Inspector Hunter said, “It’s best to discuss this matter in person…” Locke raised his eyebrows and immediately had a bad feeling. Could it be that Black Sauce Egg found out that he was over-supplementing his brain and found that he had been fooled, so he was angry and ready to turn against him? He took a sip of beer, “I’m on vacation in Japan now!”

Detective Hunter was silent for a moment and said, “I’m sorry, I just wanted to see where you went on vacation, so I checked your exit record. Well, I have to say that the level of this exit record is limited. It should be done by DHS (Department of Homeland Security)! Are you working undercover? New members are indeed suitable for undercover. Uh, in fact, if you need to forge exit records in the future, you can find me. The information produced by the FBI is definitely the best…”


Locke’s hair stood on end in an instant. He dodged from the window to the wall on the side, and a light flashed in his mind, “Are you TM locating me?”

Detective Hunter said awkwardly: “Sorry, professional habit, half an hour later, Echo Park parking lot, the old place, don’t worry, this matter should be a small problem for you…”

After hanging up the phone, Locke stood by the wall with a pale face. Did he overreact?

If Hei Lu Dan wanted to turn against him, he was standing by the window just now. It was definitely a good opportunity. A sniper rifle could kill him.

No, you have to swipe a bullet avoidance card as soon as possible! ! !

Too insecure!

But what is it?

45 minutes later, Locke drove his F150 Raptor to the parking lot of Echo Park.

The reason why he was late was that he checked the surrounding area of ​​Echo Park and found no arrangements, so he came to see Hei Lu Dan.

Inspector Hunter took the initiative to get on Locke’s co-pilot again, and did not complain about Locke’s lateness.

He handed over a file bag and said with a clear face: “You should have known what I am going to talk about!”

I know nothing!

Obviously, this guy imagined that he was late because he went to understand the situation in advance.

This guy is already a weirdo.

Locke took the file bag expressionlessly. There was a personal file inside, and there was a photo on it. He recognized it at a glance.

Isn’t this the only survivor of the perverted killer in Gaviotas State Forest Park last time, the little white-faced left-over egg brother?

It seems that the trouble that Hei Lu Dan said is related to this guy.

It turns out that the guy with the remaining egg is Jack Spalding, and this file is very complete.

It records all of Jack Spalding’s resume and crimes. He is currently detained in the Orange County Jail.

The file also records his experience in prison during this period. As expected, Jack Spalding, a pretty boy, received a warm welcome in prison.

Especially after the fact that he had no tube was exposed, he became even more popular, resulting in him being anally raped almost every day.

He also committed suicide three times in the prison ward and now lives in a single cell.

Hey, why is there a medical record from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Locke opened the medical record and his eyes condensed. Why did this guy go to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center so frequently? How could he, a perverted murderer, need to go to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center?

Uh, that’s it!

Although Locke had long expected that there would be such a day for the guy with the remaining egg, he was still a little surprised when he found out that Jack Spalding really took off the remaining egg.

Such a decision is very brave!

Removing the egg means that he has completely said goodbye to the male gender, which is commendable.

But if you think about it, you can understand that without the tube, Jack Spalding must squat to pee.

The male urethra is located higher than the female urethra, so every time Jack Spalding urinates, because of the egg, he will definitely be soaked all over, causing his body to always have the smell of urine.

Just like the eunuchs in ancient China, eunuchs always have the smell of urine.

Locke flipped through the medical records, and his expression changed again. Jack Spalding not only removed the egg, but also had an artificial insemination operation, completely changing his sex to become a woman.

Damn, this…

With Locke’s current IQ, he quickly read through all the information. He put the information aside, but still didn’t figure out what trouble Jack Spalding had?

Could it be that by changing from a man to a woman and changing his sex, this guy can escape legal sanctions?

Seeing that Locke had finished reading the information so quickly, Inspector Hunter was more certain that he had understood the information. He smiled knowingly and said, “Jack Spalding’s sex change operation was funded by the Transgender Alliance. His operation has reached the second stage and he has been transferred to the women’s prison. Now his name is Jess Spalding…” Locke’s face changed instantly. Damn, this guy actually hooked up with the Transgender Alliance! He has realized what the trouble is. Anything, as long as it is related to thisIf you are involved with an organization, it will be troublesome.

The American Transgender (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Civil Rights Union is one of the largest support groups of the Democratic Party.

The Transgender Civil Rights Union can directly control 4 million votes. Except for a quarter of the union who are street sex workers, the rest are American teaching certificate holders. Can you imagine what it will be like for children to be educated by such a group of people?

This organization has a great influence in LGBT and is the political correctness of American political correctness.

Because of their profession, the Transgender Civil Rights Union can also indirectly mobilize 10 million votes. It can be said that they are the godfather, uh, godmother of the Democratic Party.

In order to get votes from the Transgender Civil Rights Union, the Democratic Party has been kneeling and licking this organization.

The Transgender Civil Rights Union can not only obtain various political preferential treatments, but also has unprecedented breakthroughs in the military.

The first transgender four-star general in American history has been born!

Rachel Levin, a four-star general of the United States

Inspector Hunter continued, “The FBI has learned some information. Jack, uh, Jess Spalding is contacting lawyers of transgender organizations and wants to sue you for illegally depriving him of his sexual organs and making him lose the right to freely choose his gender…”


Locke’s mouth twitched, so the right to choose gender is more important than life?

This group of psychopaths!

He glanced at the black-salted egg coldly, “Can’t you handle this? If I hadn’t left you alive, this guy wouldn’t have had the chance to be a woman…”

Inspector Hunter’s face was bitter, and he apologized, “You know the influence of the Transgender Alliance in the United States. They are the forbidden fruit of the Democratic Party. The FBI doesn’t want to and dares not provoke them. I know you don’t like trouble to bother you, so I told you this in advance…”

“Got it!”

Locke nodded coldly. He still recognized this favor. He knew the consequences of being targeted by transgender organizations. Now he just had to solve the source of the trouble first.

He felt a little embarrassed in his heart, after all, he had planned to kill the black-salted egg.

Inspector Hunter took out another photo from his pocket and handed it to Locke. He said flatteringly, “You can learn about this villa…” Locke took the photo and saw that it was a modern-style super luxury house with a building area of ​​at least 1,000 square meters. It was surrounded by forests and had a large swimming pool. It was not far from the beach. He asked, “What does it mean?”

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