Nobunaga's Imouto is My Wife

Episode 88: The Demon King Coming to Laugh Gate

Your wife gave birth safely, and the Asai family gave birth to your son.

The newspaper was instantly spread not only throughout Omi, but also to surrounding areas.

Congratulations from the emperor are conveyed from the morning court in Kyoto along with celebratory items, and a huge quantity of hardware is also received by the Oda family as a celebration.

A messenger came from the Tokugawa family as well, but that can't be the end of it.

The Takeda family sent messengers from the Kinki region, the Sanhao family, the Tsui family, the Ise family, including the Hokkaido family, and the Kofi country, as well as successive people from the houses of the Chinese region.

That too, and the New Year's Eve is extremely rushed - to be honest, I don't remember exactly what I was doing either.

During the day he attracts the messenger, holds Princess Ji in the evening and extinguishes his sexuality...

Time flies by as I send every day I go to the maternity parlor with the City Princess to accompany me to bed at night.

By the way, all sorts of superstitions went through during the Warring States, and the City Princess was barred from getting out of the floor for seven days.

Moreover, it is an awesomeness that the body must be constantly awake and should not even sleep.

Although, while I was leaning on the side - I was putting the City Princess to sleep somewhat.

Hence, Jan. 3, 11 (1668), Yonglu.

The last day of the three days of New Year's Eve - the "Seven Nights" day when the City Princess is allowed to leave the floor and name her child.

Nagahama had become a fuss up and down by the sudden visit of one human being.

The person usually wears Yukako (itchy rash), which is only worn during bathing, and wraps around a flashy female hanging like a waistroll.

The hair tip was tied up like a tea (chisel), and this was tied up again with flashy thread.

He's pulling a machete over his shoulder and crossing a giant black horse with a silver horn.


- I tried rubbing my eyes with the mess, but apparently my eyes are certain.

My brother-in-law Nobunaga Oda.

"What, that face? After the eagle looked like he had eaten a bean cannon."

"... ho, are you on your real brother-in-law?

"No, I'm not my brother-in-law today... it's a passing lie"

In front of Nagahama's Higashimen, Nobunaga is eating Japanese apples.

The area around the East Gate is a Wujia town with dense Wujia mansions - the face of the Asai Ministerial Group, who was spending New Year's Eve, was witnessing me and Nobunaga face to face in a far-flung manner with my family.

Nobunaga has a beautiful blonde lady on her back...

The return butterfly, also my sister-in-law, is clinging, and its face is somewhere pranky and like a little devil.

Maybe I can't help but be funny about me and the people around me confused by my husband dressed as a curious person.

"... you want some?

"Ah... I'll take that"


Catching about 5 cm of Japanese apples thrown, in the meantime, the returning butterfly descends from the coin reeds in a way he is used to.

Japanese apples are a precious fruit in the world where I was, but in the Warring States era they are more like apples.

The sourness is strong when I twist it. I think I sprinkled the apple with lemon juice - it tastes like that.

The butterfly broke his back and apologized to me for the sourness.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant General. Nobunaga said he couldn't stand it, and it depended on his understanding of the disrespect."

"Oh... no, that's good... what about your people?

"Whether you stay here or not,"

Nobunaga, coming down from a streak of reeds, laughs niggardly as she hugs the shoulders of the returning butterfly all the time.

"I don't know anything about common sense because I'm a big liar today. Therefore, my nephew and niece decided to visit my sister carelessly and have her face distinguished."

"No, I don't mind that... but how could you suddenly...?

Nevertheless, if you suddenly get a visit without even contacting me - it's something that makes you unexpectedly tempered.

Until now I have been visiting Nobunaga as I please, but maybe he was as upset as I am on the inside.

With that in mind, I hurried to bring my brother-in-law and his wife to Nagahama.

"Actually, I was supposed to have a meeting with Lord Jiayang today. But he... woke up around the table with the tempura that was offered to him on New Year's Eve."

"Per meal......"

"Hmm. A messenger from the Three Rivers came apologizing for his disrespect, but it would no longer be a matter of mercy. But then all of today's plans will be gone. You can stay at the Mansion, but when you're at the Mansion, the annoying people often show their faces... so that you can escape, it's a long journey with a butterfly home."

"That said, since I was informed of the discomfort of Lord Jiayang - Nobunaga was all about Lord Lieutenant General..."

