Nobunaga's Imouto is My Wife

Episode 75: Kotani Castle Site-1 in Midsummer

The sky of the Ethereum, one cloud unseen, expands, and the sun slowly ascends its canvas.

The sun was more intense than usual, illuminating the earth and the people who lived there relentlessly.

Definitely the first hot day this year and the temperature will probably be over 30 degrees.

In the midst of all that flames, I'm driving my interpretive moon hair.

I'm wearing a thinner fabric kimono today than usual, but the reality is that the heat still doesn't matter.

I was sighing without me.

There is certainly a stream of wind that I feel on the horse of the interpretive moon hair, but still, my hair is feverished by the constant sunlight that comes down.

I wish I could have worn a kasashi, but I don't think such regret will help.

"Ugh... you"

And I have Princess Ji stuck to my back, which is half blurry.

He's turning his arms around my waist and he's hugging me.

"... what"

"No, heh... nothing"


What she's wearing is so crude that she doesn't think she's a big wife.

The fabric is of poor quality and not thick.

That's why I can clearly see the softness of her skin when I'm held tight.

Soft skin out where it leaves, albeit quiet.

Sleek waist, and a gentle look with a mixture of worrying colors.

Such, with some shady beauty, she had shown herself in many ways these days.

Obviously, it has changed - but there are many things to say that have emerged.

One of them is the status quo, this.

When Princess Ji loses her eyes - she uses her whole body to sweeten her as if she were a girl of a long or strange age.

But that was natural behavior as a human being.

It is human sexuality that tries to recover what has been lost.

What she was deprived of - it was a happy girlhood.

Irrevocable times, irrevocably robbed and usurped by force, regardless of their own will.

That's why Princess Ji's mind and body must want to make up for it.

(Well, every time it's hard to stay rational...)

Bury your face on my back, stuffing on Princess Ji's tricks as she rubs and rubs her cheeks...

In my head, this morning, the words she uttered were all the time refreshing.

- I'd like to go to Kotani Castle.

Princess Ji said such a thing in the middle of planning a ritual at the Taruji Hall, which combines Yoshiyoshi's main uniform ceremony.

It's rare for her to communicate her "own" aspirations directly, and I was in the mood for joy, surprise, surprise...

But Kotani Castle, which my wife "wants to go to," has no longer been demolished and has no trace to secure materials for Nagahama Castle.

That's what I did say.

- To Oya Castle, I want to go.

She was stubborn by the unnatural.

It's like a kid who stops working hard at a toy store and starts negotiating purchasing with his parents.

I don't know what drives her that far - but dating my wife's self is about her husband's worth.

That's how I tried to make my way to the ruins of Kotani Castle, but today Princess Ji is a powerful enemy inside.

"Ah, ha, ha, ha."

"... what"

"Eh heh... nothing"

It will no longer be the dozens of exchanges.

Feeling her pressing her chest, I was mixed with flattery and love - it was hard to describe, leading to a unique mood between husband and wife.

By the way, I don't have to dare to confirm - Princess Ji is not bad at horseback riding, but rather at the level she is good at.

Therefore, if it was meant to be, there was no need to stick around behind me and work together.

But today she's been strategically trying to work with me for a reason.

"Ah... you..."


Raising her sweet voice as if she was snoozed, Princess Ji is smelling my back.

"Wide back... Suki, Phew... Nice..."

The interpretive moon hair that carries us on - no longer gave us such a look.

From her point of view, she's hitting on her back, so I guess she wants to say, "Do it elsewhere."

But being a strategist and tactician, I'm the only one at the moment who sees Princess Ji without realizing the look on her interpretive moon hair...

He was obsessed with pressing his face against my back and rubbing his cheeks and smelling them.

(Well... I can't help it when it comes to the state of Ji...)

Still, really, she's like a junior year girl sweet to her father.

That's how she creates a wife-style atmosphere, so it crashes into that gap.

"Cuo Oon"

Interpretive moon hair seemed troublesome.

Inevitably, the consciousness that was all about Princess Ji turned forward, as did my consciousness.

There, the nostalgic landscape had spread to the present.

- Kotaniyama.

It is a lush hill at an altitude of about 500 meters, once built with Kotani Castle, home to the Asai family.

