When Teddy saw Locke coming, he greeted him, “Congratulations, Locke, you are our well-deserved hero!” He introduced his girlfriend, who looked a little unnatural when she saw Locke, “This is the police officer Locke I mentioned to you, who was trained at the same time as me. He is my idol! Locke, this is my girlfriend, Judy…” “Hi, nice to meet you…” Locke reached out and shook hands with Judy. The girl looked nervous. Obviously, she recognized him. Even in the West, it is difficult to talk about women being violated and embarrassing. Teddy naturally noticed his girlfriend’s abnormality and comforted her: “Don’t worry, Locke will not be prejudiced against you. It’s not your fault. You are the victim!” Locke actually didn’t react a little. Teddy saw Judy being pressed to the ground by Lao Hei with his own eyes! What kind of mentality is it to date the victim! Last time, he found that Teddy was very concerned about the victim. Locke just speculated in his mind, but he didn’t expect it to come true. This guy took action and succeeded. But is this really love, or is it out of guilt for the victim, and a desire to atone for the crimes committed by black people?

Does this mean he is great, or perverted!

How can he do it…

Although Locke was a little hesitant about Thaddeus’s new relationship, he echoed Thaddeus on the surface and said, “Yes, Judy, it’s not your fault. You are a victim. You should not feel embarrassed. You are very brave. You are a model of independent women. I am honored to be your schoolmate…”

With a sister who is full of feminist ideas, Locke can easily say these words that cater to women.

Hearing Locke say this, Judy’s expression quickly returned to calm, and she said gratefully: “Thank you, Officer Locke, I just wanted to say thank you to you in person, so I asked Teddy to bring me over…” Locke suddenly realized and said seriously: “This is my duty!” He glanced at Teddy next to him, “Teddy and I just did what we should do. Judy, you are very brave, really, you are a person worthy of admiration! That bastard will get the punishment he deserves!” Judy grabbed Teddy’s hand, her eyes full of love, and said gratefully: “It was Teddy who helped me get out of that bad experience. He not only saved my body, but also saved my soul…” Teddy put Judy’s hand in his mouth and kissed it lightly, saying lovingly: “Sweetheart, don’t say that, you saved my soul!” “…” Locke couldn’t help but shudder. He was really uncomfortable with the obviously abnormal relationship between the two. After chatting for a few more words, he got up and left. He was very puzzled in his heart. Under normal circumstances, white women who were raped by black people should subconsciously dislike black people. It’s like accidentally stepping on a pile of shit, and then seeing it again will remind you of the bad things that happened before, and you will feel physiological disgust.

How could Judy find Teddy, who is also black, as her boyfriend so quickly?

Because they had to go to work the next day, the party didn’t last too long, and colleagues began to leave one after another.

Locke, as the protagonist, left around 9 o’clock. David seemed to be very happy today, and he also drank until 9 o’clock before leaving.

When Catherine Murphy came to pick up David, she saw Locke preparing to take a taxi, so she offered to take him home, but he refused, saying that he had already called Uber.

Not long after Catherine Murphy’s Tesla left, another Tesla stopped in front of Locke. This was the Uber that Locke called.

He found that most of the people who drive online ride-hailing cars in the United States are Teslas.

In the back seat of the Tesla, Locke took out his mobile phone. Although he was drinking, he was always paying attention to his mobile phone.

Today, Ham Law Firm will formally submit a lawsuit to the court for the invalidity of the contract of the parking lot of Mendes Repair Shop. Henry Cavill should have known about this matter on the construction company side, but there was no movement.

Worried, Locke took the initiative to call Victor and asked if there was any situation?

Victor told Locke on the phone that lawyer Anthony Ferdinand had informed them of this matter, but Sam told him that the Smith family was still in Fullerton and had not taken any action.

Sam should be the undercover that Victor planted in the Smith family, that is, the younger brother of the stupid big guy Ryder.

Locke reminded: “Don’t be careless! Notify me at any time if there is any unusual movement.”

Victor replied: “Don’t worry, I won’t give them another chance…”

After hanging up the phone, Locke suddenly had an idea in his heart. He had checked Henry Cavill’s information a long time ago, and tonight was actually a good opportunity.

The whole police station can testify for him. He drank too much.

If thisGo to Fullerton at this time. Unless Henry Calvi is really super, he will never see the sun tomorrow.

Forget it, it’s not necessary. It hasn’t come to that yet.

The next morning, Locke returned to the police station, and the colleagues who greeted him were obviously closer to nature.

