Locke took the call, and the CPU sped up instantly, ready to deal with the boss, but Sullivan Gray hung up after saying only one sentence.

“You did a good job this time…”

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Locke was confused. What was he talking about?

It turned out that he was wishful thinking, thinking that he could communicate with the boss and get some information from Sullivan Gray!

He turned his head and asked, “Did your father ask you about the previous video just now?”

He used the Sangis Camilo murder video as a bargaining chip to get the other party to raise the price.

Jennifer Gray shook her head and said, “No, he doesn’t seem to care about the video. He should have known that Floyd Ross was dead. He is not surprised at all. He is on his way to the airport and is going to Washington…”

Sullivan Gray knew about Floyd’s manor, and Locke was not surprised at all. The other party was a Republican leader in California after all. Even though the Democratic Party is in power in California now, the strength of the Republican Party in California is definitely not small, and its influence involves all aspects.

The best proof is that the LAPD was able to carry out this undercover operation this time.

Sullivan Gray’s reaction made Locke realize that his guess last night was right. Sullivan Gray was not simple. He played a big game and everyone was his pawn.

Locke took out his mobile phone to search for the explosion of Floyd’s mansion in Irvine and found that although there were reports on the Internet, it did not become the headlines.

“An explosion occurred in a private residence in Irvine, and the number of casualties is unknown…”

“It is suspected that there was an internal conflict among drug dealers. There was a fierce gun battle and explosion at the scene. Irvine PD confirmed that no innocent people were injured…”

“A shooting and explosion occurred in a mansion near Crescent Bay Beach in Irvine. The Coast Guard arrived at the scene as soon as possible. The case has been handed over to the FBI. The number of casualties will be announced after the scene is cleaned up…”


Locke looked gloomy. Damn, the Republicans and the Democrats really made peace. Otherwise, the Democrats alone wanted to limit the flow of Floyd’s manor, and they would never be able to do it.

Many people heard the shooting and explosion near the vicinity, so they did not cover it up.

But the real number of deaths will definitely not be announced in the end.

Was there a Coast Guard last night?

He didn’t even notice!

Jennifer Gray saw Locke’s expression was different, so she turned over and lay on him, asking, “What’s wrong?”

Locke handed her the phone, skillfully reversed into the garage, and said in a deep voice, “Your father is in cahoots with the Democrats, fuck, then why did I risk being an undercover agent before?”

Jennifer Gray held the phone and did two things at once. Soon she threw the phone aside, supported Locke’s chest with both hands, and smiled, “Fortunately, I was still worried that Floyd Ross would die suddenly, and he couldn’t fulfill his promises before!”

Locke looked at her in astonishment, “What do you mean? Do you mean that the farm and the law firm will continue to fulfill?”

“Of course!”

Jennifer Gray nodded and said, “He won a great victory this time, and what he promised before must be fulfilled…”

Locke seemed to understand, and he also guessed that the Democrats would compromise with the Republicans this time, and they would definitely pay a price, but what did Sullivan Gray win?

Will the Democrats take the initiative to give up their seats in the state assembly to the Republicans in the next election?

It’s impossible to even think about it. That election was a bloody one!

Jennifer Gray naturally saw Locke’s doubts, so she sat up and analyzed: “We all know who did the tragedy at Floyd Ross’s estate. How many people do you think the California Democratic Party will need to throw out to quell this case if the Republicans keep biting it…”

She curled her lips, “He even deceived me. His ultimate goal was not in California from beginning to end, nor was it aimed at Belis Camilo, but Washington…”

Before, Locke still seemed to understand, but now he is completely confused. His mind is all on this matter, and he has no intention of bed.

Jennifer Gray shook her hips in dissatisfaction, but seeing Locke’s eagerness for knowledge, she explained: “In fact, the Democratic Party has been caught this time, and the outcome is already doomed. Your undercover operation this time is just a catalyst, and it is done for the Democratic Party to see. It is better for you to find Floyd to transfer drug trafficking funds to the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party in California will be caught in the biggest scandal…”

“But the Democratic Party will definitely not watch this happen. Once they take the initiative to silence Floyd, it will be exactly what the Republicans want. You also saw that the Coast Guard showed up so promptly, and there must be other arrangements…”

After being taught in such a simple and easy way, Locke still couldn’t understand, so Sullivan Gray was sure to win over the Democratic Party this time.

So whether this undercover operation succeeds or not, the Republicans will win.

Damn, this is a complete conspiracy!

Locke blurted out: “Fuck, your dad is such a cunning old bitch!”

Jennifer Gray saw that his mind was not on the business at all, and she squeezed it with dissatisfaction, and rolled on his chest again, saying dissatisfiedly: “I am on you and you still have the mind to think about other things…”

“Wait a minute, I have another question…”

Locke resisted the temptation, nothing could stop his strong desire to learn at this moment!

He asked: “What do you mean when you said your father won a great victory just now?”

Jennifer Gray shrugged, “In fact, it’s hard to say whether he can win in the end, but now it seems that he should have taken care of California. Do you know what the most important political event in Washington will be next?”


Locke naturally didn’t know, so he pushed and signaled the woman to speak quickly.

Jennifer Gray said: “The tax reform bill submitted by the White House!” Locke felt that he had understood it thoroughly, and blurted out: “The bargaining chip your father exchanged with the California Democratic Party was their votes in the House of Representatives!” Jennifer Gray nodded and said: “It should be like this. The tax reform bill is the most important policy of this government. It was passed in the Senate with difficulty not long ago, but the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats, and it is very difficult to pass… “He has always supported the White House, so this time he could have clearly hit the reputation of the Democratic Party in California and reduced their power, but he used this vote in the House of Representatives. However, it is impossible for all the California Democratic Party members to vote. The California Democratic Party is not a monolithic entity, and there are also several factions. Floyd Ross should have only corrupted some members…

“But as long as some Democratic members defect, the tax reform bill has a great chance of passing the House of Representatives…”

Locke looked up at Jennifer Gray and thought she was very magnificent and majestic. He exclaimed: “Jennifer, you really should go into politics…”

Jennifer Gray smiled and gestured on Locke’s chest again, “Compared to Congressman Gray, I prefer to be Dr. Gray…”

She restrained her expression and said seriously: “Dear, we should get down to business now! I have another operation in the morning!”

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