In front of it was the old castle town, still inhabited by many people.

As is often the case during the Warring States, they are about to be ordered to relocate to Nagahama - and I have decided not to order it.

Because it was all for the foothills of Oya Mountain - the baths built by people's donations.

If you order a relocation under the castle, the will of the people who donated to build it will be in vain.

Then only those who want to move to Nagahama should move.

Even if the castle disappears, the bath will remain.

Old Kotani Castle was reborn as a hot spring city, where people's lives continue.

"Cuo Oon"

But Interpretive Moonhair did not enter that castle town, and took the route of a great detour.

If we go through the whole town, it's gonna be a fuss, and it's gonna be a tough walk in Oya Mountain - and you probably took that into account.

"... even the mountain gate is gone."

"Ah, there was a gate here..."

The gates of Kotani Castle, which once existed, have also been removed, and only literal mountain roads are spreading in front of them.

Nothing, Kotani Castle didn't have that much attachment.

Nevertheless, there is still something lonely about what was gone without a trace.

"Cuo Oon"

Interpretive moon hair twitched and shook my body all the time.

Apparently he's telling me to get off.

"Look, Ji... get off with care"

First I come down and help you get off the horse while I try to hold Princess Ji.

She stood down to the land of Kotani as she gladly lowered her face and tried to hold onto me.

No matter how long it's been, Princess Ji won't try to leave me, she's squeezing my chest tight all the time.

Doing so inevitably caught my eye the bathroom she was carrying.

I wonder what the hell you brought.

"Cuo Oon"

After a major abduction, the Interpretive Moon Hair whispered.

Tokotoko and set us aside to start climbing the mountain path.

It's like a child is rushing a mother who stopped moving in front of a clothes store, like that.

"Ji, shall we go then? There's nothing left... but there's certainly some left"


"Thoughts, even without appearances... Some might say it doesn't make sense."

Where I met the City Princess, the Interpretive Moon Hair, and many ministers.

This place would never have existed without this space.

"Come on, let's go. There's me here that you don't know. I'll let you know as much as I can."


Princess Ji smiled and nodded and let herself go from me just a little bit.

Then remove the bath you were carrying and lower it to your right hand.

I took her left hand like that, and I was just about to walk down a steep mountain path on a gradient.

"I'm sorry, just give me a minute"

- I took out the "box of transcripts" that I had put in my lumbar bag and opened the lid.

From inside the box spreads a pale silver ball-shaped bamboo and begins to drift around us.

"Kotani Castle...... No, I hardly ever lean on Kotani Mountain anymore - I will no longer lean on it. So at least, I just want to keep track of the landscape"

That this is my starting point - don't forget that.

With that said, Princess Ji only slightly strengthened the power to hold my hand and followed me perfectly.

"Box of Transcripts" - is an automated part that records and plays a determined range of footage.

There is no longer any doubt that this object, which contains what the princesses of Ji call "witchcraft", was left behind by the so-called (so-called) old civilization - the world of the future we know.

By the way, this "box of transcripts" is the property of the Oda family.

When Princess Ji was greeted as my sideroom, she borrowed it from Nobunaga - but it hasn't been returned.

Here's what she said about why.

"I don't know how to erase a record!

It is deadly. It's a really fatal reason for me, for the princess of the city, for the princess of Ji.

In fact, a variety of information was recorded inside the box.

That is, for example, a video of an oral service by a city princess, a video of just a little bloated belly rubbing a big sun and trying to smudge it white, a series of 10 live shots with Princess Ji, a sister-brother play, and so on.

In short, since coming to the Asai family, the "Box of Transcripts"...

It had been transformed into a private scene-filled treasure box with his wife by starring actor Nagasaki Asai.

Naturally, you can't even give it back.

By the way, the city princess said she asked Nobunaga in a letter how to erase the records, but he replied, "I don't know"?

It is no longer a blockage.

The City Princess had taken the position that she would not return the 'box of transcripts' to the Oda family until she found out how to erase the records herself, and the records swell up to more and more snowman ceremonies every night.

Fortunately, there has been no return request from the Oda family.

