Noob Player

Chapter 132 - Chameleon Mamba - Part 2

Ice Spear formed above him, and the Ice Spear shot toward the spot where the snake was last spotted. The Ice Spear hit the tree and froze a significant area of the tree. Shen was expecting the snake would be hit by the Ice Spear, but he was bound to be disappointed as there was no movement from the tree, which meant he did not hit the snake.

Shen checked his mana. Ice Spear cost him a hundred mana, leaving him with sixty mana. He could no longer use his magic with sixty mana. There was no hesitation as Shen immediately got away from the Red Willow Tree area. He ran back toward the village as fast as he could.

"Huh!? You have returned, Shen?" Lu Yao was surprised to see Shen return this quickly. Usually, it would take a whole noon before Shen returned from hunting.

Shen shook his head and sat across from Lu Yao. "The new area is too dangerous, Brother Lu. I don't think I will continue exploring the east region." He told Lu Yao what he encountered in the east.

"A snake that can use invisibility skill?" Lu Yao was also surprised when he heard that. "What's Sky doing? They are blatantly lying to us by saying there's no magic, but the monster has a skill similar to magic."

"Are you sure it's an invisibility skill, Shen?" Yue, who had just finished her training, came over and interjected. "I don't think Sky is lying about Magic. It's more like they purposely lead us to believe that Magic does not exist in Tribe Online. If Brother Lu read Sky's announcement, you will know it by the wording. They want us to discover the magic by ourselves as a part of the excitement for the player."

Lu Yao thought about it and opened the official site. He checked the announcement once more, and then, he realized what Yue meant. Sky announced there was no class that related to magic, which was true. They never said there was no magic in Tribe Online. However, people believed there was no magic because there was no magic-related class.

"They indeed fool us with that announcement." Lu Yao nodded his head and looked toward Shen. "Yes, are you sure it's that snake's skill, Shen? Do you know Chameleon? That animal can change its skin color for camouflage, protecting them from a predator and also hunting its prey."

"That might be the case, but this one is different from chameleon. It's perfect camouflage, and you can't tell if they disappeared or just changed their skin color to the tree." Shen told them that he tried to attack the snake with the [Frozen Spear].

"So, they can also move without making any noise, huh?" Lu Yao rubbed his chin as he felt that the snake was indeed quite troublesome to face against. "You can't give up, Shen. Let's think together about how to face this perfect camouflage."

The three were brainstorming together for ten minutes, and Lu Yao came up with an idea. "What about if I make coloring liquid? If you can mark the snake with the coloring liquid, I think you can see the snake even though it uses camouflage. It can change the skin color based on the environment, but it can't change the coloring liquid for sure as it's not part of its body."

Shen's eyes brightened as it was indeed a brilliant idea. "Can you make that coloring liquid, Brother Lu?"

"It should not be an issue as I have to learn to change the color of my poison too." Lu Yao grinned as his knowledge finally came into use. "I just need to change the color of the water, and it will do the work. Since the tree is red and the snake is maroon, blue is good for our prey. However, I don't have the materials to make the color blue. What about green? That's easier to make, and I have the materials."

"Green should work too since the leaves are also red. Let's do that, Brother Lu." Shen nodded his head. 'As expected of a Doctor, he is smart.'

"Then I will make the coloring liquid right away." Lu Yao stood up from the chair and ran toward his dwelling. Not long after entering the dwelling, he ran out again with a bucket. He scooped a bucket of water from the pond and rushed back to the house.

Now, Shen was left along with Yue. There was an awkward silence, at least, Shen felt that way as he did not know what to talk about with Yue. He did not have a female friend, and the only females he interacted with were Auntie Jun and Sister Mei. He regarded them as a family, so there was no awkwardness between them.

"Have you thought about it, Shen?" Yue broke the silence. Shen had a confused expression on his face as he did not know what she talked about. 'Thought about what?'

"The martial arts. Do you want to learn martial arts?" Yue added. They had a conversation about that when they sparred at the PVP Arena. Shen had not given her an answer yet, so she asked again.

"I don't think I can learn any martial arts with my condition right now?" Shen showed his missing arm. It would be hard to learn martial arts with a missing arm, especially if martial arts heavily relied on hands.

Yue nodded her head as she realized the issue. "That's true. I think we can continue the sparring first until you are used to using one hand before we proceed to the martial arts. Then tonight, eight o'clock for our sparring session?"

The two continued chatting as Yue ate another fried chicken to replenish her hunger after the training. Shen was no longer feeling awkward as Yue controlled the flow of the conversation. Without a doubt, Yue's social skill was far above him.

An hour passed, and Lu Yao came out of his house with a wooden jug in his hand. He ran toward Shen with a big smile. "I have finished the coloring liquid, Shen."

Lu Yao opened the lid and let a drop of green-colored liquid onto the table. Even though the main component was water, it was thicker than water.. It was perfect to use the liquid against the snake.

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