Locke stared at the corner of Jet’s mouth and asked, “What’s wrong with your mouth?”

Jet turned his head and looked at Locke expressionlessly, and replied, “I was hit by a basketball during the basketball game yesterday…”

Locke smiled and said, “Okay, it’s okay, you guys go!”

Jet rolled his eyes, “Thank you, Detective!!!”

Detective also emphasized his voice, obviously dissatisfied with Locke calling him.

After Jet and Hannah went out, Marian stared at Locke suspiciously and asked, “Is there anything wrong with Jet’s injury? He also told me yesterday that he was hit by a basketball while playing basketball…”

Locke drank a sip of milk, shrugged and smiled, “It should be a fist. Not bad, he didn’t really become a nerd and dared to fight with others. He has the style of my past!”

He is a forensic medicine L3, and he can see this kind of blunt injury caused by a fist at a glance.

Compared to Locke’s gloating, Marian and Li Bo’s faces instantly darkened.

In the United States, school bullying is a very serious matter.

Marian said to Li Bo with a serious face: “I have a case today, you go to the school later…” Locke stopped him and said: “Wait, in my experience, Jet should not be bullied, but more like a conflict with someone, but it should be pulled apart quickly. If you go to the school because of this, it will make Jet embarrassed…” “You know, in most cases, they don’t want their families to know about this. If you go to the school, they will think that Jet has informed his family and he is isolated…” “So, you’d better find out what happened first?” Li Bo frowned and asked: “Are you sure?” Locke shrugged and said: “Of course, I’m an expert in this area. Todd, I suggest you have a good chat with him tonight!” He said to Marian again: “You can also try to ask Hannah, she should know some information!” Hearing Locke’s words, Marian and Li Bo’s faces eased a little. They also understood what Locke said. If it was really just a small problem, they would embarrass Jet if they went to the school. Marian glared at Locke, remembering his past as a jerk, and said unhappily: “You are indeed an expert in this area!”

Li Bo sighed, “I’m worried that he has encountered racial discrimination…”

Locke said indifferently: “Dad, this is a problem that every Chinese or mixed-race person will encounter. Even if you intervene, it will not improve anything. Everyone will face this kind of thing. Everything depends on him. When my mission is over, I can teach him a few tricks first…”

Discrimination happens in every school in the United States. Famous schools like Troy High School are relatively better.

Li Bo’s expression became gloomy again, “I will talk to him tonight!”

Although Marian was also worried about Jet, she knew that she could not do anything now. She was going to find Hannah to understand the situation and then see how to deal with it.

She asked Locke, “How is your mission going?” Locke picked up another sandwich and nodded, “It’s going well, it should be over soon…” Li Bo put away his worries about his second son and asked with concern, “Is your mission dangerous?” Locke shook his head and said, “No, I’m just responsible for the connection and obtaining the criminal evidence of the drug dealers obtained by my undercover colleagues…” Marian glanced at the file bag Locke had on hand, “You came back so early, you didn’t come just to have breakfast with us!” Locke handed the file bag to Marian, and after his mother opened the information, he said, “I helped the FBI some time ago, a big favor. In order to thank me, they gave me an opportunity to buy their seized assets at an internal price. This villa is located in Malibu. The previous owner was in the United States a few years ago. The well-known Malaysian liar Liu Zuote seems to be of Chinese descent. He embezzled billions of dollars from the Malaysian government and disappeared. He is now wanted. “This villa is now seized by the Ministry of Justice. It is a first-line sea view villa with a total area of ​​1.6 acres (10 acres, 6666 square meters), a construction area of ​​1250 square meters, 8 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, and a market value of 48.5 million. The internal price given by the FBI is 20 million. I know that my family should not have so much money now, I…” Marian raised her head and said firmly: “Buy it, you must buy it, you don’t need to worry about money…” She turned to Li Bo and said: “Todd, I like it here. When we hold a party at home in the future, we don’t have to worry about it being too crowded!” In the United States, living in a house worth 10 million US dollars is not a good thing.The house worth 40 million US dollars is definitely not on the same level as the house worth 40 million US dollars.

“It’s almost 40% off, it’s really worth buying!”

Li Bo asked: “Will there be any legal problems with this house?”

Locke looked speechless. He didn’t expect her mother to be so decisive. He had prepared some arguments to persuade them, and even prepared to take the opportunity to confess the gold.

He replied: “I asked Jennifer to consult Sullivan Gray. He said that this is a routine operation of the FBI, raising funds by selling seized assets…”

Marian also said: “I helped a client deal with such assets before. In most cases, the assets seized by the Department of Justice are used as an exchange of interests under the table, and they will be traded at prices far below the market price. These assets will not become their own if they are in their hands, so it is better to take them out in exchange for benefits! However, the objects of the transaction are all politicians or interested parties!”

She pushed the villa information in front of Li Bo, “It is equivalent to earning 28 00 million, this is definitely a high-quality asset that others can only encounter but not seek. Locke, it seems that you have helped the FBI a lot this time. Is it the thing you mentioned last time? Is this favor worth 28 million? ”

Locke nodded and said, “Well, the FBI will get a lot of direct benefits this time, at least 300 million US dollars, but compared to money, this time the credit is greater, this case will become one of their biggest cases in recent years. Their Los Angeles director will be promoted directly to the headquarters, and Detective Hunter will also be promoted…”

Hearing Locke’s words, Marian was completely relieved. She has always been vigorous and resolute in doing things. Once she makes up her mind, she will be decisive and swift in execution.

She turned to Li Bo and said, “Todd, I need you to sort out the family’s asset list and look at our fund and bond investments. Those funds can be redeemed in advance. If they cannot be redeemed, how much money can we borrow from the bank at most? I think it should be about the same, and we don’t need to ask Jester for help…” “Well, the combined income of our funds and bonds is about 25%, which is not worth mentioning compared to the investment income this time. After selling the funds and bonds, the assets that can be raised are about 13 million, and the rest can apply for loans. Our assets are very healthy, and the bank is happy to lend us money…” As an accountant, Li Bo has all the family’s asset information in his mind. He looked at Locke with a complicated expression, “Your income has exceeded the income of me and your mother for several years!” Marian said seriously, “Locke, most of the funds for this house purchase come from the family, so this villa will not be under your name…” Locke naturally knew what his mother meant by this sentence, shrugged and smiled, “No problem, I wanted to give it to you…” He felt helpless in his heart. He thought that there was not enough money at home, and he could just confess the matter of the gold first.

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