For that reason, the Princess and I were in agreement in the direction of maintaining the borrowed state for the first time until the other side told us something.

"Cuo Oon"

Every now and then I turn around and ring as the Interpretive Moon Hair leads us.

He's worried because the gradient on the mountain path is proportional and steep.

"Ji, are you okay?

"Yes… anywhere with you"

"Cuo Oon"

Interpretive Moon Hair looked at Princess Ji and sneered.

Apparently, you're dissatisfied with her holding me in my arms and pressing my chest.

"Look, I'm seeing Interpretive Moon Hair."

"Ah... well, no... I..."

Princess Ji leaves her face in a red tide.

But the hand remains squeezing my palm tightly.

When Interpretive Moon Hair saw it and leaked a loud, sighing whisper, she threw herself into a natural fluffy weed bed thriving by the road.

And when I do a big stretch, I keep my eyes closed.

Apparently, he's going to go to bed infidelly.

"Dear Requester, maybe you were tired..."

When I got to the side of Interpretive Moon Hair, Princess Ji said in such a voice that she would work for her.

Apparently, he doesn't realize he's the cause of infidelity sleep at all.

Well, maybe you're happier that you haven't noticed.

"... right, let me put you to sleep"


When Princess Ji holds my hand back firmly, she deposits it with Posan and my body.

"Today, I'm going to leave you alone..."

What an adorable older girlfriend she is, and I caress her back off the back of her head with the hands of those who are not accidentally gripped.

"Yeah, right."


A smile and a really happy grin on Princess Ji.

With her snuggling up, I decided to have a quiet time just for the two of us.

In modern times, it is called "mountain dating".

Slowly climb the slopes between the two of us, listening to the sounds of the semi and the breeze.

The space mixed with earth, greenery and light calmed my mind to no greater extent.

"Really, you've lost it to nothing..."

Introducing Princess Ji to a place where there was a horse junction before, she glances around.

"Right...... It looks like all the stone and wood has been diverted to Nagahama Palace and Nagahama Castle."

"That's how big the castle was."

"Oh, maybe so"

I said, slapping my chest and fanning with my hand.

Direct sunlight rarely plunges in in tree-covered Kotani Mountain.

Instead, however, the smell of soil and grass is steamy and hot.

The sweat dripping from all over me made my kimono sweat.

"But Kotani Mountain is a little humid. It wasn't easy to live."


"Oh, I'm still here... aren't I?

"Yeah... you know, sure... maybe so"

Princess Ji smiled bitterly, imitating me and fanning her chest with her hands.

On a good note, she's sweating quite a bit too.

The muscles of sweat flowing through the neck had an indescribable beauty.

Nothing is more beautiful and honorable than a woman's sweat.

"But... that, I... don't hate it,"



That's what Princess Ji said, laughing like a prank.

"I can clearly see your smell."


I accidentally lifted my kimono and smelled it.

It stinks of sweat indeed.

But Princess Ji didn't seem to be disgusted at all.

"My favorite smell of you smells fluffy... me, my chest is pounding so high... I'm going to rip it open right now..."

"Oh well..."

I was embarrassed to see Princess Ji, who said with an inadvertent face, and I finally responded with my gaze off of her.

Seeing me like that, Princess Ji chuckled and pulled my hand hard.

"Sir, would you like to take a short break?"

"Rest...... Oh, a break...... yeah, you do"

It's no exaggeration to say that in the world where I was, when I say "break" during a date, it almost means "go to a hotel".

But I guess what Princess Ji means by a break is a literal break.

I do walk all the way down the mountain road and just feel a little tired.

(Speaking of which, there was a water field at the horse junction... a water field to wash the horse's body or give him a drink of water)

When I remembered that, I pulled Princess Ji's hand a little violently and forcefully so as to mislead my embarrassment.

"There's spring water over there. Let's dip our feet in the water and take them even if they're cool."

Although all the facilities have been demolished, the gushing water is still alive.

The natural waters of Oya Mountain continue to flow today, like little Sawa.

Next to the water flowing, what a rock rolling about the size of a medium that seemed just right to sit back on.


Release the hand that was connected to Princess Ji and enter Sawa with her footwear on.


"Ah, yes."

