Locke had not intended to pay attention to the FBI, after all, they came here to connect with the big guys in the conference room.

But Black Braised Egg’s words instantly ignited his anger towards the FBI.

Locke immediately turned and rushed towards Black Braised Egg, punched him in the face, then grabbed his clothes and lifted him up and slammed him against the wall, angrily cursing: “What else do you want to talk about? Do you fucking know that I was almost cut in half by Johnny Dyson with a Barrett? Is this how you FBI do things? You keep saying that you will protect my safety, and you swear that Johnny Dyson is in your surveillance. You are clearly in the same group with Johnny Dyson. Do you know how many LAPD lost their lives today because of your incompetence?”

“What are you doing?”

“Let go…”

Other FBI agents gathered around and tried to pull Locke and Hunter apart, but they couldn’t move Locke’s hand at all, and they didn’t dare to be too harsh, so they were deadlocked.

The conflict quickly attracted other police officers. This is Wilshire.

Enrique Gonzalez, the FBI director in Los Angeles, who was standing at the front, turned his head and stared coldly at Locke and Hunter, then looked at the other police officers who gathered around, and said to Anna Davis with a gloomy face: “Captain, if LAPD does not welcome the FBI, we can leave immediately…” Anna Davis had to speak up and coldly scolded the police officers who surrounded them: “Disperse, don’t you have anything to do?” He said to Locke in a deep voice: “Enough, don’t you think it’s not chaotic enough?” “If you don’t give me an explanation for this matter, I will never let you go!” Locke trembled, and the FBI agents who had pulled him were instantly shaken away by him. With his current physique and L3 master fighting, these so-called FBI elites are all chickens and pots in his eyes. Locke returned to Anna Davis. Anna Davis glanced at him coldly, said nothing, turned around and continued to walk towards the confession room, and Locke hurriedly followed. At the door of the confession room, Anna Davis suppressed her anger and asked, “Why did you suddenly become so impulsive? Although the FBI has noticed your talent, do you think they will really take you seriously?”

Locke replied calmly, “My attitude just now is clear enough!”

Anna Davis was stunned, “What attitude?”

Locke shrugged and pointed to his chest, “Broken up with the FBI in public, and devoted to the LAPD from now on…”

Anna Davis quickly reacted and said in astonishment, “So, you just did it for the Parker Center’s senior executives to see…”

Just now in the conference room, a group of bigwigs were obviously a little unhappy with his ambiguous relationship with the FBI. Archie Kohlmeier, the vice chairman of the Police Commission, even reminded him in public and asked the LAPD to train him well.

If he still doesn’t know how to be a man, then the half Chinese blood in his body is not in vain.

Anna Davis looked at Locke with a complicated expression and sighed, “Marian has a good son!”

She couldn’t help but feel envious in her heart. She subconsciously thought that if Locke was her son, it would be great. Then the power of the Thomas family in the LAPD would be 100% continued to the third generation.

The figure of her daughter Marcy Davis flashed in her mind. Forget it. Marcy is too young. It’s meaningless to think about it now.

Anna Davis looked at Locke with a complicated look and said seriously, “Locke, thank you. You saved me again today!”

If Locke hadn’t knocked her down after Johnny Dyson’s shot, she should be lying in the morgue now.

Locke shrugged and smiled, “Then don’t scold me next time I commit a crime…”

Anna Davis was speechless and replied, “OK, then when I scold you, remember to remind me!”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Next, Anna Davis arranged for colleagues at the Wilshire Police Department to take a detailed record of Locke.

When Locke came out, he found that Jet and Hannah had been picked up from Troy High School.

Marian must have made advance arrangements, so when the two saw Locke, they did not show any emotion.

Marian took out a mobile phone from her bag and handed it to Locke, “Your car has been towed back. Your colleague just brought your phone over. There are some messages and missed calls. I have called Jester and Glenn. You can call the others when you have time…”

Locke took the phone and found that the calls were from Jennifer Gray, Sarah Mendes and some former girlfriends.

There were also some WhatsApp messages from his cousin Rand Locke and some college classmates who knew he was a LAPD. Even his cousin Alice Locke, who had some conflicts with him, sent a greeting message.

Apparently they saw the news of the Los Angeles massacre this morning on Facebook and Twitter.The incident of police casualties caused by the attack.

Since 911, Americans have become extremely sensitive to terrorist incidents in their own country.

If there is a protest march by people of color, or a shooting in a supermarket, they may not send a message to ask.

Locke called back first, but Jennifer Gray’s phone was not connected. She should have been in the operating room, so he sent her a message to report that she was safe.

Sarah Mendes’ phone call was connected as soon as she called. The first thing the girl said was that Victor had helped him find a Challenger Hellcat and asked him to go and see it when he was free. Finally, she pretended to mention the terrorist attack in Los Angeles casually. I heard that many policemen were injured and asked him to pay attention to safety.

After hanging up Sarah’s phone, Locke did not plan to reply to other women’s calls. He said he would go ashore, and he had to keep his word.

Let those rotten peach blossoms that were once green, thin, red and fat rot in the unruly youth!

Then he replied to Rand and Alice, as well as his classmates.

At this time, Anna Davis led her family over. Anna Davis first said to Locke: “Locke, I am officially notifying you now that you will be on administrative leave from now on, and all internal investigation procedures will be carried out after your protection order is lifted…” Locke hurriedly replied: “Received!” “OK, we are done with business.” Anna Davis shrugged and said to Marian: “The police will escort us home to get some daily necessities, and then send us to the safe house…” She turned to Locke and said: “DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has taken over this case, and the FBI has also shared all the information they have on the remnants of the Copernicus organization. The LAPD will cooperate in arresting the remnants of the Copernicus organization. Once these remnants are cleared, our protection order can be lifted…” … At night, the Locke family moved into a safe house of the LAPD, which is an independent villa hidden in a residential area, surrounded by LAPD police officers responsible for protection. Although the house is also very high-end and has everything to eat and drink, it is nothing compared to the Locke family’s home in Beverly Hills. The family had a quiet dinner, and their emotions were inevitably affected, which made Locke feel a little guilty, but every time he wanted to say something, he would see Marian’s calm eyes.

After dinner, the family watched the press conference jointly held by LAPD and DHS on the daytime attack.

The LAPD spokesperson characterized the daytime attack as a revenge attack by Copernicus terrorists against LAPD, and announced a reward for the remnants of the Copernicus organization.

At the same time, it was announced that since the images of police officers being injured would cause discomfort to the families of police officers, all online videos and photos about the daytime terrorist attacks would be blocked.

At this time, Hannah suddenly said, “Locke, can you tell me about what happened during the day? Marcy said you are a hero in Los Angeles, better than Mark Damon in “The Bourne Supremacy”. When she talked about you, her eyes were full of light. I suspect she fell in love with you…”

“Shut up, don’t talk nonsense!”

Marian scolded Hannah first, and said, “Tell us, we are all curious about what you did?”

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