Interpretive Moon Hair is a horse that Lord Asai has been riding since his childhood. This horse has never tried to put anyone on his back except Lord Jung, and he didn't even allow himself to touch his body in the first place...... The samurai who tried to get on the Interpretive Moon Hair and the many horse tuners who tried to take care of her have been murdered unharmed."
(If only I'd just killed you. -)
The moment I thought so, Yanbei opened his mouth in good time.
"As you know, demons cannot be killed unless they are made of demons or jade fluorescent stones. Horses will never kill each other between the same species, and only Kuzheng, who is in hiding, is carrying a weapon made of Jade Fluorescent Stone throughout the Asai family. And Mr. Kuzheng was ordered never to kill his late father, the interpretive moon hair."
Hmm, I'm convinced.
I stare at the light green eyes of the Interpretive Moon Hair.
Only at all times did she stop rumbling and observe jizzily to dictate things about me.
"Then why are you touched by the temple moon hair, Yanbei?
"That's only because I've been taking care of you since I was little..."
I don't know. I'm impressed.
Don't worry if you're a man who's been taking care of you since you were a kid and you want to say that...
I stare at Interpretive Moon Hair.
"You're tough, you are. You look like a lady..."
I mean, I guess this demon is like a widow if it's human.
Perhaps the first man (Ryder), Lord Takeshi, is determined to put him on his back.
"Why did you come back before my marriage to the city? And why are you angry?
But Interpretive Moon Hair doesn't say anything, he just stares at me like he stares at me.
"Don't worry, Interpretive Moon Hair"
I slowly approached her.
Yanbei becomes desperate and clings to my body, begging me to stop.
But I can tell. Behind those light green eyes, there's a tremendous glitch.
Perhaps this white horse sees me as a heterogeneous being in this world, and he can't stop himself from being attracted to it.
Big Interpretive Moon Hair shook his head. I tried to avoid being aggressive, but I couldn't make it, and I got my right arm slashed open.
Blood splashed around and Yanbei screamed.
The servants watching the trend behind them pull out the knife, even though they know they can't kill them.
But I said, "It's okay," and I held them down, facing the Interpretive Moon Hair, reaching for her white body.
"I'll show you through... Much better than Lord Takeshi."
Getting through the widow...... yeah, it's great with romantic (romantic) overflowing rhetoric.
Whispering the city princess down with a whisper, I tried to touch Interpretive Moon Hair... touched.
Yanbei rounds his eyes and slips out his hips. The servants looked flashy, and some of them dropped their pulled swords.
He strokes the warm white body that passes into his stiffness and palm, stroking the beautiful silver hair growing from the back of his neck and touching its beautiful face in turn.
Then the tongue of the Interpretive Moon Hair stretched and you started licking the wound on my right arm.
A stifling fever wrapped my arms around me and a few minutes to relieve myself of too much comfort.
The wound on my arm was completely blocked.
Of course, it is not completely undone, although the injured area was as pink as when the scab was scratched.
Apparently, this is definitely going to stay as a wound... well, it's the only way.
"It's a miracle..."
Yanbei stands up with his eyes shining.
"The pavilion, the pavilion, was recognized by the Interpretive Moon Hair...!
Interpretive Moon Hair bows his neck and signals him to ride me.
I didn't wear any horse gear or anything, but my interpretive chestnut hair used my neck to cleverly assist me, so I managed to get on my back.
As soon as... Whoa, whoa, whoa! The cheer rolled up.
The generals from around Kotani Castle, who had heard the earlier screams of Hinko and the men around him, were beginning to gather early enough to say, "What the hell," and they must have guessed everything the moment they saw me on the horse.
The cheer gradually grows louder, echoing Mount Kotani and becoming awesome, as it were during the battle.
I didn't know the days had passed since I tripped... but apparently riding this famous horse would have a considerable impact on them.
Well, in Omi, it is the shape of the first contemporary emperor, Tsugaru, who is even revered as a hero, and no one could ride it. Besides, the meaning of the current emperor being able to ride seems quite significant.
"Not bad......"
I squirmed on the horse unexpectedly.
It was not bad to see the world from above the white horses that gave birth to the Golden Horn, nor to be hailed by the Asai family.
Once I get out of my interpretive moon hair, I approach Yanbei, who is staring at me with his eyes like he sees God.
"Yanbei, prepare a set of horse gear until I get back."
"Wow, I get it!
When I saw Yanbei running to the corner of the Horse Connection as he rolled over, he started walking towards me and the crowd surrounding the Imperial Moon Hair.
Then they pave the way for me, sending their eyes full of praise and respect.
I'd feel good if this was a girl... but I'm sorry to hear that all the old men are bitter.
"City, are you there?
"Ha... yes!
Returning to my beloved wife's room, the City Princess was in the midst of a glare in front of the mirror.
When I grab some cloth properly, I take the princess's hand with one hand and force her out of the room.
"Hey, Governor! What the hell is it for!?
The boulder city princess is also in a hurry. But I didn't dare answer that.
I cross the corridor, pulling my wife's hand, go outside, and connect the horse to the horse. The figure wrapped around the beating is not for going out, and above all, it seemed to move spicy, but I can't help it.
The crowd still stayed on the horse connecting horses, and they saw me bring the princess back. No, no, wah, cheered, paved the way.
And ahead of the crowd paving the way - stands the interpretive moon hair worn horse gear by Yanbei.
The princess sighs unexpectedly.
A giant horse figure with gold horns and light green eyes on a bright white body.
Its body is coloured with silver and gold based horse implements.
With so much beauty, so much magnificence, the City Princess seems completely enchanted behind my back.
When I jumped on Hikari's Interpretive Moon Hair, I said in her ear, "Put that woman on. Good?" he whispered.
The Interpretive Moon Hair gives me a clear squeal of example.
Apparently, you forgive me.
When I checked it, I offered my hand to the City Princess.
"Come, city"
That's what I call it from the horse.
Then the city princess gave her a look of love for a moment, then said with a full grin, "Yes......!" He nodded and took my hand.
I just want to insist that the city princess was disastrous and heavy at that time, that I was a gentleman and never would have said it.
... Well, it's like a woman in this day and age wears a bunch of restraints. It's like walking in a duvet. It's the only way.
When I pulled her up on the horse and held her, I turned my hands around my back.
And make sure the City Princess fits perfectly in my chest before finally pulling the reins of the Interpretive Moon Hair.
Interpretive moon hair raised her torso with a clear squeal, and the crowd cheered her on its beauty.
And as it were, Interpretive Moonhair runs lightly to the castle gate of Kotani Castle, as it draws my will.
I guess I already knew what was going on.
Open the gate at such an exquisite time that the gatekeeper has targeted it.
As such, I crossed (and crossed) the famous horse ridden by the first masters of the Asai family, and with my beloved princess descended into the original Japanese landscape for the first time during the Warring States.
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