When I reached out, Princess Ji had nothing to do with it - he squeezed my hand again and deposited that luxurious body.

The smell of a fluffy, fragrant woman as she hugs her body away from the water.

Seeing wet neck muscles with sweat makes me want to bite by accident.


When I let her sit on the stone that was left beside Zelig, I sit on the same rock.

As she was taking off her soggy wet footwear and footbags, Princess Ji was spreading the bathroom she was lowering to her right hand.

"Oh, um... Huh! What do you say? Would you like to have lunch?

"Oh, that might be good"

Wash your hands with Zelig's water and then look at the lunch lunch shown by my somewhat nervous wife.

Then there were two large rice rice balls and one small rice balls, accompanied by grilled miso and pickles.

The surface of the rice balls is stretched with the leaves of the sissy, which are seen to have been soaked with plum dried, and this looks delicious.

"Is this Ji?

"Yes, I didn't hear you say you were going to help... but I just wanted to prepare it..."

Princess Ji shyly turns away from me.

"It was a dream..."

"A dream?"

"Yes... all the time, all the time... I used to see it, I gave up... such a dream"

she said as she lay low.

"I would like to accompany you for the rest of your life... let me take a long ride with you..."


"Enjoy the lunch I made... so... get your thoughts..."


"I thought it wouldn't come true anymore... me..."

To that extent, Princess Ji shakes her face to the left and right, meditating her eyes and exhaling loudly.

And when I clenched my chest all the time and breathed, she seemed spicy - but I said, making a good grin.

"Finally, it's going to come true..."


If she was a previous girlfriend, she would have been swallowed up by past memories and running to self-denial.

But now Princess Ji is trying to move forward with a direct look at it.

I can clearly tell, the change in her posture - while I felt it, I took a big grip.

"Let's have it."


If you put your teeth up to the rice, the first thing you felt was exquisite salt gas.

And at a level that leaves no core, a touch of wheat and white rice burned slightly hardened.

Bite it and the aromatic taste of the grain will blow through the oral cavity.

If you can drive your appetite but still work on your second bite, the disintegration of the grilled fish will sneak your face out of the rice balls.

And the saltiness and aroma of the soft soaked sissy leaves were combined, and when I noticed it, I was quickly flattening the pepper and the rice balls.



I said as I looked at Princess Ji.

"The cooking of the wheat rice is exquisite, and the salt works well. There's not one small bone in the fish unravel...... I guess I got my hands on it pretty good?


"It was good. You still have one left, I'll have it right away. Eat fast, you're good."

"... yes, yes"

With a beautiful smile, but with zero pompous tears, Princess Ji snorts as she sips her nose.

He moves until his knees meet her, gently holding her trembling shoulders and burying his face in that scorching brown hair.

Princess Ji also seems to have finally recovered from her sentiments as she listens to the spirals of water and the sounds of the semis and the occasional wind and trees blowing through Oya Mountain.

When she looked up, there were two beautiful eyes swollen with tears.

I gently wipe the tears that had accumulated in my wife's eyeballs with my fingertips and gently mouth them on the head of that nose.

"Come on, let's eat. Eat it and you'll smile, I assure you. You made this for me. It's really good."


"I don't want to see you cry if I can. It's more attractive to be laughing."

Except for the way you swallow and cry in my arms at night.

Whispering so, Princess Ji shook her body with a fright, like a halfway between a smile and a bitter smile - such a grin.

"... you, ooh..."

"What's up?

"No... nothing"

She grabbed the smaller rice balls with a slightly swollen face, but apparently delighted.

The meal outside with Princess Ji, which started out that way, was open and the conversation between them was very enjoyable.

The topic is endless, and while we are rapping with each other, a considerable amount of time has passed.

"Ah... you"

When I saw my face after dinner, Princess Ji raised her voice.

"What's wrong, Jiji?"

"... Um, please don't move"

Then Princess Ji turns her face bright red and leans softly against my cheek.

And when I pressed my lips against my right mouth - I immediately pulled my face in, embarrassed or covered my face with both hands.

The earlobes, which cannot be hidden out with both hands, are bright red, and perhaps the part you are hiding is in a similar condition.


"Ah... well, uhh... because your face... had a grain of rice on it... uh..."

