As soon as Victor Mendes hung up the phone, Ryder, who was as dark as chocolate, couldn’t wait to ask, “What did Locke say?”

“He said he’ll be here soon…”

Victor Mendes replied to Ryder, and subconsciously glanced at his sister who was looking at him expectantly, realizing that Sarah and Locke were not from the same world.

He was shocked by the information Locke had just revealed. In his eyes, a billionaire like Henry Cavill was a big shot. He was involved in both the black and white worlds, forcing Mendes’s repair shop to go bankrupt and forcing him to go nowhere. If Sarah wasn’t still young, he would have almost gone down that path.

But Locke could mobilize the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to deal with Henry Cavill, and easily put this guy in trouble, which was completely beyond his cognition.

He had only seen this kind of plot in movies.

“Great, with Locke, we must make sure Martin has no chance to come back tonight, biubiubiubiu…”

Ryder clapped his hands excitedly and made a shooting gesture. When he noticed Victor’s strangeness, he asked in confusion, “Uh, why do you have that expression?”

Victor Mendes repeated what Locke had just said, “That is to say, Henry Cavill, that bastard, is now in a state of panic, being targeted by vampires, facing prosecution for tax evasion and bribery, and may go bankrupt…”

Sarah Mendes and Ryder were stunned after hearing what Victor said, their faces full of disbelief.

Ryder was the first to come to his senses. He waved his hand and shouted, “Yes, Locke is so cool. Henry Cavill is being targeted by vampires. He must be dead this time. We can definitely get our racetrack back!”

Sarah Mendes’ face turned pale, and she instantly understood the meaning of Victor’s previous look.

“Victor, how do you know such a big shot?”

There were not only the Mendes siblings and Reid in the office, but also a middle-aged black man, very dark, as dark as dark chocolate.

The black man was called Jim, an old employee of the Mendes repair shop. He used to work with Edmund Mendes and was Reid’s father.

He learned from Reid about the crisis faced by the Mendes siblings and took the initiative to help.

Without waiting for Victor to answer, Reid told the old black man how they met Locke, “Although Locke is a rich man, he is easy to deal with and generous, and his car repair skills are better than Victor’s. Oh, by the way, he is also a cop…”

Jim held a Corona in his hand, and his wrinkled face was full of vicissitudes. He glanced at Sarah Mendes, who was becoming more and more beautiful, took a sip of beer, and pouted: “I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have seen such a compassionate rich person…”

Although Sarah Mendes was worried about her and Locke’s future, she still came out to defend them at the first time Locke, “Jim, Locke is different from ordinary rich people!” Jim looked serious and shook his head, “Sarah, you don’t know enough about this world. The rich are in a completely different class from us. Do you know what their lives are like? They don’t have to worry about their livelihoods since they were born. They go to private schools, then go to prestigious schools, become lawyers, doctors, businessmen, and politicians. He will never have any intersection with us in his life. But he took the initiative to make friends with you and helped you so enthusiastically. Wake up, he just wants to sleep with you…” Sarah Mendes seemed to be awakened by Jim’s words, and her face became more and more embarrassed. Although Locke said something different from Jim, she had to admit that the gap between her and Locke’s status was huge, so big that it was insurmountable. Reid asked in confusion, “What’s the problem? Sarah is going to find a boyfriend anyway!”

Jim was instantly furious, the Corona in his hand flew over, and he cursed, “Fuck, is this how you take care of Sarah?”

At this time, Victor Mendes’s phone rang. He raised his hand to signal Jim and his son to be quiet, and answered the phone with an unchanging expression.

Although he had known Locke’s purpose for a long time, Jim’s words still hurt him.

Victor suppressed his anger, “Locke…”

After he hung up the phone, Reid came over again, “What did Locke say?”

Victor’s anger towards Locke had long disappeared, leaving only fear. He said, “Locke said he was on administrative leave and couldn’t come!”

“How could he do this…”

Reid’s face changed instantly, and he was very angry.

Sarah Mendes was in disbelief, and tears overflowed.

Jim looked like he had guessed it long ago, and said coldly: “You heard it, right? How could a rich man risk his life to help you? I’ll call John and the others right now. Don’t worry, as long as we old guys are alive, we will never let anything happen to you and your sister…” “Jim, no need!” Victor MenDes hurriedly stopped Jim and turned to his crying sister and said, “Locke said that although he can’t come, he will ask his FBI friends for help…” Jim and his son were stunned for a moment, and the angry expressions on their faces were frozen. Sarah Mendes wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth again, but it disappeared quickly. After calling Detective Hunter and Victor Mendes respectively, Locke explained to his parents, “Detective Hunter of the FBI owes me two favors. This time I can use one. With the FBI, this matter should be easily resolved…” Li Bo looked at Locke in astonishment, and his mind couldn’t help but think of the previous discussion with Marian about Locke’s development prospects in the LAPD. He didn’t expect Locke to establish his own network in the LAPD so quickly. Marian frowned and said, “If I had known you would ask the FBI for help, I might as well ask Jester to send a few cowboys over. This is a favor from the FBI!” Locke shrugged and said indifferently, “I also want to test the quality of the FBI’s favor. Besides, if Inspector Hunter accidentally died, this favor would be wasted, so it should be used when it is needed…” If he really couldn’t get away this time, there would be no need to bother Hei Lu Dan. “You don’t want to think about it!”

Marian glared at Locke and said, “I talked to Jester on the phone this morning. If the protection order is lifted tomorrow, we will go back to Lebec this weekend. You should call Jester back later.”

“Ok, I’ll call when I get back to the room…”

Locke picked up his phone, picked up a piece of pizza, stood up and said, “I will continue to study the materials for the detective exam later. If you don’t come down by dinner time, don’t call me!”

Li Bo watched Locke disappear at the corner of the stairs, turned his head and looked at Marian in disbelief, “Locke just said he wants to study?”

Marian took a sip of coffee, with a look of indifference, “Didn’t I tell you that he studied for four hours last time?”

Li Bo blurted out, “Are you sure you are talking about Locke, not Jet?”

Jet, who was debugging the X BOX next to the TV, turned his head and looked over, “What’s the matter?”

Three black Escalades drove towards East Los Angeles, and Inspector Hunter in the co-pilot seat asked the target’s location information with a serious face.

In the driver’s seat, Liv turned her head to look at Hunter from time to time. She found that since the car was burned, Inspector Hunter has become much more silent and serious.

After Inspector Hunter finished the call, she asked: “Hunter, now you can tell me who is the target of our operation this time?”

Inspector Hunter stared at the front with a cold expression, “I received news that a gang organization in Fullerton wants to attack ordinary people…”

He is still a little puzzled now, and can’t understand why Locke asked him to handle such a simple matter. Is it a test?

Liv was confused, she turned her head to look at Inspector Hunter, “Are you kidding? Uh, I see, it’s another big shot to clean up the ass…”

Inspector Hunter’s mouth twitched, what kind of big shot is Locke.

Uh, thinking of his true identity, his eyes shrank, perhaps, he is indeed a big shot.

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