The Mexican drug dealer remained silent. He knew the seriousness of these three problems, especially the last two.

At this time, Henry’s anxious voice came from outside, “Locke, how are you?”

“I’m fine, don’t come in yet, you treat the wounded first…”

Locke stared at the Mexican drug dealer on the ground, but his ears were alert to the movements around him. Seeing that the drug dealer wanted to continue to play dead, his eyes turned cold and four shots were shot at the drug dealer’s limbs.


The drug dealer on the ground instantly turned into a lobster on the shore, curled up in pain, and said quickly: “My name is Jose Camilo, we are from the Navarro Group, there are 26 such planting sheds in Lebec, 6 are legal, and 20 are illegal, stop the bleeding for me, I don’t want to die, I am willing to lead you…”

He also wanted to hold on, knowing that once he opened his mouth, the organization would know that he had betrayed him and would never let him go.

However, he knew that he would die immediately if he didn’t open his mouth.

Locke immediately thought of the Navarro Group, which is also a drug trafficking organization in Tijuana, Mexico. However, compared with the notorious Santoni Group, the Navarro Group has a better reputation in Tijuana.

The Navarro Group rarely does things like attacking police stations, beheading, and hanging betrayed drug dealers or opponents on viaducts.

Well, they look more civilized.

However, the flour they export to the United States every year ranks among the top five, and they are one of the important flour suppliers in the western United States. Because of their stable channels and reliable quality, they are deeply loved by customers in California and Nevada.

I didn’t expect that in addition to the flour business, the Navarro Group also got involved in the leaf business, and even opened a plantation directly behind Los Angeles.

They can actually think of selling leaves in Los Angeles openly. The IQ of this organization is not ordinary.

Locke has never had any sympathy for drug dealers. He said coldly, “I didn’t hit your artery, so as long as you don’t seek death, you shouldn’t die…” He had already confirmed that there were no other drug dealers. He walked out of the hiding place and looked down at the drug dealer who was twitching in pain on the ground. This was a Mexican in his thirties, with a beard, plaid shirt, jeans and boots, a very standard Mexican outfit. Jose Camilo looked up at Locke, but only saw the pair of eyes without any emotion in the black hood. He lowered his head and begged for mercy, “Don’t kill me, don’t kill me…” Locke hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice, “I don’t want your family in Mexico to die. Next, you should know what to do…” Jose Camilo looked up at Locke, wanting to listen to his instructions, but didn’t want to see a yellow boot coming towards him and kicking him directly in the face. “Bang!” The pain was so painful that he suffocated, and the whole world was dark, and he fainted. The Navarro Group has such a large layout in Lebec that it must be dealt with. It has already endangered the stability of Lebec. If there are ten drug dealers in a planting shed, there will be 260 people, and no farm can handle it.

However, we still have to ask Jester how to deal with it. He is not familiar with Lebec.

Locke quickly found the storage room mentioned by Jose Camilo. The door was open. He pushed the door open with a gun. A strong smell of blood came to his face. There were six bodies of men and women lying inside. The blood had soaked most of the storage room.

Locke’s eyes condensed. Among the six people, there were three Asians, two men and one woman.

He had guessed where this group of people came from and why they were detained by the Navarro Group to grow leaves here. This is a better labor force than illegal immigrants.

No one knows their existence. They are completely consumables, and they appear in an endless stream at the US-Mexico border.

Locke turned and walked towards the door. He felt a little strange for some reason. If Li Bo knew about this, he would be in a bad mood again.

When passing by Jose Camilo who had fainted on the ground, Locke’s eyes turned cold. The drug dealers must have heard something wrong outside and killed these stowaways as soon as possible.

But in the end, he suppressed his killing intent and kicked the Smith & Wesson 625 revolver farther.

Anyway, those three people were no longer Chinese, and Li Bo would not say anything, and this guy was still useful.

It took less than a minute and a half from entering the leaf planting shed to coming out, and less than 30 seconds to kill. Most of the remaining time was spent on questioning Jose Camilo.

As soon as he came out, Locke saw a scene of wailing everywhere. There were seven or eight people lying on the ground and being rescued, but fortunately, they were all shot in the limbs. After all, they were wearing bulletproof vests to protect their vital parts.

There were also unlucky people who were shot in the head. There were two bodies next to them, a livestock policeman and a cowboy.

Henry led Matthew to wait at the door. When he saw him come out, he looked him up and down and asked, “How is it? Are you not hurt?”

Locke tore off his headHe shook his head and replied, “No, they have all been cleared. There are 10 drug dealers, and six workers were killed by drug dealers in advance…” Henry had guessed it when he heard no movement inside, but he was still shocked by Locke’s toughness and couldn’t help punching him. “Locke, you are so awesome!” Matthew next to him was also shocked. Although he had seen Locke’s shooting skills when he eliminated the coyotes last time, killing coyotes is completely different from fighting head-on. The things lying on the ground are very telling. When he thought that Locke killed all the drug dealers in the shed alone, he couldn’t help but feel a little cold in his heart. What a brave man! Locke glanced at Matthew and told him the information he heard from Jose Camilo. Henry’s face changed instantly, and he said hurriedly, “Call Jester, I’ll go find William…” Locke returned to the car, took out his mobile phone from the co-pilot seat, turned it on, and called Jester. The call was answered in seconds, and it was obvious that they were waiting for their call. Jester asked, “Locke, how is it? Is everything going well?”

Locke glanced at the wounded lying on the ground and wailing, and replied, “Not so well, there are casualties, but we are all fine, the drug dealers are dead, and we have found some situations…”

William Horton was also shot in the thigh, and was sitting in the back seat of the pickup truck, letting the cowboy help him stop bleeding. Seeing Henry coming over, he endured the severe pain and said gratefully, “Henry, this time thanks to Locke, otherwise, all of us may have to explain here!”

Henry asked, “Are you okay?”

William Horton’s mouth twitched, his face was cold and fierce, without the previous elegance, “Not dead yet!”

He glanced at Locke who was on the phone and asked, “What did Locke say, have they all been cleaned up?”

Henry did not answer, but glanced at the cowboy next to him. William Horton waved his hand, and the cowboy walked away immediately.

Henry said in a deep voice: “This planting shed is different from the previous ones. There are 10 drug dealers guarding it and 6 planting workers. The planting workers have been killed by drug dealers in advance. Locke left a survivor, who confessed that they are a drug trafficking organization in Tijuana, Mexico. They have a total of 26 such planting sheds in Lebec. You should also call Chester quickly. This matter is beyond our scope of handling…” William Horton’s face changed instantly, and he hurriedly found his mobile phone and said: “Henry, take your people to control the survivor first…”

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