"So you took it... with your mouth?

I speak a little mean and hold my wife's left shoulder disappointingly with my left arm.

Princess Ji was seriously shy, and, with a roar like that, she was twisting with her hands as she hid her burning cheeks.



"Hey Ji... can you take that hand?"

"Yes... no..."


That's what I say, mouth on her peach-stained ears and eat gently.

My wife's body reacted hypersensitively and her back grew pinned.

"Please, my sweet Ji..."


Princess Ji said as she placed her hands aligned in the crotch area and stretched out her arms and spine - at that moment.

"Here, this is good - eh"

My arms held Princess Ji so tightly that their lips and lips overlapped each other.

Princess Ji's eyes are wide open and she doesn't know what it is.

A kiss that just presses her lips lasts about 10 seconds, and when she releases it - my wife looks panicked and tries to escape from my chest.


"No, you can't, Chief Executive......!

Princess Ji said as she lay low to not gaze at me and her face became so red that there was no more.

"This place is... outside... Huh! If anyone sees me...!

"It's okay. It's an abandoned castle, and nobody's coming."


Push your lips deep and deep into her it as you hug her luxurious body hard.

At first it was Princess Ji, who had resisted with her lips closed tightly, but when I stubbornly glanced at her lips with my tongue, I seemed to lose that tickle.

"Huh...... Mmm!

My tongue enters the mouth of Princess Ji in a loose gap, and the poor mucous membrane hangs over her.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

For about 5 minutes, enjoy the inside of Princess Ji and let go of her mouth.

Then she was on my chest, hands together like a maiden praying to God, looking at me with a pompous face.

Between the lips of Princess Ji and my lips there is a bridge of viscous saliva that cuts off puffiness.

My right hand started stroking her fat crotch almost at the same time as that.

"Ah, you!

Princess Ji twirls herself and escapes from my arm like a raven.

And she bowed herself and poured up the water of Zelig with both hands - and she came to me with a splash of water.

"Wow!? is, Ji......!?

"Eh! Your eh!

As she threw the words she taught me, Princess Ji smiled like a prank and hung the water again.

"I don't know you who do shameful things outside! I can tell you what to do!

With that said, the interpretive moon hair - in retrospect of the fact that it was in the open air that my client attacked me sexually...

I smiled and looked at Princess Ji's back and stood up.

"Wait, heal!

"No, no. The beast is going to attack you... ugh."

"I told you to wait!

Husband chasing his wife who runs away with a grin.

What a retarded sight from the side.

But from our point of view, it's also a very pleasant moment.

"Ugh, this way."

"Damn, just kidding..."

"Ghost, ghost, to the ringing of your hands...... aha"

"Aren't you superior...!

Run the grassy mountain path, run.

It's like I did when I was a kid.

I decided to get serious along the way so I wouldn't lose sight of Princess Ji running like sewing between the trees.

The distance between me and Princess Ji shrinks.

Then she conceals it, or hides herself in the trunk of a single thick tree, and she looks at it from me and peeks at it from the right side.

An attack across a tree - repeating a few sets of it, Princess Ji's face distorts like a prank and runs out flipping.

But I guess only the consciousness to escape from me preceded me and didn't pay attention to my feet.


Dead leaves stepped on by Princess Ji. The decaying soil beneath slipped all the way, and her body swayed about.

Slippery feet, luxurious limbs falling from the back of your head.


But her head was never struck by the land of Kotani.

Her body is barely protected in my arms, slipping in with a single hair.

"... good"

"Ah... you..."

Princess Ji is also lying on her back and falling over me.

It was us who did that silently for a while, but Princess Ji slowly rolls over me.

And I fell asleep next door, and I looked at my face jiggly and said I was sorry.

"... I'm sorry, you. I don't deserve to be old... I don't know what to look like."

"No, it's fine... it was fun."

I wake up slowly and lift Princess Ji's body in a princess's arms.

And rolled her over a blue natural bed, where fluffy weeds thrive, not the pile of dead leaves.


Smells like dirt and young grass, where the smell of men and women sweat mixes.


With all the silence I've had, Princess Ji must have guessed what was going to happen.

You made up your mind, she looked me in the eye and said it in a clear voice.

