“Zizizi, three cars were burned in the parking lot at the entrance of the Trove subway station. We need to go there to complete the routine record…”

Not long after driving out of the Wilshire Police Station, the radio station issued a task.

Hearing the familiar place name, Locke’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly picked up the handheld radio and rushed to reply: “7Adam15, copy…”

“You are very motivated today!”

David drank coffee, looked at Locke in surprise, and curled his lips, “Maybe it’s Tesla again…”

Locke turned around and retorted: “Fuel vehicles have also caught fire!”

David asked unhappily: “Hey, boy, are you standing over there?”

Locke reminded: “Catherine is driving a Tesla!”

David’s expression froze, and he nodded without hesitation: “Yes, compared with Tesla’s spontaneous combustion, the probability of fuel vehicles is indeed higher!”

Locke was speechless, and was amused by the shamelessness of this old man, and soon arrived at the entrance of the Trove subway station.

He found three cars that were burned to the point that only the frames were left. After all, he knew where the cars were parked, and there were three people standing next to them, who should be the owners.

Looking at the three unrecognizable cars, Locke did not show any guilt or guilt on his face, but he was still a little relieved that only three cars were burned.

It should be that after the Cruze was burned, the two cars in front and behind it were not spared.

However, the fire did not spread further, and only three cars were burned before the fire department put it out in time.

After getting off the car, Locke and David took statements from the three car owners respectively. They came here just to go through the procedures.

The owners of the three cars looked very calm, after all, they all had insurance.

The reason for calling the police was to go through the insurance procedures.

David asked, “What did the firefighters say? Was it a spontaneous combustion or arson…”

The owner of the car in front was a Mazda, who was very fat and shook his head and said, “I don’t know. I slept well last night and didn’t receive a call from the firefighters. I didn’t know that the car was burned until I came here…”

The owner of the Cruze looked a little tired and replied, “The firefighters said that the fire spread from my car to the two cars in front and behind. It is suspected that the line is aging. The insurance company will conduct further inspections on our car…”

The owner of the car behind was a Honda, who urged, “Officer, can you finish quickly? I have a meeting later…”

According to the procedure, Locke and David had to conduct a simple inspection of the three cars, and then they could call it a day.

When it was Cruze’s turn, Locke stared at the floor of the back seat and looked carefully for a few times, and found black burnt ash. He knew very well that this was the form of burnt blood.

Climbing down to look at the bottom of the car again, there were also a few drops of dried blood on the ground, which were already brown and black.

Damn, it actually leaked.

My mind turned a few times in an instant, and it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Locke hesitated for a moment, and then made a decision in an instant. He asked David, who was recording the statement of the Mazda owner, “What color is the car that the FBI sent to find this morning? What model?”

If the insurance company inspects the car, it should find the blood stains in the car. To avoid unnecessary trouble, it is better for him to discover it actively.

There are also leaking blood stains under the car. Deliberate omissions are superfluous.

Anyway, he is very confident that there will be no trace of him in the car, not to mention that it has been burned like this.

But his behavior is definitely exposing himself.

David thought for a while and replied, “It seems to be gray, but it didn’t say the model. What’s wrong?”

Locke asked again, “What color is this Cruze registered?”

The owners of the Cruze and Honda have already left. The owner of the Mazda is the most idle, so he stayed at the end.

David flipped through the transcript and replied, “Gray!”

He also realized that Locke should have found something, so he hurried to the frame of the Cruze and asked, “What did you find?”

Locke pointed to the completely burnt blood stains and said with certainty, “It should be this car!”

David also lay down to confirm, and stared at the burnt material on the back seat floor for a while, turned his head and said to Locke, “It should be it, you report it!”

The Mazda owner asked with a gossipy look on his face, “What’s wrong? What happened?”

David said unhappily, “This is not something you should know!”

Locke walked away a few steps and reported on the walkie-talkie, “7Adam15, code 1, we found a gray car suspected to be pursued by the FBI among the three burned cars. The vehicle has been completely burned, but traces of suspected blood were found in the back seat and the bottom of the car, which requires further testing…”

“Copy, I will notify the FBI as soon as possible. Please protect the scene before the FBI arrives, over!”


David also finished recording the transcript and sent the Mazda owner away, Seeing Locke finish the call, he came over and asked:So, the murderer’s accomplice used this car to rescue the murderer right under the noses of the FBI? What a joke, this is crazy. This car seems to be a 2008 model, is it a 1.4T or 1.5L? If they can still lose it like this, the FBI will be embarrassed…” Seeing that Locke looked calm and did not agree with him, he asked curiously: “Why do you react like this?” I can’t brag about myself! Locke shrugged and replied: “I’m wondering if I can get the video of last night’s chase from the FBI. I want to see how powerful this driver is!” David said, “You are dreaming! Unless you join the FBI…”


In fact, after what happened in the past few days, Locke also considered whether to join the FBI.

The main reason is that compared with the arrogant behavior of the CIA and FBI, the LAPD is as honest and simple as a flower girl, either being intercepted by the FBI or the CIA.

Even the ace detective of the LAPD had to give way to the CIA and the FBI, which made him very aggrieved.

David was instantly angry when he saw Locke’s expression, and looked like he was cheated, “Fuck, you really want to go to the FBI! Locke, listen to my advice, you don’t know how deep the FBI is, you can’t grasp it, your future in the LAPD is definitely…”

Locke hurriedly denied, “No, I was thinking that maybe I could ask Inspector Hunter for help. Inspector Hunter also participated in yesterday’s pursuit. He called me last night…, uh, it doesn’t matter whether you watch the pursuit video or not, anyway, we have nothing to do with that case…”

David frowned, as if he had found an adulterer, “It’s this guy who has been tempting you to go to the FBI! ”

Locke said frankly: “He did invite me again later, but I refused. He came to me last night to ask me for help. Don’t worry, I promise that I will be a LAPD for a lifetime…”

LAPD can work three days and rest four days, or work four days and rest three days, and spend a lot of time with family or girlfriend on weekends. I don’t know how comfortable it is.

On the contrary, the FBI needs to work overtime frequently, and the workload is much greater than that of the LAPD. They are as busy as dogs, and the salary of the same level is 20% lower than that of the LAPD.

For him who wants to change his life, LAPD is the best choice.

In less than 5 minutes, the FBI motorcade came over, and coincidentally, it was led by Inspector Henry and Agent Liv.

After saying hello, the FBI forensic personnel immediately came to the burnt Cruze with professional equipment, and other agents skillfully set up a cordon at the scene.

Locke pretended to be surprised and asked: “How did you come so quickly? ”

Bald Hunter glanced at David, who was giving him a cold look, in confusion, and ignored him. He stared at the Cruze that was burned to a frame, and replied gloomily: “We are nearby, 18 Sunset Avenue, there is also a fire there, and we found the murderer’s body, which has been burned to charcoal…”

Locke and David looked at each other, looking a little confused.

David asked in confusion: “So the murderer’s accomplices rescued the murderer, killed him, and set fire to destroy the body?”

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