“OMG, so beautiful…”

Jennifer Gray was attracted by the scenery as soon as she got off the car. In front of her was the endless Pacific Ocean, and the sea water was clear and blue.

The sky was blue, the sea breeze was blowing, and the seagulls were flying, as if she had walked into an oil painting.

Locke was also very surprised. This place was much more beautiful than the backpacker’s photos, and there was just a basketball court-sized grass suitable for camping. It was surrounded by forests behind it, very secluded, and extremely private.

But it was very difficult to drive in. If his driving skills had not reached this level, and the Raptor’s off-road performance was not bad, it would not be easy for ordinary people to drive in.

Locke walked to the edge of the cliff and observed it. The sea water was very clean. It was about five or six meters away from the sea surface, and the slope was not steep. It would be easy to get up by putting a rope later.

But if you want to go diving, you have to go down first to see if there are any reefs below.

“Locke, it’s great, I like it here…”

Jennifer Gray came over and hugged Locke’s neck excitedly, wanting to kiss him, but he dodged her, a little disgusted, even if it was his own.

In the end, the woman could only peck him on the face, and his disgusted expression made the woman laugh.

She stretched her body, “I’m going to the bathroom, and I’ll come back to help you set up the tent!”

Locke reminded: “Don’t go to the downwind position…”

Jennifer Gray looked back and glared at him coquettishly, “I’m going to pee!”

Watching Jennifer walk into the bushes next to her, Locke also adjusted the parking position and chose a flatter place to set up the camp. He put all the beer in the refrigerator as soon as possible, and then took down the camping equipment in the car one by one.

Soon Jennifer Gray came back, and under Locke’s command, the two spent more than half an hour to set up a camp in the car.

Relying on the car, tent, canopy, camping mat, folding seat, shower, charcoal stove camping lamp, etc., it is well surrounded to form a multifunctional leisure camp.

Locke took the snake repellent and insect repellent and sprayed them around twice. He turned around and found that Jennifer Gray couldn’t wait to take off her clothes. This woman was directly

Jennifer Gray took out the sunscreen from her backpack and applied it all over her body. She asked Locke to help her with the places that she couldn’t reach.

As they were applying, sparks flew. The two of them didn’t care about playing in the water and started to have sex in the wild.

After finishing, the two of them lay on the mat. Locke was not used to being naked, so he put on beach pants.

Jennifer Gray rested her head on Locke’s abdomen, wearing sunglasses, and sunbathing with a look of enjoyment.

Locke looked at the blue sky and enjoyed the sage time. It must be said that this unrestrained feeling in the wilderness was very unique.

Jennifer Gray turned her head to look at Locke and said embarrassedly: “I don’t have time to take care of it. If you don’t like it, I’ll deal with it later…” Locke’s hand movement paused, and he smiled and said: “No, it’s fine like this…” After the sage time was over, the two began to play wantonly, diving, swimming, playing paddle board, and eating and drinking beer to replenish energy when they were tired. L3 swimming and L1 diving made Locke like a sea king in the water, a real white shark in the waves, which made Jennifer Gray on the paddle board admire him so much that she couldn’t help but go into the water and get entangled with him again. It must be said that the experience in the water is not very ideal and it is very physically demanding. It is Locke, otherwise it is difficult for ordinary people to keep two people floating on the water in a mating posture, even with the help of the buoyancy of the paddle board. At noon, Locke lit the stove and used L2’s cooking skills to the fullest, making Jennifer Gray exclaim again, “Locke, you can definitely be a chef in a Michelin restaurant!”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
After the meal, the two people who were full of food lay on the chairs, holding ice-cold beer in their hands, enjoying the Pacific Ocean while drinking beer to digest the food.

Jennifer Gray leaned her head over and kissed Locke’s neck, saying infatuatedly: “Locke, thank you, I am so happy and so lucky, you are simply the perfect lover!”

Locke reached out and stroked her delicate cheek, smiling: “I am also lucky, you are also great!”