"I love you... I admire you more than anyone for loving me like this..."

"Me too, Ji... I love you"

With that said, she slowly pulls her powers out of her whole body and tries to keep her body with me.

I couldn't see the color of the tension as the breath leaked out of Princess Ji's beautiful nasal cavity began to calm down.

"Um... Actually, it's not a favor to do at a time like this..."

"What's up, say it"

He pokes his elbow at the side of her neck and asks him to whisper as he indulges in that nearby clean face.

"Yes...... As a matter of fact, my brother, the condition of the heavy moment has finally turned to comfort..."

"Well, that's good..."

About four months ago, Takenaka Heavy Moment, injured by Saito family hands, had been treated at Sugawa Castle for a long time.

According to Princess Ji, you have recently received a report that you have recovered to the point where it is okay to return to your daily life in a few days.

"Um... if you don't mind..."

Princess Ji asked in a clear tone with a mixed expression of determination and anxiety.

"Well... thank you for coming to my realm... with the people and ministers... besides, may I ask you to meet my brother...?


Kokuri and Princess Ji nod.

Her brother refers to the Takenaka reign - the man who had to give the housekeeper to Princess Ji because of his illness and weakness.

He was sick and weak, so Princess Ji named him "Shigeji" and was sent to the Saito family in his place as a hostage...

The fact that I had miserable eyes there doesn't even have to be touched.

In short, he is also the starting point of my wife's unconscious past... but I wouldn't be able to blame the man who says it's a heinous one.

It's all bad, because they're Saito people.

"Yes... in fact, almost at the same time as the report that the heavy moment has recovered, he said that his brother's condition was inconceivable from the National License... when it was no longer a wind light, he received such a sentence..."

I know very well that it is an unsolicited endeavor, Princess Ji continued.

"But... I'm just one brother with a blood connection... Before I die, I want to at least reassure you...... We are such lovely people... no, we are under the Admiral. We're fine now… don't worry about anything, and I'd like to tell you that directly."

I don't have the power to resist her whilst moisturizing her eyes.

Besides, even though I've never seen him before - he's definitely my brother-in-law.

"Okay. I'll try to make my way there tomorrow. It will be a sudden visit for the Takenaka family, but shall we take it as Asai's home style again?"

"Dear Sir...!

"I don't need any thanks. Asking for my wife's favor is also my husband's job."

When I gently mouth Princess Ji's forehead, her limbs tremble with joy.

"And it's your brother, isn't it? To see where you and I could not even come out of the marriage we had before... I see it as quite serious"

"Ha... yes"

In view of the past that Princess Ji has gone through, it's not like she has no idea...

But I'm not a man wild enough to slap that sentiment against a dying man.

"Let me show you, me and you. And let me reassure you, there's nothing left to remember anymore, enough to make you think so."

"Yes, yes......!

Lick away the puffy and zero tears and gently touch each other's lips as they are.

"You… I have always been beside you…"

"I'm not gonna let you go with me."

They stare at each other and transmit heat with their gaze.

Eventually, Princess Ji closed her eyes softly - sticking out her own luminous lips.

On that lip, overlap it with your own.

Princess Ji's body was completely weakened and the hot exhalation leaked from the overlapping area.

Once she spoke of her lips, Princess Ji's eye lid opened thinly and her moist, moist eyes appealed to me.


"You... you..."

Princess Ji's body over a thin kimono is very comfortable.

There is the muscle on the skeleton, and the elasticity, softness and definite heat of the fat, which allows you to taste the joy that is neither gained nor said by simply hugging it.

"Mmmm... Chu... Chu..."

Layer your lips and tangle your tongues, exchanging saliva.

The saliva that I sent into her mouth in large quantities just to rehydrate her, she didn't look bad at all - rather she drank it with joy.

"Nku... Nku..."

Watching his wife salivating so hard, he still has an increased desire for dark conquest as a husband.

My hand naturally turns to her kimono matching eyes, gets plugged in and begins to soften her skin.

"Ya, hey... Huh... Nchu..."

My right hand was rubbing her chest as I listened to the sound of Princess Ji's nose.

The joy of indulging in female-specific swelling with hot tongues intertwined and sipping.

