As a senior agent of the FBI, Inspector Hunter was very touching, whether it was a favor or repeated invitations.

But Locke was not happy at all, because he found that he seemed to have made a mistake.

As an expert in micro-expression analysis, Inspector Hunter soon found that Locke’s expression was different, and he reacted instantly.

He said solemnly: “Locke, don’t worry, only I know about this matter, I won’t tell anyone, including Liv…”

Locke snorted coldly: “The last time I helped you find Harry Bellein, everyone in the detective department knows it, you FBI are like a sieve…”

Damn, just draw it casually, and you restored the “doctor’s” plastic surgery plan.

If the “doctor” knew about this, he would have to find him to argue.

He found out the secret of other people’s skills, this is unacceptable, this is a deadly feud!

Locke couldn’t help but have a murderous intention in his heart, or just kill Hei Lu Dan to silence him!

Then delete the portrait, as if this incident had never happened, he must want to provoke a terrorist like the “doctor”.

This guy’s eyes were full of bloodshot. It was obvious that he had worked overtime all night last night and was still in a state of excitement. As long as he was pricked with a flying needle coated with a special medicine for the heart, he would soon die of sudden cardiac death without anyone noticing.

Died in the line of duty, you can even cover the Stars and Stripes!

Inspector Hunter looked embarrassed, not realizing that death was slowly approaching. He said seriously: “I swear, only you and I know about this matter. I don’t believe in the FBI and will never expose you. Last time, because of the bounty procedure, there were too many people who could see the files…”

He said excitedly: “You are my secret weapon against the ‘doctor’. I can’t protect you in time, so how could I expose you!”

Inspector Hunter hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: “In fact, we already know who rescued Sahara?”

Locke’s hand approaching Inspector Hunter’s arm paused and asked: “Who is it?”

Inspector Hunter’s eyes flashed with heat, and he replied: “It’s the ‘doctor’, I’m We have been tracking this guy for 8 years, and now we finally caught him…” He shook the tablet in his hand, “With your secret weapon, I believe we can catch this guy soon!” Locke was a little confused, slowly retracted his hand, frowned and asked: “How do you know it’s ‘doctor’?” Inspector Hunter did not answer him, but asked: “Why don’t you ask who Sahara is?” Then he said: “Forget it, you already know the identity of Ferlan Alphonse, it doesn’t matter if I tell you, Sahara is the code name of the killer who killed Ferlan Alphonse, he is actually a top agent trained in the CIA training camp, and has been active in Africa, but for some reason, he defected and was ordered to be eliminated by the CIA. This time he came to the United States to engage in terrorist activities to retaliate against the CIA, and killed his former colleague Lev Hamill and CIA secret witness Phils Alphonse in order to expose the CIA scandal…” Hearing Inspector Hunter’s obviously processed words, Locke couldn’t help rolling his eyes in his heart, and stretched out his hand again. The FBI is really not trustworthy. But then I thought that the CIA might not tell the FBI the true situation in the Sahara, and the information that Black Salted Egg knew was processed, so I waited a little longer!

Inspector Hunter continued, “We set up a trap with the CIA last night, but unfortunately, we failed in the end and were intercepted by the ‘Doctor’. Before the operation, the CIA saw the ‘Doctor’ driving the gray Cruze at 18 Sunset Boulevard, and followed him. He didn’t expect that the ‘Doctor’ would get rid of him soon. After that, the ‘Doctor’ kidnapped the injured Sahara under our noses!” He said in an amazed tone, “The ‘Doctor’ is really one of the most difficult enemies of the FBI. After kidnapping Sahara, he actually brought Sahara back to 18 Sunset Boulevard. Juses, is this something a normal person can think of? It’s worthy of being the ‘Doctor’! We almost turned Los Angeles upside down last night, but they hid at the previous crime scene, fuck…” Although Inspector Hunter’s words of praise were all for himself, Locke didn’t want to listen. He asked again, “Why do you think he is the ‘Doctor’?” This question is very important to him. Inspector Hunter replied: “Sahara said that since you knew that Ferland Alphonse was a secret witness of the CIA, you should have guessed that the CIA would eavesdrop on him based on their ethics. So, the CIA heard your conversation with Tom Williams that day, and the CIA should also be paying attention to you. After all, talents like you…” Locke’s expression tightened. He didn’t expect the CIA to eavesdrop on Ferland Alphonse! HoweverBecause he can only detect whether there are cameras in the room, in order to avoid being eavesdropped, he usually turns on the jammer when he works.

Damn it, using eavesdroppers in this era is not keeping up with the times, damn CIA.

In addition to the jammer, his voice will also be adjusted when he disguises himself. As the lip reading is upgraded to L2, the voice change is more skillful.

Now the lip reading is L3, the voice change is more exquisite, comparable to ventriloquism.

He has opened double insurance! So he is not panicked at all.

Seeing Locke’s stern expression, Inspector Hunter naturally thought that he was scared, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, the CIA will not kill you to silence you. Otherwise, Tom Williams of the Detective Bureau will be wiped out, but you should receive a confidentiality request from the CIA later. Of course, if you join the FBI, these are not a problem…”

Seeing that Locke did not respond, he shrugged and said regretfully: “It’s a pity that the ‘doctor’ is worthy of being a ‘doctor’. He has a jammer on him, and the bastard Ferlan Alphonse is not of a high enough level, otherwise the CIA will do him Real-time monitoring, we could have detected something wrong in 18 Sunset Boulevard last night. ”

Seeing that Locke seemed very interested, Inspector Hunter hesitated for a moment and said, “In fact, even if the ‘doctor’ didn’t have a jammer, we couldn’t know what he said to Sahara. Ferland Alphonse, that bastard, knew that the CIA would monitor him, and he made three rules with the CIA, saying that they couldn’t monitor the bedroom. He was worried, so he installed a jammer in the bedroom…”


Locke raised his eyebrows. The CIA and Ferland Alphonse were really a perfect match!

Inspector Hunter thought Locke was regretting that he couldn’t eavesdrop in the bedroom, and comforted him, “Although we didn’t hear anything, Sahara left key information before he died, telling us that the person who kidnapped him was the ‘doctor’?”

Locke asked, “What information?”

He had clearly examined Spike’s body very carefully, and with a big fire, what information could be left?

He felt nervous. Could it be the short blade in his hand?

Inspector Hunter said in a tone of amazement: “Sahara is worthy of being the ace agent of the CIA. Although he has lost his ability to move, he still carved a letter on his palm with a knife with his tenacious will. His skin tissues were all burnt, but the forensic doctor still found fine cracks on the carbonized texture of his palms. After restoration, it was found that these cracks were a letter D, D, Doctor, “Doctor”!!!”


Locke stared at the black-salted egg in a daze, secretly saying that he was lucky, and had a better understanding of Spike’s horror.

If he had taken away the short blade at that time, he should have been able to discover Spike’s little movements.

He was not panicked at all, and asked in confusion: “Is it too hasty to associate it with “Doctor” based on just one letter?”

Inspector Hunter’s eyes were persistent, “There are indeed differences within the CIA and the FBI. Some people think that this letter is A, and some people think it is P. But I think it is D. This is my intuition. In the whole Los Angeles, except for “Doctor”, no one can play with the FBI and CIA at the same time…”

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