"Go home, butterfly, don't say anything extra"

"Yes, you are. As a pretext for the Lieutenant General to go, let's not say that the concubine has talked to you about how to behave like a great liar."

"You diminishing mouth... you can't just go back to Mino's mansion."

"Oh, scary."

Next to me, my brother-in-law and his wife are even snuggling.

No, I guess they don't have a sense of consciousness, but from the third-party me, it just seemed that way.

Now we're walking towards the maternity ward.

From the East Gate to the mansion where we live, there was quite a distance.

Nobunaga was telling me the reason for my visit today on that road - it's been like this for a long time now.


The coin reeds whispered.

Seeing Nobunaga converse amicably with the return butterfly, this stallion is burning a flame of jealousy in his eyes.

Judging from that, he still looks like a virgin. The world is quite brutal.

"Hmm... and my brother-in-law seems to be living in a pretty good place"

"Really, it's a beautiful place..."

Such a bloody tearful coin reed elsewhere...

Nobunaga and the returning butterfly enjoyed a stroll while maintaining an exquisite distance between shoulders touching and not touching.

When approaching the maternity parlour where the women taking care of the city princess are turning, Nobunaga tries to get inside without hesitation.

Originally, there was a rule that a woman who had a child should not be near for a month - that seems to be useless to him today, acting as a "big liar".

"Oh, the Hall!? These guys......!?

"Oh... Lord Oda Uesuke and his proper room"


The women, including their direct sutra wives, are making their eyes black and white.

Except for the shock, so much so that some people are repeating themselves.

From them, a man named Nobunaga Oda is - the "benefactor" who saved the Asai family from the siege net of the Asakura, Hexagon and Saito families.

The person, dressed as a curiosity or curiosity, is entering a prestigious, boy-forbidden space.

It must be a terrible shock to the women.

"Ah, Master Chang. Look, look, look, this kid, he's here...

A city princess sitting in a chair with a back placed in the maternity ward and holding two babies is making her eyes squeeze.

Then, after leaning his neck, he meditated his eyes, and opened his eyes again to gaze at the visitors.

"Oh, come on."

Nobunaga recites the words of the city princess and stands before her.

"... it's weird. Am I going crazy to the point of happiness... you know, Dear Governor"

"What's up, city"

"I can see me, my brother and sister-in-law..."

"Oh, I'm really here. Your eyes aren't crazy."

Nobunaga slowly leans back and gazes at the city princess.

"Long time no see, city."

"Yes, it's been a long time, brother... what, what, what, what, what, what, what!?

The usual city princess and other voices echo in the maternity room, they echo.

You were surprised by the shout out of your mother, and the two babies cried "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh".

The princess who returned to me began to panic, but her eyes were directed at her real brother and sister-in-law, and she was upset to see.

"Duh, why are my brothers here...?

"Per diet."

"Shit, around the food...?

"Uhm. But... in that way, postpartum fattening looks good too. Instead, it even looks exhilarating"

Nobunaga nodded, stroking the head of the city princess holding the baby.

"Behold, the return butterfly. This is my brother-in-law and the city. You look really healthy."

"Yeah, you are...... I'm suddenly sorry, Mr. City."

"Oh, no... be, I don't mind... Ugh, Dear Sir..."

The princess looks at me like she wants help.

I snorted bitterly and moved to her side.

That alone seems to have calmed me down mentally, and my beloved wife exhales heavily.

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law, sister-in-law. The city isn't very comfortable either..."

"No, I don't have a choice"

Nobunaga said, holding the return butterfly, who was looking at the child with envy.

"If it is also the first birth, it will often be unclear. What makes me anxious is that I have no choice..."

After spinning that word - but with a really happy face, he goes on.

"But I'm really sorry! City, it was great............!!

"Dear Brother...... Phew"

The city princess also giggled at him with an innocent look like a child.

After all, as a mother, I guess I had some vigilance. That seems to have finally collapsed.

Blessed are the laughing gates. It wasn't blessings that came, it was the Sixth Heavenly Demon King, but it's more comforting there.

When the city princess showed the child to her real brother and wife as she boasted, the babies cried again when they saw Nobunaga's face.

The comforting Demon King - for the careless babies, he is only a scary other.

