Locke gathered his thoughts and saw that Daisy Greenberg had already walked to the stairs. He nodded to the two bodyguards who had also gotten out of the car to show his gratitude, then smiled helplessly and followed.

He couldn’t figure out what the relationship between him and Daisy Greenberg was now.

Isn’t it enough to just hug?

Where are they going?

Locke followed Daisy Greenberg up the stairs to the second floor. It felt like entering a museum, with a classical art atmosphere everywhere.

Especially the oil paintings hanging on the walls of the corridor, several of which were works by well-known painters, and they were worth a lot of money at first glance.

Frankly speaking, he didn’t like this kind of place very much. The design was too old, a bit depressing and gloomy. He preferred transparent and bright modern buildings.

Soon Locke followed Daisy Greenberg into a room. When he saw the big bed on one side, he realized that this was her bedroom.

Why did he come directly to the bedroom? What was he doing?

Is it too fast?

However, when he saw the expression on Daisy Greenberg’s face, the slight throbbing in Locke’s heart instantly dissipated.

The woman stared at him expressionlessly, her icy blue eyes were cold and distant, without a trace of emotional fluctuation.

Although she was still beautiful and delicate like a porcelain doll, she was frightening.

Locke shrugged and opened his arms. The woman slowly walked over. I don’t know if she was used to it. Her expression was no longer entangled and resistant, but only calm.

Warm and soft like in his arms, Locke’s heart palpitated again. There was no way. The eldest lady’s figure was really top, and there was no soft part.

He also habitually put his hand on the softness, and the two hugged quietly, warm and weird.

Locke looked down, the eldest lady’s expression was still cold, but a little more peaceful, obviously enjoying it.

He curved his mouth. Did she really treat him as her medicine?

Logically, he shouldn’t be so tolerant of Daisy Greenberg.

Beauty, good figure, rich family property, these are not enough for him to indulge this woman so much.


Yes, but not much.

The real reason was that he saw his former shadow in Daisy Greenberg. Under the cold and distant face, there was a lonely and numb heart. They all lived on a certain belief.

His former wish was to go home.

And she should be the deceased parents.

More than ten minutes later, Locke felt a little uncomfortable and couldn’t help it. He lowered his head and asked, “Is it not good yet?”

It was almost 2 o’clock now, and he had to go back to sleep.

Daisy Greenberg didn’t let go, and didn’t care about Locke’s restlessness. She murmured, “You are very clean today…”

Locke was stunned for a moment. Was he dirty before?

He soon reacted. He had just taken a shower and there was no smell of Sarah Mendes on his body. He said, “It’s almost done. I have to go back!”

Daisy Greenberg still didn’t mean to let go. Locke was speechless and wanted to reach out and pry her hand apart.

As if aware of Locke’s intention, Daisy Greenberg reluctantly said, “You can sleep here tonight…” Locke’s body stiffened, and he lowered his head in disbelief. Are you sure? Uh, does this woman understand what this sentence means? Locke glanced at the colorful big bed next to him, and he put his hands on the woman’s buttocks and walked towards the bed. Daisy Greenberg let him hold her like this, and she naturally would not open her legs and wrap around his waist. Locke kicked off his shoes and hugged her to lie on the bed. No matter what, you hold yours, I sleep mine, he has something to do tomorrow night, and he has to reserve energy. … In the morning, when Locke woke up, he met a pair of clear ice-blue eyes and a beautiful and flawless face. He moved his body. Even with his physical fitness, he felt a little sore after being pressed like this all night. He knew that someone else had changed, and asked unhappily, “Aren’t you getting up yet?”

Daisy Greenberg did not move, and asked, “Why did you stop last night?”

Thinking of what happened last night, Locke felt ashamed and angry. It was really embarrassing. He had never thought that he would just sleep with a sweet and attractive woman in his arms.

He immediately lowered his head and bit the woman’s lips. His hands also groped skillfully, conquering the city and invading wantonly.

Just like last night, Daisy Greenberg did not resist at all and let him do it.

Locke stopped quickly because he was the one who was uncomfortable in the end.

He pushed the disheveled Daisy Greenberg aside, got up and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to calm himself down.

Daisy Greenberg’s cheeks were flushed. She sorted her clothes and stared at Locke in confusion, “Don’t you want it very much?”

Locke glanced at her coldly and ignored this woman. This was also a fairy. She just moaned. How could he bear this?Last night was the same. After lying down with Daisy Greenberg in his arms for a while, Locke began to be distracted, and his hands were no longer limited to her plump buttocks.

The woman did not resist, nor did she have any emotional reaction, just like a doll.

Until he was about to take further action, she asked, “Will we get married like Steve and Susan?”

This sentence was extremely destructive to Locke. He felt like he was falling into an ice cellar and couldn’t be more sober.

When he thought about the problems he had to face after he took Miss Greenberg’s virginity, all his desires disappeared instantly.

But their relationship took a step further last night. Miss Greenberg told him that Steve and Susan both called her Deborah, and he could call her that too.

After regaining his composure, Locke looked at Daisy Greenberg curiously and asked, “How did you come into being?”

Daisy Greenberg fell silent instantly, and her expression returned to a cold state. She said lightly, “After Steve and Susan died, she didn’t want to face anyone, but she knew that Steve and Susan didn’t want her to become like this, so I showed up. I helped her go to Yale, helped her work in a law firm, and helped her face everything she didn’t want to face…”


Locke heard a key word and asked, “So you are not an independent personality?”

Daisy Greenberg was silent for a few seconds and shook her head, “I don’t know…”

Locke has recently learned about dual personality. As far as he knows, most dual personalities or multiple personalities have independent personalities. The two personalities didn’t even know each other before, let alone communicate.

But it is obvious that this is not the case between Deborah and Daisy. Daisy feels more like Deborah’s clone.

He asked again, “Do you know who wants to kill you?”

Daisy Greenberg shook her head, “She knows!”

Locke was stunned. Deborah knew who wanted to kill her?

Daisy Greenberg said calmly: “But she doesn’t care about this…”


Locke had guessed it long ago. He had deduced that this woman had a tendency to self-destruct.

She wanted to die, but she knew her parents didn’t want her to die, so she tried to live. Death was more like a relief for her, just like in his previous life.

Locke’s heart twitched for no reason, and asked again: “What is our relationship like now?”

Daisy Greenberg replied: “She said you have the breath of her family, and she wants to live with you forever!”

Locke couldn’t help but smile bitterly. He couldn’t figure out how he could make her feel the breath of her family.

Could it be that Mr. Steve Greenberg was also a scavenger when he was alive? Just thinking about it, you know it’s impossible!

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