This was an irreplaceable pleasure.

My wife's nipples are already pinned and her hips bounce when I touch her flat from time to time.

But I decided to put the blame behind me.

"Ah... ah... no... you're here..."

"There's nothing wrong with you."

I lick around her neck, bite, and stimulus her clavicle with my front teeth.

The strong sweat flavour spreads inside me, and my head is dyed with Princess Ji's pheromones.

Even though it's only noon, it's bright, and yet the sexual endeavors that are taking place.

(With that said, are you starting to be Princess Ji while it's bright...)

Together, it's one thing to do.

Wake up and grab the matching eye of Princess Ji's kimono, who is barking her breath with a pompous face, and crack it open at once.

"Ya... no... ah, you... well..."

Plumpy, rough milk. Breast meat with an irrefutable mass if you call it boobs in this day and age.

Grabbing both hands of Princess Ji, who tried to hide the part that is the symbol of the woman, I observe her licking her breasts that have become dewy.

"Don't look... no... I'm embarrassed, I'm embarrassed... eh"

Even though there was no one around him, Princess Ji, exposed to the sun the symbol of a woman at the Oya Castle site where many people once stood, was shaking her hips loosely as she distorted her face to shame.

"You don't have to be ashamed, you're so beautiful..."

"No, I don't... Master, it's a disgrace..."

"It's outrageous that the business of men and women is shameful. Everyone says they're here after it."

The sunlight leaking from among the trees drops the mosaic pattern of the leaves onto our bodies.

Princess Ji's thin kimono has been stripped off and is only spitefully clinging to her body by a belt, in the light of a swinging mosaic.

"Really, it's beautiful..."

Stroke down the shoulder curve from the neck and clavicle and shake the lower milk puffy.

Sweaty, wet and glowing soft skin. And the peachy milk rings float with plenty of congestion, and the nipples are also firmly lumped in rubbish.

"... more than your wife, is it?

"Hear that - bad boy"

After all, it seems that rival minds exist between women.

Moderate competitiveness is rather healthy - I did not answer Princess Ji's question, but responded with a child-friendly attitude like a parent.

"Ah... oh, I'm sorry -"

"At least you're the only one in my eyes right now. You're the only one. Don't ask me what I've decided, you fool."

"- Oh, you..."

The appearance of Princess Ji blossoming at once from a sober appearance.

Enjoy the irregularities in her raised right underarm ribs with her left hand, and stroke a sleek left hip crease with her right hand.

Is it still ticklish to be touched by the hips, white limbs twisting with fine old wounds and small gasps leaking out of the slightly open lips?

"Mm... Huh... ha..."

Princess Ji's body is dyed peachy, and she has begun to float ball-like sweat grains from all over her body.

It was a testament to my acceptance of my hands as loving and loving.

"Ah... ah... yah... yah... yah"

My wife's upper body twists into trouble as she puts her toes up on a plump, uplifting milk wheel and caresses her crisply to scratch.

The Montgomery wire bordering the milk wheel nasty has been granulated by my caress.

When I whimper that puffiness, it becomes like Princess Ji's wheeze is in a hurry.

"Ha... Ugh... Ah, you..."

"... what's up?

"Teasing, teasing......"

Rubbing his chopped eyes, Princess Ji complained with a rubbing voice.

"Please... more directly... Ugh... abuse me..."


"Don't be in a hurry... me, me... I want you to abuse me, I want you to be doomed... I want you, my dear, to be irrevocable..."


Princess Ji put her hands on both my cheeks, she says.

"You are so sweet these days... But they seem to be imposing somewhere..."


"It's okay... right?

She continued with a flurry of laughter.

"If it's going to be you, I... can stand it. No, I want you to...... Please slap me on what you want... because I think it's very nice"

Your throat is ringing.

"That's good...?

I asked, with all my strength, eagling Princess Ji's breasts.

"Regret, don't you?

"... I've done a lot of regrets..."

She nodded with a very honorable grin, though, as she looked at the pain running into her breasts.

"Do as you wish today… please devour me…"

I gently mouth Princess Ji's lips, feeling the Big Sun stick out more than ever.

I'm sorry for her, but - for today, let me just act on my own.

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