Nonlinear Love

Chapter 140

A few cars approached, Gu Anjiu one, Lin Yan and Song Jiaci got into one, and left first.

Chi Wang grabbed Su Lian's wrist and sent it to the car: "I'll send you first."

"My home is far away. If it's too late for you to deliver it, I can go back myself." Su Lian locked the car door, feeling that he was really caring, and always reminded people to confess.

Chi Wang stuffed the person inside and motioned the master to drive: "It's okay, don't worry."

This comfortable tone seems to be talking about himself in a hurry.

Su Lian snorted softly, too lazy to read any more, just leaned his head back on the back of the back seat.

Chi Li raised his hand slightly and covered his eyelids, his voice was very soft: "It's a little far over there, you squint and sleep for a while."

Su Lian originally wanted to refute that he was not too sleepy, but when his palms were covered, his mind began to feel dizzy for no reason.

He didn't drink too much alcohol today, at most he was slightly drunk, but the car was swaying, and he closed his eyes obediently.

I don't know how long it took, Chi Li shook his head and shoulders and woke people up: "Mr. Su, get out of the car, the destination is here."

Su Lianmi stood staring blankly on the road, a gust of cold wind passed, and the bleak atmosphere spread over the sky.

Looking around, a whole lush forest is shrouded in darkness, and the lights and buildings of the city can no longer be seen. This scene is very unfamiliar.

He frowned and took out his mobile phone to check the current location. This place has never been here before: "Did you let the master go the wrong way? This is not my home."

"Just pretend I kidnapped you, I still have a place to go, come with me?" Chi Wang tilted his head and motioned for someone to follow him up.

Su Lian was at a loss, and unconsciously followed, looking at the old forest in the deep mountains, his doubts deepened.

After walking a few steps, he couldn't hold back, and still asked, "Did you just come to the mountains to seek death while I was asleep and already confessed to being rejected?"

Chili laughed out loud: "What do you think? You don't have to struggle so much if you want to die, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe you want to find a beautiful branch, or run to the top of the mountain and jump." Su Lian frowned and looked at him.

Chi Wang raised his hand, clasped his index finger and thumb together, flicked his forehead, and said helplessly: "Mr. Su, you are really imaginative. But you reminded me that if it really fails, this piece of pure land will be lost. It's my last cemetery."

"Nonsense." Su Lian is very sensitive to the word cemetery, his face changed instantly, he raised his foot and kicked his calf, "Don't think of such a strange thought."

"Okay, I was wrong, I was talking nonsense." Chi Juan raised his hands to express his surrender.

The two walked slowly along the trail for a while, climbing uphill with difficulty, panting, and finally reached the top of the mountain.

It was almost midnight, and there were actually quite a few people on the mountain, some even set up tents, sitting inside chatting while looking into the distance.

Really confused by this scene, Su Lian asked, "What are they waiting for?"

Chi Juan found an open space, took a roll of cloth out of the bag, spread it on the ground, and patted it: "Sit down, you'll know in a while."

"Mysterious and mysterious." Su Lian held his chin and looked around a little bored.

The moonlight tonight is very good, there is no heavy fog, no heavy clouds, and occasionally a few twinkling stars can be seen.

Such weather is very rare in Fog City. The city is shrouded in fog all the year round, and watching the moon has become a luxury.

Staring at the distant night sky, Su Lian suddenly had an epiphany: "Take me to see the moon."

Chi Wang looked down at the time, smiled and said, "It's not just the moon, there are still three minutes."

Time was stretched infinitely long, and the two of them sat on the top of the mountain at will, shoulder to shoulder, staring into the distance. Su Lian suddenly felt a chill when he heard the sound of the wind blowing through the treetops from time to time.

As he folded his arms, his shoulders sank, Chili didn't know where to find a coat and draped it over his shoulders: "It's cold at night, wear it."

Su Lian glanced down at the jacket, and tugged his fingertips to his chest: "Are you a Jingle cat? You have everything in your pocket."

"Mr. Su, we are all called Doraemon, you are so cute." Chi Huang looked down at him, his eyes swept over his eyebrows and fell on his pale lips.

"Aren't you cold? How cool are you wearing a black shirt?"

"I'm in good health and I'm not afraid of the cold."

Chi Wang slightly loosened his tie, glanced at the time again, and continued the countdown: "The time to witness the miracle is coming soon, look over there."

Suddenly, the nearby crowd became restless, followed by bursts of cheers and screams.

Following the direction of Chi Wang's fingertips, Su Lian raised his eyes to look at the sky. Near the moon, a few stars flickered faintly, and then dragged their long tails across, quickly leaving a few traces in the sky.

In the next second, several others fell in unison one after another, leaving a brief moment in the blue sky, and then disappearing.

It's so gorgeous, so grand, that you can't take your eyes off it.

"Is it a meteor?" Su Lian's expression was very surprised. He turned his head and found that Chi Li had closed his eyes and was making a wish with his hands together.

In the night wind, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his facial features were too handsome in the moonlight, and he looked extremely pious.

Su Lian reacted for a second, then closed his eyes and made that immutable wish to the sky.

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