Nonlinear Love

Chapter 205

Su Lian felt that his heart was filled with panic, and even before his death, Chi Huang loved himself deeply. Buried in the grave with regret and deep love.

But such a strong emotion, he could not share with others.

Anyone in the know will probably think that this relationship is just a young whim, and it will be broken at the touch of a button. Only he and Chi Xuan knew how much difficulty and affection were mixed in.

Su Lian didn't argue any more, just replied softly: "Okay, I'll think about it."

He entered the bathroom, took off his clothes, turned on the shower, and the water droplets fell on his skin, feeling very uncomfortable.

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected, even if that person is his close father, it is difficult to truly empathize.

After a simple shower with unpleasant emotions, Su Lian put on his pajamas and lay down on the bed.

Clicking on the diary, I saw that Chiliang had edited a new record at some point.

January 20, 2019 / Editor: Chiliang

Today, because of the vest, I had a little conflict with him, and it's all my fault.

Although I have apologized many times verbally, I will solemnly repeat it in writing: I'm sorry.

Susu, in the car on the return journey, I Baidu pictures of Weiming Lake, the scenery is very beautiful. Let's have a kiss there when we go to college.

Don't worry about the future, sleep well, eat well, I have everything.

Su Lian read the sentence over and over again and again.

He thought that Chi Huang was so careless because he didn't realize his worries and nervousness, and from time to time he spoke out of his mouth, which would make people angry if he was not careful.

But in such subtle emotional fluctuations, this person is always very sensitive, and can always detect clearly with ease.

Su Lian blinked, feeling his heart soften, followed by a surge of sourness.

Thinking that there is still one person in this world who can share the pain, this trip is not in vain.

January 20, 2019 / Editor: Su Lian

I'm a little unhappy to hear that he's going on vacation for more than ten days, but I'll miss him.

The contradiction is wiped out, and there will be no cold war. I can't bear it.

But brother Chi, remember to send a message every day, and I will reply.

Just after sending it, WeChat received a message: Susu, good night.


For the next ten days, Su Lianzhen would receive harassing text messages from Chi Wang every day, almost occupying all the free time during the day.

Sometimes it's a pure photo, the man in swimming trunks, with beautiful muscles in the sun, with the blue sky and blue sky behind him, looking quite different from his dress wrapped in a ball.

Sometimes it is voice, ranting about the local food, which is unpalatable and expensive. By the way, I envy Su Lian for being able to eat authentic spicy noodles.

At this time, Su Lian would send a very bad picture, which made people jealous.

More often it is a straightforward text, saying that I miss him, I want to go back, I want to hug, I want to kiss.

Although it is far apart, the diary is updated every day, and the number of words is getting longer and longer every day.

The man was obviously not by his side, but Su Lian felt that he was always there.

As the end of the year draws nearer, he looks forward to the countdown on his mobile phone, and after a day, he crosses off one day.

On the night of New Year's Eve, Ji Ying came to make trouble again, with a New Year's gift in her hand, but her mouth was mean.

After all, it's still about the house, it's endless.

This time, Su Lian was a little bit more stubborn, and said straight to the point: "When I graduate from the college entrance examination and get a bonus, I will give you 500,000 yuan and change all the real estate certificates to my name. We will break up with each other in the future, and we will not see each other in this life."

Ji Ying's expression was mixed, and her voice was sharp: "I haven't seen you in this life, can you say it? I'm your mother!"

"Other mothers can't do this. I don't want to see you. No matter what happens to this house in the future, it will have nothing to do with you. If you don't demolish it, this is a worthless little broken house. Think of it as compensation for my dad and me for so many years. No matter how you calculate it, it's all reasonable." Su Lian said with a blank expression.

The young boy in front of him seemed to have suddenly grown into a sharp boy, and was rapidly transforming into a mature adult.

She missed too much of Su Lian's growth, and for a while, she felt in a trance, almost unfamiliar.

Su Lian added: "If it doesn't work, even the 500,000 will be gone."

After a long time, Ji Yingcai nodded silently and agreed.

"Then please leave. Dad and I have to have New Year's Eve dinner." Su Lian opened the door and issued an order to evict the guests.

Ji Ying took two steps, then turned around and said, "Xiao Su, will you really see me in the future?"

"We'll meet again, that's when we change our names." Su Lian's tone was as indifferent as an AI, without a trace of emotion.

When he came to the house over and over again just for a house he didn't know when it would be demolished, Su Lian's heart had already died completely. His relatives would always be Su Huasheng and Chi Wang, and no one else.

Seeing that the woman walked out of the house with an embarrassed expression, the red coat slowly disappeared from sight, and Su Lian felt that her back, which had been tense, loosened.

When he really said it, it was not as difficult as he thought.

Su Huasheng listened in silence throughout the whole process, and then spoke slowly: "Ignore her, come and eat."

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