Pasadena, one of the largest Mexican communities in Los Angeles, is home to a large number of illegal Mexican immigrants.

Locke parked the car at the corner of an intersection, from which he could just see the door of a bar a hundred meters away.

Despite this, he still carefully reclined the seat and hid himself.

In the car, Locke held a monocular bought from a Chinese supermarket and observed the people coming in and out of the bar opposite.

The bar was only five stories high, with a large neon sign hanging on it. It was dark all around. There were four or five thugs standing at the door, holding weapons in their hands unscrupulously. The people coming in and out were mainly black and Latino.

In the past few days, under David’s popular science, Locke had a rough understanding of the entire Los Angeles gangs and drug trafficking organizations.

After that, he further studied through the police intranet. After becoming a second-level police officer, he was qualified to log in to the Los Angeles Police Department’s intranet.

Locke’s current spiritual attribute is 11 points. He is a real academic master with amazing memory. After studying, he immediately had a more detailed understanding of the gangs and drug trafficking organizations in Los Angeles.

The distribution range of the gangs, gang information, and the names and photos of the main leaders are all clearly recorded in his mind, and he can almost remember them like the back of his hand.

This information is very important to the LAPD and is closely related to life safety.

Locke also took note of the wanted criminals by the Los Angeles Police Department and the FBI, hoping to find a loophole. He has no chance to get the reward from the LAPD, but he can still get the reward from the FBI.

Although the history of the gangs in Los Angeles is not as long as that of East Coast cities such as New York and Chicago, it has also experienced several generations of changes.

From the gold rush period to the prohibition period, the Irish, Italians, and Jews all appeared on the stage and ruled for a period of time.

When the mafia was rampant in the United States, Los Angeles also gave birth to a mafia family, that is, the famous Drana family.

Jack Drana, the top figure of the Drana family, was even called the Al Capone of Los Angeles. However, with the battle of Sunset Boulevard with the Cohen family, the Los Angeles Police Department has been keeping a close eye on the Drana family. The Drana family has been getting weaker and weaker with each generation. By the 1990s, there were only 20 family members left.

There is no large-scale gang organization with ruling power in Los Angeles now, and the LAPD will never allow such gangs to exist.

There are hundreds of criminal gangs of all sizes active in Los Angeles, among which the black gangs, Mexican gangs, and Latin American gangs are the most popular. The main gang crimes in Los Angeles are basically committed by these three gangs.

Most of the other minority gangs such as the Vietnamese gang, the Korean gang, and the Russian gang are only active in their own communities.

The bar that Locke is watching now belongs to a Mexican gang base. This gang is called Pacia, which is a transnational gang organization spanning Mexico and the United States. It has only two or three hundred people, which is relatively small among Mexican gangs.

The headquarters is in Tijuana, Mexico, but Los Angeles is their main market. They are mainly engaged in illegal activities such as drug trafficking, smuggling, organizing smuggling, organizing prostitution, etc.

The leader of this stronghold is called Avadia. He was born a pimp, but he is very good at business. Step by step, he became one of the leaders of the Pasya organization in Los Angeles.

After a screening, Locke chose Avadia as the first action target because this guy has the lowest force and the lowest risk.

This wait lasted for 2 hours, during which he received a call from Marian.

Marian asked him why he didn’t go home tonight, and Locke replied that he had to repair the car tomorrow morning and could only go home in the afternoon.

Marian mentioned that he took the initiative to call his father tonight, saying that his father had just talked to her on the phone and was very pleased to mention this.

Finally, he complained about why he only wanted to take his father to a good restaurant and forgot about other family members.

Locke naturally didn’t dare to say that you all don’t like Chinese food. He said a lot of good things and dealt with Marian.

After hanging up the phone, Locke couldn’t help laughing. It seemed that his family suture was starting to work.

The trigger for Li Bo and Marian’s fierce quarrel half a year ago that led to their separation was not him, but his younger brother Jet Lee.

Unlike Locke, Jet Lee’s Chinese genes are more obvious. You can tell at a glance that he is Chinese. He has been smart since he was a child and has always gotten A’s.

So after he was ruined, his father put all his hopes on his younger brother Jet Lee.

Jet Lee is about to face the choice of a university. Li Bo doesn’t want all his children to disagree with their Chinese identity, so he proposed that Jet go back to China to go to college, learn about Chinese culture, and return to the United States to continue his studies after getting a master’s and doctoral degree.

In Marian’s view, this idea is simplyIt was crazy.

So the two of them had an unprecedented fierce quarrel, and the contradiction that had been suppressed for more than ten years also broke out completely.

Shortly after the quarrel, Li Bo applied to go to New York, and the two began to live separately.

In fact, Locke knew that this incident was not the main contradiction between Li Bo and Marian…

Locke found that there was movement at the door of the bar, and hurriedly picked up the telescope to look over.

“Uh, they came out, so early!”

Locke looked at the time. It was only 10 o’clock in the evening. In the telescope, several people came out of the door of the bar. The leader was Awadia, the Los Angeles leader of the Pasya organization, and he was followed by four bodyguards.

After Awadia chatted with the thugs at the door of the bar, he got on a white BMW 7 Series that was waiting for him, and two of the four bodyguards also got in the car.

Locke immediately started the car, and after the BMW had gone a distance, he turned into the main road slowly.

He had studied the map near the bar a long time ago, and when he came, he deliberately took a detour first, and was not afraid of losing it.

And he was not afraid of losing him. Tonight was just a rehearsal. He did not expect to achieve his goal in the first action.

This was not an organizational mission. He had plenty of time. If the Menodi organization wanted to retaliate against him, it would not be so fast.

Now he was alone without the assistance of the organization. Any action he took could only succeed and could not fail. Every link had to be foolproof.

The BMW did not drive very fast. Locke followed it from a distance. At this time, there were still many cars on the road. He chose this Corolla deliberately and it was not noticeable at all. His tracking did not attract the attention of the BMW at all.

After driving for about five minutes, the white BMW stopped at the bottom of an apartment building facing the street. Avadia got out of the car and went upstairs. The two bodyguards did not follow him.

Locke did not dare to stop. He drove the Corolla directly over. He knew Avadia’s address. Tonight’s goal was achieved.

Suddenly, his heart tightened. In the rearview mirror, the white BMW caught up with him. Just when he thought he was discovered by Avadia’s bodyguards, the BMW sped past him.

What happened?

Awadiya’s bodyguards weren’t keeping watch downstairs?

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