Locke knew very well that the persona he created was like walking money in the underground world and would definitely be targeted.

He was deliberately fishing tonight, preparing to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, and remind those who wanted to take advantage of him that if they wanted to swallow him, they would break their teeth.

That’s why he acted so hateful, constantly provoking the anger of the black brothers and madly attracting hatred.

He also threw out a check for 50,000 US dollars. You should know that the bonus he won in the previous few drag racing was only more than 3,000 US dollars. This bait can definitely make the black brothers lose their minds.

In Compton, a poor place, a small gang like Red may not make 50,000 US dollars a month.

There are high and low ends in any industry, and the same is true for gang organizations.

The big gangs eat and drink hot and spicy, BMW cars, wine pools and meat forests, and enjoy all the wealth in the world. Of course, they live a life of drinking and drinking today.

Small gangs can only pick up some jobs that the big gangs don’t like, and make a living, but they are relatively safe and don’t have to worry about not seeing the sun tomorrow.

Red’s gang is the small Karami in the Los Angeles gang.

According to Victor Mendes’ information, Red’s main business is to organize drag racing competitions, take commissions from the opening, and do flour retail, part-time firefly intermediary, etc.

The business they do is relatively low-end, and they can’t even be considered a real gang, between black and gray.

Red used to be just a drag racing gang, one of the customers of Mendes’ repair shop. Later, more and more Karami followed him, so he set up a base in the vacuum area of ​​Compton’s slums and became the leader of Compton’s drag racing gang.

The reason why Locke chose this guy as a prostitute is not because he is black, but because he is the weakest.

Other drag racing bases are either involved with big gangs or have complicated backgrounds.

With Red’s order, the entire base became restless in an instant.

Tonight’s drag racing competition immediately accelerated, and soon more than 20 cars lined up in two rows, including Red’s modified GTR. Although this guy has become the boss, he has not retreated to the second line. He still often participates in drag racing and is still in good shape.

On both sides of the team, the black and fireflies were singing and dancing, and the drivers and their female companions also joined in. Many of them began to take stimulants.

Several of Red’s followers were scattered on both sides of the car to collect bets one by one. Many drug addicts who looked poor, didn’t know where to get crumpled banknotes and were ready to bet. The bet could extend their lives for several days.

Locke found that the amounts were very small, and once again despised this stronghold for being too poor.

Obviously, they did not ignore these small amounts because Locke made a huge bet.

Next to the gray Challenger Hellcat, Victor and Ryder carefully checked the car.

Ryder made an OK gesture to Locke, “Master, perfect condition, knock them down!”

When Locke heard Ryder’s name, his teeth were sour. He had corrected this big black guy several times.

Damn, he never changed his ways. He was too lazy to say it now.

Black lives are precious, why do you still want to be a slave!

Victor stared at Sarah, hesitant to speak. Locke guessed what he wanted to say, so he said to Sarah: “How about you take Victor’s car?”

It’s easy to imagine what will happen next. Red will definitely do everything he can to win this game.


Sarah was very determined. She glanced at Victor coldly and sat directly in the passenger seat.

Locke shrugged at Victor, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen, I will take good care of her…”

Victor said with a complicated expression: “I know you are a good driver, but this time you are not just competing with Red, you are competing with all the cars here, they can use any dirty tricks…”

Locke smiled coldly and said calmly: “Didn’t we expect this a long time ago? So, I asked you to install a crash beam on the car, don’t worry, have some confidence in my driving skills, and also have some confidence in your modification skills!”

Challenger with crash beam

He patted Victor on the shoulder and said, “You and Red should be careful too…”

Locke bent down and got into the car. After installing the roll cage, the space inside the car became more and more cramped, but compared with the Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Camaro, the space of the Challenger is already large.

He fastened his seat belt and started the car, then turned to Sarah who looked nervous and said, “I’ll give you the right rearview mirror later…”

Sarah had been worried that Locke would ask her to get out of the car, so she smiled and nodded vigorously, “Yeah…”

Locke reached out and rubbed her wig, and said with a smile, “Don’t put on such heavy makeup when you get out of the car, you’ll look like a prostitute…”

Sarah pouted and said, “You always say I’m small…”

Locke looked helpless, not enough, how could he get off the dick.

He reached out and rubbed it, “You are smallIt’s not small, I don’t know, why rush for that kind of thing…”

At this time, a black man came over and signaled Locke to lower the window, “Little white face, your seat is in the front, everyone is waiting for you, you are like a sissy, you are dithering, if you are afraid, you can admit defeat now, I hope you can still show this picture later…”

Locke directly raised the window, he was afraid that he would pull out his gun if he listened any more, the double-layer vacuum glass has first-class sound insulation, and the world was quiet in an instant.

Outside the window, the black man raised two middle fingers to Locke, his face was angry, although he couldn’t hear what he said, but It is imaginable that he should be full of shit.

Locke ignored it and drove the car to the front. The black guys next to him kept giving them the middle finger. The scene was spectacular.

Locke saw that there was an empty seat in the third row in front, knowing that it was reserved for him, so he drove over. Soon another black guy came to give the car number and driving route.

Usually in most cases, the end of the drag race is the starting point, running a big circle or running back and forth. He returned to the starting point in the first three drag races. He directly scattered the bonus, which attracted the drug addicts to kneel down and grab it.

The end of this route is not at the starting point, but at the Long Beach Pier.

Locke understood that this was to make him go without return.

Suddenly, a naked white blonde woman walked directly between the two trains, and everything she passed was white.

She held her head high, her breasts radiant, her breasts surging, her steps graceful and enchanting, just like walking on a catwalk.

Even though there was soundproof glass, Locke heard the screams of the black guys outside, and it felt like seeing Taylor Swift. He even saw a black guy taking out glue directly.

This woman should It’s the racing girl tonight!

The quality is really extraordinary, several levels higher than the women I saw next to the drivers before.

Locke was really amazed. It seems that each racing site has its own characteristics.

Suddenly, I felt that the previous bra and underwear were child’s play.

Damn, it’s still the trick played by Hei Ge.

But this woman has nothing on her body, what is she going to throw away next!

Locke was watching with great interest, when a small hand suddenly stretched out from the side and blocked his eyes.

Sarah Mendes said coquettishly: “It’s so ugly, what’s so good about it! ”

Locke was embarrassed. Damn, he had forgotten that there was a woman sitting next to him.

He pinched the tender little hand in front of him, turned his head and smiled: “Of course, she is not as pretty as you. I am afraid of missing the departure…”

Sarah Mendes’ pretty face was flushed, and she said shyly: “You haven’t seen it…”

Locke was about to say that he had measured it, but he was shocked by the scene in front of him. The racing girl suddenly turned into a gymnast, hanging on the height limit fence in front, and did a standard split in the air, stretching her body to the extreme.

Locke was dumbfounded. Damn, is she asking everyone to drill into her crotch?

Just when he was doubtful, the legs of the racing girl in the air suddenly turned 90 degrees, from horizontal to vertical, as if someone turned on the switch, and then the car in front rushed out.

Is it starting now?

Locke stepped on the gas and followed. When passing by, he subconsciously glanced, but naturally he didn’t see anything.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but sigh again.

Heige is still good at playing.

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