The problem between Locke and his younger brother Jet Lee is more serious. They don’t like each other.

Jet Lee is a person with high IQ and low EQ. He looks down on his poor brother who often fights and swears. He regards his promiscuous behavior as a family shame. He is ashamed to associate with him and disdains to communicate.

In Locke Lee’s eyes, his younger brother Jet Lee is a typical Chinese nerd and a freak.

The two also had a physical conflict, and Jet Lee was naturally suppressed in an instant.

Although the brothers shook hands and made peace under the strong intervention of Marian and Li Bo, they have treated each other as air since then and have hardly communicated.

Locke’s relationship with his sister Hannah Lee is relatively better, but it is just average.

Under the influence of the Internet, Hannah is relatively precocious and smart, and feminist thinking has begun to sprout. She disagrees with Locke’s frequent girlfriend changes, thinking that he does not respect women, and that his fighting and swearing behavior is vulgar.

Naturally, Locke Lee also felt that his sister had no right to dictate his lifestyle, and he hated the so-called feminist thinking from the bottom of his heart.

Locke has been having a headache these days about how to ease the relationship with his younger brother and sister, because he really has no experience.

Sarah Mendes’s words just now were very inspiring to him. Instead of deliberately trying to please, it is better to be yourself.

Soon they arrived at Beverly Hills. Locke did not let Sarah take him directly to the door of his house, but got off at the Beverly Shopping Center.

He could not expose his home address to someone he just met, even though Sarah Mendes was a rare beauty who looked a bit like Hollywood actress Jessica Alba, he had no idea about her.

Besides, he had realized that the Mendes brothers and sisters should not be as simple as they seemed.

After watching Sarah Mendes leave, Locke called another Uber and arrived home in less than 5 minutes.

When he got home, he found that Marian, Jet and Hannah were not at home, and then he realized that today was Friday.

Locke looked at the empty house and felt that he should do something.

At 5pm, Marian walked into the entrance hall with a shopping bag, and said loudly while changing her shoes: “Hannah, is Locke back? You must be hungry. Wait a minute, dinner will be ready soon. Hmm, what’s that smell? It smells so good…”

When she walked into the living room, she immediately saw Jet and Hannah sitting at the dining table and chewing something. She subconsciously thought that Li Bo had returned.

She raised her eyes and looked towards the kitchen. She was stunned. She actually saw Locke busy in the kitchen.

This is unbelievable!!!

Marian asked: “What are you eating? It smells so good!”

Jet. Li also has black hair, but his face is much more handsome than Locke. You can tell at a glance that he is of Chinese descent, and his Chinese genes are more obvious.

He put down the ribs in his hand and said embarrassedly: “I just want to see if I can eat it…”

Hannah Lee has brown hair and the same face as Locke, but with more white blood. She waved the ribs in her hand, “Marianne, go check on Locke. I suspect he was abducted by aliens. He can actually cook, and it’s pretty good…”

Locke in the kitchen naturally noticed that Marianne had returned home. He turned around and looked over, revealing the mottled flour marks on his black apron. He asked for help: “Marianne, come quickly…”

Marina put the food she bought on the table, and took another look at the fried ribs on the table. She found that the colors were different, and she couldn’t help but smile, and then she walked slowly to the kitchen.

She stood by the refrigerator, looking at the messy kitchen, and joked: “Wow, our kitchen has become Ukraine!”

Locke looked a little embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: “Sorry, I wanted to give you a surprise, but I messed it up. I didn’t expect cooking to be so difficult. I prepared three dishes, one garlic fried pork ribs, which I learned in the Chinese restaurant last night, and pasta. The noodles are already cooked, and only the meat sauce is missing. Now I’m making dry fried tuna…”

As he said, he handed the clip in his hand to Marian, “Mary, the rest is up to you, I have to wash it!”

But Marian took a step back, shook her head and smiled: “No, I just want to be a diner who enjoys your food tonight, I’ll go change clothes first…”

Locke looked helpless and had to turn around to continue to look after the tuna sizzling in the pot, but a faint smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The reason why the kitchen was a mess and why he acted so embarrassed was naturally that he wanted to hide his incompetence.

His cooking skills are at least L2 level, but if he really cooked a large table of delicious food, even Marian would probably suspect that he was possessed by aliens.

The flour coating the garlic-flavored fried pork ribs was fried to different shades, which was naturally caused by uneven heating time.This is the most common mistake made by novices.

Spaghetti is a semi-finished product. After the noodles are cooked, just add the meat sauce and stir. Hannah can make it.

Marianne often makes this dry-fried tuna.

Ten minutes later, the family of four sat at the dining table, but the middle seat was vacated, which was Li Bo’s seat.

Locke had changed his clothes and sat on one side with Marianne, while Jet and Hannah sat on the other side.

Marianne opened a bottle of red wine, but only she and Locke drank it. Jet and Hannah, two minors, could only drink juice.

She said with a look of relief: “Oh my God, I can’t believe that Locke can actually cook, but it’s a pity that your father is not here…”

Locke looked nervous and asked Jet and Hannah: “How did you feel about the fried pork ribs just now? Is it edible?”

Jet didn’t want to answer at first, but he was grateful for the food he had eaten, so he replied coolly: “It’s so-so, but it’s still not as good as the Chinese food my father makes…”

Hannah smiled and replied: “I like the taste!”

She hesitated for a moment, tilted her head and said: “Locke, this is so surprising, I like you better now. Well, I wonder if you kill two more drug dealers, will it be better…”

“Hannah. Lee, shut up!!!”

Hannah’s outspokenness was scolded by Marian, and after being scolded, she pursed her lips and looked indifferent.

Seeing that Jet was also looking at Locke thoughtfully, Marian warned him sternly: “Don’t mention this again in the future, now have a good dinner…”

Marian raised her glass, “Let’s toast to Locke and thank him for his dinner!”

Locke, Jet, and Hannah also raised their glasses, and the four of them clinked their glasses happily and began to enjoy dinner.

Although the garlic fried spareribs had flaws in appearance, the taste was fine.

The staple food was pasta, which was even more fine.

He deliberately made the dry-fried tuna a little salty, but it didn’t affect the taste.

The family of four had dinner happily, and Marian called Li Bo in the middle of the meal.

Li Bo couldn’t believe it when he heard that Locke made dinner tonight, and said he was sorry to miss this dinner.

Locke hurriedly said that he would make it again when he came back.

After hanging up the phone, Marian clinked glasses with Locke and said seriously, “Locke, thank you for everything you have done for this family! Your father and I are proud of your growth. We are ready to seriously reflect on our problems and will not let you, Jet, and Hannah down…” Locke felt relieved instantly. It seemed that both parents were hopeful. He said seriously, “Marian, we are family! I hope we can be together forever…” Marian seemed touched and said with emotion, “Yes, we are family, we will be together forever!”

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