Locke froze before he finished speaking. Alice Rose was actually sucking his toes.

He cursed with disgust: “Fuck, are you disgusting!”

Alice Rose was stunned, licked her lips, and said aggrievedly: “I thought you liked it…”

Locke said angrily: “Who told you to crawl over here suddenly? Blame me?”

Alice Rose was still lying on the ground, and said humbly: “I just think I can win your trust in this way. Please believe me and save me…”

Locke suppressed his inner restlessness and said coldly: “If you are done, you can leave. I really can’t help you…”

Alice Rose took out a USB flash drive from her pocket and motioned Locke to take it.

Locke ignored her and said in a deep voice: “If you want to continue chatting, just sit down. I am not used to dealing with reptiles…”

Damn, this crazy woman.

If she continues to seduce him, he will also become perverted. He can’t control himself.

Alice Ross stared at Locke in disbelief, muttering, “I’m not wrong, we are the same kind of people…”

Having said that, she also saw Locke’s disdain, picked up the USB drive, and slowly stood up.

Locke’s mouth twitched, and he cursed in shame and anger, “You and I are not the same kind of people!”

Alice Ross placed the USB drive on the coffee table in front of Locke and said, “This is the evidence of the crimes of the two brothers Sanjis Camilo and Santos Camilo. After you read it, you will believe me…”

Locke frowned and stared at Alice Ross. From the micro-expression analysis, Alice Ross said everything is true.

However, the micro-expression analysis of this L2 should not be high enough. He didn’t notice it when Daisy Greenberg was acting last time, so he didn’t believe it anymore.

Locke glanced at the USB drive in front of him and asked, “Why?”

Alice Ross said before that Belis Camilo had been using Floyd Ross as an ATM machine to prevent him from washing his whiteness and wanted him to be a dog forever, and that Santos Camilo raped her when she was twelve years old.

These may all be true.

However, it is not enough to support Floyd Ross’s desire to change his allegiance, because he may not be able to afford the price, and his whole family may die.

Don’t you see who has been protecting you all these years? You actually want to eat someone else’s dog food?

Moreover, the logic is not sound. They have only met twice, and this woman is so sincere and entrusted him with matters involving the lives of her entire family.

Isn’t this treating him like an idiot?

Alice Ross said resentfully, “Belise Camilo wants to kill my father…”

Locke was startled and asked again, “Why?”

Alice Ross continued to talk to herself as if she had not heard Locke’s words, “These politicians are all ungrateful and cold-blooded animals. When Belise Camilo was elected as a member of the Los Angeles Council, my father funded him and sent him to the position of whip in the State Assembly. Over the years, he has given the Democratic Party at least hundreds of millions of dollars…”

“Although the investigations of my father by the FBI, DEA, and LAPD over the years have all come to nothing because of the interference of the Democratic Party…”

“But these investigations still make Belise Camilo very dissatisfied. He only wants our money, but doesn’t want to get involved in our trouble…”

“Moreover, the Democratic Party has completely controlled California, and there are political donations. They no longer need my father’s dirty money…”

“George Ham, whom you met last time, is an undercover of the LAPD. My father suspects that the LAPD’s sudden investigation of him this time was directed by Belise Camilo…”

“He wants to put my father in jail , as long as my father goes to prison, he will definitely die…”

“Then our whole family…”


Locke had been keeping a calm expression, but when he heard that Floyd Ross thought George Ham’s undercover operation was promoted by Belis Camilo, he couldn’t hold it anymore and asked subconsciously: “Is there any misunderstanding?”

Alice Ross’s eyes flashed with viciousness, and she said coldly: “You have been in Japan for a long time, and you don’t know much about California politics. Los Angeles is a city completely controlled by the Democratic Party. The city council, the mayor, and the LAPD are all controlled by the Democratic Party. The LAPD can’t suddenly send an undercover to my side. The Democratic Party didn’t give us any reminders during this investigation…”


Locke was shocked. If Floyd Ross’s speculation was correct, then did Harry Thomas really cooperate with the Republicans this time?

As far as he knew, there was no obvious tendency between the two parties within the LAPD, but the city council was indeed controlled by the Democratic Party, and the budget and funding of the LAPD were also decided by them.So, to some extent, the Democratic Party is indeed the boss of the LAPD.

Locke suddenly realized that Floyd Ross’s guess might be true. Could it be that the Democratic Party took advantage of the situation and used the Republican Party to clean up Floyd Ross?

When he thought that the real boss behind the scenes was the Democratic Party, his scalp tingled instantly.

As the chairman of the California Republican Party, Sullivan Gray was suppressed by the Democratic Party into a very small minority party in California. There is a reason. He really can’t beat them!

Locke suddenly thought of a Chinese idiom he had learned, “The rabbit dies and the dog is cooked.” Although it is not quite appropriate, it is probably the same reason.

The hunter has already got what he wants, so there is no need to keep this vicious dog that has no use value.

The Democratic Party has already controlled California and is not short of political donations. Then Floyd Ross, who started out as a drug dealer, is a stain and handle for Belis Camilo and the Democratic Party. They want to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Logically, it seems to make sense.

Floyd Ross wanted to get in touch with the military in order to protect himself.

After all, once the U.S. military withdraws from Afghanistan and Iraq, it will lose a lot of extra income without the supply, which is billions of dollars in profit every year!

This involves the distribution of interests of many groups within the military.

But if Floyd Ross’s South American supply is supplemented, the two markets of Japan and South Korea controlled by the U.S. military will not have any problems.

The two sides complement each other perfectly, and the military will indeed come forward to protect Floyd Ross for its own interests.

Alice Ross hesitated for a moment and whispered: “I will tell you another secret. The controller of California, the third generation of the Newsom family, the former mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, is preparing to officially run for the governor of California. I heard from Sangis that the ultimate goal of the Newsom family is the White House. Belis Camilo has always been a powerful tool for the Newsom family to control the California State Council. If he wants to continue to follow Gavin Newsom into Washington, he must clean his ass, for example, my father…”

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