Locke understood Hei Lu Dan’s current mood, just like when he realized that helping Hei Lu Dan to reverse the “doctor’s” cosmetic surgery plan would put him and his family in danger, he immediately wanted to kill Hei Lu Dan.

If he guessed correctly, Hei Lu Dan should have wanted to kill him at this moment.

The conspiracy behind Roy Earl was more terrifying than that of “doctor”. No matter how strong Hei Lu Dan’s background was in the FBI, once someone knew that Hei Lu Dan knew the secrets of the presidential assassination three years ago.

Hei Lu Dan and his backers in the FBI would definitely be eliminated together.

Hei Lu Dan was probably weighing whether he could kill him and whether he could get through the beginning and end smoothly after killing him.

Thinking of this, Locke couldn’t help laughing, causing Inspector Hunter to look at him in doubt. He pretended to be calm and asked, “What are you laughing at?”

Locke laughed, “I’m laughing at you for not knowing your own strength. Think about what I did yesterday…”

Inspector Hunter’s face changed, and he defended himself, “You misunderstood, I definitely didn’t…”

Locke looked like he had seen through him, shrugged, “I understand, after all, I thought so too…”

If he hadn’t been concerned about the FBI, he would have done it last time.

Inspector Hunter’s eyes shrank, staring at Locke defensively, staring at Locke with a gloomy face, “Locke, I still underestimated you!”

Locke said calmly, “We are grasshoppers on the same tree now, so it’s better to be honest to avoid misjudgment. I just want to tell you that it’s easy for me to kill you. If you don’t believe it, you can try…”

“Not to the point…”

Inspector Hunter looked at Locke in doubt, shrugged and smiled bitterly. Suddenly, with a move of his right hand, a short knife slipped out of his sleeve, and he waved his hand and stabbed Locke’s neck.

But he had to stop just after he raised his hand, because Locke was holding an OKC-3S dagger at his throat.

Detective Hunter felt the cold edge at his throat, and felt creepy all over. What made him even colder was that he didn’t even notice how Locke did it.

He slowly withdrew his hand and smiled nonchalantly: “It’s really amazing!”

Old silver coin, it’s really shady.

Locke withdrew his hand directly, and the dagger in his hand instantly retracted into his sleeve and disappeared without a trace.

He said straight to the point: “My life is more valuable than yours. I will definitely not expose this matter. Now you also know how deep the water behind the “doctor” is. As long as you stop biting the “doctor”, everyone will be fine. Hello, I’m fine, everyone is fine!”

While Locke was talking, Detective Hunter suddenly waved the dagger in his hand again and stabbed at Locke’s heart, and then froze again and stopped in the middle.

Just like before, Locke put the OKC-3S dagger at his throat again. His face was calm, as if he had expected Black-Braised Egg to attack, or he didn’t care about Black-Braised Egg attacking again.

Locke looked at Black-Braised Egg calmly and smiled: “There is an old saying in China, that things can’t happen more than three times. You have tried twice, you can try again!”

He had already made up his mind that he would kill Black-Braised Egg the third time.

The FBI suspected it, but Black-Braised Egg didn’t know the current situation, so they could only let him disappear.

Inspector Hunter threw the dagger in his hand directly to the ground, and a chill rose in his heart. He had already believed that he couldn’t kill Locke, but Locke could kill him easily.

As for trying the third time, he really thought that he had been an agent for so many years in vain.

The murderous intent under that calm face was colder than the blade on his neck.

Detective Hunter stared at Locke, “Who are you?”

Many guesses flashed through his mind, CIA, M16, KGB, or Chinese agents, or perhaps an accomplice of the “doctor”.

Suddenly, an incredible guess flashed through his mind, and he blurted out: “Are you the ‘doctor’?”

“If I were the ‘doctor’, you would have died hundreds of times…”

Locke retracted his hand again, and the OKC-3S dagger in his hand disappeared directly out of thin air.

This move directly numbed the black-salted egg. It turned out that the dagger appeared in this way. Who can defend against this?

Knife hiding technique?



When the black-salted egg was stunned, Locke said calmly: “It doesn’t matter who I am. Now I am an ordinary LAPD. I want to live an ordinary life with my family and enjoy the sunshine of Los Angeles. Can you meet my request? Detective Hunter…”


As soon as Detective Hunter said this, he knew it was wrong. The age didn’t match, but a huge wave was set off in his mind because he thought of another possibility.

At first, he subconsciously thought that Locke’s resume was fake, but he immediately denied it because Locke Lee’s resume was too real and innocent, without any loopholes.

He just misunderstood Locke as a “doctor”, which gave him new inspiration.

This Locke Lee in front of him was fake, shouldHe was transformed into Locke Lee by the “doctor”.

He guessed that Locke’s identity should belong to the same organization as the “doctor”. He was tired of fighting and killing, longed for family affection, and wanted to enjoy a normal life, so he chose Locke Lee’s family.

The reason why he did not suspect Locke had ulterior motives for changing his face was that he invited Locke to join the FBI three times, but Locke refused. If Locke really wanted to do something, wouldn’t it be better to join the FBI?

Moreover, he had been observing Locke with his best micro-expression analysis. He was very sure that what Locke said just now was true and from the heart.

No wonder Locke Lee’s personality and living habits changed drastically a month ago. Everything was arranged. He deliberately killed two drug dealers and used PTSD after killing to cover up his temperament changes.

Uh, it seems that the organization where the drug dealers belonged was also silenced. It was perfect!

The means were not ordinary cruel!

Inspector Hunter felt cold all over in an instant. He realized that Locke’s status in the organization was not lower than that of the “doctor”.

Then the scenes of his contact with Locke emerged in his mind one by one, and many things that were previously puzzling suddenly became clear. He knew lip reading, could sketch, had top-notch marksmanship, was ruthless, and could kill people like drinking water. He could easily kill the retired elites holding rocket launchers.

Thinking that he had asked Locke to reverse the “doctor’s” plastic surgery plan before, his scalp suddenly numbed.

Locke saw “Buffalo” Harry. Baileyne threatening “doctor”, so Harry. Baileyne was thrown out as cannon fodder. Well, only he knew what happened.

Johnny Dyson of the Copernicus organization wanted to seek revenge on the LAPD, but he was uncontrollable and was also thrown out.

He also specially arranged for the sniper “Roy Earl” to silence him, and in the end “Roy Earl” was silenced by Locke again. The body of “Roy Earl” disappeared without a trace, and all the clues were broken.

Locke had guessed that he would continue to ask him to reverse the wanted criminal who had undergone plastic surgery by the “doctor”, so he took advantage of the exposure of “Roy Earl” this time and revealed the inside story of the presidential assassination three years ago, so that he would give up.

Anyway, “Roy Earl” is dead and there is no evidence.

Even if he wants to overturn the case, it will only cause a bigger storm, and he will die miserably.

After thinking it through, Inspector Hunter could no longer resist. He and Locke, and the forces behind Locke, are not at the same level at all.

If Locke did not want to provoke the FBI, killing him would be as easy as killing an ant.

He didn’t know that his brain-supplementing was a lucky coincidence and was infinitely close to the truth.

If Locke knew what was going on in Black Salted Egg’s mind, he would definitely cut his throat without hesitation and would not let this guy live for another second.

Seeing that Heihuodan looked uncertain, he said impatiently: “I have already told you how deep the water behind the ‘doctor’ is. If you still don’t know how to live or die and want to implicate me, then don’t blame me. I am saving you, don’t you understand?”

“Thank you…”

Inspector Hunter’s heart was full of bitterness. Locke was indeed saving him.

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