A bold idea suddenly popped up in Locke’s mind. If he killed all the drug dealers in Los Angeles, wouldn’t he be able to max out all four attributes soon!

Well, although this idea is wonderful, it is very difficult to implement.

The reason why he chose Avadia this time is because he thinks he is weak?

But which drug dealer didn’t come out of the hail of bullets, and there will be no shortage of bodyguards around him, so it is not so easy to kill.

Although he looks very strong now, there is no need to take this risk, and he is not in a hurry to become stronger.

Locke exhaled a breath of turbid air and suppressed this idea. He cherished the normal life of living in the sun and accompanied by his family.

After calming down, Locke added the attribute points he had just obtained to strength. His whole body bones instantly felt numb, and he could clearly feel his muscles tightening, and his heartbeat became stronger, as if a turbine was added.

This feeling is completely different from the last time he added attribute points to speed. Last time he felt light, but now he feels that his body has become solid.

This feeling did not last long and disappeared quickly.

Locke pinched his chest muscles and found that they became smaller but tighter. He threw another punch with more power.

He suddenly had an idea. If he had the physique he had now in college, he should be able to continue to be the quarterback of the football team.

Just by adding one attribute point to strength and speed respectively, his physical fitness is comparable to the top black athletes. This shows how magical this system is.

Uh, he forgot that the spirit has 4 attribute points from fusion. If the spirit is only 7, he should not be able to be a quarterback.

The black quarterbacks on the football field are definitely the best among blacks in terms of IQ, and they are not worse than other races.

Locke took a deep breath, suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and started the cleaning work he was best at. In less than fifteen minutes, all traces of him in this room were removed.

He also used a potion to treat the needle hole on the back of Avadia’s neck. When he gave the injection, he also deliberately hid the needle hole under his hair.

Locke was very confident about this. Even if Avadia’s body was dissected, it would be difficult for ordinary forensic doctors to find the two pinholes under the hair, unless they met a first-class forensic doctor.

The result of the autopsy must be sudden cardiac death caused by excessive inhalation of flour.

His operation can ensure that there are flour residues in Avadia’s nasal cavity and respiratory tract, which is completely different from what was poured in after death.

As for the medicine injected into Avadia’s body, it is his secret formula. With the dosage he injected, it will be completely dissolved in more than 12 hours.

However, Locke is very sure that Avadia will not be dissected with a high probability, because his men will not call the police. Gang affairs will not let the police intervene unless it is absolutely necessary.

What’s more, as long as a discerning person sees Avadia’s body, he will know how he died. Only a fool would call the police!

Twenty minutes later, Locke went downstairs with the toolbox. After observing that there were no pedestrians on the roadside, he immediately rushed out of the apartment building, got into the car quickly, and drove away quickly.

After leaving Pasadena, they deliberately made a big circle. After not finding anything unusual, they drove towards San Gabriel Valley.

In the parking lot, Locke cleaned up the Toyota Corolla, returned to the back seat of the F150, changed his clothes, and dealt with the work clothes he had just worn.

In the driver’s seat, Locke reviewed tonight’s actions and found that he thought things were too simple. A weak Avadia had such a complicated relationship, not to mention other drug dealers.

With the blessing of the system, he is indeed far superior to ordinary people, but he is still a human after all, not a superman, and has no superpowers.

If you are not careful, you will expose yourself.

Tonight was an accident. Fortunately, Avadia was alone.

If there were bodyguards guarding downstairs, it would be basically impossible to do it so quietly.

If the bodyguards were killed together, the risk of exposure would increase.

It is indeed different for a person to act alone and with the assistance of an organization.

However, tonight was also a great harvest. I learned that the Menodi organization had been destroyed and the hidden dangers of my family had been eliminated.

I also got a windfall and a video of a congressman involved. I don’t know if I will have the chance to use it.

Of course, the biggest gain was that the natural justice value reached 1000, which was exchanged for an attribute point.

In this way, Avadia, this trash, is not completely useless.

However, Locke felt that he had done a good thing. If Avadia didn’t die, who knows how many evil things he would have done.

If he died, he could still save his family.

If Avadia is still alive, he might thank him.

After all, it is not easy to be a DEA informant. Sooner or later, he will be exposed. Once exposed, allIf he went home, he would have to go with him. Now he just had to die.

Half an hour later, the F150 drove out of the parking lot. After returning to his original outfit, Locke felt relaxed.

Working as a scavenger, he had to concentrate and be nervous, fearing that there would be any mistakes.

When passing by a burning oil barrel, Locke pressed the car window, threw the changed work clothes in, and smashed the half-used alcohol tablets into it, and the flames burst instantly.

He watched the oil barrel burn for a while before leaving with peace of mind.

After leaving the San Gabriel Valley, Locke did not plan to go home, but drove towards the safe house mentioned by Avadia.

Avadia’s death will be exposed tomorrow morning, so in order to avoid more trouble, he plans to take away the money that Avadia embezzled tonight.


Locke stopped at the apartment where Avadia’s safe house was located and observed for more than ten minutes, and circled twice to confirm that the only way to enter the building was through the main entrance.

Avadia was able to embezzle more than 2 million US dollars from the organization. He is indeed a cautious person.

Who would have thought that he would set up a safe house in Compton in the south, and in a high-end apartment!

Through the observation just now, Locke found that a door card was required to enter the apartment. There was a black security guard on duty on the first floor, and there were also cameras.

However, it seems that as long as there is a door card, the security will not ask anyone who enters.

Half an hour later, Locke came back here again. He parked the car far away. He changed his clothes again, wearing a suit and leather shoes, black-framed glasses, myopic glasses, his pupils turned black, and a golden wig on his head.

He held an alcohol cotton in his mouth, his facial contours changed, and his nose bridge was raised. Even if David was in front of him, he might not be able to bear him.

There is no way. A simple change of clothes can’t avoid the camera.

Locke stood on the side of the apartment building and waited for ten minutes. Then a young man and woman came over. The woman was swinging a key chain in her hand, on which was the access card of the apartment building.

Locke’s eyes lit up, and he was really in luck, because the man and woman were wearing the uniforms of the NFL Los Angeles Rams.

He hurried over and greeted the young man in a familiar way, “Hey, the Rams had a good game against the Yankees this week. Although they lost, the guys tried their best…”

The strangers looked at Locke in surprise, and he said to himself, “Thompson will definitely lead the Dodgers to go further. I heard that Coach Spencer is going to give him weight…”

Speaking of football, Locke is naturally the most professional. The Los Angeles Rams was once his goal, and he is very familiar with this team.

The man was immediately attracted by Locke’s words, “Really? That’s great, Thompson does need to gain weight, his impact is not enough, but after weighting, the speed…”


The woman brushed the door, and the three walked into the apartment one by one.

The black guard was attracted by the black girl twisting her fat buttocks on Tik Tok, and didn’t even look at them.

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