From the perspective of a sexual partner, Jennifer Gray is also impeccable.

Locke suddenly thought of his mother’s previous invitation, hesitated for a while, and still said it.

Jennifer Gray’s expression was instantly tangled, “That was just a small matter. Professor Harold Caldwell is my teacher. It’s just a small favor. It’s not necessary…” Locke patted her thigh, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it!” This kind of formal occasion to meet the parents has a different meaning, unlike the last encounter at the FBI. Jennifer Gray looked up at Locke and said seriously: “If you want me to go, I can…” Locke shook his head and said: “No, it’s fine like this, I don’t want to change our relationship!” This is Locke’s true words. He doesn’t want to have a so-called girlfriend to restrict him. It’s just right to be physical without being emotional. “Thanks!!!” Jennifer Grey took the initiative to kiss Locke for his thoughtfulness and said frankly: “I’m really not ready to play the role of a girlfriend. I’ve messed up several times. I enjoy the current state. However, if you need me to change my role, I can do it at any time…”

Locke saw Jennifer Grey’s submissive look and subconsciously wanted to try out the new skill.

But he finally held back, as he always felt that the skill was a bit perverted.

He still liked Jennifer, who had a distinct personality and independent character. If she was really trained to be a tool, what would be the point.

Suddenly, Locke heard a noise behind him, and was startled. He immediately stood up and said to Jennifer Grey, “Put on your clothes, someone is coming…”

Jennifer Grey was only wearing a bikini. She hurriedly put on a T-shirt. Just as she was dressed, four strange young men appeared at the entrance of the forest where they came in. She had to hide behind Locke and continue to put on her pants.

Locke frowned at the four people who suddenly appeared. He was shocked by the sudden appearance of these four people and broke the forest. They were very unhappy about their mood.

All four of them were white, but judging from their clothes and temperament, they were all from the lower class.

One had blond hair and blue eyes, looked sunny and handsome, a cream boy.

One had brown hair, a burly figure, as strong as a brown bear, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

A skinny bamboo pole, also blond, but looked very weak, like a drug addict, staring straight at Jennifer Grey behind Locke.

Another one wore a plaid shirt and black-framed glasses, looked gentle and introverted, and secretly glanced at Jennifer Grey.

“Hahaha, I said there were fresh tire tracks…”

“Hi, we live nearby, and you can actually find this place. This is our secret base, so amazing…”

“We also know a lot of cool places, do you want to play with us?”

“Wow, there are beer and BBQ, cool, man, can we join you? ”


The brown-haired young man saw the beer in the refrigerator at the rear of the car, his eyes lit up, and he immediately walked forward, wanting to take it without asking.

Locke’s eyes turned cold, and he walked forward to stop him, “Stop, you are not welcome here, please leave…”

He knew from the exaggerated acting of the four guys that these four guys were not good people, so he didn’t intend to waste time.

“Fuck, this is our place…”

The brown-haired young man’s face instantly became fierce, and he stretched out his hand to grab Locke, but Locke did it before him and stretched out his hand to push him back.

The brown-haired young man was pushed back several steps in an instant, and the bamboo pole and glasses tried to stop him, but the impact was too great, and they were also knocked over.

The strength attribute of 11 points is no joke, his horizontal push force has reached 160KG .

The cream boy’s face changed, and he looked at Locke in astonishment, and apologized: “Sorry, we just want to make friends with you, we have no ill intentions, don’t be nervous, we will leave now…”

He winked at Zhugan and Glasses to pull the angry brown-haired young man who was ready to get back at him.

The cream boy smiled apologetically at Locke and Jennifer again, walked to the brown-haired young man and whispered something. The brown-haired young man was immediately appeased, but he stared at Locke fiercely and made a singing gesture to Locke.

Soon the four of them left with their arms around each other, talking and laughing. They came abruptly and left quickly.

Jennifer Gray sighed lightly, walked to Locke’s side, and was about to speak, but saw him staring at the direction where the four disappeared with a gloomy face.

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