
The M136 AT4 rocket was fired at the window, and the cartridge disappeared instantly.


Locke changed his position again, and another M136 AT4 appeared in his hand, and he fired into the house.


After two explosions, there were bursts of wailing and cursing in the room.

Locke walked to the gate and took out another M136 AT4. With a “shua”, the gate of the villa was also blown open, and then there was another explosion. The whole villa was really silent this time, and the lights began to become dim.

Locke held the MK18 assault rifle and went in to do the final cleanup work.





All of them were shot in the head. There were already many corpses lying on the floor of the living room. They were all Blackwater’s bodyguards. They never dreamed that the people who had just slaughtered them were also slaughtered.

Locke carried out indiscriminate attacks, even those who had been injured and fell to the ground by the M136 AT4, he did not let go. At this time, shooting in the head had become his habitual action.

There were also well-hidden militants who saw Locke wanted to fight back, but they had just been bombarded by three rockets, and their reaction speed could not be compared with Locke.

Locke was faster and more accurate than them, and soon there was only the sound of “biubiu” in the villa.

The villa was attacked by three rockets and had become riddled with holes, comparable to Gaza.

Locke did not take it lightly. According to the data observed in the attic before, this group of militants, the total number of frontal attacks on the manor was about 22.

He killed 6 in the attic, 5 in the yard, and 6 just after entering the villa, that is, there were 5 militants left.

Along the way, because Floyd Ross and his daughter were not seen outside, they would only be in one place, the safe house.

Locke walked straight to the safe house and found that the heavy stainless steel door had been opened, and there was a door-opening device next to it. It was really professional!

“Stop, we can talk…”

“We can pay you 10 times the money…”


Locke ignored it and threw two MK3A2 grenades in. It was still an air explosion, and then he flashed in sideways. He saw two shots when he saw a moving object.

The room fell into silence instantly. Locke glanced at the safe house. There were corpses everywhere. In addition to the smell of gunpowder, there was a strong fishy smell in the air.

He saw the body of Floyd Ross, who was shot in the head. There was a bodyguard lying on his body, and there were three sexy women lying next to him.

He also saw the body of Alice Ross, who was still wearing the Gucci suit he had seen him in before.

Maybe for identification, the four women were not shot in the head, but were shot in the body. Two of the bodies were twitching, and the light in their eyes had not dissipated, and they were not completely dead.

Alice Ross was one of them. She was shot in the stomach and was broken. Her body was almost broken into two pieces. She was definitely dead.

After confirming that Floyd Ross was dead, Locke turned around and prepared to go out. There were only two bodies of militants in the safe house, who he had just killed.

That means there are still three survivors outside, who should be the three people who were sent to support the attic before.

“Henry… Henry Gibbs…”

Locke paused, turned his head and looked coldly at Alice Ross on the ground, his heart full of disbelief.

He was dressed like this, and this woman actually recognized him.

He hesitated for a moment, but still walked over, squatted down, and asked curiously: “How did you find my…”

Alice Ross wanted to laugh, but she couldn’t do this expression anymore. The last luster flashed in her eyes, staring at Locke hotly, “I… I feel it when I see you, you… you should believe me this time!”

Locke looked down and saw that the woman’s lower body was soaked with blood, so wet that it couldn’t be wet anymore. He twitched inexplicably in his heart and said in a deep voice: “I believe you, I will kill Belis Camilo’s family for you…”

He originally wanted the Democratic Party to pay some price, just a matter of convenience.

“No need…”

The luster in Alice Ross’s eyes slowly dissipated, “Floyd Ross… has set a bounty on the dark web. As long as he… dies, the dark web will… issue a 20 million… bounty to kill Belis Camilo’s family…”

Alice Ross’s speech was already intermittent, and Locke had to get closer to hear what she said clearly.

Alice Rose wanted to raise her hand to wipe Locke’s face, but her hand refused to obey her. “I… will give you a gift. You help me… kill someone……”

“Tommy…Tommy Ross, I want him dead…”

“If I die, why can he…live…”

“Go to the Westinghouse warehouse, B2572…”


After coming out of the safe house, Locke immediately regained his composure. He had heard the sirens. He looked up at the stairs and finally chose to go to the monitoring room.

The monitoring room had been beaten to pieces, but there was no time to remove the hard drive. It should have been interfered with by him.

Locke directly put all the hosts into the space, and then pasted C4 explosives along the way, and finally threw a time bomb, which was set for fifteen seconds.

When Locke climbed over the four-meter-high wall in the backyard, two Irvine PD The police car of the Irvine Police Department just arrived at the gate of the manor. Four patrolmen pushed the door and got out of the car. Just as they were about to go in to check, the villa in front suddenly exploded.


Even though they were dozens of meters away, the powerful shock wave still knocked over all four patrolmen, and the police were shocked to sound the alarm.

Locke hid behind the courtyard wall, and after the vibration subsided, he put on a ghillie suit and went into the woods.

As for the three fish that escaped, if they were still alive in such an explosion, it could only be said that Jesus did not accept them.

And he had never met them from beginning to end. Even if there were survivors by chance, there was no risk to him.

It would only help him prove that this matter was related to the military. After all, with such firepower, there is no other place in the United States except the military.

Soon, the Land Rover Discovery appeared on the San Diego Highway again, but it was not back to Los Angeles, but It was heading to San Diego. He was going to take Highway 5 back to Los Angeles.

Locke reviewed his traces in the villa in his heart. With this explosion, it was basically impossible to trace them.

However, he did not have time to cover up the traces in the woods. The parking place was cleaned up. It should not be possible to trace the Land Rover. His traces would be cut off there.

One hour later, Locke returned to Inderwood. This time he specially refueled the Land Rover. Naturally, he did not go to the gas station, but stored gasoline in the storage space.

After cleaning his traces, he drove the BMW 3 Series back to Target Supermarket.

After restoring Henry Gibbs’s makeup, he drove his Challenger Hellcat back to Tulip Apartments. When he arrived at the parking lot, his phone rang. It was Anna Davis calling.

She said anxiously: “Locke, are you okay? Floyd Ross’s house was attacked. You should go to the safe house immediately…”

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