Obviously, last night’s party had a significant effect on promoting the relationship between colleagues.

This is true in ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad, which is why the history of wine is so long.

Most of the friendships of human beings are made by drinking.

Before patrolling, Locke specifically asked about the case of the Chinese female student yesterday. After learning that Michelle Chen would be deported back to China, he conveyed this information to Wang Xinying.

After receiving the information, Wang Xinying thanked Locke very much and immediately proposed to treat Locke to dinner, but he declined.

His professional ethics are obviously much higher than that of Teddy. Unless necessary, he will not have too much contact with the parties involved in the previous case, nor will he have any unreasonable thoughts about the victims.

David was obviously affected by the alcoholism last night. He was a little listless all morning. It was not until he drank three cups of coffee that he slowly recovered some energy.

When Locke teased him, the old man stubbornly said: “Boy, when you reach my age, you will be the same as me!”

With the system, Locke is very confident that his body will not age with age. On the contrary, as the attribute points are added, his physical fitness should get better and better.

This time, Locke went on a date with Jennifer Gray. Jennifer Gray was no longer his opponent, which made him very unhappy.

The night before yesterday, when Jennifer Gray was in Gran Apartment, she even proposed an absurd idea when she was emotional.

Although Locke was somewhat tempted, he did not agree immediately. He is very picky now.

At noon, Mexican restaurant.

Everyone came today. In addition to Superintendent Mona and Nathan, Randy and Elsa, Mark and Teddy were also there. Teddy resumed his job today.

As soon as Randy saw Locke, he said in a mean way: “Locke, I have something to tell you. I don’t know who asked Old John to take a bottle of 15-year-old Glenlivet last night, so we overspent last night…”

In the United States, where ordinary red wine costs only a few dollars a bottle, a bottle of Glenlivet that costs hundreds of dollars is definitely expensive.

Locke didn’t reveal it, but counted out 500 dollars to him and asked, “Is it enough?”

Randy grabbed the money and said with a smile, “Enough, enough, bro , you are so cool, I will save the extra for you…”

Superintendent Mona looked at him with disdain, “I’ll tell you, Master Locke would care about this little money?”

Mark directly exposed Randy and said with a smile: “If it weren’t for Randy, we wouldn’t be able to drink the 15-year-old Glenlivet. The taste is indeed different!”

David also echoed: “Yes, the taste is more mellow, I like the aroma of nuts, which is completely different from the smoky taste, and the fragrance lingers on the lips and teeth…”

Randy immediately looked at Locke awkwardly, and Locke said indifferently: “Old John told me last night that everyone is happy…”

Teddy put down his phone with a spring face, and it was obvious that he was chatting with his girlfriend. He said regretfully: “15-year-old Glenlivet, Randy, why don’t you send me some to try!”

Mark said unhappily: “You were only talking to your girlfriend last night. In such a good social occasion, you didn’t go to deepen your relationship with your colleagues!”

Teddy smiled and said: “I will pay attention next time…”

Everyone looked at them with different expressions. It was obvious that the relationship between Teddy and Mark had improved greatly.

Elsa was a little quiet today. She didn’t say much and didn’t stare at Locke like a fangirl. It seems that Superintendent Mona’s talk was very effective.

When they went to the bathroom together, Locke asked Teddy how he improved his relationship with Mark.

Teddy shrugged, “After what happened last time, I found that his attitude towards black people was not wrong!”

He leaned slightly towards Locke and whispered, “Also, I told him that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was investigating him…”


Locke’s hand paused, and he was so stupid, didn’t he betray his father?

This kid is definitely a swindler!

Locke hesitated for a moment, and finally gossiped a little and asked, “Then how did you get together with Judy?”

Teddy said happily, “I saw that Judy was very confused and helpless when she was waiting for the HIV result, so I went to the hospital to give her psychological counseling. As we got to know each other better, we found that we were the people each other had been looking for, so we got together. This must be God’s arrangement. It’s cool, right?”


Locke peed crooked in an instant, which was very American, and he helped her up.

He reminded: “From a psychological perspective, Judy is in a weak period at this time, so she isFeelings may be dependence, not love…”

Teddy said seriously: “No, I thought about it too. Before we decided to be together, I talked to Judy openly. Judy said that she had never thought about finding a black boyfriend before, but since she was fucked by that bastard, she has a special feeling for black people. My appearance just filled the gap in her soul…”


Locke peed on his hand. Isn’t this what the hell?

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