"Oh, also... heh, okay, okay, I'm not scared, I'm not scared"

A city princess talking to a crying baby with a happy, full face.

They say the first difficulty in being a mother is the crying of a baby, but she doesn't seem to care.

Instead, it's a child's job to cry, and some verses seem to be relieved to experience the raw in their arms by being cried.

"Speaking of which, can your brother stay here today?

"No, I can't stay long. Tomorrow is also tomorrow. You have to go back to Gifu before it's evening."

"Now, can you join us in the evening..."

"Unfortunately, there will always be an opportunity. Let's wait till then for fun."

That's a very kind voice.

Nobunaga is stroking the baby's cheek with his fingertips and smiling when he sees the trick of holding his arms up and down.

In historical fact, he was going to execute Chang Zheng's child, but he had a look that didn't even make him feel fine dust about that.

"Oh, um... Mr. City. May I also stroke my concubine?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Reach out to the man's baby, feeling like the return butterfly is terrified.

Would it still be different if I were my sister-in-law's child, even though I would have seen many babies in the side room already?

"... soft"

As she stroked the baby's cheek with her thin fingertips, she leaked those words with her sigh.

And I'm trying to pull my hand in like I'm lonely.


- The baby squeezes the fingertips of the return butterfly tightly.

The little hand did not let go of her hand, and my sister-in-law was visibly in a hurry. I guess I don't know what to do.

To such a return butterfly, the city princess smiled.

"Apparently, you like your sister-in-law."

"... warm"

"Yes, it is. This is the first time I've ever heard of it, but the baby is warm and... heh, winter is just going to get warm just holding him."

The returning butterfly looked at the baby holding its hand, half-hearted.

The baby keeps his eyes meditating and never opens.

From this kid, I guess I just happened to hold the finger there for no particular reason.

But from the returning butterfly, which hasn't given the child yet - a lot of things seemed to come through his chest.

Gently pull over and squeeze the hem of Nobunaga's kimono tightly.

Seems to have perceived the atmosphere of my wife, my brother-in-law said, comparing me to the city princess.

"My brother-in-law and the city, as well as my nephews, could see their faces. Let's get out of here once and for all... but I have to tell you before I do. City."


"Boys are born. Now Asai is also Yasutai... Don't think so. The more kids, the better. Let's hope for a new kid in a month."

"Ah... my brother... such a thing..."

The princess's face is dyed bright red.

Looking at her sister like that, she smiled and nodded - Nobunaga asked.

"I do, and I want to ask you one last thing. Is it seven nights already? The name of the child should be determined. Before returning to Mino, I'd like to know if I can…"

It's already natural.

The name "Wan Fu Wan" or "Tea" on the boulder as it is historically, doesn't quite match my taste as a modern man.

For that reason, I had done a proper pre-listing of the names of the children.

Incidentally, the so-called (so-called) sparkling name - it's not like I'm going to give it a DQN name.

If you give it a weird name, you will be laughed at by your fellow children, because there is nothing to be busy about.

"- Yes, it has been decided"

But it was the city princess who answered Nobunaga's question.

No, in the first place - the person Nobunaga asked was the City Princess, not me.

"The man's name is' Hail Maru 'with the thought that there will be a lot of blessings. I think I'll name the women' Tea '."

"... Huh?

Unexpectedly, a strange voice leaked.

"Tea all over the world... isn't it good?"

"Yeah, I think that's a nice name. Nobunaga's sideroom people gave it a weird and elaborate name… again, it's best to have a name like the one the city gave you."

The brother-in-law and his wife are nodding satisfactorily.

Apparently, from that mouthful, naming a child in this world - is a mother's prerogative.

"What do you think... Dear President. Isn't that weird...?

The princess asks me in such a way as to be afraid.

"Huh...? No, the..."

Is there anything else?

Boys still have cute names for girls like Mitsuki and Asuka.

That's what I was trying to say.

"No... isn't it really a good name with a cage of thoughts? My brother-in-law would never divulge his objections."

- I gave in. I gave in. to something called harmonic pressure.

"Oh, me too... I think it's a good name"

"Phew, good...... good for you, Wanfumaru, tea. Heh, heh."

No, I'm not dissatisfied. I'm not dissatisfied.

(- How can it be a name just like history...?

Seeing the City Princess speaking happily to her children, she still had to think so.

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