David looked at Ms. Nancy in front of him with a sigh in his eyes. He had just known the identities of Ms. Nancy and the corpse outside.

Who would have thought that the corpse was Henry Morgan, the legendary detective of the Los Angeles Police Department?

And Ms. Nancy was Henry Morgan’s wife, uh, it’s more appropriate to say widow now.

Henry Morgan became famous in the mid-1980s. At that time, Los Angeles was full of gangs and drugs were rampant. Gang fights could often be seen on the streets, and at night it became a real crime city.

The Los Angeles Police Department was also corrupt and disciplined, causing the entire Los Angeles to be in a state of chaos and disorder, and the crime rate soared.

Because of the backward criminal investigation technology, many homicide cases ended up being headless cases until Henry Morgan rose to power, solving homicides one after another, bringing criminals to justice, and once saved the reputation of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Of course, now it seems that Henry Morgan’s crime-solving rate is naturally not as good as that of Tom Williams, the detective of the Los Angeles Police Department today, but when you think of the background of the times he lived in, you have to admire him.

In that era, Henry Morgan almost single-handedly held the bottom line of the Los Angeles Police Department, and he was therefore awarded the title of Los Angeles City Hero.

This is also the reason why Detective Edmund and Theresa were restrained in interrogating Grandma Nancy.

Because Henry Morgan is really a legend of the police force and a city hero, facing his widow, many methods can’t be used at all, even if she is now the biggest suspect.

David also felt a lot of pressure. He joined the LAPD to a large extent, and was inspired by Henry Morgan’s heroic deeds.

He considered the words and thought of a tactful entry point, and asked: “Mrs. Morgan, can you tell me how Henry died?”

“It’s been a long time since I heard someone call me that…”

Nancy Morgan smiled, she looked at Locke and said with a smile: “When Henry was young, he was as tall and handsome as you, sunny and confident. When I saw you, I thought of him…”

She looked at David again, “But when he was about to retire, he was just like you. At that time, he also gained weight, his belly became bigger, and he no longer had the charm of the past years. His ears also began to lose hearing…”

Locke and David looked at each other and instantly understood why they were called by Nancy Morgan to record the transcript. It turned out that Grandma Nancy saw Henry Morgan in them.

Next, without David and Locke asking, Nancy Morgan spoke by herself.

She looked calm, stroking the cat gently, showing a nostalgic look, and said calmly: “This is a joke of Henry. He wants to know how long it will take you to find out that he is dead…”

Locke and David were both stunned, and they didn’t quite believe what Nancy Morgan said, because just before they came in, the detective team had some new information.

That is, Henry Morgan has been collecting his pension, so everyone’s first reaction was that Nancy Morgan was stealing Henry Morgan’s pension.

Anna Davis and Captain Jones, as well as Edmund and Theresa outside, also hesitated.

“It’s been three years, it’s been three years, and you finally found him…”

Nancy Morgan looked at Locke, her eyes full of gratitude, “Boy, I heard that you found Henry, thank you, although he has been with me for another three years, but he shouldn’t be lying there…”

According to Nancy Morgan, Henry Morgan had a stroke in his later years and had to rely on a wheelchair and crutches to move. Three years ago, he accidentally fell down the stairs.

He fell and hit his head. Nancy Morgan wanted to send Henry to the hospital immediately, but Henry seemed to have anticipated something and stopped Nancy.

He said he didn’t want to hold a memorial service like this and be seen by the younger generations of the Los Angeles Police Department, so he asked Nancy to bury him directly in the back garden.

Nancy Morgan raised her head slightly and looked at the mirror behind Locke and the others. “In the first few years after Henry retired, he was often invited by the Los Angeles Police Department. But later, as time passed, the Los Angeles Police Department gradually stopped inviting him to participate in activities. It might be because he was disabled or he was deaf. The Los Angeles Police Department began to forget him, and he slowly became an ordinary old man…” “So, so Henry said that this was a joke he played on the Los Angeles Police Department. Let’s see when you find out that he is dead…” At this point, her expression finally changed, and her voice was a little choked. “He died in my arms. I don’t know if I killed him. If I sent him to the hospital, maybe he wouldn’t die…” “I wanted him to be found earlier, so I didn’t dig too deep a hole. He was buried very shallowly…” “It’s strange. At that time, he had already started stuttering, butThat time, he spoke unusually fluently, as if he had regained his former vigor and vigor, so confident and calm…”

“Now, he can finally go to where he should be…”


After listening to Nancy Morgan’s story, David looked a little gloomy. He had begun to believe in Nancy Morgan, because this was indeed what Henry Morgan could do.

Based on his understanding of Henry Morgan, this legendary detective of LAPD was a very proud and conceited person. He used his death to mock the Los Angeles Police Department for forgetting him.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Henry Morgan’s pension was stolen.

According to Nancy, Henry Morgan has been dead for three years, which means that his pension has been stolen for three years, which is a very serious accusation in California.

Just as David was about to ask about this, the door of the interrogation room was knocked.


Anna Davis pushed the door and walked in, followed by a middle-aged white policeman with three stars on his collar.

LAPD Deputy Chief of Police

David immediately stood up and saluted, “Hello, Chief…”

Locke was a beat slower and saluted as well. From David’s address, he already knew who the person who came in with Anna was. He had only heard this name this morning.

Garrett Miller, Chief of the West Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, is also the direct supervisor of the entire Wilshire Police Department.

Garrett Miller said to Locke and David, “Two officers, Your work is done, you can go off work, thank you for your efforts…”

Locke and David did not leave immediately, but looked at Anna Davis first, and when they saw her nod, they moved their seats, nodded to Nancy Morgan, and then walked out.

Before they left the house, they heard Garrett Miller greeting Nancy Morgan cordially.

At the door, Captain Jones saw the two people coming out and high-fived them respectively, “Guys, hard work…”

Detectives Edmund and Theresa also came over to thank the two.

On the way to the parking lot, Locke and David were a little silent. Everyone will grow old, and the heroes of the past will be forgotten, let alone them!

Locke held the door of the F150 and looked at David who had already got in the car. After David pressed the window, “Anything else?”

Locke asked: “Will Nancy Morgan be prosecuted? ”

David shrugged and shook his head, “How would I know? But since Chief Miller is here in person, maybe there will be a turnaround. After all, this is a scandal for the Los Angeles Police Department…”

He started the car, turned his head and continued, “This is something that the big guys should worry about. Remember to find Captain Jones tomorrow morning…”

“Got it!!!”

“One more thing, don’t tell anyone about Henry Morgan’s case!”

“Uh, got it!”

Locke watched David leave and got in the car.

When he was starting the car and preparing to leave, the panel suddenly flashed.

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