After hanging up the phone, Locke looked uncertain. It turned out that the call was from Daisy Greenberg, who wanted to invite him to dinner tonight.

He originally thought that since he had refused last time, the young lady would give up. After all, as a young lady, she also wanted to save face.

Unexpectedly, it seemed that Daisy Greenberg still hadn’t given up!

Locke naturally refused outright. It was not because Daisy Greenberg was not white enough, not rich enough, or not beautiful enough.

But he was afraid of this woman. She had a double personality, which was actually a mental illness.

If they really got together, they would be one person at night and another person when they woke up in the morning. It was terrifying!

It was scary to think about it!

And there was another more important reason, which was that Daisy Greenberg’s identity was too complicated.

After Daisy Greenberg confessed to him last time, Locke specifically checked her background.

Compared with what Marian said last time, he found more information about the Greenberg family.

The Greenberg family is one of the largest Jewish families in the United States. The family’s history in the United States can be traced back to before World War I. It was one of the earliest Jews to arrive in the United States.

The Greenberg family is also one of the main supporters of the Zionist movement and an early supporter of Theodore Herzl and Ben Gurion.

They contributed money and effort to the Zionist movement and were well-known in the Jewish circle. After the founding of Israel, a branch of the family even went to Israel.

After more than a hundred years of development, the Greenberg family has long been deeply rooted in the United States.

The descendants of the family have long been spread to many fields, including politics, business, finance, justice, education, and medical fields.

The family of Steve Greenberg, the father of Daisy Greenberg, is only the California branch of the Greenberg family.

But even if it is a branch, this family is still one of the families with the deepest foundation in Los Angeles.

Steve Greenberg has three older brothers. The law firm he founded, even if it has become the leading law firm in Los Angeles, is nothing in front of the family industry.

In addition, the family of Daisy Greenberg’s mother Susan Goetzman is not simple.

Susan Goetzman is a Russian Jew from the famous Goetzman family in Russia. The Goetzman family in the United States is a branch of the Russian Goetzman family.

The Goetzman family in Russia is a famous Jewish family in both the political and business circles. It supports oligarchs and has a certain influence in the Russian Duma.

Someone in the family once served as the leader of the Left Power Alliance, the second largest party in the Russian Duma.

In comparison, Jennifer Gray’s family is much simpler. Her father Sullivan Gray is largely a Phoenix man. He was born in a middle-class family, graduated from a prestigious school, and married her mother Lauren Anderson before he began to rise to prominence.

Because the Anderson family has always been a long-established Republican political family in California, Jennifer Gray’s grandfather once served as the Speaker of the California State Assembly. Sullivan Gray inherited the political resources of the Anderson family to rise to prominence in the political arena.

In addition to the gap in family background, there is another reason that Locke cannot accept, which is destined to make them fruitless.

So, why waste time.

Daisy Greenberg is a 100% Judaist. If they really get to that point, Locke will have to convert to Judaism, and he may even have to undergo circumcision. How can he bear this humiliation?

There is no way. Even the eldest princess must convert to Judaism after marrying a Jew. This is the doctrine of Judaism. Jewish believers can only marry Jewish believers.

So, he can’t afford this young lady.

Facing Locke’s refusal, Daisy Greenberg did not give up and said, “Then I will go to Jennifer Gray!”

Locke laughed angrily and almost laughed. Is this threatening him?

He doesn’t believe that Jennifer Gray is a woman who can be manipulated at will!

Although the Greenberg family is powerful, Sullivan Gray and Lauren Anderson are also well-known figures in Los Angeles. If the young lady wants to use her power to suppress others, the family will not make enemies with Sullivan Gray and Lauren Anderson.

However, what a sin he has committed!

Locke asked directly: “What do you like about me? I changed…”

Daisy Greenberg was silent for a few seconds and replied: “I don’t know! I only know that when I hug you, I can feel the meaning of life!”

Is this a love talk?

Locke was stunned for a moment, and his heart was inexplicably throbbing. He did not hear any love from this love talk, but heard endless gloom.

He hesitated for a moment, thinking of Sofitel Gaia’s request just now, and replied: “Okay, send me the address!”

Let’s meet once, and speak openly and clearly.


When Locke received the address from Daisy Greenberg, he was stunned for a moment. His first reaction was that this woman had investigated him again.

The address Daisy Greenberg sent was Spago, where he had just been with Jennifer Gray on Saturday.

Locke was subconsciously shocked and immediately reviewed the scene of going to the East District of San Gabriel Valley that night. After confirming that he was not followed by anyone, he was relieved.

It seems that Daisy Greenberg must lose interest in him as soon as possible, otherwise, if he is followed by someone sent by this lady every now and then, it will be inconvenient for him to go out and do things in the future.

At 5 pm, Locke arrived on time. After arriving at the restaurant, he reported Daisy Greenberg’s last name, and the waiter led him to a seat by the window.

Daisy Greenberg had already arrived. She was wearing a Rococo-style black dress with long sleeves and a high collar. The collar and cuffs were lace, and her temperament was gloomy and cold.

She was looking out the window, exuding a cold and indifferent aura that kept people at a distance, which was out of tune with the lively atmosphere of the restaurant.

This kind of independent and classical temperament attracted the attention of other people in the restaurant, because her appearance and temperament were too eye-catching.

It was not until Locke came over that those eyes were withdrawn, knowing that the real owner had come.

Because the two of them were really a good match.

Locke refused the waiter’s service, glanced at the pair of bodyguards at the table next to him, nodded to them, and pulled out a chair to sit down.

Daisy Greenberg retracted her gaze, her expression softened a little, and she seemed to want to laugh, but in the end she just twitched her mouth, “Thank you for coming!”

Locke didn’t care to appreciate the beauty in front of him, frowned and said, “Is it fun for you to do this?”

This seat was also the seat where he and Jennifer Gray sat on Saturday. This morbid operation made him very unhappy.

Daisy Greenberg replied calmly: “I thought you liked this position…”


Locke stared at Daisy Greenberg in a daze, and the weak expression of bewilderment after the last failed confession flashed through his mind.

So, she booked this restaurant because she thought he liked it?

Locke said helplessly: “Is this the result of your study? It’s not like this between men and women. You make me very uncomfortable…”

Daisy Greenberg’s blue eyes stared straight at him, “Then how should it be? You have rich experience, you can teach me…”

Locke looked at her in astonishment. What a joke, he taught her how to pursue him?

At this time, the waiter brought soda water and asked Daisy Greenberg if she wanted to serve the dishes, but the woman seemed to have not heard it, obviously wanting Locke to deal with it.

Locke had no choice but to take over the conversation and let the waiter serve the dishes. When the first dish came up, he was too lazy to say anything.

That’s right, the first dish was the same as what they had on Saturday, also French baked snails.

Locke adjusted his mindset and decided to have a frank conversation with the young lady after the meal, telling them that it was impossible for them to be together.

Their classes, religious beliefs, values, and lifestyles were all different.

Locke finished two bites of snails on the plate in a few bites, and saw the woman frowning and chewing slowly, “Is it so bad? I think it’s okay!”

Daisy Greenberg swallowed the food in her mouth and replied, “I haven’t eaten out for a long time, and I’m a little uncomfortable…”

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